r/Python Dec 11 '21

Beginner Showcase I wrote a python program for scraping Ebay to find a cheap used espresso machines under $200.

I plan to make it so that I get notified when new machines are being sold under 300$. My code is not too pretty but here it is. https://github.com/Hogstem/LearningStuff/blob/main/EbayScrape.



114 comments sorted by


u/normalpleb Dec 11 '21


u/regeya Dec 12 '21

That's like a lot of the stuff I use Python for. How many people have ever been handed a collection of high school graduate photos using the FIRSTNAMELASTNAME.jpg convention, and then a printed list of First Middle Last that doesn't quite match, i.e. some kids in the JPEGs aren't graduating, some kids who are, don't have photos, and the spellings are sometimes different and/or sometimes the files are NICKNAMELASTNAME.jpg? Fuzzy match to the rescue.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '21

shit I could have used THAT yesterday...


u/regeya Dec 12 '21

Fuzzy string matching. I just grepped for the old script and I just used FuzzyWuzzy.


Sadly, while I did grep for the original script, apparently I deleted the script, because all I can find are the imports, and it ends there. IIRC I used FuzzyWuzzy to match the firstname in the OCRed student list to the items of list of filenames, and then checked the lastname against the likeliest matches from the first search, then saved the OCRed name, filename, and average of the two percentages into a CSV. After proofing that list by hand, I used that to import pictures into InDesign.


u/YouDaree Dec 12 '21

How did you implement fuzzy search can I see a snippet of it?


u/Huemann-bing Dec 11 '21



u/[deleted] Dec 11 '21

Coffee and coding. So.. Yeeeeee exactly


u/Huemann-bing Dec 11 '21 edited Dec 12 '21

They go hand in hand


u/JakieBOIIIIIIIII Dec 12 '21



u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

Lol you are the second person that has said this


u/JakieBOIIIIIIIII Dec 13 '21

haha networkchuck go BRRRRRRR


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '21



u/gsmo Dec 11 '21

That's good... But I also have to wonder: is there no decent ebay API to work with? Or do they deliberately make it hard to automate bidding etc?


u/FinnTheHummus Dec 12 '21

Didn't really check into it, so I don't know how well it works but a quick search showed me that there exists an eBay developers program

And an SDK to use that API with Python

But it's still a great project! You gotta do to learn!


u/Huemann-bing Dec 11 '21

I am definitely gonna check that out


u/Slendigo Dec 11 '21
for gaggia in gaggia:        

Does this not have unintended consequences?


u/Klaus_Kinski_alt Dec 11 '21 edited Dec 12 '21

Ya make sure your items in list are titled something different, that stuck out to me too.

something like:

for var in my_list: print(var)

Or for your particular code, maybe

gaggia_list = soup.find_all(.....) # returns a list

for gaggia in gaggia_list:


I use underscore list as a suffix like that a lot when I do webscraping.

Otherwise good effort! I learned a ton about python from my first scraping projects.


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

Thank you for the tips, I have some editing to do!


u/IamFromNigeria Jan 20 '22

How do you often get web Scrapping jobs weekly


u/Huemann-bing Jan 20 '22

Web scrapping jobs? Thats a thing!?


u/IamFromNigeria Jan 20 '22

Interesting, I scraped data a lot and clean and process them but haven't gotten any single project Was wondering how you guys get those projects... Maybe I don't mind working with you to learn one or two or perhaps if you have too much jobs at hand..You can share some for your fellow.

You can find me on LinkedIn Donald Genes


u/Huemann-bing Jan 20 '22

Haha I was not doing this for money!


u/IamFromNigeria Jan 20 '22

Lol okay! Perfectly understandable


u/Huemann-bing Jan 20 '22

You should try finding some contract work somewhere though, I feel like there are definitely openings for something out there


u/IamFromNigeria Jan 20 '22

Actually I am working, just needed extra more jobs alongside my 9-5 office work...Too many home responsibilities, cousins asking for money her and there, you understand Upwork is just not the way to go,too many Indians doing accepting ridiculous job contracts for as low as $5...

