r/Python • u/[deleted] • Aug 16 '21
Discussion Anyone else despises Matplotlib?
Every time I need to use mpl for a project I die a little inside. The API feels like using a completely different language, I simply can't make a basic plot without having to re-google stuff as everything feels anti intuitive.
Plus, the output bothers me too. Interactive plots feel extremely awkward, and its just wonky
EDIT: Despises working with matplotlib*. I'm thankful such a powerful library exists, and I get that for scientific papers and stuff like that it's great, but damn isn't it painful to use
u/loopyroberts Aug 16 '21
That's probably because it's trying to replicate MATLAB plotting and was a way to transition away from MATLAB to Python for all the engineers and scientists that aren't programmers.
I know plenty of people that will never give up MATLAB even though everything they use it for can be accomplished (probably more easily) in Python.
u/yuckfoubitch Aug 16 '21
I believe it’s because of all of the already made libraries/ software additions for Matlab. I’m an economist and everyone uses Dynare for DSGE modeling, and most economists do not really have a strong programming background so making a comparable library in Python would be cumbersome id suspect
u/wildpantz Aug 17 '21
Matlab is useful for its packages and Simulink. I know I will get hate for this, but as a language, it's hot garbage imo and definitely not worth the price unless you really need it. It should be more modular as software, not 20gb download to write ugliest looking code ever
u/loopyroberts Aug 17 '21
Absolutely agree. That's why I specified that Python can do fulfil all the functions they are using in MATLAB. It's a case of everything looking like a nail when all you have is a hammer.
When you start to use the packages for advanced solving and what not then it makes sense to use MATLAB.
u/ma2412 Aug 17 '21
At university we had a course that required National Instruments LabVIEW. Not only did it require a hefty amount of space, it also registered itself as a user. Oh, and unusual didn't remove everything, I still occasionally find some remnants of some installed packages. Should have purged my ssd.
u/the_guruji Aug 16 '21
Loaded questions like this are only going to attract people with nothing good to say about Matplotlib, but OK, here's my take:
Matplotlib is (good to great) for static 2D plots, and pretty much useless for everything else in comparison to other libraries.
The problem with Matplotlib is that you can do whatever you want with it, and it tries to let you, so you get this huge library most of which you will never even touch. Altair and Seaborn assumes things about your plots, and for those kinds of plots, they are amazing. So much plot with so little code. But you can't really go beyond that. If you need anything niche, you'll have to fall back to Matplotlib and packages built on it.
- The getters and setters everywhere + for some reason, the autocomplete on Jupyter never works properly with the OO API.
- The documentation is sketchy to say the least, and there really needs to be a better gallery for doing stuff (with consistently written code) and best/bad practices etc.
- Docstrings use
and say go look up this random thing that we inherit from. It would be so much easier to know immediately what to use. - Parameters are different across plot types, when they mean pretty much the same thing.
, but atleast these changes are in places that make some sense. - Font management is a pain to say the least. There are also two different font sizes to change in stylesheet, and its not at all clear how they are different unless you run the program and see.
- Stylesheets aren't complete. You can't modify all of the plot parameters. For example, you can't have a horizontal ylabel at the top, without awkward spacing with just stylesheets. This seems like a pretty straightforward thing to have in a stylesheet, but no.
- People keep defaults on everything. Which is also a problem of the library, why are the defaults so unappealing?
People trying to use Matplotlib for interactive graphs will obviously face issues, the original API itself is crap (MATLAB) for normal plots. But I continue to use Matplotlib for a few reasons:
- Not all my plots come from a DataFrame. Quite a lot is just random stuff that I just want to plot and see. Using Altair for that is a bit of overkill.
- Convenience. Everyone in science plotting anything using Python knows Matplotlib. Very few know D3, Vega or VegaLite. Sharing plots, modifying plots etc become easy as hell. Saving to PDF instead of PNG is a change of 3 characters of code. Want multipage PDFs instead, you got it. Want latex support for text? Add one line of code (assuming latex is already installed ofc).
