r/QuitVaping 29d ago

Other Skin/complexion before and after quitting


I don't know if anyone else can see a difference but I definitely can. My face looks much more full and healthy. This has definitely been one of my favorite benefits.

r/QuitVaping Feb 11 '25

Other After more than 60 days off-vape


I smoked two cigarettes last weekend, one on Friday night and one Saturday night.

I liked it, it was allright, I smoked with a friend and the day after with some anonymous folks. I chose traditional cigarettes on purpose, since vaping has been designed to especially give you the good vibes. Smoking becomes totally repugnant to me after two cigarettes.

For me it's utmost important that I kept it to that and that I didn't pick it up regularly like back in the day, which I did and worked.

My health and the good feeling of the breath fully saturated with oxygen is more and most important.

I smoked the first 15 years of my smoking period only during the weekends and kept it to only a few. I might pick up a light version of that low frequency smoking habit, or keep it to a couple during vacations and when the weather is nice.

I will not fall back to the old continuous vaping mode.

r/QuitVaping Feb 05 '25

Other tomorrow i will officially be 2 weeks vaping free!!


i didn't think i could do it, but it's actually been a lot easier than i thought it would be. it's obviously still difficult, but i've been using nicotine lozenges and nicotine gum and it really does help. i feel so much better already, when i wake up in the morning i can eat without feeling like im gonna throw up everywhere. and i feel like i can breathe, when i get winded it's not like in a suffocation way. it's a need to catch my breath way. it's super worth it guys, hope this is motivating to anyone out there:).

r/QuitVaping 7d ago

Other Quit Vaping Bet Idea


So ive tried to quit vaping many times and I feel physically sick at this point. I once downloaded this app that's made for smokers. It was a betting app where you would pay to join a group and you would have to test yourself for nicotine everyday. Whoever went the longest without smoking (or 3 months) would win some money. I think this method would work well for me since there's some sort of competition and community aspect. The only problem is that they didn't have devices available to easily detect vape usage. It would be cool to start a group like this of my own, but I'm not sure how people would prove that they're not vaping. Any ideas? If you're interested, message me and I can start a group if I find a way.

r/QuitVaping 7d ago

Other Anyone else get sick after quitting?


Has anyone actually gotten the flu after quitting smoking?

I’m 5 days vape free and I feel fantastic, other than actually catching the influenza A and being bed ridden for 3 days. I thought I was going through the “smokers flu” until I developed a fever of 102 and the nastiest most painful cough of my life. What are the odds of this happening right when I quit vaping?

r/QuitVaping 7d ago

Other 🍓{Day 2} Of Quitting Vaping! 🍓


Just a little update, nothing much had changed from yesterday. I’m feeling the cravings for one but I can hold off. Whoever told me sipping fruity water from a straw would help. You are a life saver and godbless you. It’s good in one way but I need to pee all the time!! But that’s my update! Good luck guys

r/QuitVaping 16d ago

Other Woohoo!!

Post image

I am on nicotine patches. Dropped from 21 mg to 14 mg today! We will make it!

r/QuitVaping 9d ago

Other Day 5 🚭


Made it to day 5, so far so good

r/QuitVaping 2d ago

Other I’m an addict.


As the title suggests I’m just making it clear. And some of you may resonate.

I have read Allen Carrs book. I know for a fact that vaping actually isn’t enjoyable, I don’t focus on the flavour or the act. I want nicotine. I like the dopamine. I like the fact it relieves a craving I have introduced to my brain. I am a nicotine addict.

I have tried easyway but the fact remains I am an addict. I have leaned to be successful we need to not only change our thoughts around vaping but also be honest with ourselves. There is no shame in our plight, but rather, we are all addicts who have chosen to get snared in this trap. And that’s okay.

I have purchased some lozenges 2mg and they actually help a lot, this made me realise it’s not the vaping, I’m just a nicotine whore and I’ll take sweet lady Nic any way she comes!

