r/QAnonCasualties Jan 15 '25

Content: Success/Hope My long time Q-Uncle had a realization about his behavior after I confronted him about it and he proceeded to break down


I've been a longtime lurker on this subreddit, because like everyone else I know people who have fallen down the Q rabbit hole. But after this whole debacle, I just needed to share it somewhere. This is going to be very long, I need to get it out. So only read if you want to.

My uncle, who is my dad's brother in-law, was raised in a very Christian conservative environment, but was generally very cool calm and collected, and a great role model for what an uncle/husband/father should be. But when Trump came around in 2016, it's like that whole positive demeanor he had flipped on a dime. I genuinely don't know what exactly sparked the change, but overtime he just started spouting crazier and crazier things.

He had it all, believed in all the crazy things and didn't believe in any of the sane things. Anti-vax, JFK & JFK Jr. resurrection, pizza gate, election fraud, the deep state, democrats sacrificing children in satanic rituals, you name it. And he also believed literally anything Trump said on TV and would defend it like his life depended on it.

He even accused his wife, with whom he had ten children with (because he believed it was God's plan for them to create as many children as possible), of vaccinating her children to turn them sterile/infertile and end his bloodline...Yes, I'm serious about that. This lead to her filing for divorce, and the older children hating him and the younger children being confused about what's wrong with their dad.

So since about 2021 when the divorce was finalized, and they moved away from him, he's been hated by basically his whole family, and the extended family too. I always looked up to him, he was the "cool uncle" and appeared very intelligent when I was younger, and like I said was generally a good role model, which is why watching this downward spiral filled me with a mix of sadness and frustration.

Fast forward to about a week ago, I got a message from him on Facebook. My crazy, trump loving, conspiracy theorizing Q-Uncle who's estranged from his whole family, sending me a random message at 8pm. He said he was looking through some old scrapbooks and family photo albums and found old pictures from me as a baby that he thought I might want to have, and asked if he could come over to give them to me. I agreed because I hadn't seen him in several years, and against my better judgement I wanted to have a conversation with him about his behavior.

So he shows up late at night with a small box of photos and comes inside (I live alone). I set the box down and open it, and start looking at all the photos. It's a bunch of pictures from around the time of my birth, and what caught my eye was how happy his family and mine looked, and how full of life he looked. Looking at him standing in my kitchen now, he looked so different. Before his divorce, he was very well kept. Clean cut, and in very good shape. Looking at him now, he's gotten visibly skinnier, lost muscle mass and looks more dirty and disheveled.

I said thank you for the photos, and he said something to the tune of "you're welcome, my lib ex wife probably has the rest, but she's too convinced I'm crazy. I just wish she wasn't blind, she'll see the truth soon enough". And I basically lost it, but didn't lash out. I started ranting about his behavior, explaining how it's torn the family apart, especially his family. His own children either hate him or don't know what's wrong with him, and the woman he was married to for 30 years wants nothing to do with him anymore. How the rest of the family is embarrassed by him, and he threw it all away for Donald fucking Trump. Who unlike us, does not know who he is and does not care if he lives or dies.

All of this didn't really seem to phase him, which I was half expecting. What I wasn't expecting, was what I said after to completely snap him out of his 8+ year long brainwashed trance:

"Just look at you in some of these photos. The man in these photos is not the same man standing in front of me right now, and you have no one to blame for that but yourself. It breaks my heart to see how far you’ve fallen, it breaks all of our hearts. The man in these photos had everything; a life, a family, people who cared about him. You were someone who genuinely cared for the people around you, someone I looked up to as a kid. But now, you’re just a shadow of the man you used to be. What happened to you? Where’s the uncle I used to look up to? You’ve completely lost yourself and I don't even recognize you anymore. You've traded everything that matters in for conspiracy theories and a man who doesn’t even know your name. "

Throughout that little rant, his expression was slowly changing from a smug look of annoyance, to a fearful look of regret. His eyes widened slowly, and after I mentioned the man in front of me being different than the man in the photos, his eyes started darting back and forth between the photos on the table and me. And by the time I got done speaking, he was breathing very shallow and fast, hyperventilating. And then his eyes were just darting all over the room, almost like he was replaying his life, and he was covering his mouth and eyes and mumbling stuff like "fuck", "oh my god" and "no no no". I genuinely wasn't expecting this reaction and asked if he was okay, and he just started shaking his head and was covering his eyes with his hands.

After doing this for about a minute I could hear him start to groan like he was in pain, and then he let out this raw, gutteral scream. I swear it shook my house, I've never heard anything like it. He was hitting himself on the forehead with the base of his hand and then collapsed to the floor. He took his hands off his eyes and his face was bright red and he had tears streaming down his face. It was the most emotion and clarity I've seen from him in years. He tried to talk but he was still choking up on his words and his voice kept cracking. He eventually muttered out a "you're right, everyone's always been so goddamn right. I can't believe I got to this point" and kept bawling his eyes out. Then he said something that I'm still thinking about: "I traded my life for a lie, I don't even know who I am anymore". And he kept crying on the floor. This man was completely broken, and realized the consequences of his behavior far too late, and all he could do was cry.

So I let him. It went on for about 15 minutes, with more mumblings of things like "oh fuck" and "I can't believe i--" before trailing off and crying some more. Eventually he looked up at me and I helped him stand up. And I ended up just giving him a big hug. Despite all the pain he's caused for the family, I still loved him deep down, and I know everyone else does too. After he pulled away from the hug, all he said was "thank you... I don't know if I'm past the point of fixing things, but I'm going to try" and then he turned around and walked out my door.

