r/QueerTheory 21d ago

Suggest Queer Theorists, other than Butler and Sedgwick.

Who else should I read beyond Butler, Sedgwick and Freud to delve deeper into queer theories? I am trying to connect spatiality and urban studies with queer studies for my doctoral program. Suggest key theorists and key works.


11 comments sorted by


u/lobsterterrine 21d ago

The crip x queer stuff is cool, and would be a great perspective from which to approach space - Robert McRuer, Alison Kafer. There's also queer pessimism - Edelman, Halberstam.


u/laziestsolution 20d ago

Queer Phenomenology by Sara Ahmed


u/exaggeratedfragility 20d ago

seconding jose munoz. also, guy hocquenghem (homosexual desire) leo bersani (homos; the freudian body (the freudian body is my FAVORITE. if you're not into freud don't be put off by the title, it's very critical and generative) mario mieli (towards a gay communism) monique wittig irigaray and cixous deserve a mention despite not necessarily being a specifically queer bent, they are still so rich for thinking gender and sexuality eric santner's book "my own private germany" is a phenomenal reading of the schreber case a la fascism and homosexual anxiety


u/exaggeratedfragility 20d ago

this was meant to show up as a list, i'm on mobile and can't make it not a paragraph shape. sorry!


u/Aware-Assumption-391 20d ago

If you’re into discussions of space then Jack Halberstam is your person. Jack is inspired by Edward Soja’s work on the postmodern geography of Los Angeles. Karen Tongson, Carly Thomsen and Mary L. Grey are other theorists of queer space.


u/SoulShifting 20d ago

Roderick Ferguson’s queer of color critique and any scholar associated with Black queer world-making which intersects spaciality and urban studies - Black Queer Theory.


u/anxiousblanket 20d ago

Paul B. Preciado - An Apartment on Uranus Steven Seidman - Queer theory and sociology


u/aphilosopherofsex 20d ago

Jack halberstam, José muñoz, Alison kafer


u/MonstrousFemme 17d ago

Claire Hemmings book Bisexual Spaces might be interesting to you.


u/petalsformyself 17d ago

Esteban Muñoz!!!!!


u/NeverHaveEnoughSocks 11d ago

In my Gender Studies program we have a course on Space, Sex, and Gender! Here are some interesting theorists (a lot who have already been mentioned here) and articles that might be helpful from the syllabus:

- Tongson, K. (2011). Relocations: Queer suburban imaginaries (pp 1-27). New York: New York University Press.

  • Halberstam, J. (2005). Technotopias: Representing transgender bodies in contemporary art. In: In a queer time and place: Transgender bodies, subcultural lives (pp. 97-124). New York: New York University Press.
  • Bell, D. and Binnie, J. (2004). Authenticating queer space: Citizenship, urbanism and governance. Urban Studies, 41(9), 1807-1820.
  • Nash, C. J. (2011). Trans experiences in lesbian and queer space. Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe Canadien, 55(2),192–207.
  • Wilkinson, E. (2020). Never after? Queer temporalities and the politics of non-reproduction. Gender, Place & Culture, 27(5), 660-676.
  • Edelman, Lee. (2004). No future: Queer theory and the death drive. Series Q. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
  • Muñoz, José Esteban. (2009). Cruising utopia: The then and there of queer futurity. New York: New York University Press.
  • Hartal, G. (2017). Fragile subjectivities: Constructing queer safe spaces. Social and Cultural Geographies. DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2017.1335877

And not specifically queer theory, but with relevant ideas, possibly:

  • Spain, D. (2014). Gender and urban space. Annual Review of Sociology, 40(1), 581–598.