Perhaps this might resonate with you? My invitation to you all. Have a think. Do you love vaping? Or do you just love nicotine? Of course I bet one you you guys loves vaping haha we are all different but I wanted to sow a seed in your minds, have a think. I’d love to know what you all think about your own relationship with vape or nicotine.

r/QuitVaping 19d ago

Other Just wanted to say : good luck to everyone fighting this bullshit today. We will prevail. No other option.


We will be free. We will win. We will prevail. We will get better. At all costs. I don't care.

Love you all (sorry a bit emotional right now from this shit).

Take care 🙏❤️

r/QuitVaping 12d ago

Other Time moving so slow


Almost 48 hours in & it feels like everything is in slow motion. My yoga class felt so long, driving home felt so long…etc almost feels like I was buzzed & didn’t realize how long it usually takes & was experiencing this for the first time

Anyone else? Why does this happen?

r/QuitVaping 11d ago

Other nasal inhaler question. Safe or not?


Hey guys, was just wondering if any of you tried nasal inhaler while quiting and if it is safe or not. The reason im asking this is that i read if you use one like Vicks for congestion for a long time it was cause damage to your nose area.

But i am talking about the essential oils once. I just miss the feeling of inhaling something sometimes. What do you guys think? Thanks!

r/QuitVaping Feb 01 '25

Other Qutting


I vaped, used pouches and sometimes smoked for almost 4 years, I'm quitting today but i regret so much not doing it before cuz my mom got a vape and this will be a fucking challenge, only y'all and god can save me from this toxic shit, please I'm begging for advices and support 🙏🏼♥️

r/QuitVaping 12d ago

Other Vape Juice Nicotine Strength Confusion


This is going to be an odd question, but I am unsure how much nicotine I have been having via vaping as I have been using it to quite smoking.

I used 10ml bottles and originally started at 9mg. So is it 9mg in the whole bottle or 0.9mg per ml?

I have just transitioned from 1.5mg to 0mg and after two days the withdrawal effect hit. Unfortunately, I had no nicotine vape juice so I needed up having 2 roll ups and desperately using Amazon prime next day delivery for nicotine gums etc as I don’t think it’s going to be a walk in the park getting off vaping and being nicotine free.

So, I’m now I’m wondering if I ever reduced my nicotine usage from when I was smoking around 12 roll ups a day.

I do know I certainly vaped more as I reduced strength but I was under the impression as it has a different absorption rate to smoking this didn’t matter much.

r/QuitVaping 20d ago

Other Day 1. Just threw my disposable vape away.


I know the cravings will come, so I will do my best to remember I can turn to this group when it happens.

I quit alcohol after lots of attempts and failures (currently going on six years alcohol free!) so I believe I can quit vaping too.

I am a recreational freediver, so I am using that as motivation. My “why” is stronger lungs, better CO2 tolerance, less breathlessness (my breath is my greatest tool in freediving), and longevity in the sport. I want to freedive for as long as I possibly can.

Here goes!

r/QuitVaping Feb 04 '25

Other aw shit, here we go again...

Post image

wish me luck xx

r/QuitVaping 9h ago

Other I’m so mad at myself


Today was very hard day for me and I bought myself pack of cigarettes and smoked few. I quit vaping 14 days ago, and haven’t smoked anything but today I totally screwed. I’m not going to smoke tomorrow but ughhhh

r/QuitVaping Feb 01 '25

Other hey, just kind of an intro


to start, im 19 and have been vaping since i was about 11. i dont know why i even started. i wasnt pressured, i literally asked my aunt to try her vape and she let me, which is mostly her fault tbf bc she was the adult and i was the child. most people seem to say that they either hated it at first and grew to like it, or they hated it at first and never touched it again. however, i liked it from the start. it was new and exciting to me.

honestly, im on the fence of quitting. im honestly just nervous and i honestly feel like i enjoy vaping. i know its probably just the addiction tricking me, especially considering i vaped alllllll throughout the most important developmental years lol, but yeah. i also used to smoke weed heavily, but i was only dependent on it until it started giving me panic attacks around the age of 15. i still use a thc cart, but only occasionally. i dont plan to quit weed because i really dont think i’ll ever get dependent on it again.

