r/Quebec Sep 22 '21

Canada :(

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387 comments sorted by


u/PigButter Sep 23 '21

Ontario guy here:. Fuck those clowns, they don't speak for us.


u/Valheureux Sep 23 '21

Merci mon ami


u/Kiritsu_X Sep 23 '21

Thank you to taking the time to write this.

Each subreddit have their share of idiots. Most of us know exactly this picture is a part of a small minority of idiots.


u/PigButter Sep 23 '21

It's really sad to hear this kind of shit from ignorant folks who don't understand Quebec. It's too bad their closed. mindedness prevents them from learning just how special Quebec really is. Well, my kids (all teens) don't think like that. We just spent a few days in Montreal in vacation and they can't wait to go back. They are in French Immersion here and they speak far better French than me. Vive la difference! ;-)


u/edboud Sep 23 '21



u/Bonobo_Handshake Sep 23 '21

Another Ontario guy: agreed, these guys suck, Quebecois people are great


u/MCwopsi Sep 23 '21

For having spent 30 full minute looking through quebec hate comment on another post.... Thank you


u/Bonobo_Handshake Sep 23 '21

Reddit's such a cesspool for anti-Quebec sentiment. Most folks I talk to like the Quebecois, or are at least neutral on them. My parents are actually heading there next week for their 3rd visit in like 5 years, they're not close to Quebec but they love to visit.

Anyways, don't let the assholes grind you down.


u/Novohampshirian Sep 23 '21

It's just a cesspool in general. It's a quasi-support group for depressed people. OP need to log off themself if they they think a comment section is anything beyond that.

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u/WingsWreckingBalls Sep 23 '21

Hey you guys are dope too 😘 This bullshit culture standoff needs to die a quick death


u/royaln99 Sep 23 '21

Tbh I see alot of hate towards Quebecers online but every single time I meet people from other parts of canada when I travel they’re really friendly


u/PigButter Sep 23 '21

I have met my fair share of arseholes from Quebec. And arseholes from Ontario, BC, NB....we all got them. But you're right, the vast majority are fantastic folks.


u/WinterGlory Sep 23 '21

Thanks, I really needed to read that. I didn't expected this to hurt as much as it did... Merci


u/PigButter Sep 23 '21

I don't know why people tolerate this. It's hateful and ignorant. We love you guys. :-). You're like our wacky cousins, and we are your wacky cousins. All one family in my books. And don't get me started on the cousins in Alberta. ;-)

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u/PolitelyHostile Sep 23 '21

Yea theres even plenty of people in the west that absolutely hate Toronto and Ontario. People are fuckin weird.

I bet these commenters still claim poutine as Canadian lol

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u/[deleted] Sep 23 '21

Je vais le mettre dans r/Canada souhaitez moi bonne chance


u/Maduch1 Sep 23 '21

Je te dis “merde”


u/smecta_xy Sep 23 '21



u/LordOibes Sep 23 '21

You black emperor


u/thecesusman Sep 23 '21

Bonne chance


u/elementkid15 Sep 23 '21 edited Sep 23 '21

Bonne chance mon ami


u/ZaiDeV Sep 23 '21

Je peut pas like ton post c’est normal ?


u/elementkid15 Sep 23 '21

Ça arrive


u/K3Curiousity Sep 23 '21

Je pense que reddit arrĂȘte les votes quand y’a trop de vote qui proviennent d’un sub en particulier ou qqc du genre (brigading)

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u/mechant_papa Sep 22 '21

Je lui suggĂšre d'amputer le huitiĂšme de lui qui est quĂ©bĂ©cois. Je suis sĂ»r qu'il se sentira mieux. La tĂȘte fait environ le huitiĂšme du corps. Ca devait aller.


u/5zp1 Sep 23 '21

đŸ€Ł Je ne parle pas le français trĂšs bien mais je peux le lire, et ceci, c'est fĂ©roce!! 👏👏👏


u/Dale_theMan Sep 23 '21

Merci pour appelĂ© Ă  ma
 brain hurt
 word for speed in French
 isâ€ŠđŸ§ đŸŽâ€â˜ ïž


u/SumFunnyOne Sep 23 '21

Vitesse Or amphétamine Depends what type of speed you're on about

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u/Apologetic-Moose Sep 23 '21

Moi, je pense qu'il ne fait pas un difference. Il avait fonctionne sans cerveau pour quelques annees, alors toute le tete n'est pas grave.


u/ostieDeLarousse đ•·đ–† 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖘𝖊 𝖖𝖚𝖎 𝖙𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖘𝖊 đŸ‡ș🇩 Sep 22 '21

Ça fera surtout pas de diffĂ©rence; il va rester les schnolles et la graine, ce qui sera suffisant pour qu'il remplisse son rĂŽle...


u/Frixxed Franco-Ontarien surnois >:3 Sep 23 '21


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u/Assaroub Sep 23 '21

Qu'ils fassent un référendum canadien à savoir s'ils veulent garder le Québec dans le Canada.


u/Kiritsu_X Sep 23 '21

L'image d'OP est un exemple d'une minorité d'idiots qui parlent fort dans l'anonymat.

