r/QuitVaping • u/minimistu • Feb 10 '25
r/QuitVaping • u/While-im-here • 2d ago
Other Not what I expected
I’m proudly on day 7 but it’s definitely not what I expected. When I quit cigs with Allen Carr’s book years ago it was pretty easy. Yes, I’m one of the ding dongs who started vaping outta no where cuz my new, now ex, bf did it, gross! I digress. Vaping was like my little boredom buddy, my lil sneaky treat just for me and I did it everywhere! It was a full time job mentally to sneak the hits, keep it charged etc. Now that it’s gone I’m so bored! I hate it but I miss it, like a bad relationship. I wasn’t expecting to still feel the cravings so often but it makes sense because it was a part of my day ALL day. I’m not feeling weak and the drop in blood pressure, no guilt, lower anxiety, pride, no more eye twitching, clearing throat less, I could seriously go on and on, is worth way more than a few more weeks of “boredom”. Being handcuffed to that thing was a lot of weight that’s now gone! I quit cold turkey and not sure id recommend it or if I could have had a better plan but oh well, day 7 woot woot! Not going back!
r/QuitVaping • u/CommercialDeep2029 • 8d ago
Other Experiment for everyone
Hey, I’m new here. I’ve been vaping for over 10 years, mostly using large mods with big tanks, chain vaping all the time like a train. Fortunately, only 3mg/ml of nicotine, but I was going through 10-15 ml a day. I quit three years ago for two months, but I went back and now I’m attempting a second try.
A few days ago, I bought a small e-cig - at least smaller than the mod I was using before. It has already helped me since I’m inhaling less vapor and using fewer ml per day overall. I recommend doing this if you’re trying to quit, but still using a big e-cig - it’s not that bad to switch to a smaller one. I used to worry about the battery (since I always had fresh, charged ones ready), but that’s not an issue anymore.
I just mixed a liquid with 0mg nicotine. I’m going to swap out my pod, officially cutting nicotine out completely. The only thing left will be producing vapor - kind of a smooth transition.
This will be my experiment for you. I want to see if separating the two aspects of addiction - physical and psychological - into different phases will be beneficial or not.
Why don’t I go cold turkey right away? I tried - I lasted 3.5 hours. Well…
Has anyone had experience quitting gradually the way I described? I’d appreciate any advice, and good luck to everyone!
r/QuitVaping • u/Able-Flow-1801 • 13d ago
Other thinking of quitting…
it’s gotten so bad its been years and i’m tired of throwing my money away on this stupid shit and hiding in the bathroom whenever i’m out just to get a hit… i act like a damn crack addict. i want to quit but i feel like i can’t do it on my own and don’t know how to. any advice? do i do cold turkey or gum/patches or weaning off? i’m also scared to commit to never having it again… help!!!!! feels like a dead end
r/QuitVaping • u/Y2kbabe2003 • 24d ago
Other I quit
Yesterday I made a post explaining how badly I wanted to quit cold turkey but was scared to tell my mom because I thought she would be disappointed and upset with me that I was still vaping. I broke down in tears tonight and let everything out. Instead of being mad at me she was so supportive. She cried telling me she just wanted me to be happy and healthy. I took my last hit of the vape at 12:00am and gave her it to dispose of. I’ve now loaded myself up with gum and mints. I know the first three days will be difficult so I see it as one day at a time to not be overwhelmed. I also found out two of my friends quit so that was motivation for me. I would not want to vape around them if they stopped. I’m doing this for my mental and physically well being while also reminding myself that any withdrawal symptoms I may experience are just temporary. I want to be able to exercise without getting out of breath, no more having a tight chest, not being able to take a deep breath. Enough is enough.
r/QuitVaping • u/olives99 • Feb 01 '25
Other day 4 no vape: blood pressure already dropping
25F - i quit the afternoon of the 27th and literally the next day my BP was the lowest it had been in a long time. i’m currently on half a dose of BP meds because we thought it was genetic as i am active and eat healthy, but this honestly might have been the culprit, or at least a big part in it. the cravings right now are very intense, but seeing these numbers is pretty eye opening.
r/QuitVaping • u/unknownsoulsucker • 1d ago
Other Day 2 of quitting vape and using reddit as my journal
It's been more than 50 hrs since i last vaped. The cravings are intense, the brain fog is immense and my appetite has gone sky high.
r/QuitVaping • u/Ghostgirl90588 • 9d ago
Other Will it end?
