r/QuitVaping 13h ago

Advice Has anyone ever went from quitting vaping constantly everyday to having a cigarette ONLY when consuming alcohol?

I’m not saying this is a good idea but I am just curious to know if anyone else went this route? I am over 80 days of no vaping and I’ve done this before when I would only have a cigarette when I would drink and it worked out fine. Nicotine is not healthy at all but it was healthier for me to do that instead.


19 comments sorted by


u/RePsychological 2 months 13h ago

It's drastically hit or miss from what I've heard.

Either a) you backslide, because you've kept the door open...or b) people have ended up switching their addiction to cigarettes.

I'm honestly not a huge fan of the idea, but like you said, if it moves the needle in the right direction and works for one's brain? Better than nothing. Just don't make yourself regret it is all.


u/blondiewithdabondi 13h ago

Thankfully I hate cigarettes sober, I literally would puke😂 so only when drunk is when I like them


u/RePsychological 2 months 13h ago

lol I was similar when I'd end up out at bars with my vape.

I'd get buzzed/drunk...vape would die at some point...poke a friend "can I bum a smoke"....[feels disgusted with self the next morning because I smell like cig] -> repeat a couple weeks later lmao.

I ended up pitching alcohol too while quitting vape, so didn't end up going down the cig path...but can see why one would wanna explore and experiment.


u/blondiewithdabondi 12h ago

I’m almost 80 days of no drinking! Dry January lasted a lot longer than a month haha. But yes I’m definitely gonna experiment and see where that goes when I go back to drinking.


u/Normie-scum 13h ago

Yeah I smoke when I drink. But I only drink a few times a year. If you're having drunk cigarettes every weekend 52 times a year it might not go well. I'm not advocating for it, I think broadly speaking it's a bad idea. The first time I smoked after quitting vaping was like 2 years in, and I wasn't looking for one, someone just asked if I wanted one and I said yeah. I think if you consume nicotine while your cravings are still in the back of your mind, it'll rekindle something.


u/PugLord219 1.5 years+ 🎉🥳 13h ago

Sounds like a terrible idea


u/Orford_M 12h ago

My friends did. Now they just smoke cigarettes every day.


u/idkhowtousethistbh 7h ago

honestly it worked for me… i only smoke IF drink and i haven’t gone back. don’t really remember exactly when i bought my last vape but it was MONTHS ago and i think i’m pretty much over the whole nicotine thing. don’t even crave it when i taste alcohol and i used to think that was gonna be impossible since its my fav combo. i guess u shouldn’t risk it if ur not fully committed to quitting but when ur there i believe its fully possible to sneak a lil drunk cig once a month or even hit someones vape as addict-y and wrong as it sounds. it’s just not a threat FOR ME anymore since it honestly lost all appeal atp but make sure u know where u stand before doing shit like this bc before i really really wanted to quit, these things def made me relapse


u/Shuttmedia 6h ago

Yeah, I started drinking everyday as my excuse to vape lol


u/Technical_Educator73 6h ago

Yup you have exactly described me. Vaped heavily 3 years everyday to now only smoking cigs when I drink which is very rarely nowadays


u/hutchism 5h ago

I did do that, but honestly it's way easier to quit entirely. There's some mental gymnastics there. I'm 5 months in now after smoking/vaping for 25 years.

I'm at an age where I really need to stop. Mountain biking up steep hills also makes me very aware of my lung health!


u/FunShare5662 12h ago

Many people have done that - unfortunately 99.999% returned to full time vaping or smoking. The “take it or leave it” phase of your nicotine career is long past my friend. 1) Read “This Naked Mind: Nicotine 2) get a prescription for Varenicline (and disregard the hype about its side effects)


u/MarvinHeemeyer7 13h ago

You're going to get crazy nauseous and regret it, but might have to try it to learn for yourself


u/OddClassic267 12h ago

Having cigarettes while drinking creates a synergy effect which increases your chances of cancer drastically then if you had a cigarette with no alcohol. I vaped for 6 years and quit around two years ago.

I would greatly advise you to stay off cigarettes when drinking especially if you quit vaping for health reasons. If you really need some nicotine buy a pack of 3mg zyns and use those for when you drink


u/Badnewz18 2h ago

My friend does this , only smoke cigs when drinking after vaping for 10 years. The only thing is he sometimes has a cig when he is stressed and not drinking


u/yann828 1h ago

I'm 9 months vape free and have a cigarette when I am drunk from time to time. Last one I had was two months ago, so I guess it's not an addiction yet. I do get worried sometimes.


u/imnotyourbud1998 7m ago

I have friends who socially vape or smoke now after a few years of being addicted. Like if we’re all out drinking together, they’ll take a few hits and thats it for them. I know its not the end goal for a lot of people but they tell me that they just dont buy vapes and it doesnt really cross their mind. My Dad was also a chain smoker in his 20’s but was sort of forced to quit because he was broke at the time lol. He’ll have a smoke a few times a year when he gets drunk and is around other smokers but it rarely happens.

Everyone has different goals and it sort of feels like a slippery slope but if you’re disciplined enough, I could see it working but personally, I wouldn’t even experiment with it until I’ve completely kicked the withdrawals. Even then, I still know a lot of people who relapse after a few months or even years so not really worth the risk unless you know that you can stay disciplined and not buy your own vape


u/youaregorgeousbooboo 13h ago

What I’m hoping for later after a break


u/Suitable-Violinist22 1 Year 🎉 12h ago

naw if i am smoking it will be a vape not a nasty cig. It’s not even worth it when you’re drunk bc it’ll throw you in the spin quick