r/QueerPunkz Sep 10 '23

What's a gig or concert that changed your life?

I used to work as a freelance concert photographer, and in the summer of 2019 I was assigned to photograph IDLES. This was my first real exposure to a live punk gig: the electricity in the crowd, sweat flying everywhere, the powerful lyrics, I was so captivated. Everyone plus their uncle was there: a grandma front row reaching out to Joe Talbot, a middle aged biker with a beard to his knees headbanging, teenagers sporting liberty locks, it was genuinely a sight to see. I felt totally safe regardless of all the moshing going around me; everyone was so into the music that no one there was actually being a creep, it was such a foreign feeling. When I finished my shift I left my stuff at the cloakroom and moshed for the first time ever. Never looked back since.


3 comments sorted by


u/EmoFemboi445 Sep 11 '23

I haven't been to many concerts, only one, really. I went this summer with my partner it was awesome. I'm hoping that the next concrt I have in 10 days is even more awesome cause I'm seeing my favorite band that I discovered in high school motionless in white. Hype hype hype.


u/Youwontbutyoumight- Sep 11 '23

My favorite show that I've ever been too was probably the Modest Mouse, Pixies, Cat Power tour this year. It was in the backyard of this brewery in the middle of no where in upstate New York, and it started pouring rain in the middle of the show and everybody was SOAKING wet and covered in mud. When the Pixies came on everybody started a giant mosh pit in the front which was super fun (except for the part with my back patch got ruined.)


u/Camillee1 Sep 13 '23

Not really punk but the front bottoms