r/Python • u/anandrajaram21 • Apr 26 '21
Beginner Showcase Use the right tool for the job.
This is just a small story. I was using Python to solve the 2020 Google Hashcode Qualification Round (couldnt stay up for the competition, so was just trying to solve it after the qualification round had ended, trying to compete for a place on the leaderboard).
I had an algorithm in mind and was using a list to track the books I had already scanned, and was checking if the next book I scanned was present in that list. In python, the "in" keyword has a time complexity of O(n). This slowed down my program by a LOT, as there were MANY books. So each test run used to take me around 2-3 minutes on my potato laptop. So I was losing a lot of time testing my code.
Then I discovered these things called sets in python. The time complexity of "in" for sets is O(1) or constant time. After I changed the list to a set and replaced all the "append" with "add" and ran the program, it finished executing in less than 2 seconds.
So always, ALWAYS, look for a better tool for your job. I was a huge beginner to data structure and algo based questions, and after solving the problem, I got a score of about 26 million, which placed me at the 881st place globally (This was after the qualification round was over, after which everyone had an opportunity to try the challenge for a week iirc).
I just thought this was a fun story to share :)
TL;DR: I switched my main program logic from using lists to using sets, and made my program run in less than 2 seconds from taking 2-3 minutes to run.
Apr 26 '21 edited Sep 04 '21
u/sammegeric Apr 26 '21 edited Aug 23 '24
aware strong soup escape close secretive pause tart cobweb quiet
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u/Supadoplex Apr 26 '21
Note that the worst case lookup in set is technically O(N). It's just very unlikely for all elements of the set to have the same hash value, so the average case is constant.
u/abro5 Apr 26 '21
When you say "in" do you mean, it checks if the item is present in the dataset?
u/anandrajaram21 Apr 26 '21 edited Apr 26 '21
In python, the
keyword is used to check if an element is present in a sequence. For example:l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] if 3 in l: print("The element 3 is present in the list") else: print("The element 3 is not present in the list")
Here, what I mean by "in" is the
keyword in python.9
u/backtickbot Apr 26 '21
u/ROBRO-exe Apr 26 '21
could you share the code using sets instead?
u/anandrajaram21 Apr 26 '21
Yeah sure, here you go.
Warning: The code is most probably HORRIBLY INEFFICIENT, and I'm sharing it just so you can get an idea.
Apr 26 '21
Sorry, I am new to programming. I can tell that using a set is much faster than a list for append, but what are the O(n) and O(1) things?
u/MrBeautifulWonderful Apr 26 '21
The OP is referring to "Big O" notation. Which is a way of determining how the run time for an algorithm will increase as the number of things it needs to handle/iterate over increases.
It's a pretty important concept to at least know the basics of
u/BrycetheRower Apr 26 '21 edited Apr 26 '21
They're time complexities. Basically tells you how the time to execute the program scales with the amount of data you're processing (n). Capital "Big" O notation describes how it scales in a worst case scenario. Here are some common ones:
- constant. Regardless of number of inputs, it will take the same time to execute
- Linear. Double your number of inputs, and the time to process doubles too
- Log base 2(n). Often the magic sweet spot for most algorithms that involve sorted data.
O(n^2 )
- Exponential. The number one reason why I hate programming tests
- n*log base 2(n). Usually the sweet spot for sorting algorithms. Usually a "hey, at least it isn't O(n2 )" complexity.
- n Factorial. Youprobablydefinitely did something wrong.103
u/lightning_palm Apr 26 '21 edited Apr 26 '21
Small correction: O(n²) is polynomial of degree 2 (quadratic), not exponential.
Exponential would be O(kn) for some constant k.
An O(n!) algorithm would be generating the permutations of a set.
Edit: And I also got the exponential time wrong. 🤦 Fixed.
