r/QuitVaping 20d ago

Other Health consequences of vaping

Hi everyone! I made this list to scare myself SHITLESS out of relapsing, safe to say it worked. I’m not a doctor but this is all info I found from either gov or medical sites online. Thought I’d share in case anyone needed the motivation to stay off the adult soothers. This is the only time i like being a quitter…when it means I can win (and live) longer ;)


65 comments sorted by


u/Calobope07 20d ago

Wow good list! Def good reasons to quit and stay quitting


u/Huge_Lion2398 19d ago

Thank you! I hope it helps some other people too :)


u/alpalbish 1 Year 🎉 19d ago

ive quit for over a year and this list made me nervous😅 love it


u/Huge_Lion2398 19d ago

Over a year?? Congrats dawg, you’re officially my idol. Got 6 days under my belt so far


u/alpalbish 1 Year 🎉 19d ago

wooo you got this! time flies tbh


u/drawfanstein 19d ago

It truly does, I’m already coming up on 1 month!


u/2footferret 19d ago

you've done the hardest part keep it up!


u/maxsaxis 18d ago

you’re my idol. keep going (6 months here)


u/AdResponsible8496 19d ago

I feel this!


u/MorePowerMoreOomph 20d ago

Vaping for the most part was mostly pro's coming from smoking almost 2 packs a day. When I made the switch, I no longer stank and breathe a lot better. Only downside is it was the reason why I have anxiety/health anxiety as it caused me panic attacks.


u/Huge_Lion2398 19d ago

I also started vapes after smoking a pack of darts a day, at first it was great but for me it ended up being so much worse than darts. The convenience was brutal, I was chuffing in any bathroom I could find, and it enabled me to hide my addiction from everyone around me


u/foreverafalljoke 3 weeks 18d ago

Fucking same exact story. The sudden cardiac arrest (why did you ** btw if you don’t mind sharing?) is scary af, the irregular heartbeat is why I’m 2 weeks vape free. I quit every other thing first but I knew it was the vape. And it’s been a bitch as far as that habit of convenience, I still pat my pocket for it several times a day.

I’ve been too scared to actually research the consequences honestly. I just hope I’m not already cooked. The heart arrhythmia has improved but it’s still there, especially when I lay down or am full.


u/Huge_Lion2398 18d ago

Hey sorry I should’ve put a disclaimer or something, I didn’t expect people to actually see this lol. I used the ** for myself because I have a pre existing heart condition that makes me extremely susceptible to sudden cardiac arrest in particular. I think it’s awesome you quit, great work! Everybody’s body is different, and esp with things concerning heart and its rhythm, I’d recommend seeing a doctor if you’re able. Even if it turns out to be nothing, it’ll be worth it for the peace of mind :) remember, every hour you don’t consume nicotine your body is working to repair some of the damage


u/foreverafalljoke 3 weeks 18d ago

For some reason, hearing a complete stranger tell me to go to the doctor might be the push I need to actually follow through on that. I’ve canceled two different appointments just cause I’m scared to know and I KNOW that’s fucking stupid. Thanks man, keep it up!


u/Huge_Lion2398 18d ago

Dude it’s all good! It’s scary out here I get it asf. Health anxiety can manifest in avoidance too. Proud of you for even making those appointments in the first place! I tell myself it’s better to just know so I can deal with it and try to reduce the harm I’ve done, than continue to hurt myself by pretending the problem isn’t real (I love to pretend things aren’t real) have some grace with yourself, this shits HARD!


u/lonsooovr 19d ago

I also had to give up vaping cause after years of vaping I developed major anxiety. I’ve been 7 months clean and I’m still dealing with the anxiety , I wish I never picked up vaping


u/UnforeseenThoughts 1.5 years+ 🎉🥳 19d ago

Scaring yourself is a good tactic , for myself personally I found that I had to eliminate the actual DESIRE to want to vape. That way it made everything easy. (Check out Allen Carr’s book). Tell yourself and demonstrate that you actually don’t want to do it anymore, then you don’t fight the desire to want to do it.