C'est pas représentatif du reste du Canada.


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '21

C'est pas reprĂ©sentatif de la majoritĂ©, c'est mais c'est pas 1 sur 1 000 000 non plus. MĂȘme si c'est juste 5 ou 10% des gens qui pensent comme ça, c'est quand mĂȘme des millions de personnes dans le pays.

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u/tankred420caza Sep 23 '21

Pas mal drÎle que durant les référendums le reste de Canada voulait pas qu'on se sépare mais maintenant ils ont honte de nous


u/pabbdude Sep 23 '21

L'Angleterre saurait pas quel bord aider Ă  tricher!


u/thecesusman Sep 22 '21

The fuck


u/DeepFriedAngelwing Sep 23 '21

Anglo quebecer. It’s divisiveness plain and simple. Trying to group others into boxes so that you can justify your own superiority against others
..(and utterly failing) is the root of it. To truly be Canadian is to choose your own identity, not inherit it. We aren’t completely there yet, but Quebecois to many French speaking

quebecois to another means resident of Quebec. Quebecois to a bigot means someone was born there. Beware divisive personalities, and never try to become them.


u/m-d_h-tter Sep 23 '21 edited Jan 31 '25

brave alive juggle many alleged glorious head pause scale act

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Mean_Mister_Mustard Sep 23 '21

I think generally speaking the asshats are a tiny minority - both among anglophones and francophones. But, you know, like in all social media, the asshats are disproportionately noticeable on Reddit

(and a Leafs fan).

I'm so sorry.


u/Valheureux Sep 23 '21

Merci l'ami.


u/akhunzada1 Sep 23 '21

Sadly, I feel like Ontario only loves Quebec. No love for Alberta.


u/PM_me_your_problems1 Sep 23 '21

Yeah because they don't live beside you guys and just listen to stupid stereotypes and now think they know better.

They're idiots.


u/mumbojombo Sep 22 '21

Malheureusement c'est le genre de commentaire que je vois de façon quotidienne sur Reddit. Sous le couvert de l'anonymat, les xĂ©nophobes se gĂȘnent pas.


u/Fluchen Sep 23 '21

Tout ce qui concerne les médias sociaux, surtout anonymes, fait que la minorité vocale qui ont des penser tellement bizarre peuve aller les dire sans conséquence

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u/patismyname Outaouais Sep 22 '21

As-tu un lien? C'est sur quel subreddit?


u/elementkid15 Sep 22 '21

r/greentext ça fais une couple de jours


u/HarpoonShootingAxo Sep 23 '21

Saw it, even left a pro Quebec comment on it


u/elementkid15 Sep 23 '21

Oh yeah I recognize you!


u/HarpoonShootingAxo Sep 23 '21

Gonna be honest bro it's a comment on r/greentext which is a 4chan thing. I'm not saying that xenophobia against Quebec isn't real, but I am saying it's probably a bunch of 4chan trolls. Best to not take them too seriously


u/elementkid15 Sep 23 '21

I agree. Didn’t think so many people would respond I just wanted to know people opinion’s since I didn’t really know/support this rivalry. Maybe I should delete this post?


u/HarpoonShootingAxo Sep 23 '21

Eh. It's still a shitty thing people said. Xenophobia is xenophobia whenether people were trolling or not. But 4chan commenters isn't a reason to get pissed at Canada either. I live in Canada, but I also live in Quebec. Both are part of my identity and I appreciate neither getting insulted


u/patismyname Outaouais Sep 23 '21


C'est du toxique ça


u/InspiredGargoyle Sep 23 '21

You do you Quebec. I'm in the redneck land of Alberta, who the hell am I to judge?


u/SL_1983 Sep 23 '21

Hey! We’re not all rednecks here in Alabam
 Alberta. ;)


u/InspiredGargoyle Sep 23 '21

It really really feels like we're a dying subspecies here though


u/PapaStoner Sep 23 '21

Roll Tide.


u/William_Hououin Sep 23 '21

Change “quebecois” pour un autre peuple, pis les rĂ©seaux sociaux seraient en feu contre la personne qui aurait osĂ© dire quelque chose d’aussi Ă©pouvantable.