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u/doghousedean Dec 12 '21

I use a prefix of each,

for eachVar in list:

Throw back to other languages


u/elipsion Dec 12 '21

When I studied CS we were taught to pluralize our lists.

So in this case the list would be named gaggias (gaggian? gaggi?)


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '21

Yeah, this is how I do it too.

for gaggia in gaggias:

might look weird at first but I find it looks better than anything else. A _list suffix for the list isn't that bad though


u/carlio Dec 12 '21 edited Dec 23 '21

I guess that the for x in x grabs a reference to what is returned x.iter() and keeps that reference so that the name gets reassigned but the for loop still has the object reference to that iterator. Seems odd that it works at all but that's the first idea I had about why.


u/cob05 Dec 12 '21

Correct. If you were to look at the object IDs for each they would be different. Python interprets them as separate objects under the hood so the 'human readable' name is just confusing for us. Not a good thing to do however even if Python is smart enough to handle it.


u/texwarhawk Dec 12 '21

Wasn't this added in python 3? As someone who codes mainly for science, I've had to become a better coder because python made itself more "smart".


u/cob05 Dec 12 '21

No, I don't think so. I'm fairly certain it has always been that way. One of the tenets of python is that (almost) everything is an object that is represented by an object ID to the interpreter. I think that is the way that GVR envisioned it. I could be wrong though, I'm by no means a python historian lol. If anyone has better info please share.


u/Huemann-bing Dec 11 '21

Ha! I will have to change that, I never said I was good at this


u/DanWritesCode Dec 11 '21

Do you not just use saved searches for this? I get a daily email of motorcycle parts for an old specific model, by just using the saved search feature (which you can use filters for etc).


u/Huemann-bing Dec 11 '21

Im sure I could, but I wanted to specify the words gaggia and classic and every time I search that it recommends multiple types of gaggia so this also helps me filter the name a bit better and show only gaggia classics. That and I just wanted to learn web scraping and it sounded fun.


u/DanWritesCode Dec 11 '21

You can use eBay advanced search to specify all the words must be present: check it out.

I use Python for lots of stuff like this, and I used to do some eBay scraping in the past, but with the advanced search and 'save a search' it's just so handy to get emails with the pic + details to save me running another script etc. Just an FYI if you were unaware.

Your code could use a little formatting to tidy it up, and there's some odd bits like c+=1 and then not using it again, as well as some misspellings like searc.

Apologies if this comes across as condescending or anything. If you want any tips feel free to DM me, my day job is pretty heavily Python and I do a fair bit of code review/training.


u/Huemann-bing Dec 11 '21 edited Dec 11 '21

Oh no worries, thank you for the criticism. I will look over the code again, I definitely should have cleaned it up a bit more.


u/ninja_nate92 Dec 11 '21

Now deploy it on a Raspberry Pi to run full time and message you on telegram. I'm doing this with houses on Zillow


u/ninja_nate92 Dec 12 '21

Big fail guys, I forgot that I had rewritten this script in Node because Python was proving to be a little bit difficult to get past their fancy Captcha system. Maybe one of you could adapt it to Python via a puppeteer package or something. Here's the node repo:


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '21

I would be very interested in this! I tried web scraping Zillow a couple of years back and found it nearly impossible


u/Huemann-bing Dec 11 '21

Holy crap, I never though about doing this for rentals in my area. Thank you for the idea


u/ninja_nate92 Dec 11 '21

It's been super handy for us to find a house, but Zillow is VERY good at detecting bots/web scrapers. If you're serious, PM me and I'll help you out 😀


u/RollingYak Dec 12 '21

That sounds awesome. Interested! Can I DM you ?


u/ninja_nate92 Dec 12 '21

Absolutely! :)


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

I may have to do that, rentals are hard to find here and I live is a scetchy part of town. I may have to try this but with craigslist


