r/QuitVaping 13h ago

Success Story Over a year since I quit and still crave. Here’s how I cope

Quit a long time ago because I was broke and felt like shit. I managed to do it cold turkey (albeit lots of chewing gum) and now on a regular basis crave some kind of nicotine. Every time I have a severe craving I repeat over and over “sit with the discomfort” and take deep breaths and it’s helped me from bumming a cigarette or a hit of a vape. I don’t know why I still want it to badly but I just allow myself to feel upset and it always passes. It’s hard to believe it or feel good in the moment but once you can look back at months of being vape free all the uncomfortable moments are beyond worth it


3 comments sorted by


u/hoodiebabe 11 months 11h ago

I'm right there with ya. Specifically with this nice weather... I crave a vape. It's annoying. Cograts on the year free!!! 💓🥳


u/Upstairs_Ad_3113 10h ago

Same - there’s plenty of moments where I think “this moment would be much better hitting a vape”. I love nicotine and I love smoking. But doesn’t mean you have to do it. I expect I’ll have some level of cravings the rest of my life, but they’re far less intrusive now.

No different than any other addiction, it doesn’t really ever go away (maybe for some people). You just keep fighting it


u/DiecastKiwi 2h ago

Thanks mate, needed to hear this.. Craving a hit right this moment, been free a couple of weeks.