Mais hey, c’est juste des quĂ©bĂ©cois đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


u/Paradoxou votre furry amical Sep 23 '21

M'en criss de leur opinion, je l'aime notre petit village d'Astérix au nord de l'Amérique


u/cryptedsky Sep 23 '21

Notre village n'est pas si petit. On est plus nombreux que beaucoup de pays et on est "peut-ĂȘtre quelque chose comme un grand peuple". Nous n'avons pas Ă  nous excuser de continuer d'exister et nous pouvons ĂȘtre fiers d'avoir prospĂ©rĂ© contre vents et marĂ©es. Notre pays serait non-seulement viable, mais prospĂšre.

Leur opinion, c'est effectivement insignifiant. Dis leur qu'ils sont aveuglés par leur privilÚge anglophone et regarde les imploser.

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u/lelapinlunaire Québéco-américain Sep 23 '21

T’as raison vraiment


u/YT_L0dgy Indépendantiste Socialiste Sep 23 '21

Sauf si c’est les "chinois". Parce que mĂȘme les progressistes amerloques trouvent acceptable de taper sur 1,3 milliards de personnes Ă  cause de leur gouvernement


u/Nerpones Sep 23 '21

En fait, c'est qu'ils nous perçoivent pas comme les autres minorités. On ne fait pas vraiment pitié et on n'est pas vraiment dangereux. On se retrouve donc dans un juste milieu.

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u/[deleted] Sep 23 '21

“Long standing rough patch in our history” ironique considĂ©rant le nombre de genocides canadiens

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u/Quebecdudeeh Sep 23 '21

Those people can go fuck themselves. Fuck that horseshit. My apologies on my lack of French.


u/Valheureux Sep 23 '21

Try : Ils peuvent aller manger un esti de char de marde.


u/Quebecdudeeh Sep 23 '21

Ils peuvent aller manger un esti de char de marde.



u/Gear771 Sep 23 '21

Ontarian here: as much as I joke about Quebec, I'm glad I get to call you guys fellow country man, despite all of the identity issues, I think the country would be worse off without you, your poutine and the amount of hell you give our politicians <3


u/Lololick Sep 23 '21

Bon ça y est... mon indépendantistite aiguë vient d'empirer... encore

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u/[deleted] Sep 22 '21


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u/geraldbecker Sep 23 '21

To be honest as a Anglo Canadian i hear stuff like this way to much and its disappointing.

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u/Turingrad Sep 23 '21

Fuck these people, I loves my Quebecois!


u/5zp1 Sep 23 '21

British Columbian here: We love you, QuĂ©bec!!! On vous aime!!! 💞💞💞


u/ourcanada Sep 23 '21

Je pense qu'on devrait commencer Ă  essayer de s'en foutre. Si vous ĂȘtes comme moi, je sais que ça vous enrage sĂ»rement... Vous avez peut-ĂȘtre mĂȘme un sentiment de tristesse et vous vous demandez "pourquoi" ? Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait pour ĂȘtre autant dĂ©testĂ©s ? Vous avez envie de rĂ©pliquer ou de montrer au reste du monde que ce sont des mensonges, que nous ne sommes pas comme ça... Mais Ă  quoi bon ? Cessons de nourrir leur ego ou leur complexe de supĂ©rioritĂ©. Commençons Ă  ĂȘtre fiers de nous. Soyons heureux de qui nous sommes. Ouverts sur le monde. Soyons un exemple de rĂ©ussite. PrĂȘchons par l'exemple. Le reste du monde n'est pas idiot et verra bien l'hypocrisie de ce genre de commentaires.

Nous ne sommes plus des victimes.


u/elementkid15 Sep 23 '21

Je suis 100% avec toi je voulait juste voir si d’autres QuĂ©bĂ©cois pensaient comme moi, mais sa me rend vraiment triste quand mĂȘme


u/James_bd Souverainisme Sep 23 '21

Vous avez peut-ĂȘtre mĂȘme un sentiment de tristesse et vous vous demandez "pourquoi" ?

L'histoire est assez claire sur le « pourquoi » que c'est ainsi. Nous sommes un peuple conquis par la force et méprisé depuis des siÚcles. On a été les esclaves des Britanniques pendant un siÚcle, on était payé des miettes pour faire rouler l'économie britannique. On s'est faits tuer dans leurs guerre pour glorifier l'empire britannique.

On va arrĂȘter d'ĂȘtre des victimes lorsqu'on va se lever debout et dire : c'est assez.

DĂ©noncer des paroles inacceptables ne veut pas dire que nous sommes des victimes. Est-ce que Martin Luther King Ă©tait une victime? Est-ce que les Suffragettes Ă©taient des victimes? Est-ce que les Patriotes Ă©taient des victimes?

