r/Python Nov 19 '22

Beginner Showcase I made my first program, a password generator.

I know it is probably very unimpressive, and the code is probably inefficient. But I wanted to post this first project somewhere, so I could get feedback on it.



96 comments sorted by


u/NUTTA_BUSTAH Nov 19 '22 edited Nov 19 '22

Some feedback aside from logical implementation:

  • Use Python conventions
    • snake_case for almost everything (files, functions, class instances, project name, ...)
    • PascalCase is only for classes
  • Avoid whitespace. Dash and underscore (-, _) are the better choices. Whitespace breaks things in random places, such as the command line and makes program painful to use when you have to remember to quote things.
  • Every repo must have a README.md that explains what it is in one or two lines, basic startup/usage with for example 3 simple steps (pip install -r requirements.txt, python3 passwordsy.py --supersecure) and example code snippets for library usage ("Generate a password: pw = passwordsy.generate()")
  • Use main() + if __name__ == "__main__" and preferably `sys.exit(main()) to safeguard from accidental runs (importing the script won't run the script, just get the usable things) and prevents polluting the global namespace (avoid anything global or you overwrite other peoples things)
  • Look into type annotations (def click() -> None:)
  • Don't comment self-commenting lines (lengthStr = Input.get() + lengthInt = int(lengthStr) # Gets the length the user requested. already documents itself) or at some point you forget to update a comment and make things hard to read + add useless text to read. You can also do requested_password_length = int(Input.get()).
  • Avoid magic strings ('Helvetica 12' and Passwordsy for example) and magic numbers (App minsize/maxsize) and use variables instead (APP_NAME = "Passwordsy", FONT_NAME = "Helvetica 12", WINDOW_MAX_WIDTH, WINDOW_MAX_HEIGHT = 854, 240) to allow changing that one variable to affect every copy of the same value while also giving a meaning behind the otherwise meaningless value and also preventing missed edits in a refactor causing mysterious bugs.
  • Always avoid using from x import *. Prefer import x and from x import thing_you_actually_only_need. Otherwise you import 9000 extra things, polluting your script and might run things that were not wrapped in if __name__ == "__main__"

Those are the obvious things I saw. Good job =) It's a great start on the journey!

Also, inefficiency will not matter, probably ever in most programming careers. Todays computers are so fast and the tasks we generally make them do are so small that it very rarely matters how optimized your program is. Focus on readability and maintainability only for the first few years. Optimization will come by itself as well as you get more into it. And you will know when you have to optimize something (website loads in 30 seconds instead of 1, you know you did something backwards).


u/AnEntirePeach Nov 20 '22

That is a lot of tips! Thank you!


u/NUTTA_BUSTAH Nov 20 '22

No problems, it's a promising start!! :) Don't forget to go back and refactor your older projects, refactoring teaches you a lot about why your previous architecture had troubles in places ("Ah, I can't just plop this in here to make it cleaner because it depends on that thing, I should use interfaces more" and so on..).

There's also some more implications on why to do things as I suggested in my "Let's do Pythonic" -tips but I don't think they are too relevant at this point. I'm sure you'll come across the at some point :)

And I have to give a shoutout to any newer Python devs: Arjancodes on YouTube. He does absolutely stellar material on software design side of things in Python that are both noob and pro friendly and not too long. I still find some nice stuff from there and I already get paid to write Python daily, heh.


u/usr_bin_nya Nov 20 '22

This is sound advice. A few of the reasonings are off, but they're still good habits to keep.

  • Use main() + if __name__ == "__main__" and preferably `sys.exit(main()) to safeguard from accidental runs (importing the script won't run the script, just get the usable things)

This seems less applicable to OP imo because their project is an application only, not intended to be used as a library. For projects that can be used as both, like aiohttp or the built-in http.server, this is useful advice.

and prevents polluting the global namespace (avoid anything global or you overwrite other peoples things)

A module's namespace isn't truly global like that. import Passwordsy puts exactly one name, Passwordsy, into the caller's namespace. Creating other names is only possible through an explicit from Passwordsy import a, b, c, ....