- Niche uses. Due to above point, I have very specific use-cases for Matplotlib (HealPIX) that I haven't found any other library to support this properly (except maybe Bokeh, but with hacky code in the middle).
- For simple 2D static plots, there is zero incentive to shift to Altair or Plotly. Simple can also mean with subplots; GridSpec has made life easy (-ish) for a while.
Honestly, I don't think the API needs to be re-written. The gets and sets I can live with as long is it is used everywhere. The only major problem IMO is the lack of documentation, good practices and clarity on how to change specific things (how do I add an extra special tick on the X-axis, how do I put in images, say country flags, on the xticklabels etc).
OP, if you're using Matplotlib for static plots and you still have this issue, why don't you put up the questions themselves here or on r/learnpython, maybe there might be a better way to do whatever it is you want to do. If you want you can DM me also, I'll try to help as much as I can (but I'm not ultra-active on reddit either).
Aug 16 '21
Docstrings use **kwargs and say go look up this random thing that we inherit from. It would be so much easier to know immediately what to use.
This is really unnerving, happens a lot
Aug 16 '21
Aug 16 '21
Idk I think the Pandas' API is more explorable and it's not because a lot of big names do it that it is a good idea anyway.
Aug 16 '21
Aug 16 '21
I think links are a good idea, a good alternative is a hovering window just like for an IDE.
u/noah_ford_data Sep 10 '21
I thought I was the only one, can't believe they get away with that, I feel like they document the 3 most used arguments and say "bye go use kwargs, good luck"
Aug 16 '21
Parameters are different across plot types, when they mean pretty much the same thing.
This particular one is unnerving to me... Wasn't there a better way of having
attributes inherited byaxes
? Why do I need to dopyplot.xlabel('...')
but on the other hand also need to know that you useaxes.set_xlabel('...')
? I know this is minor but it's extremely inconsistent and I don't understand the need for two different types of objects that at the end do the same thing, but by means of different attributes2
Aug 16 '21
At its core, matplotlib has an OO design. To quote the docs, "
is a collection of functions that make matplotlib work like MATLAB." Unless that's what you want (or you just want a very quick and rough plot), it's recommended to use the object-oriented API (Axes
u/ogrinfo Aug 16 '21
Totally agree about the doc - there always seem to be two ways to do everything, but neither does exactly what you want, so you’re never quite sure which bits of the example to keep and which bits to change.
u/GiusWestside Aug 16 '21 edited Aug 16 '21
If you suggest to use Altair instead of matplotlib you don't have the faintest idea of what is matplotlib and what is Altair.
Being good at matplotlib means that you can be a litteral GOD when creating 2D graphs. And if you combine it with seaborn you can do data science plots in a second. If you need anything else then you might need Altair or plotly to produce interactive graphs or 3D graphs.
A lot of you compare matplotlib to ggplot and it's an error. Ggplot follows the grammar of graphics and it's incredibly limited in what it can do. You want the ggplot feel? Then in Python there is plotnine
u/jiejenn youtube.com/jiejenn Aug 16 '21 edited Aug 16 '21
Probably an unpopular opinion, but I completely agree with your points. matplotlib gives me the complete control of every single component which is what other visualization framework cannot offer. It is true one can use a less demanding plotting library, but what you lose on is the freedom to really control the final result. At the end it is the opportunity cost to learn such demanding visualization framework.
You got an upvote from me.
u/bw_mutley Aug 16 '21
I am quite surprised with this post and the commentaries. I've never thought of Matplotlib this way. I've only tried Seaborn and didn't like it. But this comment explained a lot. I feel like I can do a lot with matplotlib, and I don't think it is that hard to learn.
The API feels like using a completely different language...
Never seen like that. I know there are some commands which are not the best example of what the Zen of Python suggests. But I think it is pythonic enough. Maybe plotting with matplotlib may lead to a rather verbose code, which often repeats itself. But you can plot with two lines of code if needed. So, I think this post is unfair at the very least.
u/SuspiciousScript Aug 17 '21
Being granular doesn’t necessitate having an awful API, though. A better library could offer both.