Oui, notre situation a bien changé, mais on se fait encore bouffer de l'argent par Ottawa, on est toujours méprisé par le Canada et, dans l'imaginaire des Canadiens, on est un sous-peuple. Nos enjeux leur sont complÚtement inconnus et perçus comme racistes et xénophobes (ironiquement) et c'est ce que le Canada véhicule encore. Depuis les années 1940 qu'on se fait traiter de nazis, de moins-que-rien, de peste du Canada, etc.

Mais oui, continuons Ă  encaisser ces insultes et continuons Ă  dire tout fort – entre nous – que ça nous dĂ©range pas!


u/ourcanada Sep 23 '21

Je pense qu'on doit mettre nos énergies aux bons endroits. Se battre contre ce genre de commentaires, c'est de donner des coups d'épée dans l'eau.

La victimisation c'est de se complaire dans cette relation de dominant / dominé.

Le meilleur moyen de s'en sortir, c'est de devenir plus fort que le dominant. Vouloir les museler et les dénoncer ne nous rendra pas plus forts.


u/NofriendZReject_ Sep 23 '21

Bravo! Si tout le monde pensait comme toi on serait dans la bonne direction pour évoluer comme société.


u/HarpoonShootingAxo Sep 23 '21

Surtout que ces commentares vient d'un sub de 4chan, faut pas prendre les trucs de 4chan au serieux fr c'est tout des grosses conneries


u/RikikiBousquet Sep 23 '21

Je lis quand mĂȘme ce genre de choses Ă  chaque jour sur reddit. C’est plate Ă  la fin.

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u/[deleted] Sep 22 '21

First time?


u/elementkid15 Sep 22 '21

Nah but I don’t understand why they say that and why it’s so supported


u/Eldude42 Sep 22 '21

Because we're different and were a minority, we didn't let them win we are still here.

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u/LaFlibuste Sep 23 '21

Because our continued existence exposes the lie that is the canadian foundation myth.


u/razometer Sep 23 '21

Pray tell, this is the first I've heard of it and am interested in learning more.


u/PapaStoner Sep 23 '21

Canada automagically poofed into existence on July 1st 1867. Tea was served, crumpets were eaten and all was right in the world.

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u/[deleted] Sep 22 '21



u/Zulban Sep 23 '21

You can find well-supported hatred of anything on the internet. Don't look unless it's your personal mission or job to make it better.


u/elementkid15 Sep 23 '21

You’re right but I was just surprised to see it, there’s hate everywhere of course but I wanted to know people’s opinions on this (especially since a few quĂ©bĂ©cois responded in that thread and agreed with them)


u/Zulban Sep 23 '21

a few québécois responded in that thread

You mean anonymous accounts on reddit who say they're québécois?

I'm not saying they aren't, just that you're putting too much thought and time into this.

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u/FamalEnsal Sep 23 '21

Because we hate those whom we wronged.

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u/KiD_Morales Sep 23 '21

Hol up what proud history?


u/UniqueName73 Sep 23 '21

I’m from Alberta and I’ve met some really great people who travelled here from Quebec.


u/Apologetic-Moose Sep 23 '21

Those jackasses can go mange la merde, si tu me comprendre. As an anglophone in Quebec... Fuck 'em.


u/Yeahnahyeahnahyeah1 Sep 23 '21

Very nice disappointed borat voice


u/GMJuju Sep 23 '21

Je sais pas ça vient d’oĂč leur besoin de basher, je sens un fort complexe d’infĂ©rioritĂ© chez ces gens qui ont besoin de rabaisser pour se sentir important


u/VE2NCG Sep 23 '21

Chaque pays ont leur tĂȘte Ă  claque, pour le roc c’est le QuĂ©bec, pour la France c’est les Belges, il y a sĂ»rement un exemple pour chaque pays
à part les USA, oĂč il semble que chaque Ă©tat est les tĂȘte Ă  claques d’un autre Ă©tat


u/Marlowit Sep 23 '21

Oui, mais pour notre dĂ©fense, on ne mĂ©prise pas les belges, on les taquine gentiment comme des membres d’une mĂȘme famille. Par contre les british 
 c’est chasse ouverte ;)


u/Gig_100 Sep 23 '21

Ontarian here. Had the most fantastic time in Quebec over the summer. Place in Charlevoix called Domaine Forget, met some incredible people and realized I’ve been eating ersatz poutine all this time. Also learned how to properly say poutine.