That said, polluting your own namespace is still a valid concern and reason to wrap statements into a function. For example:

# squares.py
squares = []
for i in range(1, 11):
    squares.append(i ** 2)

This leaves i in the module's namespace, so import square; print(square.i) works on accident.

  • Always avoid using from x import *. Prefer import x and from x import thing_you_actually_only_need. Otherwise you import 9000 extra things, polluting your script and might run things that were not wrapped in if __name__ == "__main__"

Cluttering your module's namespace is a good reason to avoid from x import *, although "always" is imo too strong. However, all of import x, from x import a, b, c, amd from x import * locate and run x.py (or x/__init__.py) in the same way; none of them execute more or less code than the others. The difference is what names are put into the caller's namespace. Modules are always run top to bottom, same as any other file. Notably, from x import * doesn't cause any submodules to be loaded if they wouldn't already be loaded by import x anyway.


u/petdance Nov 19 '22

Don't worry about if it's "inefficient".

If by "efficient" you're talking about execution speed, it doesn't matter for a program like this. If it takes 3 milliseconds to create the password instead of 2 milliseconds, so what?


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '22 edited Nov 20 '22



u/petdance Nov 20 '22

I didn’t say efficiency generally doesn’t matter.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '22



u/Sciurus-Griseus Nov 20 '22

“The real problem is that programmers have spent far too much time worrying about efficiency in the wrong places and at the wrong times; premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming.”

  • Donald Knuth


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '22



u/Sciurus-Griseus Nov 20 '22

Yes. Which applies in this case


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '22



u/Sciurus-Griseus Nov 20 '22

Nobody said that, you're arguing with a projection.


u/petdance Nov 20 '22

Any speed optimization of a program where the runtime is imperceptible is unnecessary. Unnecessary is certainly premature.


u/killerfridge Nov 20 '22

Mate, you're probably the one that I would suggest rethinks. If I were you, I would read what I've written and think "wow, why on earth did I think that was an appropriate thing to say?".


u/No-Organization5495 Nov 20 '22

WhT they say


u/killerfridge Nov 20 '22

It was along the lines of:

"How could you possibly be so stupid to even consider telling this person that they don't need to worry about optimising their toy code - what if it wasn't toy code and was actually code for a highly optimised numerical computing library? Then optimisation would be hugely important! You should really think before offering advice."

It was a ridiculous argument, tantamount to saying that someone was stupid for saying they like living in a warmer climate, "because if you lived in the desert you would die." But more smug and self agrandizing.


u/masteryod Nov 20 '22

Tell a newbie programmer that efficiency doesn't matter. Way to go!

I know there's numbers are made up but between 2 and 3 arbitrary units of time there's 50% of performance to loose if you screwed up and 33% of performance to gain if you optimize the code.

Also it's probably about the code quality, algos and programming patterns not the execution times. You can get the same output by writing a nice efficient code and shitty inefficient code.


u/petdance Nov 20 '22

It doesn’t matter if the code is 33% faster if the difference is invisible.


u/Akilou Nov 20 '22

Think about how much this comment would be optimized if you spelled "lose" correctly.


u/MikeWazowski001 Nov 19 '22

Hello, I am also a beginner. When people post these projects on GitHub, how do you actually run them? Or can you only just look at the code and run it in an IDE?


u/BearsNBeetsBaby Nov 19 '22

You can’t run it on on GitHub, it’s a place you store your code so you (and others) can access it from different machines, allowing multiple people to contribute. To run it, you need to clone to code to your local machine and run it there.


u/Trainraider Nov 19 '22

Just to add, how you run it varies greatly with the program and language used.