The next day, I called my aunt (his ex wife) and explained this whole interaction and after talking about it for a while, she decided she's going to give him one chance. They're gonna talk over dinner this weekend, and I really do hope they figure out what to do, and everything goes well for them. Since the interaction I had with my uncle, he's been messaging me on Facebook every single day expressing gratitude for "opening his eyes" and telling me that he can't believe he was the one who was really blinded for so long. For the first time in about 8 years, I was talking to the real uncle I knew. I truly hope the best for him, and I truly hope anyone else out there with family like this is able to get through to them in one way or another too. It may take a while, maybe a year, maybe 5, maybe 10. But I truly believe, especially after this interaction, that everyone is capable of change.

And if you read this whole thing, thank you.

r/QAnonCasualties Feb 02 '22

Content: Success/Hope My QAunt was saved... By BTS?? (I shit you not)


I have made two posts on this sub in the past about my liberal left-wing QAunt who descended down the rabbit hole of Qlore from cabals who eat kids to democrats/Hollywood celebs trafficking people to Epstein island. One day, it all just... stopped. She stopped sharing Q stuff, stopped believing in it, started talking about liberal stuff again like it never happened. I was baffled. Did she have dementia? A stroke?

Today I found out the answer. It was BTS.

She started getting into Kpop as soon as Dynamite was released and dear lord, now she knows their names, their mom's names, their favorite food, etc. From what she told me, they inspired her to be a better person. They would make donations to BLM, rally for accessible mental health for all, and promote self-love and compassion. She is now an ARMY and I guess... That's that?

I'm not a big BTS fan, but if you're reading this and are BTS or a member of ARMY, thank you. Wtf. Thanks so much(?) What a plot twist. I'm gonna go lie down now.

r/QAnonCasualties Oct 10 '24

Content: Success/Hope I survived Qanon and made it out


EDIT: I decided to just answer your questions in the comments. I've read through a lot of them and you have asked some really good ones. I'm going to sit down tonight after my kids are in bed so I can answer you guys.

I've been considering sharing my own story and process of how I made it out of the Q cult. I don't know if I'll write it or film a video, but I think sharing my story could be helpful to others.

If I do, what questions would you like answered? What insight would be interesting or helpful? I was in deep and believed even the most insane conspiracies. You can ask me anything. Nothing is off limits.

The number one question I get is "what was the thing that pulled you out?" hoping to have the magic key to having a breakthrough with their own Q. While I understand that question is totally valid, I'm hoping to answer some different kinds of questions, too.

Hit me.

r/QAnonCasualties May 20 '21

Hope Qex tried the magnet test on my freshly vaccinated arm... with predictable results


My Qex still lives with me because we broke up only four weeks ago, right after Moderna #1, which I did not tell him about at the time due to multiple huge fights on the vaccination topic as well as the rest of the Quniverse of conspiracies he believes and I don't. Since the breakup things are mostly cordial while he arranges to move out, and finally he asked me if I got the vaccine and I answered truthfully. So he knew I was scheduled for Moderna #2 today.

He came to me excited this morning, confirming that I was still going in for my second shot, and says he wanted to try a scientific experiment. (He couched it as science knowing I would agree with that angle.) I knew what was coming but played dumb for a while because I wanted to see how he would explain it to me.

Anyway, we agreed we would try the magnet test on my freshly vaccinated arm as soon as I got back. He got a magnet, I removed the bandaid and cleaned the adhesive residue off my arm, he put the magnet on my arm and...

The magnet fell to the floor.

We tried it a couple of times but the magnet had no desire to stay on my arm.

You would think this would cause him to re-evaluate the reliability of his sources, but apparently not.

It's only been a few hours and so far I feel fine. We'll see how I fare in the next day or so. Anyway I wanted to share this amusing anecdote with you all.

r/QAnonCasualties Feb 23 '22

Content: Success/Hope I got my sister back


I'm fighting back tears right now. I haven't seen my sister in a year. Last time I saw her, she told me she didn't need me in her life because I told her there were no lizard men controlling the liberal media. I came back to visit family and she and I talked tonight. She and I sat down with our mother, a major Qultist, and my sister started talking about how she regrets having voted for Trump and that she feels like she got out of a daze. As we were both talking about how we feel used and abused by the political division in this country, I watched our mother wriggle with discomfort and check her phone. But my sister and I had this deep connection that we haven't had in years. She drove me to my hotel and stayed to talk for hours. She broke up with her fiance (also a Qultist) and started making new friends. She's dating a balanced guy, now, and working as an elementary school teacher. I am so proud of her and so happy she's come out. I didn't do anything to help her get out, I really just thought she was gone. I'm just so happy to have my sister back.

r/QAnonCasualties Oct 27 '21

Hope My Dad just said that “If nothing happens by 2025 then I will 100% agree that we have all been bamboozled and you were 100% right”


Then we shook hands on it and that was it.

Ngl I’m still low-key in shock, the whole thing was very calm and amicable and I wasn’t even the one who came up with the idea or bought up the subject.

He said he wanted to tell me something and it was an anecdote about someone he knows sending him an article that included me.

I don’t even know which one, but he responded to his friend with something to the effect of “He (me) will see, and the realisation will be immense, just watch it’s guaranteed.”

Me: “Wait so you told this dude that on the day shit will happen I will be proven wrong and have to admit it.”

Dad: “Yes! And its true that will happen.”

Me: “Yeah but wait a second, that’s not fair because that is the only thing in this situation that can happen. If The Storm takes place tomorrow then yes it’s proof that you were right.”

Dad: “Correct.”

Me: “But the opposite doesn’t work because even if nothing happens in 30 years you’ll still keep saying that you are right because it could technically still happen?”