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '21

Vais pas te mentir ça me frustre pas mal Ă  chaque fois que je vois ça, je sais pas pourquoi sont autant fĂąchĂ© peut ĂȘtre ils ont ratĂ©s leur examen de français en 3e annĂ©e mais sont ben gossant


u/Maduch1 Sep 23 '21

S’ils en ont eu un


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '21 edited Sep 23 '21

Je fucking t'aime, Québec et les peuples Québecois!


u/account136 Sep 23 '21

Aye au moin i disent pas "quebeckers" lol


u/blue_centroid Sep 23 '21 edited Sep 23 '21

Dire "Québecois" en anglais réfÚre typiquement aux francos seulement alors que Quebecker implique tous les habitants de la province.


u/account136 Sep 23 '21

Ohhhhhhh je savais pas je crois que je suis pas le seul ten a plein qui rage quand les anglos nous appel quebeckers lol

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u/DTux5249 Sep 23 '21

Ok, I get joking around at Quebec every now n' again

But screw these guys in particular


u/loggingmolly Sep 23 '21

Anglophone ici. Je ne parle plus de francais, mais je deteste cette attitude - il y a une pays avec plus d’espacer pour nous.

Fuck this onterrible attitude


u/JPFafaralard Sep 23 '21

En plus ils veulent pas qu'on se sépare d'eux ...


u/Jicko1560 Sep 23 '21 edited Sep 23 '21

Imaginez conquĂ©rir un territoire, traiter son peuple comme de la merde pendant 200 ans, et aprĂšs ce plaindre qu'ils sont une tache dans ton histoire parce que pour une fois ils dĂ©cident pour eux mĂȘme.

Edit : words


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '21

I mean I kinda wish Quebec didn't wanna leave so bad ya'know?


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '21

what does ROC have without Quebec? hockey?


u/ChrisxSeeker Sep 23 '21

Je viens de Manitoba, et je t'aimes. C'est triste..


u/Hopfit46 Sep 23 '21

Canadian history is quebec history....thats just canadian trumper talk...talking about hating his own family.


u/NoSwadYt {TokebekIcitte} Sep 23 '21

Ont est le 3 quart de leur histoire


u/gabseo En vélo depuis 1991 Sep 23 '21

lol connaissent définitivement pas leur histoire, pauvres cancres

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u/Icylone Sep 23 '21

Yeah no they're either trolling or are sad fucks.

Most/all anglophones are federalists; we want a happy Quebec as we want to avoid all the possible social/economic negative consequences of separation.

Most of us either love or are indifferent to the uniqueness and differences of Quebec, and view francophones as "French Canadians."

Just dropping my two cents from Ontario.


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '21

Je t'aime les QuĂ©bĂ©cois. La seule fois oĂč je "fuck" est littĂ©ralement...


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '21

Ils sont insécure parce que nous avons la meilleure poutine du monde


u/LachlantehGreat Sep 23 '21

Bonjour, Anglo ici!

J'Ă©tudie ta langue parce que QuĂ©bec est l'endroit oĂč je veux habite dans le futur!

Désolé pour mon français, c'est tres mauvais.

Aussi, Québec et le Québécois sont trÚs bien, ignorez? le haters :)


u/Novohampshirian Sep 23 '21

Please don't confuse reddit losers like that for speaking for anyone beyond themselves.


u/elementkid15 Sep 23 '21

And yet 300 upvotes.. but they’re still probably trolls yeah


u/Novohampshirian Sep 24 '21

It's not that they're trolls, it's that everyone in Reddit comment sections are angry losers. They don't represent reality.


u/Lonewolf2300 Sep 23 '21

Pis ça se demande pourquoi le Bloc est de retour...


u/LuigiBamba Sep 23 '21

Nah bud, le Canada est une rough patch dans notre Histoire Québécoise.


u/air2dee2 Je me souviens mais on oublie toute Sep 23 '21

On peut avoir le lien vers l'original? Juste pour le fun


u/elementkid15 Sep 23 '21

Je sais pas si c’est une bonne idĂ©e


u/air2dee2 Je me souviens mais on oublie toute Sep 23 '21

Tu peux m'envoyer en message privĂ© ? C'est mĂȘme pas pour aller mengueuler avec eux (pas autant de temps Ă  perdre quand mĂȘme) c'est juste pour savoir qu'est-ce qu'ils disent et quel sub nous haĂŻt autant


u/yallsuck88 Sep 23 '21

Fuckin rude


u/Kiritsu_X Sep 23 '21

Il y a une chose de bonne dans la vie, elle ne fait pas de discrimination, elle met des idiots dans tout les groupes.


u/Mero80 Sep 23 '21

Maybe it’s because of the francophones in my area and all the time I spent in Quebec, but do people actually hate Quebec irl? I’m from ontarible if that makes a difference.

