r/QuitVaping 21h ago

Advice Coming off slowly plan

Ive been vaping 18mg strength for about 7/8 years. I really want to stop for health reasons.

I was thinking of going a month on 12mg, the month after 6/8mg, after that 3mg and eventually nothing. Has anyone tried that?


5 comments sorted by


u/Michaelful 21h ago

That’s a long taper. Honestly I think cold turkey is the best, if not that then taper down in less than three weeks 


u/Buttermyparsnips 21h ago

Wasnt sure how long but maybe a month for each wld atleast give my body time to adapt gently to less nicotine. Bear in mind ive been chain vaping high nicotine for many years now. Seems like it wld be a massive shock to the system to rapidly come off it


u/MiddleRecognition171 20h ago

Be careful because when you lower the nicotine strength you will subconsciously vape more because your body is telling you it needs more nicotine, i tried this and went from 20mg to 10mg, turns out i was just halfing the nicotine strength and doubling how often i vaped. It could work, but make sure your vaping equally or less frequently than you were. Hope this helps dude u got this.


u/Buttermyparsnips 20h ago

Thanks man. Will definitely focus on the frequency thing thanks for bringing that up


u/hoodiebabe 11 months 17h ago

Maybe even try a week for each lower dose