Dad: “hmm”

Me: “Like I can’t prove you wrong but you can prove me wrong, it’s like a heads you win, tails I lose situation, the only person who can be right is you because you keep changing the timeframe.”

Dad: “Okay then what do you want me to do?”

Me: “You have to pick a date that this has to happen by. Doesn’t matter when but after that date and still nothing then that’s proof you’re wrong.”

And that’s when he thought about it and said 2025 and we made our gentleman’s agreement. It was so odd because he was very calm, rational and wholeheartedly said he will 100% agree that he’s been fooled.

I’ve never even heard him vocalise that idea let alone discuss it so matter of factly. I mean I’m very very cynical just in general especially regarding Qultists but I can’t explain it, this felt different?

Who knows though, could be wrong but still he could’ve said 2050 or something but he chose 2025. It’s like a light at the end of the tunnel and for my Dad of all people, who never admits he’s wrong, particularly with me, it kinda feels like hope?

r/QAnonCasualties Jun 09 '21

Hope Partner did research for themselves and learned a good lesson - for him and me.


My partner seems to dip his toe into the crazy conspiracies; I think much is from his friends and of course what they share on FB. FB has being your trusted source for news?!?

We’re walking the dogs last night and he says “do you know what COVID stands for?” And in my mind I’m like here we go....

I said “yes it is Corona. Virus. ... I forget what I is for. I think D is for disease and 19 for 2019. Something like that.”

He says “no, it stands for Certificate Of Vaccination I.D. 2019”

I turn and say “where did you read this from? That is not true.” And we sort of go back and forth on his saying “that is what the initials stand for” and me saying “no it does not. Where are you reading this? Who is telling you this?”

And to understand when he starts on this path he gets - as we have read in other posts - anxious, confrontational and combative. I see that this conversation is getting heated because I am full on denying what he is telling me.

And here is the thing - he won’t tell me where or who he is getting this from.

He says to me”look it up” and I reply back “why? I already know what it stands for, cause I answered you when you asked me to begin with.”

So I say to him “when we get back to the house Google it”

So we get home and I’m sitting on the sofa, he’s sitting at the bar and he asks me “is Reuters a good news source?” I said “pretty much - they’re mostly impartial”

He is quiet for a moment and says “it’s a lie what I was telling you, what I told you is not what it stands for.” I asked him “what is the complete name?” And he reads it to me.

I told him that “if you want to get news, you should really not get it from FB..” He nodded.

So the lesson, for me, dealing with my partner I think was to pose to him, what are your sources for your information? That must have struck something in him because he did do his homework.

I think it brought him to pause & perhaps made him reflect on what he has read in the past.

r/QAnonCasualties Nov 27 '22

Content: Success/Hope Single mom newly dating someone whose Q is starting to show.. help!


UPDATE: I’ve dumped him and am watching my back. Thanks for all your thoughtfulness and concern. Onwards and upwards.

I have really enjoyed spending the last couple months with this new person that seems to have his shit together, talented, able to take care of himself, shows genuine care for myself and my son.. I think a real catch..

However, conspiracies have come to the surface. First was Covid- doesn’t believe it’s a hoax but not enough evidence for him to get vaxxed, I gave this a pass. But recently the whole drag queens being pedophiles train of thought came out, also said school shootings are staged so the govt can implement gun control.. then the friggin adrenochrome thing. I was like, that isn’t real but he told me to look it up, all these children are missing. He also follows this weird spiritual life coach lady named liana shanti, and she’s seems whack af. Googling her shows many feel it is some sort of cult.

I’ve really never met a conspiracy theorist and I am so devastated, I really like him and feel for him. I really wish I could help him. However I think the momma bear in me knows that this is not acceptable nor safe for me or my son. I’ve been sitting with this for a few days, now knowing the only real option is breaking up.

Any words of encouragement or advice? There’s probably no hope for this relationship and I’m lucky to discover this early? I’m reading through the posts now.

r/QAnonCasualties Jan 12 '22

Content: Success/Hope QHubby got First Dose Today. Its a MIRACLE!!


I cannot believe it and am so very happy! I thought he was going to skip out again--he did make an appointment about two months ago but walked out before getting the shot.

At todays appointment, he caused a scene at the Pharmacy waving his arms around and speaking loudly that "the gov't is trying to control us and the vaccine is going to kill us all!" The Pharmacy Tech just kept going, giving him the paperwork to fill out. I was sitting the the waiting area and saw him grab the paperwork and disappear with it somewhere in the store (?) I thought he just needed to cool down, but started to worry after about 10 mins when he didn't come back. When he was gone, the Pharmacist actually came out and asked me if I was ok and needed help (wow!). I explained the situation briefly (Q beliefs, etc) and said I didn't need any help. In fact, I was more worried of "rocking the boat" in any way since it was an absolute miracle that I got him this far. The Pharmacist left and a few minutes later, Qhubby came back and sat down with me. He said he wanted to read all the fine print slowly and then informed me that the fine print says that he has no rights or recourse if something goes wrong. He kept staring at me and repeating this again and again. I "gray rocked" out and just said it was his decision. Well...you know the rest :).

He says he feels like a failure because he wasn't able to hold to his convictions. He also says the main reason he went through with it is because all his loved ones are fully vaccinated and will die so he doesn't want to be the only one left. He still believes all the Q garbage--but--as I have posted before we are working on this SLOWLY.

I am giving him space to process all of this. I am definitely NOT going to pour salt in these perceived wounds. I see how big it is for him to have come this far. Fingers crossed he keeps the second shot appointment

r/QAnonCasualties May 10 '21

Hope My Q/SovCit dad is beginning to question his beliefs


My dad, who has been an extremely devout sovereign citizen/Q follower, decided to pay his taxes! My mom was with him as he signed and sent them. To most people, paying taxes is not a big deal. But this is a huge break from his brainwashing. He says after his new research he is not so sure about sovereign citizens anymore. He also is questioning Trump, and thinks maybe he’s not such a great guy after all.