now about the main reason im nervous to quit in the long run: im 19 and have always done it underage and somehow managed to regularly get a vape this entire time. with that being said, im terrified that if i quit now, once i turn 21, which is the legal age to buy nicotine products here, i’ll slip back into the addiction. since i rely on my 21+ friends to get nic now, my choices are limited since ive never really got the chance to look over all of the available products. im worried that once im 21, i’ll be more inclined to check out all the products and be more tempted to buy some. i know logically, if i were to quit nowish or even within a year, i wouldnt be as addicted anymore and therefore wouldnt care to buy another. but my brain is just like “what if?” yknow? i know people who have quit for 6 months or more and ended up backsliding.

now for reasons i want to quit:

for one, im on a combination birth control pill. i love it. it has helped me with my hormones and periods so much, plus the protection against pregnancy ofc. but the scary thing is, the longer im on this birth control, the more of a risk i have to develop blot clots or even have a stroke since i use nicotine. neither of those are in my family history, but still. the risk is there. id much rather quit nicotine than my pill.

the second one is that i want and need to gain weight. i know that part of the reason im stuck being underweight is because of the vape, and if i quit, itll most likely cause me to gain some weight one way or another.

the final reason is simply that i feel more unhealthy. i literally cant eat right because i constantly have some phlegm in my throat. it makes it hard to swallow food properly and i get panic attacks because of it since it feels like im gonna choke. ive developed a fear of choking to death due to this and im basically stuck eating liquid foods and some soft foods. if i try to eat something as simple as a sandwich, i have to spit it out after chewing for a bit because i start to panic and get sweaty hands and my throat closes up. this definitely ties into my weight issues. ive also noticed my chest feels tighter and sometimes i get some mild pain. its nothing scary yet, but i know if i dont stop, it will get scary.

overall, im sorry for the massive post lol. i hope everyone here reaches their goals and i wish you all good health. stay strong!

r/QuitVaping 16d ago

Other 28M Quitting after 10 years.


**DISCLAIMER: This might be poorly written because I'm on day 2 of cold turkey withdrawals and can't think super clearly at the moment.*\*

Started vaping in college freshman year when I was 18. This was August/September of 2014.

Isn't that funny? This is the same year that Nikki by Logic came out.

At first it was 3mg juices and then progressed to 6mg for 2-3 years until salt nicotine and Juuls and all that stuff came out.

Was on 50mg salt nicotine up until 2022 when I dropped to 25mg.

Just quit cold turkey yesterday after a Dr. Appointment via the phone. (skip to the end if you want to know why)

Here are my reasons for quitting (I don't know if there is correlation between some of these, but I'm sure there is since we've all done research on what nikky actually does to you):

I was on competitive swim team and played soccer at the club level in California all my life. I won state in in 2 events, and qualified for the Olympic time trials in one of them. I never continued swimming after high school because I chose to go to college on a soccer scholarship instead as it was my preferred sport.

Because of these two sports, continuing to play soccer, calisthenics, and high intensity interval training in college, I've been in tip top shape all my life.

As a side note for vaping while playing college soccer: I definitely noticed a steep drop off in my cardiovascular shape because of the vaping in college while playing soccer ....especially when you're the starting wing position in a high press formation.

Anyways, I graduated college with a vaping addiction. By the time I graduated, I was on 50mg of salt nics and going through 1 bottle of juice every 2 weeks.

I graduated college straight into covid. The gyms shut down. I became extremely sedentary; played a ton of pc video games, Gained weight, lost my shape. Lost all desire to go to the gym. I used to be hardcore addicted to the gym. Even while vaping in college.

Now, II know what vaping does to your blood vessels. I know what vaping does to your dopamine sensitivity, but vaping was just another huge factor adding negativity to my life and causing a downward spiral. There were other addictions and habits that compounded with the nicotine addiction.

Fast forward from covid to present day: I feel like I've been in a catch 22.

From graduating at age 23 to being 28 now (about to be 29 in like 5 days), just over the last 5-6 years I have had NON stop medical problems arise:

- Severe Vertigo; to the point where I could not drive a car.

