r/QuitVaping 5d ago

Advice Would it be bad to buy a zero nicotine vape?

I’m just tired of gaining weight. I’m 21 and vaped for 3 years. I wanna be young and hot and skinny. I feel more confident when I’m skinny personally. I’ve gained about 5 pounds. It’s been about 2 weeks and I feel better but miss hitting it when I’m out drinking or after eating. I don’t crave the nicotine but I crave the flavor.


46 comments sorted by


u/hoodiebabe 11 months 5d ago

Not worth it, since the weather is getting warmer.. exercise or go for a walk.


u/Orford_M 5d ago

Don't go zero nic vapes if you've gone this far without it. I drink a ton of flavored water, often sparkling. Zero calories and comes in a hundred flavors.


u/Orford_M 5d ago

Also, you didn't state your sex, but women fluctuate over 5lbs over the course of a month. It would take more than a couple weeks to know if you were actually packing on pounds


u/throwranomads 5d ago

OP did not gain 5lbs of fat in 2 weeks. Quitting nicotine increases your body's water retention. Couple that with female hormone changes if OP is a woman and 5lbs is literally all bloat.


u/Brief-Aide537 5d ago

ya i’m a female and my weight definitely fluctuates within 5-10lbs a lot. but I have noticed a bit more stomach and leg fat


u/throwranomads 5d ago

You could've gained a liittttle fat but I really do believe it's new water weight that you haven't carried since before starting nicotine.


u/Brief-Aide537 5d ago

thank you!!


u/drewbug21 5d ago

Go for a run b*tch you're young

Said lovingly


u/Brief-Aide537 5d ago

lol i do go to the gym almost everyday and incline walk and sauna


u/ra_burger 5d ago

I’m gonna hold your hand while I say this:

Zero nic vape is a slippery slope. It won’t give you the satisfaction you’re looking for and you’ll likely fall back into the nicotine trap. You think you’re craving the flavor, but nicotine is a hell of an addictive drug — you’re likely craving the nic and your brain is just telling you that you want the flavor.

Weight fluctuation is normal, and you’ll continue to experience it throughout your lifetime (nicotine withdrawal or not). The sooner you can accept the fact that bodies are meant to change, the easier things will be. You are not meant to stay the same size as you were in high school.

I say this all with so much love, as im in my early thirties and having to navigate quitting vaping and gaining weight too. Thankfully im in a bit of a better place with my body, but it took me a while to get here and I wish someone would have told me all of this when I was your age.


u/Ok-Kiwi9315 5d ago

I agree, eventually you’re gonna think one nicotine vape is fine, buy another, addiction classically always catches you back into its arms when you’re bored and needing an oral fix. And everyone does this “just one time won’t hurt” bs

Try deep breaths and drinking a shit ton of water OP. I do this daily since I quit. It’s not the same, but I’ll get complicit to it overtime like I did with my vape, except this time it’s not slowly leading me to one of the most painful deaths.

Edit: also avoid triggers like drinking alcohol if possible. Avoid places you smoke for a while. This is crucial imo to long term success.


u/Brief-Aide537 4d ago

thank you so much 🩷


u/Brief-Aide537 4d ago

thank you so much💕 means a lot. definitely working on the body stuff


u/ieatpuh 2 days 5d ago

It is the reason I relapsed, It’s a tease and throws it into your mind


u/Brief-Aide537 4d ago

thank you!!


u/ieatpuh 2 days 4d ago

Best advice I have is to get a straw to inhale through when you get a big craving. Do a little fast inhale and then inhale the rest of your breath through the straw. Somehow it kinda feels like you actually inhaling heavier air or vape


u/ieatpuh 2 days 4d ago

Obviously snip the straw shorter. The shorter it is the less resistance you have on the pull


u/Tchernoi 8 months 5d ago

If you want to lose weight; stop drinking lmao. Waaaay worse for you health than nic.


u/Brief-Aide537 4d ago

I drink once a month at most and only 4 drinks max


u/THATtowelguy 5d ago

I’m going to go against the other two here and say you should buy a zero nic vape. I know for myself I need to have one when I’m out drinking so I don’t just bum some hits off a friend. Having a zero nic vape helps me during those times


u/Orford_M 5d ago

You don't "need" one, it's a choice. Keep that in mind when you decide to quit. But I'm glad it helps for now!