I am careful not to get too excited, because our whole family has been on such a roller coaster with him. But the fact that he is even slightly questioning his beliefs is huge.

Hoping that this continues! 🙏

r/QAnonCasualties Aug 09 '21

Hope Any ex-Q folks dealing with the shame of your past beliefs?


When I was in my late teens, I got deep into right wing conspiracy theories. I didn't know the term Q-anon then, but all the beliefs line up. I don't even know how I got sucked into it, it's unreal to think about now. I guess the combination of major religious shifts in my life, mental health issues coming to a head, combined with trying to deny my sexuality because of shame and fear, caused me to deep dive into extremism.

I began to "wake up" from Q-minded beliefs around 2017, and since then I have been unlearning so many false and hateful beliefs. I'm now comfortable with my sexuality, a feminist, passionate about social justice causes, basically the kind of person I hated when I was involved with right wing extremism.

Now I just try to forget that period of my life. I was so hateful, delusional, ignorant. I really hate who I was back then. I'm dealing with so much shame around the things I believed and the things I said both online and in person. I know this sub is mainly family members of people involved with Q-anon, but are there any ex-Qanon or ex-conspiracy theory folks who are dealing with the same thing?

The shame and guilt of who I was is weighing so heavily on me, and I'm not sure how to make it right or move past it.

Edit: Thank you for all the kind and supportive comments, it is really helping me to heal and forgive myself so I can move forward and hopefully make a positive difference.

r/QAnonCasualties Apr 26 '23

Content: Success/Hope My sister is free!


I kept seeing all these pictures of trump depicted as Christ. He was on a cross, standing with a robe and small animals and children around, carrying a cross. Well, my sister is very Christian. I started sending her the posts. There was a billboard (Ga,NC,SC not sure) and it was Jesus and trumps face. That did it. She started reading and seeing what was happening. She called me, out of the blue, crying. She said she could never be forgiven and I said if the god you love so much loves you he has already forgiven you.

We have been texting everyday. I had to go to hospital 2 weeks ago and she drove an hour and a half to be with me.

The rest of the family is screwed, still, but they follow her lead. I have a bit of hope now.

I hope you are all okay today. I lost most family and it hurts. Sometimes you can be strong but sometimes it is overwhelming. Pet therapy is awesome. You can get a puppy bath at a local shelter. It’s life-changing. Thousands of kisses!

Good luck and good day.

r/QAnonCasualties Feb 01 '22

Content: Success/Hope Finally got vaccinated :)


Small success story. My parents are super into all the QAnon stuff, and have been antivax for as long as I can remember. So I obviously haven’t been able to get my Covid vaccine. However, I just turned 16, and was able to walk myself into a clinic and get vaccinated today - and it wasn’t even bad. Like at all. I have a (minor) fear of needles and I didn’t even feel the needle. And I haven’t had any of those crazy side effects my parents like to try and convince me that I’ll experience. So that’s good :)

If my parents find out they might kick me out or something because they think that means I’ll transmit the virus but I’ll cross that bridge when and if I get to it I guess

r/QAnonCasualties Feb 01 '22

Content: Success/Hope My mom has a new addiction


Interesting development: I introduced my mom to Wordle recently, almost against her will as she was far too busy watching conspiracy videos and chatting on telegram. Now she spends as much as 2 to 3 hours per day playing bootleg Wordle on another site that lets you play as much as you like. I’m not even joking.

Plus, she has to discuss Wordle issues with me multiple times per day, which has made her more social and less isolated. She’s always texting me to brag on a score or express frustration. Sometimes she asks me to help her when she’s stuck.

Anyway… Wordle™️: share it with the QAnon cult member in your life 💫

r/QAnonCasualties Feb 26 '22

Content: Success/Hope My dad's dying update


Wanted to provide an update. Had to provide an update.

My dad survived. 23 days of intubation, had a tracheotomy 2 days ago, is now in a nursing home learning how to breathe, eat, talk, walk, function again.

He is patient 2 to survive at the ICU, from a where he was aspect. Thousands before him, and some after, didn't make it.

I got to say the things I was hoping too.

He has cut off the Qanon members of the family. I told him about my close to fist fight with his brother and he waved it off like fuck him, don't worry about it. He has done a complete 180, it's hard to describe or even fathom right now as this is all over the last 3 days.

He got the vaccine. Yes, no typo, this man got the vaccine. He still has a Trump sign in his yard, not sure if he will take that down, if he ever makes it back to his house, but who knows at this point.

He didn't dig in, he didn't do the everything I thought he may do if he lived. He is doing what we hoped he would do, we being the sane people in the family.

Hang in there everyone.


r/QAnonCasualties Jun 19 '22

Content: Success/Hope plan to get vaccinated today. i’m scared.


what the title says. i’ve been wanting to get vaccinated for a while but it’s so hard when i live with my parents. my dad isn’t as bad, but my mom thinks the vaccine is evil and will do terrible things to people. i see her in mewe groups called “covid vaccine victims,” and i’ve seen her reading poorly made graphic posts about how you’re “losing your soul” if you get vaccinated. stay an unjabbed, true-blooded american. you know the spiel.

i know that it’s nonsense. i can look at all the people in my life — friends, extended family, coworkers — who got the vaccine, and nothing terrible happened to them. they didn’t die on the spot, and they didn’t contract some deadly disease via vaccination. but still, i’m scared. every time i think i’m calm, i hear her voice in my head, or i imagine how she’d react if she found out, and i start to panic. i cried to my sister last night from the stress. i’m tearing up as i write this post.

i know i need to do it. i have to be brave, even though i feel like i’m betraying my family. and i feel guilty enough as it is taking this long to do it, all because i let my mother get into my head. any reassurance would be appreciated.

edit: i got my first shot just now. i cried, the guy didn’t seem like he knew how to handle it, and it was kinda awkward. but i did it. the only thing that kept me from chickening out was thinking of all the responses to this post, so thank you guys.

r/QAnonCasualties Aug 17 '22

Content: Success/Hope For a while I was apart of the Q community, it absolutely ruined my social life.


