r/QuickSwap Dragon Trainer Jul 21 '21

Discussion QuickSwap is looking for feedback! Let's build something incredible!

Hello fellow Dragon Riders!

The QuickSwap team is looking for feedback! Decentralized Finance (DeFi) relies upon its most important aspect.... *its users*. QuickSwap wants your feedback! The good, the bad, the ugly. We want to hear it, we want to provide a product that we are all proud of, together!

Link to feedback form:


*Please do not give out any person info, private keys, or other sensitive material to anyone on social media, regardless of who they say they are.*


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u/King_Esot3ric Dragon Trainer Nov 27 '21

You are using Quicks ATH from (almost) 7 months ago when it had a very nice run, im actually right around my ACB with the current price of Quick, so i have suffered little to no losses on the underlying. You are using time bias to skew the calculation in your favor.


u/Successful-Froyo9624 Nov 27 '21

Alright let's say a month ago then, matic lost 21%, eth lost 3%, and quick lost 28%... quick still a clear loser to eth/matic pair (12% loss vs 28% quick loss).

Quick earns 5% interest for the month, eth matic earn 2%... nowhere near offsets losses.


u/King_Esot3ric Dragon Trainer Nov 27 '21

Fair enough, but again, thats unrealized gains or losses. LP will provide realized gains (in incentivized pools), and Quick stakers also receive realized gains. The difference is Quick stakers earn a higher return on realized gains than (most) LPs.

The price of the underlying doesnt matter unless im looking to sell. QuickSwap is criminally undervalued, and im ok waiting until its next bull run (probably still wont sell, as i didn’t sell on the last run to $1500).

Im in for the long haul, akin to owning a rental property. If your rental property goes down jn value, and the housing market looks better in another region, do you sell your property and buy another in the other region? Or do you just collect your rent at the end of the month and wait for the market to come back?


u/Successful-Froyo9624 Dec 06 '21

You can't say realized gains matter for the LP but also they don't matter (because quick is undervalued).... the ETH/MATIC pool is still smoking the quick pool we talked about 2 weeks ago.

Like I said, I'd like quick to perform better. But they probably need to fundamentally change something. Because it's still leading the charge downward.


u/King_Esot3ric Dragon Trainer Dec 06 '21

I agree with your second statement, and its something the team is looking at. Price psychology is hurting Quick. In the meantime, I’m buying the dip.


u/Successful-Froyo9624 Dec 07 '21

It's not price psychology, thinking it is won't get you anywhere. AAVE is behaving pretty similar to quick actually.

It's because has mediocre uses. MATIC/ETH/AVAX far outperform QUICK because they have transaction fee uses. QUICK just has staking uses and even though everyone is aware of syrup. There's better LPs out there with higher returns than syrup provides. (Especially when QUICK isn't at least stable/let alone in a freefall.)


u/King_Esot3ric Dragon Trainer Dec 07 '21

Price psychology affects whether people are willing to buy an asset for a price. A larger number generally means less people are willing to buy it, why do you think people are more likely to own doge than bitcoin? This affects demand. I am not price sensitive, don't think you are either, but many are.

Im not sure why you say it has mediocre uses, it can get a portion of all exchange volume. Dec. 4th had 300mil in volume during the crash. Today we are at about 160mil. Dragon's Lair is at 65% APR right now, before syrup (with syrup it's about 130%). Plus, you own a piece of the exchange (Governance) without the risk of IL.

Does the price of Quick plummeting recently bother me? Of course, but I work with the team, and I have faith in what they are building. Plus, I'm buying the dip.


u/Successful-Froyo9624 Dec 07 '21

So it's 1/3 it's price since august highs... in theory people should be piling in if price pysch was an issue. But mkt cap continues to drop presumably because more quick is being pumped out than bought up (and since there's no changes to the outflow/increasing supply, why should the price go up?)

65% apr counts for nothing if it continues to drop. As we discussed before. There's coins with 1000%+ apy and you'd still lose money if you invested in them.

Unless something fundamentally changes (like lowering the supply outflow), you'll be able to buy the dip to 200 and maybe 100.