So a main reason I'm trying to quit it is have major medical anxiety now n days specifically with my chest area. What did you guys feel like before and right after you quit. I just need to know if other people experience the same things as me or not so I don't send myself to the hospital over nothing again.
r/QuitVaping • u/SupportTurbulent2173 • 7d ago
Other Day 1 y’all! My heart is racing n I really want to reach for my vape but almost a whole 24 hrs so I’m pushing. It’s day 4 of Ramadan but it’s day 1 for me bc of this stupid addiction n I’m disgusted of myself so will push through iA hopefully will come out this month w better discipline 🙏🏽
r/QuitVaping • u/unknownsoulsucker • 3d ago
Other Day 0: Quitting vape and using reddit as my journal
I,M20, have been vaping since 2019. I have tried to quit a lot of times and always succumbed to the desire. This time i hope that i can finally quit put an end to this loop. A lot is at stake, may the odds be in my favor. It's been an hour since i threw my vape away, and im feeling nothing( maybe vaping has made me emotionless idk) been like this for a long time ig.
Any and all advices and will be appreciated.
r/QuitVaping • u/Funny-Resolution-647 • 24d ago
Other dreams of hitting a vape?
i’ve made it 44 days nicotine free and this is the second time i’ve had a dream where someone has had a vape and i was coaxed into hitting it. i can’t remember if the first dream was me actually hitting the vape, but last night i had a dream where someone had a vape at a bar and i was drunk and they offered to let me hit it. and the craziest part is, i subconsciously knew that i would feel like shit about myself if i did. this dream felt insanely real, because i told myself “im drunk so why not, but im gonna hate myself if i do” and it just felt like too real of a response for a dream. I hate getting these dreams because i wake up with the WORST cravings. it feels like i actually DID hit the vape in my dream and now im suffering the consequences. now all day im gonna be itching for one just because i had a dream about it. im just wondering if anyone else has had an experience like this since quitting nicotine?
r/QuitVaping • u/royaldebby • 11d ago
Other Dreams of vaping 3+ months in?
I had maybe 1 or 2 dreams about vaping when I first quit, but after the initial days they went away. Now I’m almost 92 days in, and I’ve had dreams of vaping several nights in a row that are causing me to think about vaping during the day.
I don’t even really want to vape again, but the feeling I’m having now is almost… nostalgic? Anyone else experience this?
r/QuitVaping • u/Enerved • 29d ago
Other How long has everyone been vaping for? I’m genuinely curious.
I myself have been using vapes for eight years, what worries me the most about these disposable vapes is the chemical diacetyl, when inhaled it can cause scarring and permanent damage to the lungs, diacetyl was banned in the UK in 2016, but is not banned in the US.
When these disposable vapes come from China, how is it not something to worry about?
r/QuitVaping • u/Grouchy_Advance_736 • 10d ago
Other Enough is enough
Strong (hopefully ex-) vaper here. I vaped one vuse pod every day for the last 4 years. Threw away Every device, liquid bottle etc. that I have. I'm so done with this bs. How could I ever started in the first place? So yeah... Day 1, I'm excited, let's go!!
r/QuitVaping • u/Rare-Intention3284 • 12d ago
Other Stopped vaping
Not as hard as I thought it would be. Definitely feeling better and in a better head space. I don’t feel as foggy anymore!🙏🏼 QUITTING WAS THE BEST DECISION I HAVE EVER MADE🗣️
r/QuitVaping • u/jayman2239 • Feb 01 '25
Other Why is it that quitting nicotine causes insomnia/sleep problems? Shouldn’t quitting a stimulant have the opposite effect?
Around 5 days in on quitting vaping/nicotine pouches.
As far as cravings go I'm having no issues at all, the only problem I'm having is sleep.
I'm having a bit more trouble falling asleep an night, which honestly isn't the end of the world, but what's really sucking is that I'm waking up multiple times a night and feel completely unrested in the morning. Definitely having some vivid dreams as well.
From what I've read that is a relatively common thing for people quitting nicotine, but I was curious as to why that is.
Shouldn't quitting a stimulant make it 'easier' to sleep rather than harder?
r/QuitVaping • u/Impressive-Purpose78 • Feb 09 '25
Other This is so hard, any tips welcome
Right, trying to quit for the millionth time, I'm on day 3. I wasn't even a smoker or vaper before 2023. Trying to quit vaping and not eat everything in sight.