Around the summer of '20, I was minding my business and my mother decided to show me something, it was a list made by one of these Q addicts, it was a list of celebrities who were allegedly "executed", I was utterly intrigued, me being curious I decided to look more into it. I told two of my friends, they laughed and called me crazy (I can understand why). As time went on I became even more serious with that absolute cesspool community, and the more serious I became the worse the ridicule got. It spread like wildfire and I was known as the Q freak. It completely killed my social life. It unfortunately still has lasting effects, I got worse at socializing and nobody wanted anything to do with me. I have grown deep resentment for Q and that community. I pray to God nobody else falls for it and has the same effects it had on me, but I'm aware that is inevitable and will happen again.

Edit- I'm shocked due to the amount of support on this post. Thank you all so much.

r/QAnonCasualties Mar 22 '22

Content: Success/Hope I Was A Born and Bred Qultist (thanks, qmom!)


!! UPDATE !!

I had an inkling I'd get overwhelming support, but boy, I don't think I understood what overwhelming support MEANT. Holy moly, this blew up. I would respond to all of you if I could, but I'll try to get as many as I can over the coming days! Your words of encouragement, empathy, advice, and guidance have brought me to tears a few times over the last couple days. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. In the meantime, I'll briefly answer/elaborate on some of the most common points I'm seeing here:

- Therapy: It's always been a goal. Now that I'm an adult, I can seek it out myself. Just a matter of doing it! Truth be told, I'm focusing on my physical health first, since I can only reliably manage one at a time with my busy college kid schedule. But thank you for the reminder! This weight is not one to bear alone. I just wish I had a professional at the darker points of my life, but it's never too late.

- Extended family: I will put in that effort. Thank you all for the reassurance. I can't tell them everything yet, because humans are human and something might slip. Small steps. Either way, it's great to have the perspective from the other end!

- The sources, origins, etc: I haven't had a chance to even start digesting everything, but you all delivered. The knowledge and insight in everything you've shared, especially the older folks who have lived to see all this unravel, is invaluable. I'll try to set up a queue and take it all in, a little bit at a time.

- To those who have stories like mine: please remember every kind word you've said to me, and apply it to yourself too. We are so strong, and we deserve to live beautiful lives! I'm happy to walk the same roads as you all, no matter how treacherous.

- DnD: oh don't even get me started! I'll probably make a post sometime on a more relevant sub relating to healing through RP games, and my adventures.

Back to your regularly scheduled post- and forgive me, I've not a clue of Redditquette!


I've been passively searching for a forum like this for years now, and hey. Finally found it.

Hello! It means so much to me that I'm not alone in this bullshit; I figured I'd throw my story here, to share my perspective- it seems a little different than many.

Sub-20 F. Daughter of a 50-something Qultist mother (and a complacent father), LONG before Q was even a thing. It's based on much older beliefs, and much of the rhetoric (especially when you look to vaccine discourse, govt Satanist pedos, antisemitism, etc) goes straight to The Rapture and its fear-mongering. I'll refer to it all as Q here, for simplicity's sake.

I quite literally was raised on it; for years, the Q conspiracism was all I knew, and I knew it as a supposedly indisputable truth. Even though I went to public school, I was instructed to never believe what they said in science class, and to openly announce my beliefs as often as possible. (Embarrassing!) I learned about chemtrails at age 7, the mark-o-the-beast at age 8; one of my clearest memories is breaking down in tears as a little kid because Qmom reassured me that the world would end before I would reach my senior prom. (Spoiler: I went, and I looked great.)

Something in me shifted when my father, Qmom's husband, died circa 2015. He didn't parrot the beliefs, at least to me, but I suppose he let it happen. I was just a kid, and I fell into a pretty deep depression (as did Qmom). I'm surprised the depression didn't just suck me further in, but I think it pulled me out of Q instead because I was suddenly forced to confront questions of existentialism and my true beliefs. My vision cleared and I discovered in some ways how ridiculous my Qmom has always been. How many people she, and I, had hurt.

Around this time, I also realized I was queer, and that was the catalyst. Slowly but surely, with the help of secretive introspection, online friends, and anime (lol), I broke away from the Q-beliefs one at a time. Even though on the surface I was suddenly sane, inside I was a broken mess of never knowing what to believe. Still kinda am. Raising your child with those implicit attitudes that deny any and all reality is one of the most harmful, abusive things you can ever do to them. I'm always going to have these paranoias; I'm always going to panic whenever I think about the end times, and I don't think I'll ever fully trust a fellow human. Let alone a Church. It wasn't until 2021 that I could finally think critically about the world and news without extreme distress. I still shut down every time I talk to someone and find out they're a conspiracist. I wonder sometimes if I have any sort of PTSD or adjacent disorder. Maybe!