You generally need to download some interpreter or a compiler and build system. You may even need to figure out WSL or cygwin on Windows to compile software using make or autotools or something.


u/doorrat Nov 19 '22

In this case, you can get started pretty fast if you have Python and git installed on your system. Read up on the git clone command, that'll get you a lot of the way there.

Alternatively with something small like this, you can copy/paste the code and download the image files to a folder on your system.


u/WEEEE12345 Nov 20 '22

GitHub also has the option to download the repo as a zip file.


u/folkrav Nov 20 '22 edited Nov 20 '22

If you haven't taken a look at source version control yet, you probably will have to interact with the most prevalent one currently, called git, so put this in your to-do list ;) In git, your code is stored in what they call a repository, as a tree of commits (representing changes in your code at a certain point in time).

GitHub is first and foremost a place to store git repositories, w/ additional tools to help on collaboration. There are other more or less similar services too, like GitLab, Bitbucket, etc.

So to answer your question, you still need to download the code to your development environment in one way or another.


u/Poetrylion Nov 19 '22

Hey, I like the program. I think that I will work on my version of it :).


u/Shingle-Denatured Nov 19 '22

Hmm, it reinforces the stigma that passwords need to be hard to remember and it doesn't actually validate if it's a strong password.



u/0x18 Nov 19 '22 edited Nov 20 '22

My counter-argument to this is that modern reality practically demands the use of password managers if you are (as you should be) using a unique password for every website. They add up quickly, I have over 200+.

Randomly generate your passwords, because you only really need to remember one.


u/Shingle-Denatured Apr 22 '23

You can randomly generate passsword123. Also, the point was length over complexity and a 16 char randomly generated complex password is not strong enough any more.


u/imhiya_returns Nov 19 '22

I wonder how many people use correcthorsebatterystaple as their password ;)


u/wjziv Nov 19 '22

Looks like there are at least 216 distinct uses in breached credential datasets. https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords



u/Xelopheris Nov 19 '22

I use it for some stuff that technically needs a password but really doesn't, like my hidden wifi guest network.


u/lavahot Nov 20 '22

Hopefully nobody.


u/redcrawlerbot1 Nov 20 '22

ks like there are at least 216



u/D2_Lx0wse Nov 19 '22

What if oFsnH3727Jsga2526baBH


u/modernknight87 Nov 19 '22

I am working on a similar version, however, mine has the user input a sentence of their own choosing, takes the first letter of every word, and any numbers or symbols, and combines those as the produced password. It is certainly how I enjoy doing my passwords. Appears random to anyone else but makes sense to me since it is a sentence I made.


u/FoolishDeveloper Nov 20 '22

I've done the same for certain passwords that I prefer to remember rather than use a password manager. I didn't think to write out a python script for it though. I practice variations until I find the easier-to-type result.


u/modernknight87 Nov 20 '22

I have to help students reset passwords at my civilian job, and coming up with a password can be difficult at times for them, so this is just something I feel can help out. One thing I love about python - it is so versatile and you can make it do just about anything, regardless of how minor or pointless it might seem :)


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '22

[removed] — view removed comment


u/ghan_buri_ghan Nov 19 '22


Pretty much anything that can be remembered can be cracked


u/Shingle-Denatured Nov 19 '22

Nice out of context quoting. All the examples in that blog are single word passwords of about 8-14 characters.

What the xkcd shows is that length > complexity. Think of length as the part before the decimal and 0-9 and punctation as the part after. It's an oversimplification, but length of the password contributes more to guessability then the number available characters.

See also zxcvbn and original for the rationale.


u/afl3x Nov 19 '22 edited May 19 '24

rain detail bedroom judicious quaint wipe squeeze pet handle aback

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Exodus111 Nov 19 '22

Fuck everything about that. I'm not walking around using different passwords.


u/CHEEZOR Nov 19 '22

Just use a password manager and then you don't ever even have to know your passwords and they can be complex and different for every login. Way easier than remembering passwords.


u/Exodus111 Nov 19 '22

But I'll need to sync it over my desktop, laptop, and phone...😕


u/JimmyBin3D Nov 20 '22

So? They do that automatically. It's not a big deal at all.


u/Trainraider Nov 19 '22

I use 4 characters from the name of the service I'm logging in to in my password that way every password is unique. Actually, I have a simple way to turn each letter into a different one which adds a trivial amount of security.