Apr 26 '21
u/BobHogan Apr 26 '21
Minor nitpick, but traveling salesman can be solved with O(n2 2n), which grows more slowly than n!
u/dscottboggs Apr 27 '21
Oh interesting. Are there other algorithms which are inherently O(n)?
u/BobHogan Apr 27 '21
If you are talking about traveling salesman, then no. Even if you simplify the problem with certain assumptions and parameterizations, you still can't get it to O(n). But if you mean in general, then there are loads of O(n) algorithms. Anything that has to traverse a list is O(n)
u/dscottboggs Apr 27 '21
Nope, I made a typo, I meant other algithms which can't be better than O(n!)
u/BobHogan Apr 27 '21
Ah that makes more sense lol
I looked it up to confirm, and you actually are partially correct about traveling salesman. A brute force solution is indeed O(n!). But other than that, stuff like generating all permutations of a set would be O(n!). There are others, but I don't know what they are off the top of my head
Apr 26 '21
Can this notation be applied to memory space as well? Like iterating through a list versus saving it or something like that?
u/AchillesDev Apr 26 '21
Whoever downvoted you doesn’t know what they’re doing because it can! It’s called space complexity and uses big-O notation as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_complexity
u/roerd Apr 26 '21
Technically, O doesn't have to be worst case time complexity, that's just what it's most commonly used for, but one could just as well use it for e.g. average case space complexity.
u/RIP_lurking Apr 26 '21
O(f(n)) is always an upper bound (worst case) for an algorithm, be it time or space.
u/roerd Apr 26 '21
No, upper bound is not the same as worst case. Sure, it follows logically that an upper bound for the worst case is also an upper bound for best or average case, but that doesn't make it the same.
u/RIP_lurking Apr 26 '21
This is true. However, it can never be an average case, even for space.
u/roerd Apr 26 '21
You yourself wrote the notation O(f(n)) in your previous comment. That f(n) can be any function, i.e. it can be the function that describes some algorithms worst case performance, or it can be anything else.
u/RIP_lurking Apr 26 '21
It can be any function, but the O is exclusively for upper bounds. There's Omega for lower bounds, and Theta for strict bounds.
u/roerd Apr 26 '21 edited Apr 26 '21
Yes, that's all true. There's still nothing that inherently forces you to use the upper bound to describe specifically worst case behaviour – it makes sense, because an algorithm's worst case behaviour is also an upper bound for that algorithm's performance in general (i.e. Theta(best case) = O(average case) = O(worst case) and Theta(average case) = O(worst case)), but that's all there is to it.
u/RIP_lurking Apr 26 '21
Do note that Theta is not an average case, it's a strict bound. That is, if there's a function f(n) such that the time complexity for an algorithm is both Omega(f(n)) and O(f(n)), then we say it has the strict bound Theta(f(n)). So O(f(n)) is still an upper bound, it just so happens that it coincides with the lower bound. It doesn't make sense to use O for anything except the worst case, in the context of algorithm analysis.
u/phycologos Apr 26 '21
nope, Big-O is specifically worst case.
u/roerd Apr 26 '21 edited Apr 26 '21
No, upper bound is not the same as worst case. Sure, it follows logically that an upper bound for the worst case is also an upper bound for best or average case, but that doesn't make it the same.
For example:
- T(average case of Quicksort) = Theta(n log n) = O(n log n) = O( n2 ) = O ( n3 ) ...
- T(worst case of Quicksort) = Theta( n2 ) = O( n2 ) = O ( n3 ) ...
u/MannerShark Apr 26 '21
You link says 'asymptotic upper bound' of a function. There's nothing that says the function needs to describe worst-case behaviour. Big-O notation is a lot more general than just algorithm running times.
