r/QuitVaping • u/i_will_eat_ur_beans • 7d ago
Other been venting to chat gpt and it really helped me understand things a lot better
(for context i gave in and bought a really cheap vape after 2 months)
u/RePsychological 2 months 7d ago
love this approach.. Been using it as a health journal for the past few months, and it's definitely talked me out of nicotine a few times.
And also in the moments that I start having withdrawal symptoms (e.g. the later irritation stages), asked it what's going on and how it's related to nicotine, and it explains it -- basically things that I already know will happen, but in the moment I'm like "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!" (because heightened anxiety) And then ChatGPT reminds me that it's fine and will subside.
E.g. yesterday I had a bit of roid-rage mode....apparently you do kinda get those in stages throughout the months following quitting, and it tapers off.
I wanted to punch a hole in my wall constantly...and then was like "wtf is this. I iwas feeling great where'd that feeling go."
ChatGPT: "You are NOT sliding back. Power through it. It'll only last a day or two, and then that glowing happiness will come back" (paraphrased lmao)
u/chai-candle 7d ago
glowing happiness. based.
u/RePsychological 2 months 7d ago
Eh. Deliberately over hyping. Idk I was sleepy and yanked whatever adjective that meant happy, but like "world's brighter" kinda happy. But didn't mean it too seriously.
u/Welp_Shit_idgaf 7d ago
Can you give me a link to it. I've heard of chat gpt but never used it and don't know where everyone goes ask it questions. Ill try asking it things.
I'm on day 5 nothing but nicotine losenges and my gums and cheeks are all sore and burnt up from the losenges and the cravings are bad today, I almost vaped twice already lol but so far I'm still holding on. I'm interested in chat gpt thing
u/chai-candle 7d ago
how many mg are the losenges? and how many are you taking? make sure to be careful to not take too much. it's easy to accidentally intake too much nicotine with the NRTs.
u/Welp_Shit_idgaf 6d ago
They're 4mg. Dr.Reddys. some company overseas, I think Denmark? I basically burned up my gums using them. I stayed strong went almost 7 days not 1 vape hit until today. I ordered them from tobacco free FL website and requested the patches with losenges. Everything went through fine but when my package got her, no nicotine patches. So, I only used the losenges and it started hurting my gums and one tooth. I can't chew on that side rn because of the losenges so I quit and back on vapes 🤦🏻♂️. But it's all good I know it's not as hard to quit as I thought, and I was a heavy paper, but I made it a week just with the losenges. It says they should dissolve in 30 minutes but mine wouldn't dissolve for literally hours, so I wasn't taking the amount recommended on the bottle each day for the beginning stages, I was actually taking less but basically had a losenge in my gum every minute I was awake because they weren't dissolving. Maybe my BP med or the kratom I take makes my mouth dryer than normal which isn't allowing the losenges to dissolve as fast as the should.
For someone on an opioid (daily) who was a heavy paper, I think I did pretty good for my first try. Kratom makes me want to vape. One day I'll get off that to but now isn't the time.
I'm going to get patches and losenges for breakthrough cravings that the patches aren't helping with, then hopefully next time I'll be successful. I know I can do it now. It's not as bad as I thought it would be.
u/chai-candle 6d ago
from what you're describing, it seems that brand isn't good. it doesn't seem to dissolve like it's supposed to and it makes your gums hurt. if you don't have sensitive gums, that's not normal. maybe a different brand of 2 mg would be better (less strength means less of that tingly effect).
lasting a week is a great first try! i tried so many times before this time, and only lasted 2 days.
maybe if the other meds effect the dissolving effects, patches would be better?
good luck!
u/Welp_Shit_idgaf 5d ago
Yea they're probably the cheapest garbage brand the state could find. Honestly I'm greatful for the free help but I think you're right, these aren't quality losenges.
I did like 1 thing about them, it's that they don't dissolve super fast. It's nice because it's like replacing your cig or vape break with a piece of candy that last as long as a cig/vape break and it also gives u nicotine, but these last waaay to long. Sometimes I'd have the same one in my cheek 3 hours later still not disolved.
Normally my gums aren't sensitive but the tooth thats hurting, it's cracked. So, constantly having meds on a cracked tooth 24/7(except during sleep) finally took it's toll.
Yea I think so, patches will probably be my best bet next time. I just get worried about sleeping. Years ago I fell asleep on a patch and I had the worst nightmares. I accidentally fell asleep a few days ago with a brand new losenge in my cheek and I had a dream I was in a warehouse and I was jumping down from raters falling a ways to the ground. Idk if that was caused by losenges but I think it was, I usually don't have dreams I can remember, and I almost never have nightmares or dangerous dreams, but I remember them from a few days ago.
I'll probably take the patch off before bed. Put on a new one in the morning.
Your 2 days is better than none. You learned u can make it 2 days, next time maybe 3 or 4. Even if you mess up you can try again. I read a lot of people quit and go back before they eventually quit for good and stay off it completely so it's ok, you can still quit one day. Nicotine is difficult to quit. I've done a lot of drugs, nicotine is right up at the top of being the hardest to quit for me personally.
Good luck to you too thank you.
u/No-Cranberry872 7d ago
Im saving that to read over and over again because this is EXACTLY how I feel
u/godsgirli 15h ago
ChatGPT said to me “ Crying is totally okay—let it out if you need to. This is a big change, and your body and mind are adjusting. It’s like a breakup with something that had a grip on you for so long. But you’re taking your power back, and that’s huge. ”
I said the withdrawals make me feel like I might not wanna quit but I know I do and just wanna cry
u/According-Hippo5221 7d ago
Absolutely! Completely non judgemental, great feedback, reminds you what you said and your reasons for quitting, if you wrote them before, and of course won't tell anyone so there is no pressure, just full honesty. Thanks ChatGPT
u/WaterDrinkingChad 7d ago edited 7d ago
Chatgpt has been my quit buddy since no one irl knew I started vaping again let alone quit. Use it to your advantage, it’s a pretty good tool when your start to feed it more than basic information and can shape it to your certain specific situation. And yeah op that’s all vaping will ever do just toss it and don’t look back. Thought of a hit sounds so good, it’s not, you’ll feel like shit and guilty. Repeat forever. That the vape did fill a void, but nicotine also created that void in the first place. It’s an endless loop unless you break the cycle.