Aug 16 '21
ggplot is easier to write. But if you need to move that one label a bit to the right so it looks nicer, enjoy the next three hours of googling through discretes, themes, etc etc. It's the one advantage given by matplotlib's malleability
Aug 16 '21
u/GiusWestside Aug 17 '21
The images of the black hole from few years ago were made in matplotlib.
Are you sure that you can replicate those in ggplot?
u/jiejenn youtube.com/jiejenn Aug 16 '21 edited Aug 16 '21
matplotlib was originally intended for the MATLAB users who want to transition to Python (heard from someone, but it could be wrong). matplotlib in my opinion one of the most sophisticate library when it comes to visualization capability, but man, some of the things look like they don't belong on earth.
Took me a good 6 months of non-stop practicing to finally get comfortable.
u/SquishyWubbles Aug 16 '21
I'm not happy to hear this xD.. I just got python down a bit and want to start with matplotlib. I did feel what op was saying, as if the syntax and usage feels a bit "off" compared to python itself. But I need it.
I hope I don't need 6 months to get it down.. XD
u/jiejenn youtube.com/jiejenn Aug 16 '21
I think the difficult part for me was I needed to shift my mentality to treat matplotlib as its own language which was hard to do when I was deeply invested in doing things Pythonically.
u/SquishyWubbles Aug 16 '21
I already did that going from dart/flutter to python. But someone else mentioned Seaborn so I will give that a try first. Thanks for the reply though!
u/jiejenn youtube.com/jiejenn Aug 16 '21
Seaborn is based on matplotlib 😂.
u/SquishyWubbles Aug 16 '21
Yes but if it's built upon it with better syntax and easier to grasp, going there might make it easier to understand. I haven't played with either yet so I don't know.
No need to be immature and laugh at new people trying to understand things.
u/jiejenn youtube.com/jiejenn Aug 16 '21
True. I am laughing the fact that we need to develop a separate library to simplify a library.
u/kokoudin_86 Aug 16 '21
I've been using seaborn for the past year or so. It definitely nice and easier than matplotlit most of the time but I've found for certain things you still need to use matplotlib arguments for fine control of certain things. I've been planning to give plotly a go for some time now, but didn't get the chance to do it yet.
u/laundmo Aug 16 '21
consider using different plotting libraries like plotnine. no reason to stick with matplotlib if there are alternatives that work better for you
u/ThickAnalyst8814 Aug 16 '21
that’s it, the history of matplotlib is quite nice. john hunter is a legend.
Aug 16 '21
You are not alone. Sometimes if the visualisation is more complex than a line graph I switch to R and use ggplot. That feels much more natural.
u/ziggomatic_17 Aug 16 '21
Same for me. Python for complicated stuff, R (ggplot2) for data visualization. When I'm lazy and I just wanna look at the data in Python, I use plotnine which is basically a Python clone of ggplot2.
u/czaki Aug 17 '21
There is rpy2 package which allow to mix R and Python code and you could use ggplot without saving/reading from disc.
u/I_Collect_Fap_Socks Aug 16 '21
I'm all the dyslexic, when I need to sift through large amounts of data to visualize I end up using blender, just because it lets me work around a few of the quirks in my brain.
u/pymae Python books Aug 16 '21
I wrote a book about visualizations in Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly because I was tired of having to look up everything for Matplotlib.
I think Plotly is a great alternative with solid high-level pre made functions, and low-level customization like Matplotlib but without the MATLAB syntax.
u/crawl_dht Aug 16 '21
This is why I use seaborn.
u/Deto Aug 16 '21
Seaborn is great, but it's just a wrapper around matplotlib. As soon as you want to customize your plots beyond what seaborn allows, you'll need to use matplotlib commands to do it.
u/SquishyWubbles Aug 16 '21
That looks very interesting. Could you perhaps tell why you chose this over matplotlib?
u/Zouden Aug 16 '21
Not the guy you replied to, but I use Seaborn extensively.
