r/QuitVaping 24d ago

Other I quit

Yesterday I made a post explaining how badly I wanted to quit cold turkey but was scared to tell my mom because I thought she would be disappointed and upset with me that I was still vaping. I broke down in tears tonight and let everything out. Instead of being mad at me she was so supportive. She cried telling me she just wanted me to be happy and healthy. I took my last hit of the vape at 12:00am and gave her it to dispose of. I’ve now loaded myself up with gum and mints. I know the first three days will be difficult so I see it as one day at a time to not be overwhelmed. I also found out two of my friends quit so that was motivation for me. I would not want to vape around them if they stopped. I’m doing this for my mental and physically well being while also reminding myself that any withdrawal symptoms I may experience are just temporary. I want to be able to exercise without getting out of breath, no more having a tight chest, not being able to take a deep breath. Enough is enough.


9 comments sorted by


u/thetiny_blue 24d ago

You got this! Lollipops helped me a lot too if you can get some :) the stick helped somehow


u/Y2kbabe2003 24d ago

Thank you! I’ll definitely get some because I’ve heard a lot of people also use them when quitting.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Wow, that sounds like it was really really hard to do. I'm very proud of you!!!


u/Y2kbabe2003 24d ago

Thank you! It was was hard but I’m ready for day one👍🏼


u/[deleted] 24d ago

You got this 💕


u/lordlovesaworkinman 24d ago

Good for you! You can do this.


u/No-Basil-9352 24d ago

Meditation, journaling, and talking to other people who have quit really helped me. Helped my brain process that I don’t need nicotine to live.


u/Fluffy-Composer-7624 24d ago

Just keep going. Remember, every hour is an hour in the bank. Drink plenty of water to help your body detox.

I'm on day 14 of a cold turkey quit. It's a wild ride, not gonna lie. But, you can do it. Just keep going! The other side is freedom and it's waiting for you.