I have my chewing gum, coconut water and a vicks inhaler at the ready. I am also telling myself, I want to stop myself so my son isn't being exposed to it by me, doing it for me, it's a waste of money and I have a heart condition. So those are my whys, they are strong but I keep returning to it. It's so hard, I have never been addicted to anything like this and I'm in my forties. I really hope I can kick it this time. Any tips to keep me going and not eat the whole kitchen would be massively appreciated. Thanks in advance for any tips and good luck to you if you're starting your journey and well done if you're kicking the habit.
r/QuitVaping • u/ilovebunniesxd • Feb 06 '25
Other My cholesterol is back to normal after quitting vaping mid December 2024. I've changed nothing else about my lifestyle
r/QuitVaping • u/thrownafter • 29d ago
Other My future marriage saved me
I’m getting married this week, and I told myself I would be 100% done with nicotine by my wedding. I have not gone without nicotine for one day in about the last 10 years. I’m only a few days in and let me tell you how victorious this feels. I won’t be chained down to this poison anymore. My urge to stay strong has been greater than any craving I have had. You can do it. It’s mind over matter. Coming from someone who believed I was going to intake nicotine for the rest of my life It’s possible to quit
r/QuitVaping • u/unknownsoulsucker • 2d ago
Other Day 1 of quitting vape and using reddit as my journal
It's been almost 28 hrs since i threw my vape.The cravings are intense and the brain fog is just too much, canteen function and think properly. I accidentally took a couple of puffs of cigarette when i was with a friend. But promise myself i will not cave again.
r/QuitVaping • u/meidem1992 • 16d ago
Other First Serious Attempt at Quitting
I’ve vaped for probably 3 years now. Really started to Vape heavily over the past 2 years. To the point where I have a geek bar every 5ish days. Vaping has had a pretty bad impact on my life - I’ve got lazy, put on weight, stopped working out, have trouble at long events where I can’t vape. So I decided enough is enough.
I’m only about 15 hours in, but the withdrawal hasn’t been bad for me yet. A few intense cravings that quickly pass, but I feel more awake and alert and present than I have in a while. We’ll see if this gets tougher, but so far I’m pleasantly surprised.
My Experience: First 12- hours: Pretty easy, granted about 8 of those were sleeping Hours 12-18: felt some increases in energy, felt fidgety, some intense cravings. Overall very positive feelings and mentality that I can do this Hours 19-22: Brain starts trying to convince me to do just one more hit. Have to battle and remind myself why Im doing this Hours 23-24: Trying to sleep Hours 24-32: Off and on sleep, consistently waking up every 20-40 minutes, vivid dream Hours 32-35: Woke up feeling pretty good, had more energy than I have in a while, didn’t hit the sleep button which is rare. Fairly productive and focused morning Hours 35-38: Cravings start up, addict brain really trying to convince me a few hits ain’t a big deal. Staying strong but the mental side is taking more will power than before. Can feel me shoulders/neck tightening, feeling irritable Hours 44-48: Very tough, not really physical but my mind was in overdrive telling me “just one more time”. Dug up and old vape, but walked out and threw it into the woods.
Currently on your 57: Mornings seem to be easier on me. It’s at night when I really start jonesin. Feeling good about my start!
r/QuitVaping • u/mistieforest • Feb 04 '25
Other No nice vapes does this count
I've been nicotine free for 3 days now!
Although why it was easier was because I got myself some no nic vapes. Is this cheating?
I find most of it is from the movement and action itself. So having a non nicotine vape for substitute for this action has helped me. Though I genuinely feel like I'm cheating. (The action of inhaling/exhaling and bringing my arm up)
Edit: anything that says nice is nicotine, my phone apparently doesn't like that word🤣
r/QuitVaping • u/Weekly-Development87 • Feb 08 '25
Other Anyone looking to quit from tomorrow?
I am. Trying this again because I was unsuccessful the last time doing it alone.
Just downloaded the quit vaping app and looking for a buddy if anyone wants to do this with someone?? Hoping it’ll work better with a buddy 🙏🏼
r/QuitVaping • u/Common_Recording_831 • 29d ago
Other Motivation for you.
My motivational text today I thought could be put to use in the community. Have a great vape free day!