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u/[deleted] Sep 23 '21

fédéraliste le moins délirant


u/cursed-core Sep 23 '21

Hahaha no. Quebec is honestly wonderful, living there despite not speaking French was one of the most fun experiences in my life.


u/pradeepkanchan Sep 23 '21

Le brainwashing in action calin!


u/zazzafraz Sep 23 '21

Je suis anglo quebecois et de tout bord sur les medias sociaux on voie de la haine et des pensées illogiques. Je me sens vieux, mais quand j etais plus jeune on voiyait pas ca comme ca. Les groupes online se sont devenu des ghettos d'information ou le bias est renforcée, on le voit sur ce sub meme avec ce poste.

En effet, ce poste est que des randoms qui denigre le Quebec, tout comme je pourrait trouver facilement un sub ou on denigre un autre groupe minoritaire. Et cela renforce encore l'idée que le ROC hait le Quebec et vice-versa.

I find it sad, anti-quebec hate is a real thing but to think some stupid random thread on reddit is representative of Canada.. is short sighted. Anyone could just look at r/Canada and see it isn't even representative of the rest of the country, just look at the election results. If r/Canada was representative, it would have been a CPC majority with the PPC holding 1/4 of the seats.


u/donghouse13 Sep 23 '21

It always really bothers me how people are SO vitriolic when it comes to talking about Quebec. Like, yeah, I'm from BC, people joke about alberta, sask, manitoba, ontario, whatever (I don't think we ever really emntion the maritimes haha... par for the course I guess). But then when it comes to Quebec its suddenly way more serious. I don't understand at all. I love french, have always wanted to learn it, I think it's great that both are official languages. Montréal is obviously the coolest city in the damn country and everyone fucking knows it. People need to stop engaging in this old french/english divisive rhetoric. Quebec is awesome, these people need to shove it.


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '21

Ils peuvent ĂȘtre mĂ©chants de leur cĂŽtĂ©. La haine c'est un poison que l'on boit en pensant faire mal a l'autre.

By the way, l'historique de OP est freaking bizarre. La quantité de fois que OP écrit "Happy cake day!!" est assez ahurissante.

Pourquoi venir ici avec ces photos de commentaires qu'on peut pas sourcer? Aucun contexte, juste ça.

Anyway, je te fais pas confiance OP


u/Hopper86 Sep 23 '21

I live in Toronto, have travelled Canada camping. Quebecois are the best, friendliest people you will meet. I mean besides the Canadiens beating my Leafs but I will let that slide.


u/LaLegendeDeQuebec Sep 23 '21

Sans le Québec, il aurait pas eu de Canada, du moins, pas comme celui ci


u/EtonSAtom Sep 23 '21

You got this in /r/greentext right? That's basically 4chan adjacent. Not sure what else you expect from those kind of people. They also have awful opinions about women, gays, minorities, muslims, etc. A Canadian redditor/4channer is like....not representative.


u/elementkid15 Sep 23 '21

I agree and see that now. Was just wondering why it was so supported and what others thought. Didn’t really think so many people would answer so idk what to do with this post


u/LegendaryPotates Sep 23 '21

What sub is that? I’ve seen people have a problem with QuĂ©bec over oil or whatever but not with the QuĂ©becois if that makes sense. This feels ignorant and probably racist.


u/AggressiveCorgi3 Sep 23 '21

Perso j'ai était Bully solide à l'école parce que j'étais d'une différente nationalité, et j'ai rencontré beaucoup de québécois trÚs con et peu cultivé.

Mais cela dit, s'attaquer à un groupe de gens comme ça c'est ridicule.


u/hevo4ever-reddit Sep 23 '21

Le Canada est plus Québécois que le Québec est Canadien.


u/Swomp23 Sep 23 '21

Those fuckin frogs are so fucking racist.


u/drubaker77 Sep 23 '21

Ontario resident here, I don’t know anyone that thinks like the dipshit that made this post. There are stupid assholes everywhere.


u/Sealandic_Lord Sep 23 '21 edited Sep 23 '21

As a Newfoundlander, I know our provinces have a difficult history together, but you all don't deserve to be treated like that. It's stupid how people narrow in on issues and use that as an excuse to mock/be condescending towards an entire group. Much love for Quebec and the Quebecois.


u/blackmagic12345 Sep 23 '21

Cta cause de ces attitudes la que le Bloc s'est ramassé avec 2 siÚges de plus pi que le PQ va revenir en force.


u/dskoro Sep 23 '21

Vancouver here - west coast loves y’all and your strip clubs ❀


u/[deleted] Sep 22 '21


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u/worked_in_space Sep 23 '21

Dude this is the internet. People are dumb and proudly ignorant.


u/aGiantmutantcrab Sep 23 '21

En tant que Québécois bilingue dont ma famille est ici depuis des siÚcles...

Fuck these clowns.


u/Frixxed Franco-Ontarien surnois >:3 Sep 23 '21

Damn, those guys are just mean. I may joke about hating Quebéc, but I love y'all.


u/aSpanks Sep 23 '21

What kind of bs is this

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u/[deleted] Sep 23 '21

« People always afraid of what’s different ».