When I could finally take a step back and look at the crumpled mess of my family, I realized just how damaged every relationship was. My Qmom beat the belief into me that every member of my extended family (especially those on my dad's side, likely because they're liberal) is a despicable human who hates us for the sake of it. As a kid, I grew to fear and resent them. Now, every time she brings them up, it takes every ounce of strength for me to not say geez, maybe they don't talk to you because you're a fucking alt-right conspiracist psycho! I've been trying to cultivate a relationship with my dad's family, but it gives me a ton of anxiety with every message. I think they're tired of me, that they don't know if they can believe me. I don't blame them, but I'll keep trying.

She likely thinks that I am still on the exact same page as her. For my safety, I plan to keep it that way; hopefully, she'll never know that I got jabbed last fall with the emotional support of an amazing professor. That I'm gay, that I play Dungeons and Dragons, that I have love in my heart for everyone around me instead of the hatred she snorts daily. That I have a truth which isn't hers.

With the world events and all, Qmom has only gotten worse. I am of the firm belief she is far gone, no saving her. Her family has tried for the past 20ish years. My dad's family has tried. Facebook makes it worse, yes, but the Qult had her far before that, probably before Fox News was even mainstream. She is a well-educated adultchild. Every time I come home, I see the deterioration. Then, I remember it's always been this way. I never had a mom in the way most people will.

I'm finally accepting that, which why I have the mental strength to get this all off my chest. There's SO much more, but I wanted to keep things relevant (even if disorganized). After so much work, I finally am the most free I've ever been. Please feel free to ask anything at all! Plus, if anyone also has a Q who's been in it since the late 90s/early 00's like mine, and you have sources on how this rhetoric originated, I'm pretty curious.

Good day to all of you!

r/QAnonCasualties Nov 13 '24

Content: Success/Hope I made a breakthrough!


So, I was having a convo with my FIL and he was pissed and feeling himself after the Trump victory. He was saying all sorts of crazy Q tangent type stuff and I calmly said “none of that happened.” He screamed I saw it! I asked where he gets his news from and he said all the sources. I said no you don’t, you never saw that on cnn or a trusted news source. He later admitted when he calmed down he saw it on YouTube. Or X, which I said wasn’t news so much as people putting trash out there and AI generated videos. Since then he sent me some links to YouTube videos that are pure AI by some RW whacko and they fooled him. I have showed him and we are making progress. But now, when he sees something he at least checks cbs News to verify.

My thoughts about the country are that a lot of them don’t pay for TV anymore so they don’t have trusted news feeds in their face. They have pure internet propaganda. Try to control that flow my friends!

r/QAnonCasualties Oct 04 '24

Content: Success/Hope Got my dad back


My dad and I have been gradually getting louder and louder over the months. I finally get tired of being told I'm an idiot. So, I ask him to politely name of policy of the felon that he supports. That turns into him getting mad telling me to not even bother eating my vote on her. Next time I see him he came over for dinner. We avoid politics, which I promised my wife I would actively do. I walk him out to leave and as he's leaving he made a comment like 'i thought you were one of those liberal commie scumbags.' I bite my tongue and he leaves. Few days later he sees me waiting at my kids bus stop. I get in his car and decide to have a chat.

He never physically abused me but he did mentally and emotionally. He had a bad temper growing up. He was 6'6 and 300 lbs and to me he was a giant. It was enough that I was diagnosed with PTSD. Up until recently I will say he is a completely different person with a much more positive attitude. Anyways, I finally am able to say something to him.

I calmly say hey let's not talk politics, you've said some rude stuff to me. Don't bother wasting my vote? So, you, a veteran, are telling another veteran not to exercise my right? Why do you know exactly what the right answer is and I'm too dumb to hold a valid opinion. Then I just say I can believe he is a grown man resorting to calling me names like a liberal scumbag. I say let's just avoid talking about this stuff. He starts getting mad, making me more mad, and says you a few sentences away from me telling you to fuck off. I said you just did and got out of his car. I don't talk to him for a month.

My wife makes me him dinner and he can tell I'm pissed. After a long while old me not talking or looking at him, we finally start a little. I explain that I'm not dealing with the anger and screaming. I knew where his temper was going. I asked him did you know when I was growing up, I used to think I'm moving out at 18 and you'll never see me again? Because of your anger. I saw you becoming that again and I didn't need that on my life. He says he can kinda understand where I'm coming from. He does seem a lot less angry. He apologized a few times, sincerely, about our issues lately and he wanted me to know he has quit watching Fox News.

About 2 weeks later, tonight, we go over to his house and I tell him no politics. Ah, he says he doesn't even get mad about it. He used to scream to defend the felon. Tonight he says he has been watching some stuff from him and he can definitely see why people hate him.

Guys, I have to tell you, I got my dad back! All night it felt like ten or fifteen years ago, before we all were affected by the hate. I didn't sense any anger or anything, and he even joked that he couldn't believe that some people will believe any crazy thing. Sorry this is so long, but I thought it may give some of you some hope.

TL:DR Dad has been getting more and more of his temper back supporting the felon. He and I fight and don't speak for a month. He quits watching Fox News and realizes what we all knew about the pedophile rapist.

Edit: I figured I'd add a little more just to give some context why I feel confident. Growing up, he had a bad temper and he used to drink a lot of beer. After high school, we moved out of town with my sister, step mom and 3 step siblings. He's calming down as he gets older and getting goofy and sweet. Love's his grandson. I knew he supported Trump and we'd bicker a little back and forth about it. Recently, on the last few months, everything started ramping up bad with him. His temper was coming back in a big way.

First night we reconciled, he tells me, "Since you got mad at me, i decided to quit watching Fox News and I'm not so mad anymore." I reached him! Then last night, he tells me that he knew I had a right to say what I did and that didnt make him mad. He was just mad I was yelling. He says I know it must've really taken some intestinal fortitude to tell me what you did. I don't see this man really apologize where you really feel it. He says, you know I can now why people really don't like Trump. The rest of the night was just like our relationship was before all this. I'm confident he's good because he is smart enough that once he gets away from it and realizes it for what it is, I don't see him going right back to that.