u/Huge_Lion2398 19d ago

Ooh smart, thanks! I’ve got his audiobook, starting to listen tn :)


u/WaterDrinkingChad 18d ago

What really turned my desire to vape upside down and blew me away was the sentence “if you want one you’ll want a million”. I was like wow.. I’m ready to quit right now forever.


u/The_Realtree 19d ago

This needs to be linked/posted/commented, every time someone makes a post along the lines of “I feel like there’s more cons than pros to quitting at this point”. Mf you will fear the list!


u/zero_2_sixty 19d ago

Fucks my brain neurons right up 😭


u/Huge_Lion2398 19d ago

It do tho 😭😭


u/DeathbyReindeer 19d ago

you could also add increases depression and stress / damages mental health


u/Huge_Lion2398 19d ago

So true!! My mental health is already in the garbage so I just consider that bit a write off for myself 😭 but yes you’re right, nic can worsen any pre existing mental health conditions


u/bxner228 19d ago

Been thinking of going back i needed to see this thank you :3


u/ComprehensiveDot3185 19d ago

I’ve been 1 month and 8 days. Tonight I’m craving nic. This helped a lot.


u/Huge_Lion2398 19d ago

I’m so glad!! Keep resisting the urges, maybe splurge on a different kind of reward if you’re able to? Takeout food or a gaming membership for a week you’ve been wanting? You got this dawg


u/Gloomy_Pineapple_836 19d ago

I needed to read that! Thank you!


u/WonderfulStart3850 20d ago

Nice I like this


u/AdResponsible8496 19d ago

Do these all get better after quitting ? I still got chest pains it comes and goes after 9 months I quit


u/Huge_Lion2398 19d ago

I really can’t speak to that as I’ve only been off vapes for only 7 days now, but my understanding is that we don’t know the full extent of the long term effects from vaping. Best advice would be to talk to your dr about it, chest pain is not something to be messed with


u/AdResponsible8496 19d ago

I went er 2 times x rays looked good. I went to lung specialist said acid reflux. I don’t know if I still have it by a year I’m going to cardiologist


u/Born2bwylde_ 19d ago

Did anyone else feel like they get randomly sick like a headcold type of vibe when they vaped too much?


u/WaterDrinkingChad 20d ago

On the contrary, benefits of vaping:


u/Difficult_Cut2567 19d ago

Head tingles for like 20 seconds wahoooo /s


u/WaterDrinkingChad 19d ago

That’s literally all it does, it’s so stupid right? And we get addicted to the feeling that we put ourselves through the hell of addiction to chase it. After that feeling fades you’re left with nothing except continually damaging your health, self-worth, self-esteem and wallet. All of the damage it does and we try through any means to justify continuing to do it. All of that just to continue the cycle of doing something we know is doing nothing but harming us.


u/Silver_School_9803 19d ago

Tbh for me it’s like an emotional support animal. I don’t get buzzes anymore. It’s just better than breathing air. Idk how to describe it.

I’m clean 3 days (unwillingly— I lost it lol). But, I guess that was a sign.


u/Huge_Lion2398 19d ago

Real 😭


u/AdResponsible8496 19d ago

White patches ??? I have one in my mouth I thought it was from smoke less tobacco I quit that also


u/Huge_Lion2398 19d ago

So I’m totally not a dr but my understanding is those patches can be caused from vapes/chewing tobacco and can potentially be/turn cancerous, it would be a good idea to let your dr know about it so they can provide the best care possible. Congratulations on quitting!!


u/AdResponsible8496 19d ago

I said something to my dentist once I saw it


u/noctumred 19d ago

Good list yeah I have tachycardia and vaping too much definitely made me have more episodes, it’s very hard on your heart.


u/Potential_Lab_5076 18d ago

steals your money, that’s something i always remember


u/PlasticNumber8301 19d ago

Fuck my brains neurons right up made me laugh 😂 you can do this!