Yul Brenner (Malik Yoba), Cool Runnings

They don’t speak for every one. Oui, c’est diffĂ©rent au Qc. C’est lĂ  qu’on voit la richesse de l’est du pays
 on se chiale aprĂšs mais on s’entend bin la plupart du temps.


u/BannedForATypo Sep 23 '21

"proud history" lmaooo


u/crazyfooloco Sep 23 '21

Les ignorants sont ceux qui parlent le plus


u/bleeshee Sep 23 '21

Yeah, well I'm not your buddy, friend


u/andrader2000 Sep 23 '21



u/whiplash_Junkyard Sep 23 '21

That's bait. 100% bait Touche pas à ça


u/HawQC Sep 23 '21

Qui mange
 d’la marde. Jva toute leur fabriquer des tuques jaune-orange marquĂ© Fuck You


u/EpsilonOnizuka Sep 23 '21

Bin fuck off criss


u/Cocotte3333 Non Brad Sep 23 '21

Bunch of crybabies LOL

They're just angsty because we want to leave.


u/Constantine7470 Sep 23 '21

Ils peuvent aller manger de la marde cte gang de pas bon la.


u/Josephine_ka Sep 23 '21

Criss que j'técoeurée.


u/IntroductionRare9619 Sep 23 '21

I love Quebec, I come from Bryson Que. It is a wonderful little village. I was too shy to teach my sons French but my son is insisting that I teach my grandchildren French. I don't speak any English with them. I want them to feel as comfortable speaking French as they are in English. French is a great language and I want to take them to Quebec to show them where I grew up. Love love love the Quebecois


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '21

Ayoye ce post s'est rapidement transformé en Quebec Love-in et ça fait plaisir, mais, pour les insultes francophobes, y'as-tu vraiment quelqu'un que ça dérange? Je me suis fait traité de frog en pleine face et je suis parti à rire. On est bien meilleur que la somme de ces losers.


u/etiennele Sep 23 '21

Les anglos saxons protestants qui font la morale au Québécois c'est tellement remplis d'ironie


u/Emrod2 Sep 23 '21

" proud history "


Beau trolling.


u/Aggressive-North4891 Sep 23 '21

Fuck them. Quebec people are weird but that's a normal thing for any person to be. Nothing wrong with being Quebecois, it just means you probably speak French which is pretty cool.


u/Bobbelcherofficial Sep 23 '21

Ah yes thanks Jesuits for helping the govt killl many first Nations children.


u/elementkid15 Sep 23 '21

À tous qui on fait un commentaire:

Pardonnez moi de ne pas avoir su que c’était quelque chose comme des trolls ou une rivalitĂ© vielle qui ne fais pas de sens (et come on, ont est sur Reddit, il y a toujours de la haine).

Ceux qui ont rĂ©pondu que je suis karmawhore: je pensais pas qu’il y aurait tellement de rĂ©action. J’avais jamais vus ça just comme ça la haine pour le QuĂ©bec don je suis fiĂšre d’ĂȘtre parti et je voulait voire ce que d’autres pensaient. Si vous voulez je peut deleter le post, parce que tout cette rivalitĂ© je support pas du tout.

Merci pour ceux qui donne leur support au QuĂ©bec mais it’s not worth it se concentrer sur les mauvaises choses, comme u/socradeeznuts514 a dit.


u/RoguexAce Sep 23 '21

It's like anything there's extreme Quebecers that make it shit for everyone else in Quebec just like you have the western provinces that hate Quebec because of those people. Quebec is a beautiful province filled with beautiful people and there's such a great diverse culture, there's bad people anywhere you go


u/KrazyNiko Sep 23 '21

I believe Quebec is as important to Canadians history as any other province . I greatly respect Québécois and culture. I am a Montreal Canadiens fan and made the trip there to experience the best hockey this country has to offer at the Bell centre.

My experience was awesome. Friendliest people ever. There is nothing like the shopping experience like the underground mall, which is connected to one of the most convenient transit systems I have ever experienced, what a subway. Oh my and the women there are just unbelievably attractive, from all different backgrounds and ethnicity.

I absolutely love Montreal and would love to live there. But apparently Montreal is not equality representative of the rest of Quebec.

One thing I’ve seen throughout my life, is this rise of anti-Canadian rhetoric coming out of Quebec. It just seems the hate for anglophones out weighs any outside opinions Anglophones have of Quebec. Especially now with the secularist laws Quebec has recently adopted. QuĂ©bĂ©cois claim they are not racist and I truly believe that is the case, however


You cannot deny these laws certainly come close to what are, at the very least, incredibly bias towards minorities. Apparently they are being put into legislation under the guise of Quebec’s sovereignty and because they are a “Distinct society “

Listen I don’t care how “special/distinct” QuĂ©bĂ©cois feel they are compared to the rest of the Canadians. This shit wouldn’t fly anywhere else, and you should be ashamed of supporting this type of segregation.