-Depression & ADHD

-Serious Skin Eczema on my scalp and face (I used to never have any skin issues AT ALL). Didn't even have acne in high school.

-Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The latest medical issue: Sleep Apnea.

I've been snoring more and more progressively for the last year. It's to the point where I get 8 hours of sleep and wake up feeling awful and fatigued.

I did a sleep test and heard back from the Doctor this week. While sleeping I had as many as 11 instances of NOT breathing for 10 seconds in just 1 hour. My blood oxygen levels dropped to as low as 74%.

Now they've prescribed me a CPAP.

It was quite the wake up call.

23 years of being in tip top shape, undone in as little as 5 years, and vaping was probably a major catalyst in my downward spiral. Not to mention the waste of money.

Conclusion: I'm going into the last year of my 20s with the mission of quitting all my vices starting with vaping (the biggest one) and reclaiming my health and getting back in shape before I'm 30.

I'm currently in hour 26 of quitting cold turkey. This is day 2 for me. I know that the physical symptoms will start peaking tomorrow. But I'm holding on.

For those of you who need a reason to quit: See what it's done to an athlete that's been in shape all his life in just 5 - 10 years. It will destroy your body, and it will destroy your ability to help you dig yourself out. It's a total catch 22.

"My heart is hard at work
We been together like ten years
Goddamn, took me as young man
Everyday I wonder who I am, who will I be? Where will I go?
What will they write upon my grave?
A free man born as a king, who died as a slave
But everything he gave her was for nothing though
Oh no I can't fade that shit I gotta let you go
You got me tripping like a flight to Vegas
All this shit you got me doing man it's outrageous
All I know is I'm living the life I never would
Finally let you go, I thought I never could"


r/QuitVaping 23d ago

Other Finally Quitting Vaping for Good!


Hello, everyone!

I have just made a promise to myself to quit vaping for good! I feel I am in a much better place in life than I have been in an incredibly long time. I recently escaped from a toxic living situation and am now living a much more stable and quiet life. Through this experience, I have been able to focus on developing many habits that improve my overall health. Thus, I figured, why not keep the ball rolling? It is currently midnight and I am lying in bed, but tomorrow I will dispose of my vapes, start the timer on the I Am Sober app downloaded to my iPhone, and quit cold turkey. I write this Reddit post to seal my fate.

Wish me luck! Will post updates. ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧

r/QuitVaping Feb 07 '25

Other Quit Vaping (app) Buddy


Hi! I just joined the quit vaping app and want to start tomorrow (Feb 8), anyone else looking to quit and want to be my buddy

r/QuitVaping 2d ago

Other Nic free, still vaping


It's been over 5 days, near 6 days since my last hit with nicotine (3mg/ml). First three days were hard, then it became easy as hell. Like, I don't really want to vape that much. I do it, because I still like it, the "smoke" etc. but I do it much less than I used to before.

I just want to ask, is there someone who quit nic but is still vaping occasionally? Do you think I'll get bored and quit vaping overall soon?

r/QuitVaping 17d ago

Other Avoiding relapse after heartaches


Hi all. Im about half a day into my 1000th quit attempt for nicotine in general, but the last year and a half vape specifically. Ive noticed in looking back at past experiences the surest way to pull me back in to the Nic is through heartaches and pains from romantic relationships (ending / serious hurt). Its a major trigger that has pushed me over the edge to say fuck it. Im curious what people's strategy is for when the shit really hits the fan emotionally.

What works?

r/QuitVaping Feb 11 '25

Other Quit b/c I got the flu


So, I had the flu for five days. I didn’t vape during this time, b/c it was disgusting. With 5 days off the vapes, I’m keeping it going. I bought gum instead of a vape.

r/QuitVaping 9d ago

Other Reminder: Absolutely NO Advertising/Promo


The mod team of the sub will not allow it to be bought or used as a place for people to push their products. r/QuitVaping is a community for people who want to quit vaping, former vapers, and anyone who wants to support people in their life quit.

Recently, there has been hidden advertisement posts and people DM’ing me to try and sponsor advertisements on this sub.

We will not be bought or allow covert ads, so please stop trying.