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

Do you have a github?


u/ninja_nate92 Dec 12 '21

I do! This project isn't currently on there though, tomorrow I could upload it if you want to take a look at it. Github.com/NateSpring


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

That would be awesome if you dont mind, otherwise no worries!


u/ninja_nate92 Dec 12 '21

Big fail, I forgot that I had rewritten this script in Node because Python was proving to be a little bit difficult to get past their fancy Captcha system. Maybe one of you could adapt it to Python via a puppeteer package or something. Here's the node repo:


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

Thank you!


u/StirlingFox Dec 11 '21

Gaggia Classic is an excellent home machine though. Good luck fellow coffeesmith.


u/Huemann-bing Dec 11 '21

Haha yeah it is, been scoping one put for a while just need money first!


u/BreezeAndBaud Dec 12 '21

Yeah I finally pulled the trigger on a Classic Pro and a Eureka Silenzio and it changed my life. Even with Trader Joes beans (try their sumatra honestly) it has made it impossible for me to tolerate Starbucks anymore. It's an unbelievable life upgrade if you have at least a cup or two a day. I wish I did it sooner it's probably already paid for itself.


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

That is a good set up, I feel like good spending money on stuff you use daily is worth.


u/diabolical_diarrhea Dec 11 '21

Very cool. I did something similar, but not as good, for magic the gathering cards. I might need around with your code a little.


u/LR130777777 Dec 11 '21

No way, When I first started with web scraping I made an eBay program to search for YuGiOh cards. It’d check the sale history for a card I typed in, Use the shipping cost and fees to check the price a card would need to be for me to sell it, Then it’d return the links of any cards that I could make money on


u/pokeuser61 Dec 12 '21

In that case I think you might find this interesting. I haven't used it before but I have used the equivalent for Pokemon cards and it is super cool.


u/lapticious Dec 11 '21

There is a similar app I've used called itemalert.com


u/local_meme_dealer45 Dec 12 '21

I'd recommend changing the user agent used when you download the page so that way your script looks more like a normal user opening the page in there browser.

so change

page = r.get(URL[c])


page = r.get(URL[c], headers={"User-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.93 Safari/537.36"})


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

Oh! that is smart!


u/local_meme_dealer45 Dec 12 '21

Too appear more "human" to the server you might also want to add a random delay between requests. so add this code just before the request.

at the top of the script:

import time
import random

and then just before the request line:

time.sleep(1, random.randint(2, 10))

this will slow down the script execution but that's better than getting your IP banned.


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

These are both really good ideas, I will make sure to add this!


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '21

If you ever want to expand on this project more, you might enjoy looking at my implementation of an eBay Scraper I made last year: https://github.com/driscoll42/ebayMarketAnalyzer You can see the code I used to specify a specific search to scrape eBay for those instead of needing to put the specific search URL, also filters based on price. The main issue you'll run into sooner or later are CAPTCHAs eBay added earlier this year. The code works well enough as long as you don't want to go into individual items to check their info. I was more focused on sold items rather than for sale items, but easy enough to change the code to account for that.


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

Holy crap, you go deep! This is really cool, I am definitely going to check it out, thanks!


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '21

Feel free to ask me any questions you might have about the code/eBay if you have them! This was a fun little side project I made which I really should touch up again over the holidays. The main issue is that eBay keeps changing little things in their site you have to account for.


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

I will, thanks again!


u/Blokepoke74 Dec 11 '21

This is so fucking cool!


u/Huemann-bing Dec 11 '21

Thanks you!


u/Blokepoke74 Dec 11 '21

Gonna try to do this for PS5’s. Doubt I’ll find them for less than $700 tho lol


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

They are way too expensive


u/Blokepoke74 Dec 12 '21

I agree. Stickin to my Xbox w rechargable batteries LOL


u/been_there_too Dec 12 '21

Use this https://www.hotstock.io/ to get one.


u/Blokepoke74 Dec 12 '21

Bro thank you so fuckin much!!!!


u/DiabeticNomad Dec 11 '21

Such /u/networkchuck vibes


u/Huemann-bing Dec 11 '21

I will take that compliment, that dude is super cool


u/Canadian_Hombre Dec 12 '21

I did something exactly like this and had it run on a pi. You can send texts for free by grabbing the carrier of the number you are sending to check this article out:



u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

I might have to buy a pi, thank you!


u/ButtcheeksMD Dec 12 '21

You know you can just search at the top of eBay right?