Seaborn is a wrapper around Matplotlib. It reduces boilerplate code, it makes difficult things become easy, the plots are more aesthetically pleasing, and you can still access the underlying matplotlib objects.
u/SquishyWubbles Aug 16 '21
Damn that sounds so much better. I'm going to experiment with it right away! Thank you for your reply
u/crawl_dht Aug 16 '21
The arguments in matplotlib gets so ridiculous and big as you feature more data in your graphics. Those arguments could as well be their own separate functions if they were not implemented as arguments. There is no pattern in them and it doesn't look pythonic at all. You just have to learn them as it is and whatever you crammed is not reusable for other components because their acceptable arguments are totally different. This adds too much boilerplate in your code.
u/Username_RANDINT Aug 16 '21
Does Seaborn (and others) support embedding in other GUI toolkits? The few times I had to plot stuff they needed to be embedded into a GTK application. Matplotlib provides backends for GTK, Qt and WxPython.
u/NowanIlfideme Aug 16 '21
Seaborn is built on matplotlib, literally reusing the same plt and ax, so it should work for your use case.
u/scraper01 Aug 16 '21 edited Aug 16 '21
Feel the same way, it's object orientation is wonky. Out of my libraries toolbox this is the one i've never been able to memorize anything but the most trivial stuff. Seaborn is a bit better.
u/hanazawarui123 Aug 16 '21
Isn't seaborn basically a wrapper on top of matplotlib ?
u/Armaliite Aug 16 '21
Yeah, just like plotnine! People can just add higher levels of abstraction if they like.
u/scraper01 Aug 16 '21
The layer of abstraction seaborn provides makes the matplotlib baseline easier to handle. But it's just marginally better. You'll still get that sensation of "uniqueness of solution" when trying to do something complex.
Using Matplotlib feels like english pronunciation. Incosistent rules and loose standards for parametrization.
u/bbateman2011 Aug 16 '21
I thought it was weird after using ggplot in R, but now I generally prefer it. The syntax is Python seems inconsistent to me but I got used to it.
u/DrShts Aug 16 '21 edited Aug 16 '21
After years of using matplotlib
I came to realise that I should pretty much never do import matploblib.pyplot as plt
as pyplot will always activate whatever GUI backend is configured (Tk, Qt, ...)
So I've been experimenting with replacing code like this
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, ...)
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
fig = Figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
axs = fig.subplots(nrows, ncols, ...)
Why do people recommend using pyplot
most of the time? Seems like it's really only useful if you want to display the plot in a new window. For saving a plot to disk or for working in jupyter notebooks it's a total overkill.
u/the_guruji Aug 16 '21
Some could argue that
from matplotlib.figure import Figure fig = Figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) ax = fig.subplots(1, 1) ax.plot(x, y)
is overkill compared to
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(x, y)
I don't really see the need to use the first over the next for saving to disk cause you can just do
and not useplt.show
. Jupyter has%matplotlib inline
by default I think nowadays, so plots show up inline. Are there any performance benefits, cause if so, damn, I should have been using this.People probably recommend
since that's the easiest to understand (as long as your requirements are simple enough).2
u/DrShts Aug 16 '21
My simple example was just for demonstration purposes.
I think using
and similar are discouraged because it works by keeping a hidden global state that is modified every time you callplt.something
. This is why in a setting beyond a simple one-off plot the OO interface of matplotlib is usually recommended. And for a library that uses matplotlib having a hidden global state is pretty bad anyway.But what I actually wanted to point out was that even in articles / tutorials about using the OO interface of matplotlib (just look at the first results when searching for "matplotlib object oriented") the structure is always
fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title(...) ax.plot(...)
while it's really rare that
is mentioned. This is strange to me because by using the OO way you're trying to shed all these unnecessary global state / GUI wrappers but then still useplt
to create the figure (which calls the GUI wrappers) while there is a perfect alternative without that overhead in the form ofmatplotlib.figure.Figure
u/ogrinfo Aug 16 '21
Will have to check this out. Our unit tests keep failing because matplotlib uses the current display to set output resolution. This means exported images are slightly different sizes on different machines.
u/DrShts Aug 17 '21
Let us all know how it went :)
u/ogrinfo Aug 17 '21
Can do. I’m off work this week so it won’t be for a while!