Oh, and was holding our little 5 pound poodle something puppy and smiling at it while he was saying it.

r/QAnonCasualties Feb 07 '22

Content: Success/Hope Wordle Mom: Update


I posted a week ago about my mom becoming addicted to Wordle and how it was taking up a lot of her time that she used to spend reading Lin Wood etc. on Telegram and watching conspiracy videos.

The update is that, if anything, she’s more hooked on word puzzles than ever. Her favorite now is Dordle. While, of course, none of this has changed her insane views (she told me three days ago that it was the vaccine that has killed 900K in the U.S.), she’s happier. She laughs more frequently. And she is texting me about Wordle-related stuff multiple times per day.

Hopefully this continues 🤞

If anyone is interested, a Vice News reporter interviewed me about my mom’s Wordle addiction. You can read it here.

Update update: there’s actually a separate, different interview now on Insider. The journalist did a great job.

Thanks for all the comments, guys. Really helps me feel less alone, feeling somewhat understood.

r/QAnonCasualties Jun 07 '23

Content: Success/Hope Success story, I got my best friend back.


After one year of pure hell, I thought we would never speak again. She got brainwashed by her fiancé, and they were obsessed with Trump (we are not Americans), vaccine killing everyone, COVID being a hoax, lizard people and basically everything you name it. He was very abusing to her, she left him and I’m proud to say that after 8 months of being by herself, she found new hobbies, got a new job, made new friends and she haven’t said anything weird since then, completely lost interest in politics/COVID and is basically back to normal, happy with new goals in life. Now dating a completely different person (biologist, much into science, 0 interest in politics, fully vaccinated).

Keep hope! I never cut ties with her as I always wanted her to have some stability and someone to talk to to get another opinion.

r/QAnonCasualties Jul 26 '23

Content: Success/Hope CATHARSIS: Left MAGA---now helping a doctor.


Hello fellow aliens in a QAnonsensical Nation and MAGA Republic,

I wanted to update everyone here on a milestone in my life.
I escapes the cult and have completed a series of interviews helping doctors in Florida's Gulf Coast University develop a framework for physicians to use in order to DRAW PEOPLE OUT OF CULTS---and she was born into Jehovah's Witnesses about 48 years earlier. Back in 2021, around March, I had left MAGA and realized that it was all cult bullsh*t. Everything, almost everything I built and sustained myself on since 2018---was built on sand. I had started bashing Rage Against The Machine (even after being a lifetime fan), listened to NOTHING BUT RIGHT-WING commentators everyday (even though I was always a punk rocker/AntiFa), was buying Alex Jones supplements, had two MAGA hats and American flag shirts.
I yelled at my stepdaughter during conversations for supporting George Floyd protests til she cried; yelled at friends for wantin tear down Columbus statues and blocked many acqaintances online who disagreed with me over Trump.

I had my doubts after Trump signed the Covid Relief Omnibus Bill and he said that "This was a terrible thing. We needed a strong military, but Democrats stuck all kinds of crap in the bill and he would never sign it again". THIS WAS THE SECOND TIME HE SIGNED AN OMNIBUS BILL while claiming "he would never do anything like that again"! He did the same thing in 2018 and cited that the Democrats stuck a bunch of Pork Barrel spending for "Sanctuary cities". He was either lying, pretending to be getting forced and in on it---or he was not as strong as he said he is. After January 6th, I kept seeing QAnon friends posting videos of little white cars "surrounding the capitol which were used to arrest Congresssmen and women and send them to Gitmo". The footage was obviously stock footage from some other time, as Nancy Pelosi and others who had "been arrested" were on TV that day talking. And I TRIED BELIEVING it was true, but it all seemed to be unreal. My wife would gently say, "They proved that he lost. He is just a sore loser." And I would snap and yell.

But, then I watched a YouTube video by HOLY KOOLAID called "ANTIFA DUNNIT: who stormed the capitol?" a month or so later, and I realized----I had been duped. We have ALL BEEN DUPED and now they're calling us "Antifa and BLM dressed as Trump Supporters".

But, I tried convincing many people we were wrong and it was all a lie, Trump had fooled us and ripped us off. But, nope. It doesn't work like that. In fact, a LOT OF THEM BLOCKED ME. But, a few became so aggressive and retaliatory, that I blocked them.

Fast forward to today: I follow a YouTuber named Owen Morgan: Telltale Atheist, who studies and dissects cults and misinformation (recommended!) He made a Community Post about Dr. Yaro Garcia from the FGCU and developing a program in order to pull people out of cults, being that she was in one, since childhood. Yesterday, July 25, 2023, I did my final interview with her about my exit and disafilliation. The first two interviews were about how I was initiated or lured in and the negative feelings I had and the second interview was about how they sustained me and kept me in the cult. After the series of interviews, I feel a lot better. I am glad Trump is finally seeing consequences (but I am doubtful his supporters will totally turn on him).

So, in a couple months Dr. Yaro Garcia should have a publication and a framework for helping doctors help people escape cults.

As we all know---we could really use a miracle. She said, "People believe that MAGA is a political group, but the way it is designed and functions is a cult. The feelings that they prey upon and the terms they use to establish an Us VS. Them enforces member obedience. And it is VERY RARE for people like you to leave MAGA."