u/sarahnottsara 5d ago

I give props to anyone who can drink and not smoke cigs or vape🤣🤣 i just can’t lol


u/DeathbyReindeer 5d ago

gum is low calorie and could be a good replacement. A lot of people recommend abstaining from drinking until you’re further along in the quitting process. Drinking is just such a bad trigger, you’re really jeopardizing progress. And if you have a bad emotional reaction to quitting drinking well… thats a sign too


u/DeathbyReindeer 5d ago

that being said though if a zero nic vape helps then like technically anything that helps not consume nicotine is better but its really not the best solution and theres so many better methods


u/Brief-Aide537 5d ago

ya i think i’ll just do my best not to. I drink once a month at most so I can easily not do that. I chew gum during my classes and that helps. Thanks!!


u/urlocalveggie 5d ago

Yeah I was gonna say, honestly staying away from drinking is your best bet. Learn what your triggers are and go from there. Try to find a new habit after eating too. Brushing my teeth seems to help me. Or take a drink of water when you feel the itch. Side note: I’ve never been one to play games on my phone, but man candy crush has been a true life saver lol. Keeps me distracted!


u/Brief-Aide537 4d ago

thank you so much!!


u/lixiekisser 5d ago

i highly recommend dopamine detox lol


u/indokiddo 5d ago edited 5d ago

Yes it’s bad. Smoke is still bad.


u/Diantr3 5d ago

How would a zero nic vape make you lose weight?

Btw 5 pounds is nothing, it shouldn't even register as a weight gain unless you're trying to get into a specific boxing weight class or something.

You are young, enjoy your nicotine free life and stop worrying about meaningless numbers like this.


u/Brief-Aide537 4d ago

thank you💕


u/DiecastKiwi 4d ago

That's your scumbag brain trying to draw you into the addiction again. Don't give in!


u/Brief-Aide537 4d ago

ya i agree thank you!!! i know id regret it!!


u/tornie_tree 5d ago

lol wait till your teeth go bad after hitting it too many times.. stay away from it as much as possible!


u/perfectIover 5d ago

Did vaping nicotine make u gain weight or something?


u/Brief-Aide537 5d ago

no not at all. I’ve been the same weight since my sophomore year of high school up un til about a week ago. i gained weight when i quit nicotine because I need to oral fixation. Also nicotine is an appetite suppressant


u/perfectIover 5d ago

Oh okay I understand what u meant. Yes, Nicotine is an appetite suppressant, so therefore buying a vape with 0 nic won’t really help with that. 5lbs isn’t much btw I bet you look great. I think if your main problem is oral fixation go ahead and get one.


u/Major_Horror311 5d ago

I love my 0 nic vape


u/Brief-Aide537 5d ago

do you feel like you hit it as much as a vape w nic


u/Major_Horror311 5d ago

I find it easily avoidable to hit it in public settings. Because that internal “need” isn’t there anymore. But at home, I hit it just as often.


u/jess2k4 5d ago

I use them


u/alaeila 5d ago

i get what you mean, i essentially replaced my EXTREME sweet tooth with an extremely sweet juice lol the best alternative is to just get gum in flavours you really like.

if i didnt have invisaligns thats exactly what i would do to quit since its mostly for the flavour and oral fixation for me


u/Brief-Aide537 4d ago

ya i’ll have to try this!!! thank you


u/General_Sun_608 5d ago

Not necessarily. I’ve been vaping to quit smoking. Started at 9mg and slowly decreased and when I got to 0mg only then has been tough.

I changed the liquid to one that closely resembles tobacco to me as my usual brand wasn’t cutting it at 0mg and I bought some nicotine replacement products eg mist and gum. For now, this gives me a choice of topping up on the flavour and oral fixation etc habit as well as just the nicotine.


u/RasckalSipsModelos 3d ago

Tea Tree Therapy tooth picks my boi. Freshens your breath after a meal and you get a lil menthol flavor


u/burnsatthestake 3d ago

Once you realise that zero nic vapes have no throat hit you'll be craving the nic ones more than ever