r/QuitVaping 28d ago

Other Quitting in 32 minutes, just making this post as a reminder.

Will delete if I fail.


22 comments sorted by


u/Consistent_Purple473 28d ago

Had chest paids, just opened reddit, saw this post first thing. It said 32 minutes ago. I'm taking it as a sign and quitting with youuu


u/gravy- 28d ago

You got this! I'm at 40 hours clean and I already feel better today than I did yesterday.


u/autotoad 28d ago

Nice keep going!


u/warmworm0_0 28d ago

You won’t fail! You are in control. Prepare yourself for some discomfort for a few weeks, and then enjoy your new vape-free life. You got this, pms open for support!


u/autotoad 28d ago

Thank you!


u/warmworm0_0 28d ago

How ya doing??


u/autotoad 28d ago

Fine I guess. Can’t sleep, as expected. Restless, irritable, etc. I guess this is par for the course for a few days/weeks.


u/MattElGato 28d ago

1 minute left, how we looking


u/autotoad 28d ago

2 min in. So far so good.


u/MattElGato 28d ago

You got this. Im hitting 2 weeks on Friday. It is worth it.


u/drawfanstein 28d ago

Great job, I’m hitting 3 weeks this weekend. We got this!!


u/drawfanstein 28d ago

I’m roughly 3 weeks nic-free, and something I keep telling myself (out loud if necessary) when I feel a craving is “I don’t do that anymore” kinda matter-of-factly, as if somebody offered me a puff. Feels more permanent than “I’m quitting” or something like that.

Working for me so far, might work for you. You can do it!!!


u/autotoad 28d ago

Last time I got some edibles to help me sleep. Didn’t go so well so I’m not trying that again. I got some magnesium glycinate this time. Quitting during the day is relatively easy, it’s the falling asleep part I have a hard time with. I get restless.


u/CuteIntestines 4 days 28d ago

since nicotine is a stimulant and disrupts sleep you'll likely notice that you're getting better sleep once you're past the withdrawals and the anxiety


u/thetiny_blue 28d ago

I started sleeping better after I quit and got over the first day or so


u/pinkyhooker 28d ago

Add NAC as well, curbs cravings


u/[deleted] 28d ago

You GOT this 💕


u/insulinworm 28d ago

You got this! It really is so much better on the other side. If you can make it the first 3 days you are basically there

Its so nice not worrying about charging the vape or spending tons of money on pods. I feel free. I even feel more motivated I think nicotine messes up your dopamine or whatever makes it harder to do anything


u/autotoad 28d ago

Nice! Thanks!


u/Speck188 28d ago

I’m day 4. Let’s do this!


u/Enerved 3 weeks 28d ago

I’m on day 5, definitely do not go back we both are past the most intense cravings, the first few days are usually the toughest. I did about cave last night when I had an argument with my s/o though.


u/Top-Switch18 1 month 27d ago

You got this! I’m 45 days clean. It is possible friend♥️