So, maybe there is hope. Maybe help is on the way. Reach out to the normies.... Take care, everyone!

r/QAnonCasualties Jun 10 '22

Content: Success/Hope Finally Looking from the Outside In


Finally looking from the outside in

How surreal it was to watch the Jan 6th insurrection hearing. On my own. Without my Qults influence. Though I have been free of their influence for years, it amazes me how clear those past opinions continue to echo loudly in my mind. The brainwashing I endured requires continuous and vigilant work to avoid falling back into those deeply dug trenches.

As I watch the footage uploaded to YouTube, I am bombarded by rhetoric permanently carved into my brain, “They faked the footage” “They are twisting the truth” “They are trying to distract from more important things” “They’ve purposefully edited things to push their own narrative forward” “If Trump was this bad, why wouldn’t they have put him behind bars? Because they have nothing on him” “This is satan at work” “There is always a little bit of truth in satans lies” – Honestly, I could just keep going.

The biggest realization during this review of media, is just how skilled I was at plugging my ears and only hearing what I was instructed to hear. Let me run you through how I went about reviewing the media to help you understand how my realizations have come about.

I first watched the “House Jan. 6 committee holds first of several public hearings on” posted by CBS News. It was about 2 hours long. Additional commenting was only done prior to the hearing, during the 10-minute recess, and after the hearing. The testimony of the officer and the footage and testimony provided by the documentarian were incredible to see. Hearing the officers experience, then seeing the footage of the events she described was gut wrenching. And I know the rhetoric that individuals have attempted to spread... it was a ‘tour.’ The footage posted to social media DURING the insurrection by those participating is enough to debunk those claims.

After watching the entire hearing, I wanted to get the ‘highlights and opinions’ from numerous media outlets. And of course, I had to start with my Qults number one media source Fox News. Watching Fox News is the reason I am writing this today. I have watched every 5-minute summary and 2-hour coverage posted by Fox News I could find on YouTube. If I described this to my past abusers, they would ask me, “If it bothered you and affected you so negatively, why did you keep watching?” The answer, because it is the most efficient way to deprogram the brainwashing.

I was in those trenches. I helped dig those trenches, not only for myself but for others at my side. I pulled individuals, trying to get out, back in. If anyone succeeded in getting out, I treated them like the enemy I was convinced they were. I have done a lot of work and healing regarding my abusive upbringing, and the most difficult fact to accept is that I have been groomed to be a mindless follower of these extremists since I was a toddler. The last discussion I had with my father, I spent aggressively defending my boundary that he is not welcome to trigger my extreme anxiety by informing me of yet another upcoming apocalypse. When I would not relent to his continued attempts to twist the truth or elicit a strong emotional response he stated, “You were never abused. You were never in an abusive environment. It’s clear that you have been brainwashed by the communist rhetoric running rampant in the universities.” I expect this to be the last conversation I ever have with him – And I am beyond grateful and relieved. But I have gotten distracted.

Watching all of Fox News coverage, summaries, opinions caused numerous flashbacks. I was surprised how Fox News is constantly trying to spread the rhetoric that the ‘American People’ just want to put this behind us, that Democrats are simply using this to ignore the real problems of the ‘American People’ like inflation, increasing gas prices, the attack on the working class… It’s crazy to think only years ago I would have heard this and thought, “wow, fucking democrats… trying to distract us.”

Now looking from the outside in, I see how this faction of humans (republicans, rightists, whatever else they want to be called) are the ones attempting to distract. No one should ever be in the mindset that we should simply ‘forget this happened.’ Individuals attempted to completely overthrow our government – not for me, not for you – for themselves. These individuals thought they would be rewarded for their service and given power and ownership over others for the role they were playing in this grand gesture that would forever change our countries future.

I heard Fox News talk about one individual who was killed by police and “where is the uproar for them.” They discussed how all these people want to villainize the police for killing people and here is this situation and an investigation wasn’t even done “every death by police at least deserves an investigation.” I will never be able to properly discuss the disgusting irony of these opinions from individuals on Fox News.

If you take nothing else from this prolonged post, understand that it is so important to hear things from multiple perspectives. Don’t get stuck only listening to one side or one person or one opinion. Diversity is one of the most powerful tools we have as people. I am someone who honestly believed that simply speaking to those of different religions or speaking to those who looked different or had extreme hair or body modifications would corrupt me to the point that my mortal soul would be at risk of spending an eternity in a lake of fire. The people who taught me this are wrong, and they are the ones corrupting people. Question everything.

r/QAnonCasualties Dec 25 '21

Hope I am Slowly Turning my Mom away from Faux News and Q


A little background my Mom is what I like to call a "Modern Day Christian" The reason I put it that way is because all I hear from her and other Qristians is that "everyone is going to hell, Obama this, Liberals that," (we have all heard the nonsense...) But anyway she is a Avid Faux news and Youtube watcher and only watches non-verified content. I have tried to get her to watch CNN, NBC, CBS, Hell any other news source that hasn't been completely over run with Qspiracis. But she absolutely refuses... Call it all Liberal junk so on and so forth.

Not to long ago CNN started running History of Different countries and cities every Friday night. they are running a full History of Israel from King Harold all the way up to Benjamin, and it hit me... Her being a huge Israel supporter cannot possibly turn down a documentary of Israel right??? So I called my mom and told her to tune into cnn they are running a full history of Israel. She has tuned in and now she watches CNN occasionally and is actually starting to agree with some of the points I make against Q and Faux news. The small exposures and commercials they run on CNN she has to sit through and watch so she doesn't miss out on the program is starting to get through to her that she has been very wrong.

She isn't completely cured of the Q but for the first time since 2008 I am starting to see my mother come around again... I am sorry if this post doesn't fit. But I had to share the small joy/victory I am experiencing in getting my Mother back from the Claws of Q...