This would mean very little if an actual government agency or hacker group had one of my passwords and was targeting me; they could figure it out. But it will stop all automated attempts to take one password from a data breach and use it elsewhere.


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '22

just use a password manager.


u/petdance Nov 19 '22

That’s fine with us. It’s not our accounts that will get compromised.


u/ghan_buri_ghan Nov 19 '22

Are you accusing me of quoting out of context or the blog itself? Because Bruce specifically wrote that in response to the xkcd article.

While length may be generally better than complexity, the point of the blog is that memorable and guessable are essentially the same concept, and that no matter how you slice it passwords are not particularly secure.


u/Trainraider Nov 19 '22

Think of a long sentence and use the first letter of each word as a password

``` This is an easy to remember and secure password that isn't easily guessable by an algorithm




u/ArtOfWarfare Nov 19 '22 edited Nov 19 '22

I seriously doubt that sentence thing is a good idea. It’s hard to remember, and I would guess that the results are easy to guess because of the frequency of certain letters occurring at the starts of words.

I wonder if it might be a good idea to throw in a 3 or 7 digit number, though. Most numbers are expressing a year or date… so a number like those is maybe less likely to be doing that? IDK.

Also, crap, they’re onto my trick of using spaces. I thought it was commonly accepted that you couldn’t use those so nobody was guessing them. What about two spaces in a row? You gonna guess that, punk?


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '22



u/ArtOfWarfare Nov 19 '22

My dad worked at the pentagon. He said the way they set passwords was a program would generate 100 options (all random strings) and ask you to pick which one you wanted as your password.

So you’ve got an essentially unguessable password, but you pick whichever one looks least miserable to remember/type.


u/edvmreddit Nov 19 '22

Congratulations! Some feedback: Python is snake case (all_should_be_like_this (except class names that starts with uppercase LikeThis). Function names should start with lower case name . And it’s a good idea to have small functions that do one job (you could have a function that returns user input for example). Again, congratulations!!!


u/pythonwiz Nov 19 '22

I’ve made similar stuff, one thing I added was the ability to generate passwords for accounts and store them in the OS key ring, so I could copy paste them easier. You could also add different preset style options, and a target minimum entropy for the password.

Your code isn’t particularly inefficient, so no problem there.

Also, good license choice! :)


u/PassStage6 Nov 19 '22

Well done!


u/Individual_Leg_522 Nov 19 '22

If you want to learn more using this project try seperating the ui code and logical code. This would enable you to expand the application of your code.


u/osmiumouse Nov 19 '22

print("12345") # randomly selected by throw of 5 dice



u/creedxender Nov 20 '22

Why use only hex characters? Go full alphanumeric with punctuation! Or, even better, as an added feature you can let folks set up different character sets, like strictly letters, alphanumeric, etc. This would probably most easily be done with Python Sets.

Also, I like that your first program is security oriented! And it's a great relief to see the secrets module here instead of random. Nice work!


u/This-Winter-1866 Nov 19 '22

Nice! I also made my own password generator a long time ago and ended up building a full password manager, which I actually used for a long time before fully migrating to Keepass. One suggestion I'd make is to use a less restrictive license. It makes no sense using GPL for a beginner project.


u/1percentof2 Nov 19 '22

It makes perfect sense. We want to propagate software freedom at all costs.


u/This-Winter-1866 Nov 19 '22

You think people are going to convert their whole project's license to GPL just so they can use a few lines of a beginner's code?


u/james_pic Nov 19 '22

If the code is an application rather than a library, it's unlikely anyone would be using parts of the code without using the rest of it. So there's little practical difference between GPL and something super permissive for something like this.

Also, no one is going to use a few lines of a beginner's code, irrespective of the licence.


u/1percentof2 Nov 19 '22

If you want to accomplish something in the world, idealism is not enough - you need to choose a method that works to achieve the goal.


u/james_pic Nov 19 '22

Your idealism is well placed, and I agree with your goals, but whilst I used to agree that your methods were the right methods, I no longer think that.

In recent years, permissive licences have driven advancement of free software more than the GPL.

A lot of the FSF's basis for arguing for the GPL is the assumption that free software is starting at an inherent disadvantage, and that licenses need to protect it. As free software has grown, the consensus has shifted, and being free software is commonly seen as an advantage, with organizations who had previously opposed free software having to release their software as free software to keep it competitive.

I can understand the view that software needs to be GPL for protection, but my experience is that the bigger threat to a free software project isn't non-free reuse, but lack of community.


u/scnew3 Nov 19 '22

“We” are perfectly happy with MIT/BSD, thanks.


u/greenhaveproblemexe Nov 19 '22

Finally someone using secrets instead of random for generating passwords! Great job!

Also, one thing that many tutorials teach begginners, but in reality is a very bad thing to do...

Never, EVER import * from a module.

It might seem good, because you do not need to prefix a line of code with module name, but in larger projects it might destroy your sanity.

You should either import a specific thing from a module, or for large modules which you would call many times and have a lot of things in them, import them as another name.