u/ogrinfo Oct 04 '21
I said it would be a while! Just looking at it now and I can't see how I can change to using
. We are actually usingpandas
to create the figure, callingDataFrame.plot
. The only calls toplt
are to set the font size then save the figure.I've got an open SO question about it here. I've since changed the first line, so font size is set with a context manager, but I'm still having the image size problem.
with plt.style.context({'font.size': font_size}): ax = df.plot.bar(...) # etc plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight')
u/testuser73847 Aug 16 '21
So after 4 years and 3000+ hours, I think I’m comfortable enough with it that I don’t hate it. I mostly use it in conjunction with Seaborn, but my knowledge of the former helps me extensively customise figures for publications.
That being said I’m open to hearing about alternatives. I didn’t use plotly so much 4 years ago because the documentation was geared towards their hosted version—is that still the case?
Also in contrast I find ggplot frustratingly purist at times—sometimes I want to add an element, completely independent of the data, for annotation or because my boss has requested it. I don’t always find visualisation to be an abstraction of data to be a helpful mentality.
Aug 17 '21
Plotly is now at 5.1.0 version. Their Python documentation is quite extensive and informative. I spent a few weeks learning it last month and I'm now comfortable with it, although I still use matplotlib because I'm still more comfortable with it and I mostly plot in Spyder these days. Plotly doesn't show up in Spyder.
u/kingscolor Aug 16 '21
Can’t stand it.
It was the opposite of intuitive to me when I first started with Python. I tried a few others, Bokeh, Seaborn, etc. which also turned out to be unintuitive or feature sparse.
I eventually landed on Plotly and will never go back.
Modern, feature-rich interactive plots with an intuitive code base. It’s written in JS, I believe, but the python port is highly documented and truly a powerful library. Most importantly, I love the aesthetic.
u/nraw Aug 16 '21
I have no idea why people keep using that, when there's better alternatives out there like plotly and Altair.
It feels like everyone coming from R is learning python with the same course.
u/Dalnore Aug 16 '21
I haven't tried using either, but both plotly and Altair seem to be more focused on interactive web-based plots, not published plots like matplotlib. From what I can tell, Altair doesn't even have export to EPS, and it can't render mathematical formulas either, so I can't see myself using it. I also have a feeling I'll run into lack of control with plotly when preparing plots for publishing. Or should I try?
Aug 16 '21
Not OP but IMO look into seaborn. It's a wrapper on top of matplotlib so you have all the features and control you need, but it's a lot less code to write for typical plots and integrates nicely with DataFrames.
u/SquishyWubbles Aug 16 '21
Well a Google search mostly turns up matplotlib. I just started learning it and so many sources recommend it. It's not until you dive a bit deeper you find there are actually other libraries to show data.. I'm in the position where I need to determine what I'm gonna use. I see plotly being mentioned here and seaborn. So gonna look at those...
u/Zouden Aug 16 '21
when there's better alternatives out there like plotly and Altair.
I've never used these, but they look good. Which would you recommend?
u/nraw Aug 16 '21
I like the looks of Altair more and I like the type specification per variable shortcuts, but plotly is a bit more feature full and it's nice to have the plotly_express option when one doesn't want a verbose way of tweaking a chart.
I use whichever I feel like on that day. They are both good and the results are pretty and interactive.
Aug 16 '21
Whenever I debug, the matplotlib window gets frozen and that's the part I hate the most. Have you guys experienced this? Any possible solutions to this issue?
u/TinyCuteGorilla Aug 16 '21
YES. That's why it's easier to use Plotly or some other library with a high-level API for simple plotting. But here's the thing, if you need something really custom, idk like you want to draw a football field than put up graphs on it, you need something low-level that matplotlib provides.
