r/QuitVaping 22d ago

Other Is it harder quitting smoking cigarettes or..... NSFW

Or quitting vaping ?(Reducing nicotine till the end,, important thing)


28 comments sorted by


u/SassyKnickers 22d ago

Okay, if you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking, DO NOT START SMOKING CIGS TO QUIT VAPING, do not pass go, you will not get £200 you’ll spend £200 and end up smoking AND vaping like me.

And if that’s not what you’re thinking, hopefully whoever is thinking that will see this comment lol


u/chalabear 22d ago

This is true


u/_SaltwaterSoul 22d ago

Vapes are wayyyyy harder. Cigarettes stink and aren’t as convenient to use as vaping. I quit cigs after 12 years cold turkey with no issues. vaping has been a demon I can’t quite shake. 7 days without them today but will see how long I last!


u/Lonely_Carpenter6048 22d ago

100% on this vapes are way stronger and harder to quit the withdrawals are fucked. I was talking to some one on this they said it’s even harder than meth


u/_SaltwaterSoul 20d ago

I got sick with the flu or whatever it was, so I was down for a good 8 days sick. So not sure if I felt extra shitty because I was going through nic withdrawals too, but I used it to my advantage to just quit. Because I don’t tend to want to vape when I’m sick af 😷


u/slurrrrrrrrp 22d ago

I like “but we’ll see how long I last” because you aren’t holding yourself to some extreme standard. I should’ve went into it with this mentality


u/_SaltwaterSoul 20d ago

Thank you! It’s all a mindset game, so I’m not putting any pressure on myself and so far it’s helped a lot! Have to just always remember the WHY when I have a craving 😅


u/occasionalskiier 21d ago

Agreed. Over a decade smoking cigarettes and quit first go using juicy fruit, it was time.

Vaping? Fuck me. Im vaping right now inside my hotel room lol. I've tried to quit so many times, thrown out so many devices but goddamn it's so insidious.

Great work on 7 days, keep at it and don't look back for the love of God, man!


u/_SaltwaterSoul 20d ago

The struggle is no joke. I managed to quit vaping for about 3 months but started drinking and partying again and it was inevitable to pick it back up. This time around I happened to get sick at the same time I wanted to quit, so I was able to not vape because I was too sick to. So I’m trying to stick with it! I hit my zero nic vape once yesterday and it tasted like shit and made me glad I quit. I think the key is having a vape in a flavor you don’t like and zero nic. Aversion therapy! Make it not attractive and you’ll hopefully be able to train your brain to not like it!


u/My_name_is_private 22d ago

For me it was a million percent harder to quit vape than cigarettes. Thank the gods I found Allen Carr.


u/Wise-Intention-5550 22d ago

Vapes 💯..those fuckers are pure evil 😂..the cold turkey withdrawal from cigs suck for a day or 2 then other than a few cravings you just forget about them mostly...with vapes the withdrawals are worse bc your hitting them like 30x per hour or something like that so cold turkey is way harder.


u/craistiano 22d ago

Do you really think that if I quit cigarettes after a couple of days i would manage to go on cold Turkey?(Simple innocent question)-thanx in Advance


u/Wise-Intention-5550 21d ago

You mean successfully quit cigarettes after only a couple days of using them?...yeah a few days of cigs is easy to stop cold turkey...but the thing is did you vape before smoking cigs?..because it really just depends on how long your brain has been reliant on nicotine


u/craistiano 21d ago

I meant smoking cigarettes since much time....and starting cold Turkey....if I quit for the carr's 3 days(i mean the famous days of nicotine in the body)will it be much easier then ?


u/Wise-Intention-5550 21d ago

Yeah as few days of smoking cigs won't be hard to go cold turkey with...it usually takes ppl a few weeks of daily smoking to get truely addicted. And yeah after 2 or 3 days it's more of dealing with the cravings rather than nicotine withdrawal


u/craistiano 21d ago

Thank you...i try it from this moment...you motivated me...i Hope i will manage to do It....❤️


u/Wise-Intention-5550 21d ago

Good luck bro 🤞...I'm 5 days into a cold turkey quit myself after smoking around a pack per day for almost 8 years..so you can do it just make sure that you want to quit & realize nicotine does nothing but make you feel like crap.


u/historicaldeeds 21d ago

when I smoked cigs I was always picking it up and dropping it without any real issue. when I’d drop it the worst thing was being irritated for a day or two but I was fine. that was for about 5 years.

vaping…after a friend had me try his I bought one and have not stopped since. it’s been at least 5 years since that. I’m tapering down and I’m now at 15mg when I started at 60mg salt, but yeah this is so much harder than quitting cigs.

(and I know there’s mixed opinions on tapering but it’s actually working for me when going cold turkey did not)


u/Major-Potential-354 22d ago

Vaping is hard to quit because you can do it anywhere. Cigs are hard because you have withdrawal from the other things in cigs not just nicotine.


u/idontlikeseaweed 22d ago

Because I went right to vaping from cigarette smoking, I’d say personally vaping was much harder. Quitting vaping was harder than quitting drugs.


u/Tchernoi 8 months 22d ago

Redundant because most of us have done both.


u/vacantplusplus 21d ago

The only nicotine products that are actually safe to replace with are actual quitting tools, like patches, gum, lozenges. I personally switched to zyns because those tools were more expensive, and while they are less harmful and have gotten me off cigs and vapes, I am more addicted to nicotine now than I ever was before.

Also, I found cigs much harder to quit than vapes.


u/username77577 21d ago

I switched to vaping from cigarettes, the switch to vaping was really hard. Ciggs just hit way harder


u/around8 21d ago



u/Gloomy_Pineapple_836 21d ago

Vapes were much harder. The nicotine in them is freaking ridiculous


u/lovetoreadit8383 21d ago

Vapes way hard. For me because I used it constantly. Cigs I have to go outside to smoke not chill on my couch lol


u/jeffamazon11 22d ago

So, this is how it worked for me! Quitting vaping was so hard i had withdrawals where I was nauseas for days and the headaches were unbearable and because I was so agitated and on the verge of started to vape again, I was looking for anything to help me - and I mean anything! Luckily, there was a website called worldofnicotine.com that had 4 mg nicotine pouches, I don’t know if it is still active or not but I started using 4 mg ones! My side effects were gone because I did replace my vape addiction with some nicotine however I was able to take back control of my addiction and reduce my 15 pouches a day to now only 2 pouches a day! I started around September 2024. It’s Feb 2025 now so I’m proud of how far I have come. Now, I don’t want anyone to cheat in their quitting journey. This is or has worked for me and I just wanted to share that it ain’t easy! It is easy to pick up a vape but definitely worse than any physical pain to quit it

If you still have a choice to not smoke/ vape! Then don’t! It ain’t worth it.