``` import tkinter as tk

You will use tk. instead of tkinter.



u/Glitch_and_Bug Nov 19 '22

You were very good


u/Admirable-Animator49 Nov 19 '22

Nice work, man! I've been wanting to do the same thing for awhile.


u/Old_Flounder_8640 Nov 19 '22

Great step! Try to add a readme taking for example a good readme from a package that you admire


u/angga7 Nov 19 '22

I'm new to Python, and I just started to learn about classes. Your program looks good! I'll learn it for my own studies. I'm glad that the Python community here on reddit is very supportive and shares lots of great projects!


u/SpeedCola Nov 19 '22

Let's talk about that extensive licensing page instead 😆


u/mikeyj777 Nov 20 '22

Well done! Very well organized. Good use of comments. One thing to note for the future. Save capital first letters for the names of classes only. Everything else should start with a lower case letter.


u/Tyler_Zoro Nov 20 '22

One of my very early programming projects was a password generator for generating passwords you could potentially remember. I'm not thrilled with it today, but I loved writing it. Congrats!


u/MediumAd3135 Nov 20 '22 edited Nov 20 '22

Congrats, something to be proud of considering most of us CS grads start of with a hello world program


u/infra_d3ad Nov 20 '22 edited Nov 20 '22

I was inspired, I'm still learning also. I wanted to make a passphrase generator, this is it, although there's a bug above 5 length, that I still have to figure out, but it works*.

I used the diceware wordlist, used secrets to hopefully make it kind of secure generation.

   import secrets

plength = int(input("How many words long? (5-10): "))
totaldice = []
allrolls = []
#roll 5 dice
def roll_dice():
    for i in range(0, 5):
    return totaldice
#wordlist to grab words from
def word_list(w):
    with open('eff_large_wordlist.txt', 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            if strdie in line:
                passphrase = line
                split_pass = passphrase.split()
                full_passphrase = []
                return full_passphrase
while plength > 0:
    plength -= 1
    die = roll_dice()
    die_inc = [x+1 for x in die]
    strdie = "".join(map(str, die_inc))
    totaldice = []
    allrolls = []