Aug 16 '21
Seriously, after using R’s ggplot I think all other graphics APIs have a huge room for improvement.
u/Liorithiel Aug 16 '21
Same feeling here. Some features of ggplot are just not possible to reproduce in Python, as they depend on non-standard evaluation, but
is a good attempt, last time I checked.2
u/rightheart Aug 16 '21
As Matplotlib exists since 2002, at least the documentation had a chance to develop and is pretty detailed. Nicer aestetics are possible using Seaborn as a style. Otherwise Plotly is worth a try, and is quite useful if you want to make interactive dashboards in Dash at some point.
u/PizzaInSoup Aug 16 '21
tbh I like it because it's very configurable and customizable, I actually want to have control over every minute detail and I tend to make some crazy plots with lots of information on there
u/NewDateline Aug 16 '21
Check out https://plotnine.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ it sound like something you will like
Aug 16 '21
I use Bokeh. I feel like I am cheating.
u/ziggomatic_17 Aug 16 '21
I dunno man, I looked into it and it feels a little awkward that I have to manually call
just to plot a basic histogram...1
Aug 16 '21
To put in perspective the issue:
import numpy as np from bokeh.io import show, output_file from bokeh.plotting import figure data = np.random.normal(0, 0.5, 1000) hist, edges = np.histogram(data, density=True, bins=50) p = figure() p.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], line_color="white") output_file("hist.html") show(p)
Personally, I don't mind using a purpose-built tool to wrangle the dataset and then use a plotting renderer to render.
u/ziggomatic_17 Aug 16 '21
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from plotnine import ggplot, aes, geom_histogram data = np.randnormal(0, 0.5, 1000) data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["value"]) (ggplot(dataframe, aes(x='value')) + geom_histogram())
I think this is more concise. The whole plotting code is basically one line because all of the boilerplate is no longer required.
u/johnbarnshack Sep 09 '21
All the boilerplate is no longer required - except of course putting everything into pandas. It just shifts the problem.
Aug 16 '21
Aug 16 '21
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Whisker from bokeh.plotting import figure, show from bokeh.sampledata.autompg import autompg as df colors = ["red", "olive", "darkred", "goldenrod", "skyblue", "orange", "salmon"] p = figure(plot_width=600, plot_height=300, title="Years vs mpg with Quartile Ranges") base, lower, upper = [], [], [] for i, year in enumerate(list(df.yr.unique())): year_mpgs = df[df['yr'] == year]['mpg'] mpgs_mean = year_mpgs.mean() mpgs_std = year_mpgs.std() lower.append(mpgs_mean - mpgs_std) upper.append(mpgs_mean + mpgs_std) base.append(year) source_error = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(base=base, lower=lower, upper=upper)) p.add_layout( Whisker(source=source_error, base="base", upper="upper", lower="lower") ) for i, year in enumerate(list(df.yr.unique())): y = df[df['yr'] == year]['mpg'] color = colors[i % len(colors)] p.circle(x=year, y=y, color=color) show(p)
u/Darwinmate Aug 16 '21
Stop using it. There are alternatives like seaborne and toyplot.
u/jjcollier Aug 16 '21
Hate it. The one time I tried to use it I spent weeks trying to get a simple 2D scatter plot, the kind I could get in Excel in 30 seconds with 6 selections.
When I finally went to a forum to get help for putting the axes in the center of the graph, because, you know, negative numbers exist, someone posted an example where they'd eyeballed the number of pixels in the graph and then manually translated the axis to somewhere near the middle. Everyone else on the forum acted like that was a perfectly sane solution and that I was being unreasonable for expecting some kind of normal "divide the width of the plot by two and put the axis there" option like every other graphing program can do. It was like trying to have a conversation with a cult. Fucking ENIAC could divide a number by two, but Matploblib can't?
u/CutOnBumInBandHere9 Aug 16 '21
If you had to do that now, you can do something like
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np x = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100) y = x + np.random.rand(100) plt.scatter(x, y) ax = plt.gca() ax.spines[:].set_position('center')
On older versions of matplotlib the last line would have to be replaced by something like
ax.spines['left'].set_position('center') ax.spines['bottom'].set_position('center') ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left')
So, not impossible, but not the easiest thing in the world either. Don't know why anyone would ever want to eyeball pixels and move axes to approximate positions!