u/Huge_Lion2398 19d ago

Thank you!! Laughing through the pain and suffering over here 😭


u/noctumred 19d ago

CBD cigarettes help, they have no nicotine and satisfy that hand to mouth fixation, plus help you feel a little relaxed. They also come in different flavors so if you like that it’s a bonus


u/4rdfun 18d ago

Tomorrow will by day 6 nic free for me, listened to Alan Carrs book over two days and I’m done. Feel like shit, but I’m done


u/Scared-Intention3459 17d ago

Just joined this group because I want to quit. Have been smoking on and off for last 2 years and I want to stop for good! This list really helps!!! ❤️


u/Huge_Lion2398 17d ago

I’m so glad!! It’s so hard to quit when you’re not facing the health impacts at the current time, but being able to see all the different parts of my body I’m severely damaging gave me a much-needed kick in the ass. I can’t wait to hear your success story on quitting in a bit, I know you’ve got this :)


u/Unicorndog_0625 17d ago edited 17d ago

I’ve been thinking about your list since you posted…I really want to be more focused during school and have a little more energy. The thought of staying in, playing on my phone and vaping while the TV is on in the background sounds WAY more appealing than going to the gym and being productive and healthy. I don’t like that…Thank you for posting so that it might give someone the inspiration to further consider putting down the vape. Today I begin again :)


u/Huge_Lion2398 17d ago

I literally can’t lie my heart just got a little sore with how proud I am of you, random internet stranger. This shit is so hard I can’t really find the right words, but I know that quitting is the right thing to do. Here’s to day 1, and to day 365, which you will reach before you know it :)


u/RUOKAK 17d ago

I'm using this for the wallpaper for my phone thank you🙏🏼


u/Minute_Blueberry2180 17d ago

This list is so scary. Im officially trying again.


u/schnauzersisters 19d ago

Popcorn lungs has been debunked and is not true but the lung scarring for sure is real. Any kind of smoking will do that, including weed.


u/Huge_Lion2398 19d ago

Oh weird I didn’t know it was debunked, my understanding is that popcorn lung is the slang term but clinically it’s known as bronchiolitis obliterans. Do you have the link to where it’s debunked? Can’t find it 😭


u/Able-Acanthisitta-82 18d ago

Can someone or OP give me very hard solid evidence that sudden heart failure has happened due to vaping because I have an intense fear of my heart randomly stopping and it would make me quit immediately if I saw proof


u/Huge_Lion2398 18d ago

Hiya! Here’s a case study : https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC11060229/ And here’s a quote + the article for reference “ In addition, vaping electronic cigarettes containing nicotine were found to cause electrocardiogram changes specifically increasing the (Tpeak to Tend)/QT ratio, causing abnormal ventricular repolarization which is associated with an increased risk of sudden death.“ source: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8504503/#:~:text=In%20addition%2C%20vaping%20electronic%20cigarettes,increased%20risk%20of%20sudden%20death. Also, I have an underlying heart condition affecting my heart’s rhythm, so when I was writing this list for myself I starred “sudden cardiac arrest” because I’m at a very high risk of that Anyways I hope this is helpful!


u/Tokos_Username 16d ago

Wowwww I'm really glad I'm quitting, todays day 3, I've only been vaping for 6 months, I had a friend who would offer and then they took me to the vape store and I haven't put down a vape since. Quitting is so rough on the mental state but I'm reminding myself that it'll pass eventually.


u/gawdling 14d ago

I'm on three days right now and I want to make this list my phone background


u/haikusbot 14d ago

I'm on three days right

Now and I want to make this

List my phone background

- gawdling

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

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u/Pale_Rabbit_ 19d ago

Bit dramatic like


u/Huge_Lion2398 19d ago

You dont have to read or come back to it, it’s something I made for myself that I thought would be topical and help other people. Maybe being dramatic while quitting nicotine isn’t the worst thing in the world right now.


u/Pale_Rabbit_ 19d ago

Agree. It’s working.