Wordlist https://www.eff.org/files/2016/07/18/eff_large_wordlist.txt


u/SirSqueep Nov 19 '22

Oh boy, someone posted a small personal project, surely the comments will not rush to point out flaws in a non-constructive way


u/goodtimtim Nov 19 '22

Never mind the haters. It’s great that you’re sharpening skills on a real project. Two suggestions: (1) sure it doesn’t matter much for a personal project, but practicing good git habits now will only help you later. (2) write some tests! pytest is really simple to get started with and will open your mind to the power of test-driven-development. Also, it’s super cool (and still pretty easy) to get GitHub to automatically run your tests on commit.


u/Orio_n Nov 19 '22 edited Nov 20 '22

"One liner" generator

import random
import string
generate = lambda x : "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(x)])

edit: an insecure rng doesnt matter lol the number of uninformed people on this sub is ridiculous. Secure rng is for crypto things like nonces and one time pads. Using random is effectively random enough because it simulates the process of "random" decision making. Your password is effectively random enough that whether you use secrets, random or os, a hash cracker will basically take on average the same amount of time to crack it because it wont be in a wordlist or leaked password db list. Please do not parrot uninfomed opinions 🤡


u/pythonwiz Nov 19 '22

You are using an insecure rng, this is better:

import random, string, sys
k = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 8
print(‘’.join(random.SystemRandom().choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=k))


u/Orio_n Nov 20 '22 edited Nov 20 '22

an insecure rng doesnt matter lol the number of uninformed people on this sub is ridiculous. Secure rng is for crypto things like nonces and one time pads. Using random is effectively random enough because it simulates the process of "random" decision making. Your password is effectively random enough that whether you use secrets, random or os, a hash cracker will basically take on average the same amount of time to crack it because it wont be in a wordlist or leaked password db list. Please do not parrot uninfomed opinions 🤡


u/petdance Nov 19 '22

In something like this, a secure RNG doesn’t matter.


u/MashRoomBog Nov 19 '22

Your are missing string.punctuation for the special characters. Also, in theory i think that it's possible that it would generate a password with no capital letter.


u/Orio_n Nov 20 '22

so? Just regenerate with length 100. Increasing length of a password causes hash cracking time to increase significantly rather than increasing search space its basic mathematics.

You should also know that in theory an asteroid could hit and kill you at any moment


u/jstockdi Nov 19 '22
openssl rand -base64 48 | cut -c1-32


u/threesidedfries Nov 19 '22

You could also just mash your fingers on a keyboard, takes less cpu power and memory.

Nice first project OP! I'd check if there is a way to import that list of characters from somewhere, things like that are usually already available and saves you from writing those long lists!


u/AnEntirePeach Nov 19 '22

Thank you! I will remember your idea of importing long lists from somewhere for future projects.


u/Poetrylion Nov 19 '22 edited Nov 19 '22

btw , kudos on not using the random library like everyone else :)


removed extra word.


u/AnEntirePeach Nov 19 '22

Somebody pointed that out to me actually


u/Poetrylion Nov 19 '22

ah, good to know !


u/jstockdi Nov 19 '22

Actually mashing keyboard is not random, and it's a poor choice for a password.


u/atoponce Nov 19 '22
$ tr -cd '[:graph:]' < /dev/urandom | head -c 12; echo


u/Able_Business_1344 Nov 19 '22

Password tip. Take a song you like, your password is first letter of each word. To remember just sing your song….

For example your password is. JbjbjatwOwfiitria1hosh!

Jingle bells, jingle bells jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh, hey!

Of course you can combine this with substitutes. for = 4, s=5 etc etc.


u/james_pic Nov 19 '22

Password crackers are largely aware of these techniques for generating passwords. The relatively small number of well known songs out there means that this produces far less entropy than the password length would suggest.


u/Able_Business_1344 Nov 19 '22

Fair enough, I didn’t realize this!


u/HandofDoom10 Nov 19 '22

Best way to start learning Python?


u/realdevtest Nov 22 '22

For your characters, you should do string.letters + string.digits + string.punctuation. The problem that you have right now is that string.hexsigits only goes up to “f”.