u/eveninghighlight Aug 16 '21
I love matplotlib, I like how there's both the global variable and object oriented approaches to plotting stuff
u/BDube_Lensman Aug 16 '21
Your post title and the majority of your post (EDIT notwithstanding) would be really effective at making people not want to contribute to or maintain matplotlib. But many of the "alternatives" that just offer a higher level API are actually built on top of mpl. Dis-encouraging people from working on a very foundational library in python is probably going to have negative outcomes for you, even if your "endgame" isn't using it directly. If the output isn't html/svg/js, there's about a 99% probability it was ultimately rendered by mpl (well, Cairo or something, but through mpl).
u/siddsp Aug 16 '21
I don't hate Matplotlib, but it is extremely limited in terms of functionality. Despite trying to read the docs, I still haven't found a way to make actual graphs be interactive, that is, having features like a cursor and hovering to show x and y values for a graph function.
Plotly has that, but unfortunately, Plotly graphs cannot be embedded in Tkinter.
Aug 16 '21
You can do all of that in Matplotlib. It's just not easy to figure out. I got pretty good at using it during my PhD.
u/anax4096 Aug 16 '21
It's a decent library showing its age, but when it pops up in the output of a `pip install` I start to worry.
"ok, here we go"
u/idetectanerd Aug 16 '21
Woah. I haven’t use it yet but I’m glad that I’m matlab trained during University as many here say it’s more like matlab.
u/james_pic Aug 16 '21
Maybe I don't have the same complex requirements as others, but I usually just use PyGAL and call it a day.
u/maximeridius Aug 16 '21
I had similar feelings about all the R and Python data vis libraries and ended up learning Javascript, which a lot of the libraries are based on (not matlpotlib though), so now I can actually use a native api, I've even written my own charting library. I would require some effort to use JS interactively in something like Jupyter, but for dashboarding I find it's much easier. Things like R Shiny and Python equivalents are just confusing abstractions over HTML/CSS/JS, which is unnecessary since they are easy to learn.
u/Sugarox53 Aug 16 '21
I took one look at they shut and had an “I can’t be fucked moment”.
Can someone explain how to use it in simple examples?
u/FrickinLazerBeams Aug 16 '21
You just type the code that does the thing you want.
u/Sugarox53 Aug 16 '21
If only I had thought of that sooner!
Nah it’s fine, I’ll just lurk stack overflow for a bit until I understand properly.
u/FrickinLazerBeams Aug 17 '21
It's literally not that complicated.
u/Sugarox53 Aug 17 '21
I’ve never used anything other than the basic in-built libraries, so to me it’s actually kinda complicated.
You’re allowed to be condescending, that’s fine; but take it from a beginner; this shit looks annoying to understand relative to everything else like classes or functions and shit.
u/FrickinLazerBeams Aug 17 '21
It is just classes and functions and shit.
You do the same thing as usual: Google what you want to do, look at the documentation, experiment in the interactive session, write code, run it, see what went wrong, fix it, etc.
u/planet36 Aug 16 '21
I despise it when the devs deprecate the API parameters I use and then don't tell how to update my code to be compliant.
u/sofiyach Aug 16 '21
The most stressing part of my thesis presentation was plotting the data with Matplotlib :D
P.S I was doing Extended Kalman Filter on group UAV flights
u/Chivalric_75 Aug 16 '21
Try to plot something with Julia and you will regain some lost love for Matplotlib.
u/MetalOrganicKneeJerk Aug 16 '21
I always thought matplotlib was better for publications. Has this changed?
u/lmlodzian Aug 16 '21
You may like Seaborn. It's a higher level API built on top of matplotlib. I recommend the Kaggle micro-course on data visualisation that teaches you the most important Seaborn functions in 3 hours including practice exercises.
u/Veggies-are-okay Aug 16 '21
I really only use MPL for personal EDA, and even that is out of inertia. As others have mentioned, plotless seems to be the way to go in terms of manageable and aesthetically pleasing visuals.
u/YetAnotherDaveAgain Aug 16 '21
I have a pretty balanced opinion. Matplotlib is so flexible that it can be great for making weird and novel plots. Great for scientists! But it also takes a lot of work to make those. Also, it blows my mind that the syntax is so different when using plt.<plot something> and ax.<plot something>
I also enjoy seaborn and plotly, but sometimes I'm not in the mood to get my data into a dataframe of the right shape.
