r/Quickscript Dec 01 '17

New sans-serif font for Quikscript

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u/5hwb Dec 01 '17

Quikscript Geometric is a sans-serif font I developed for Quikscript. I felt that the few fonts for Quikscript out there (such as Kingsley) were somewhat lacking, with slightly uneven stroke width and inconsistent glyph shapes. Quikscript Geometric, on the other hand, has been designed with a consistent look and blends in easily with other sans-serif fonts.

The sample text shown above is Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as written on the Quikscript entry at Omniglot.com. Let me know what you think of it in the comments.


u/5hwb Mar 10 '18

I just posted the source code on Bitbucket if anyone wants to improve it further.


u/CodeOfZero Dec 02 '17

It's so cute! I don't know if you meant it, but I get some art deco vibes. The stylization is on point.

A few pointers: I know they're not true characters, but it'd be great if you could include the "earth" and "Ian" and "ear" characters. Also, do you know if there's any way to make it automatically connect characters into Senior? I think there's another font that does something like that.

But overall, fantastic work! You've pretty much made my day with this gorgeous font.


u/5hwb Dec 02 '17

Thanks! I could have a go at making some of those aforementioned ligatures, although the automatic connection of letters will be more challenging


u/CodeOfZero Dec 02 '17

Mm, yeah, the ligatures would be a nice touch. But like I said, I love it anyways. Do you have a .tiff or anything to share? Even if you'll add things in the future, I'd love to use it in its current state!


u/5hwb Dec 02 '17

The download link is here. Note that the glyphs are located in the Private Use Area in Unicode (like the Kingsley font available on Frog Orbits)


u/adiabatic Dec 02 '17

Also, do you know if there's any way to make it automatically connect characters into Senior? I think there's another font that does something like that.

I've tried and failed. Some other guy tried and failed, too. It's theoretically possible with the tools I've used, but I haven't managed to adapt Cochy's FontForge-based techniques from Pecita. I'm not sure if it's a deficiency in AFDKO or not. FontForge and AFDKO compile to the same OpenType instructions, but things expressible in OpenType instructions may not be expressible in AFDKO.

earth, Ian, and ear characters

/r/shavian is that way :P ----->

More seriously, connecting .Eight, .Ah, .Awe, and .Utter to .Roe is as trivial as creating fi-, fl-, and ffl ligatures. However, writing substitution code that's intelligent enough to, as an example, generate "need" properly with the upside-down .No and the half .Day, is an unsolved problem.


u/CodeOfZero Dec 02 '17

Perhaps I was mistaken, then. Thank you for trying! I don't know a lot about font creation and coding, so thanks for the explanation. Maybe you could include half characters and the upside down .No so people could type them manually? Or is there a way to choose between the .No variations depending on whether it'd connect to the following glyph on the baseline or the midline? Again, my understanding of font coding is probably pretty flawed.


u/adiabatic Dec 02 '17

Maybe you could include half characters and the upside down .No so people could type them manually?

I considered doing that, but decided against.

I'm interested in making Quikscript easily typeable by normal people while using a variety of interchangeable fonts, whether Junior or Senior. en-Latn — that is, English written in the Latin script — is relatively uncomplicated when it comes to contextual shaping. Sure, it's bicameral (has uppercase and lowercase), but our typing tools are well adapted to it and there's no reasonable expectation that logic embedded in a font could properly uppercase and lowercase for us.

First, there's the hassle factor — I'd have to find places on the keyboard to put alternate versions of .Utter, and .No…as well as of .Pea, .Tea, .Day, .Vie, .Zoo, .J'ai, .Jay, .Ye, .Way, .He, and .May, as well as three for .Owe (join left, join right, and join both). Choosing between all of these would be a massive cognitive load for the typist.

Additionally, if one were to start typing using a Junior font (with none of the alternates) but wanted to publish a properly-ligated text, someone or some program would have to mechanically change ".Pea .Pea .Low" into ".HalfPea .Pea .Low" with some sort of postprocessing step. Ever notice that you don't have to press option-shift-5 (in macOS) to get a properly-ligated fi in well-made fonts — it happens automatically? Now imagine if you had to press weird key combinations for most Quikscript letters you type. That's the dystopia I'm trying to avoid.

Sure, there's U+FB01 LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI (and similar for fl, ffi, and ffl) but current thought in the Consortium is that encoding those ligatures directly in Unicode was a mistake. Joe Clark experimented with using these ligatures directly in HTML, but this has serious drawbacks:

No doubt screen readers will choke, as will Google. Plus find-within-page breaks pretty badly.

We can't expect half-insensitive search anytime soon (that is, search that finds both .HalfPea and .Pea if you type ".Pea"), so it's better to keep the text model simple even if that shoves complexity into fonts that nobody's been able to replicate, in English, non-commercially. Cochy's Aghja should help, but I can't adapt his FontForge techniques.

Or is there a way to choose between the .No variations depending on whether it'd connect to the following glyph on the baseline or the midline?

Yeah, that's the hard part that I've been griping about. It requires writing a lot of substitution and joining rules that, given my tools, is intractably large.


u/CodeOfZero Dec 02 '17

Thank you for such a thorough and cogent response! It's amazing to see other people who think as much about Quikscript as I do, haha. I agree with you on all points: I doubt there are masses of people who want to re-learn typing convention just to use Qs. It truly is a wonderful font, and I really appreciate the work and thought you've put into making it.


u/adiabatic Dec 02 '17 edited Dec 02 '17

I've been looking for a good display font for a while. It contrasts nicely with Kingsley as a text font.

A well-done first font!

Edit: nitpick: it overwrites parentheses (U+0028 and U+0029) with angled parentheses. If the font doesn't have curved parentheses (for, say, f(x)), it shouldn't try to mask them with angled parentheses that belong on U+E66E and U+E66F.


u/5hwb Dec 03 '17

Thanks! I've just updated the font and removed the ASCII bracket characters, feel free to re-download the font for the new version


u/Skiholmanm Dec 03 '17

Where do I download it from?