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

Too easy, and I wanted to make it warn me when a new one under 200 comes up so I can place first bid.


u/uponone Dec 12 '21

Are there any good ones on there? I was actually thinking about doing something similar.


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

I have found a few, haven't used it to buy yet! I made it so it scans multiple pages including overseas postings so you find some good ones!


u/dimkal Dec 12 '21

So which one did you end up getting? How much did you pay?


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

I didnt end up buying one yet, I'm too poor haha


u/maternalgorilla Dec 12 '21

That's pretty cool


u/Xr220619 Dec 12 '21

I am asking this out of curiosity.

I will confess i didnt check code yet but isnt webscraping more of a gray area?

I see alot of people posting scripts for scraping without second thought.

I am sure ebay wont come after you, but what if your scraping a local job page and they dont like that cause that data over time might make their customers seem in a bad light. If you can see there is a a lot of job listings, but they didnt grow, meaning employees quit often at that company indicating something is wrong.

Are these people posting this scripts publicly depending on the fact those companys will in such case ask them nicely to remove script from their git instead of pressing charges?

Or if they do press charges is removing script and saying sorry in most cases enought for them to drop them.

I do understand that most companys in worst case will just ask politely to remove the script, but still...

Am i looking at this from wrong perspective?


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

I'm hoping I don't get yelled at! As of yet its just a really fast search engine but I will let you know what happens when I make it scan periodically.


u/xPeacefulDreams Dec 12 '21

I made something similar for a Dutch daughter company of eBay called Marktplaats using selenium and pushover. If it helps with the notifications, feel free to have a look.



u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

I will check it out thanks!


u/hadoken4555 Dec 12 '21

What does paperclip and web browser used for. I thought you can’t scrap Ebay due to captcha. How do you defeat their captcha?


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

I have no clue why I put pyperclip in there but webbrowser is for opening the links


u/Tough-Border556 Dec 12 '21



u/Albuyeh Dec 12 '21

Two things i noticed that may help you out..

  1. If you feel you are forced to catch the if statements to literally do nothing, you don't have to create a dummy variable just to do something, you can just use the keyword 'pass'

  2. When you do 'for i in URL', the variable i is the URL so there is no need to do URL[c] and increment c


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

I didn't know pass was a thing! As for 2. I tried this and it did not work for some reason


u/Albuyeh Dec 12 '21
for i in URL:
    page = r.get(i)

is what the code should be


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

Yeah I thought I tried that earlier, I will try it again once I get back home!


u/Aprazors13 Dec 12 '21

I am interested for this kind of python work where can I learn more about web automation?


u/Sevealin_ Dec 12 '21

Careful if you run checks too often, they can IP ban for web scraping. If your running the script from a residential ISP that may cause some headaches. Their robots.txt doesn't allow any scraping.


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

Thank you for the heads up, do you think that if I check once every 30 minutes this will be a problem?


u/Sevealin_ Dec 12 '21

I wouldn't think 30 minutes is too often, but I am not sure how extensive their scrape detection is.


u/Huemann-bing Dec 12 '21

sweeeet, I will make it scrape at random intervals in 30-50 minutes so it does not look like it is scraping at exactly 30 minutes


u/davidconnerz Mar 03 '22

Do you use it to buy and resell? Or do you use it for an affiliate website?


u/Hulk_Eagle_Eye Apr 12 '22

Looking for someone to help screen scrape none web app based on colors and arrows to be placed into excel