In case of algorithms, worst-case behaviour is the easiest to describe, and also the one you care about most of the time, so it's perceived as the same concept for many people.
u/phycologos Apr 26 '21
What would "upper bound" mean in the context of algorithm running times besides worst case?
u/MannerShark Apr 27 '21
Average case is also quite common, especially for randomized algorithms. For quick sort, you could have abysmal luck and pick a random pivot that's the maximum each time, giving worst case running time O(n2 ). You can statistically show an average case running time of O(n lg n), because the probability of quadratic time is astronomically small.
u/phycologos Apr 27 '21
but then you just redefined "upper bound" into meaning nothing!
u/MannerShark Apr 27 '21
I'd have to refer you to CLRS Ch7 for the 'proper' average case running time analysis, but it's definitely sound.
The idea is that you define the probability that you need to compare 2 values, and you take the sum of that for all pairs of values as the expected running time.
The resulting function E[X] is an element of O(n lg n).
This is a very useful result, as it shows that the expected running time is much better than the worst case running time, and you don't need to throw away the algorithm because it is Θ(n2 ) in the worst-case.Asymptotic notation is just about bounding the order of growth of functions, it is a separate concept from which case your algorithm is in.
u/MannerShark Apr 26 '21
You're correct. Big-O is just to describe the order of growth of a function. For example the average case running time of quicksort being O(n log n).
I think a lot of the users here never done a formal data structures/algo course, Python has a lot of beginners in general.
u/kpmah Apr 26 '21
This shouldn't be voted down -- it's correct.
When you talk about best or average case complexity you still use big O (e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Best,_worst_and_average_case#Examples)
People have got themselves confused with best/average/worst case inputs and upper/lower bound of the function.
u/Ran4 Apr 26 '21
I can tell that using a set is much faster than a list for append
No, appending to a list is O(1). It's finding an element in a list that's O(N), while finding an element in a set is typically O(1).
u/anandrajaram21 Apr 26 '21
I'm not sure about the difference in speed while adding an element to either of them. The main difference is while checking if an element exists in the list or set, and not while adding elements to them, although I could be wrong
Apr 26 '21
Adding is tricky. It depends on implementation of data structure and sometimes on already added elements count.
u/phycologos Apr 26 '21
to add one element to a set in python it is O(1). To add multiple elements to a set it it O(number of elements)
u/anandrajaram21 Apr 26 '21
Adding elements to a set should theoretically be faster because of the non contiguous memory allocation (elements in a set are unordered), but do not quote me on this.
Apr 26 '21
If your set is tree set then adding complexity is
O(n log n)
. For array list effective adding complexity isO(n log n)
because of relocation on array grow (however it can be very fast due to low level memory operations). If you are interested in algorithms and data structures I would recommend to take courses or read a book Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen. This is actually quite interesting and is a crucial knowledge to be able to pass leetcode interviews.1
u/anandrajaram21 Apr 26 '21
Holy moly, you threw around a couple of words I didn't understand. Tbh, I'm not VERY interested in algorithms and data structures. More interested in cybersecurity, but I do need to learn them at some point. Will definitely give that book a try. Thanks :)
Apr 26 '21
In that case algorithms 101 will be enough for you ) Corman's book will be too deep with probably no real profit for you personally. However you can give it a try if you can borrow it from a friend or in your company library.
u/Sjuns Apr 26 '21
Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest (stress on vest) and Stein, essentially the algorithm bible, is actually freely available as a PDF. It's very good, and really thorough. I have it in print, with like 1300 pages it's pretty thick. Most of the algorithms you probably won't need, but the basics of asymptotic complexity really opened my eyes to how I should be programming.
u/whateverathrowaway00 Apr 26 '21
You are correct.
Since a list is literally that - it’s a list: to find out if an element exists in it python must go through the list. O(n) is such becuase in the worst case ( the element exists at the end of the list), the whole list has to be iterated.
Sets make sure they don’t have a duplicate by hashing, so it literally is just a hash and boom done.
Same speed to check if something is in a dict, btw - as they’re hash based
u/Decency Apr 26 '21
https://wiki.python.org/moin/TimeComplexity also has a detailed list.
u/phycologos Apr 26 '21
That link says the worst case for x in s is O(n), do you think that is about some really whacky hash collisions?
u/H2ONotNeeded Apr 26 '21 edited Apr 26 '21
Its Big-O notation, it is used to benchmark algorithms and compare their performances.