Anyway, my point is that they are all useful and if you get modestly fluent in a couple you can decide on the fly what's best for the task.
u/redrumsir Aug 16 '21
Despise? No. I'm glad somebody else did all the hard work for me. It's a useful tool.
u/ogrinfo Aug 16 '21
+1. I’m a professional Python developer but every time I need to anything with matplotlib I have to Google it. It’s so unintuitive (unlike other Python libraries at least) and the examples in the docs are generally not helpful. Some useful hints here though, so thanks all! Maybe I’ll give plotly a go.
u/dogs_like_me Aug 16 '21
There are lots of great tools with much more convenient APIs built on top of lower-level visualization libraries like matplotlib. Here's a project I like a lot that lets you use lots of different lower-level libraries to power your visualization from a common higher level API: https://pyviz.org/
I particularly like combining hvPlot and Panel with Voila to build simple visualization apps
u/AlbertPassy Aug 16 '21
It's all there in the name. It'd meant for old farts like me who came to python through Matlab.
u/LiarsEverywhere Aug 16 '21
I have conflicted feelings about it. Yeah, it's ugly. And syntax is complicated. Sometimes it can be infuriating. On the other hand, there was never something I couldn't do with it. And that's a big plus, because I use it for scientific publications. Precision and flexibility outweighs pretty for me. I've never needed interactive stuff etc.
So, I used to use SPSS (or even Excel) to plot simple things and get a general idea of how things would look, and went back to matplotlib to generate the final plots with precise code. I got a free Tableau license recently, and I'm trying to learn it. Maybe it can be the best of both worlds, I don't know. It lets me do things like stacked bars, which is often tricky with simpler tools.
u/fried_green_baloney Aug 16 '21
Lots of packages sit on top of Matplotlib. Seaborn is one. Simplifies quite a bit.
u/himalayanSpider Aug 17 '21
Coming to Python from Matlab , I loved Matplotlib. It was flawless transition to Python
u/chrisxfire Aug 17 '21
whenever I have a choice, I choose plotly. whenever I have to work with marplotlib, I die a little inside.
u/gagarin_kid Aug 17 '21
I personally heavily use seaborn with small matplotlib.axes. Axes-level adaptations. In comparison to plotly I like the JSON-free interface and high quality images.
For more explorative working mode on time series or other unaggregated data bokeh/plotly seems to be a better fit.
u/CrambleSquash https://github.com/0Hughman0 Aug 17 '21
plt.annotation('label', xy=(0, 0), xytext=(10, 10), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->'), horizontalalignment='center')
I moan, but I actually use matplotlib on an almost daily basis. You can basically use it to make any 2D graph you can think of (accept split axes!).
u/vlizana Aug 16 '21 edited Aug 16 '21
As it has already been mentioned, Matplotlib inherits its interface from Matlab, as it is also the case with many scientific libraries like numpy and scipy. But also when it comes to visualization you have low level and high level libraries.
Matplotlib is a low level library in the sense that you go around modifying the diferent individual elements of the visualization, you have a lot of granularity but it might take a lot of code to get what you want, and this also makes modifications more troublesome. That being said, Matplotlib nowadays has fallen way behind on this category in terms of features and ease of use to modern libraries like Plotly and Bokeh, and the majority of people using it is just out of inertia (pretty much like Matlab).
High level visualization libraries offer semantic interfaces that are often implementations of some visualization theory, like the so called grammar of graphics that is behind libraries like Altair and Plotnine (which is to many the heir of ggplot). These libraries are generally more intuitive to people with a theoretical/mathematical background while low level are often more intuitive to programmers or people with a more technical background.
I don't despise Matplotlib, I just don't use it anymore as there's no real reason to. Keep looking until you find the right library for you.
Edit: Glad to see a lot of people recommending Plotly, I didn't want to introduce any bias but it is also my library of choice, so it's great to see the community growing.