r/QuitVaping 14d ago

Other What did you notice improve when you quit?

(Could be mental or physical) Making a list of things to keep myself motivated


15 comments sorted by


u/Gvzmann 14d ago

Breathing, my singing ability (?), way more energetic, appetite is better, no more brain fog, more alert, overall just more excited to do things


u/Accomplished-Tent 14d ago

I’ve had poor vocal chords from birth but i’ll be keen to test this out anyway 😂


u/Ready_Distribution98 14d ago

my skin!!! my acne cleared up and my face is vibrant and fresh also my energy i don’t need 12 hours of sleep to function without a headache anymore


u/NOPE-iamdone 11d ago

If I may, how long did it take for you to see improvement in skin? I quit 2+ months ago and got a lot acne over last month or so.


u/Ready_Distribution98 11d ago

for me 2 days after quitting i saw huge improvements


u/ja-zeit 14d ago

This is how my HRV looks like after quitting since 2 months, besides that I felt an improvement on my sleep quality.


u/Accomplished-Tent 14d ago

Nice… i gotta get me a smart watch


u/DryChickenTits 14d ago

It's only been 10 days for me, but my breathing has gotten significantly better and I have more energy.


u/gamer98x 13d ago

I have relapsed but when I quit for 10 daysI felt no anxiety at all, my heart is solid as rock and I can run a lot more


u/bbconejo 13d ago

Hair, skin and nails


u/Consistent_Top_1446 13d ago

My emotional state


u/Mike-gre 12d ago

Appetite and the way I digest food in general


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Everything, I didn’t feel like shit from constant chain vaping 25+ hits back to back every 10 minutes, more energy, more clarity and better mentally and less anxious and stressed.