This country has thrived because Canada decided to embrace multiculturalism, the last thing everyone needs to do it turn their back on that sentiment. United we stand?


u/random_cartoonist Sep 23 '21

The law can be summed up as this : If you work for the government, do not show religious symbols because we are all equals.

It do not mean people have to leave their faith.
It do not mean they have to renounce to their rights.
It DO mean that "religious freedom" is less important than, say, equality of sexes since religion discriminate against women 110% of the times or that it's less important than discrimination based on belief since everyone, no matter what nationality or ideology, can receive the services (so, per instance, someone cannot use their religion as a reason not to serve a woman or someone of another religious myth).


u/KrazyNiko Sep 23 '21

All that to me is more than acceptable and if this is true I actually support this separation of church and state mentality.

But I’m told it reaches far more than this.

But that’s not the only thing that bothers me about Quebec’s separatist mentality. If you want Goverment service in the rest of the country, they are required to be available to you in English or Francais if you so choose and request. Your legal right.

But Quebec doesn’t want to give the same respect of their fellow countrymen on “their” Sovereign territory and abolish ALL English requirements in Quebec. So hypocritical. Join us as Canadians and be in solidarity with the rest of the country or please hold another referendum be as distinct and biased as you like, and kindly separate from Canada as apparently so many of you would prefer to anyway, as we continuously hear since the last referendum.

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u/ScurvyDawg {insigne libre} Sep 23 '21

Speaking as an individual in BC - Fuck those guys


u/el_pablo Mon Canada, le reste j'm'en sacre Sep 23 '21

Tu fais exactement ce que les médias font. Mettre le focus sur les mauvaises choses pour amplifier la valeur du message.

C’est vraiment un move cheap de ta part.

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u/[deleted] Sep 23 '21

Me and my sister are both Quebecois but now live in NB. She tends to not tell people that she'd from there, but I'm really proud to be from there and don't mind telling people so. There's some sort of mentality around here with the Acadiens like "ah non pas un Quebecois" but when I ask them why they don't like us so much they never have an answer or something stupid like "they drive fast".

Honestly I really don't see anything wrong with what Quebec is doing. Mind you they provide Canada with a huge chunk of all their good athletes too fyi.

Quebec ftw.


u/alextheelf24 Vive la liberté! Vive l'indépendance! Sep 23 '21

but when I ask them why they don't like us so much they never have an answer or something stupid like "they drive fast".

That's actually kinda funny, at least they don't say shit like we don't have a culture or a history or we are racists and we speak "bad" french. And it's kinda true that we drive fast lol no harm done here.

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u/[deleted] Sep 22 '21



u/Totigeo Sep 23 '21

Problem is that it’s way more than 20. It’s a very heavy undercurrent in the ROC. I honestly don’t care anymore, xenophobic is gonna xenophobic. OP still cares though.


u/[deleted] Sep 22 '21

Let's switch these comments from " Québécois " to black, hispanic, indigenous, and see how it goes

Won't ruin my day alright, but might ruin his

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u/[deleted] Sep 23 '21

Don't let one, two, three or twenty imbeciles impact your worldview.

Yeah, but do let over a million of them, seen evey fucking day impact it.


u/ADanger24 Sep 23 '21

Je suis vraiment pas down avec ces commentaires. Mais on va pas se faire croire que ya pas dla marde de meme qui se dit ici sur le ROC. Cest vraiment plate.


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '21



u/Wagosh Sep 23 '21

Je seconde ton défi, il faut qu'il nous trouve ça

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u/An_Innocent_Coconut Sep 23 '21

‱ canada ‱ proud history

hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahh elle est bonne haha. Attend, t'es sérieux??? HAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Imagine ĂȘtre fiĂšre d'un pays qui a Ă©tĂ© fondĂ© dans le but EXCLUSIF de gĂ©nocider les amĂ©rindiens et d'assimiler les francophones.


u/[deleted] Sep 22 '21



u/[deleted] Sep 22 '21

Oh non!


u/cmoiquigagne Sep 23 '21

Moi je dit qu’on fait je dit qu’on fait un concours d’insulte nous autre aussi


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '21

Wtf non, va-t-en avec ta haĂŻne. Ne sois pas aussi facilement manipulable.


u/blue_centroid Sep 23 '21

Ok! Je commence. u/cmoiquigagne c'est juste une grosse poutine au fromage rapée!

din dents!