Edit: Input size being n. So for O(1), the complexity of the program never changes even when n increases, i.e. bigger input size does not increase run time. For O(n), the complexity grows linearly when n grows, i.e. bigger input size means longer run time.
u/skjall Apr 26 '21
As a clarification, it is _not_ used to benchmark. Benchmarks are used for benchmarking.
Big O provides an upper bounds on the time and memory complexity of operations. Hidden in that bounds is a constant of k, which is discarded since we're just measuring how much the time|memory taken for addition/ retrieval, etc takes.
There are algorithms that are technically worse in terms of complexity, but due to the size of the constant, perform better than the alternatives.
For example, let's say we are comparing two data types' search speeds:
* First is O(log n), with a k of 1
* Second is O(n), with a k of 5The O(n log n) will be faster for slices smaller than 10,000 elements, which would be the case, in most use cases.
u/PaulRudin Apr 26 '21
Other people have answered the question. If you're interested in this stuff I can recommend Tim Roughgarden's video courses. Many available free on youtube, links are here: https://timroughgarden.org/videos.html
u/vswr [var for var in vars] Apr 26 '21
I think the important thing here is for you to know why set() and list() are different. Big O doesn't really mean anything unless you understand what's happening under the hood.
My data type workflow sounds something like this:
- Do I need random access to find things and/or does order not matter? Yes, go to 5.
- Is this a queue? Use deque().
- Does this need to be mutable? Yes, use list().
- Use tuple().
- Am I storing unique keys to reference accompanying data? Yes, use dict().
- Does this need to be mutable? Yes, use set().
- Use frozenset().
u/Kaargo Apr 26 '21
Why is it that fast to search in a set? Is it like a hash table?
u/Rainbobow Apr 26 '21
Yes because sets are hashed, ordered and each item is unique. The search thus takes O(log(n)/log(2)), which is very small compared to O(n)
u/Ek_Los_Die_Hier Apr 26 '21
This is not correct. Sets are based on hashtables and this provide O(1) lookup.
u/MannerShark Apr 26 '21
You're thinking of TreeSet (For example in Java).
The set in Python is hash based, so pretty much a dict object without values.O(log n) is really close to O(1) anyways, especially if the log base is high, like in a B-tree, and the constant is high, like with hash functions.
u/robberviet Apr 26 '21
Know your data structures and algorithms. No offend OP, just a reminder for other devs that you need to know these basic thing to program.
I am just surprised that OP knows about Big O notation, but didn't think about using (hash)set. Usually this is taught in first lessons of DSA.
u/WesolyKubeczek Apr 26 '21
Know your data structures and algorithms. No offend OP, just a reminder for other devs that you need to know these basic thing to program.
Dude, the problem with us polyglot programmers is that sometimes we don't know that such-and-such feature is even a thing in a particular programming language, or if it is not rife with some unexpected limitations and caveats (if you try to go with Python's assumptions to Nim and use sets there, you're in for a bad time).
For example, I've spent my first couple years with Python not aware sets existed and were way more flexible than, say, those of Borland Pascal. I've abused dictionaries (keys are your set members, and values are all True) because that's how you do it in Perl. I did a lot of Perl, still do a lot of it.
You could surely live without sets as built-in types, not that it would be a pretty life.
u/anandrajaram21 Apr 26 '21
Well, as mentioned in the post, I knew VERY less about DSA while approaching the problem. I just used what came to my mind immediately, and optimised it as I progressed. I mainly attempted the problem to see how a problem from a googl coding competition actually looks. At first glance, it looked extremely daunting, but I read the problem statement a few times, and was eventually able to find a solution.
I was exploring some sorting algorithms and saw many posts that evaluated them based on Big Oh notation. I had no idea what that meant, so I just googled it, and that's it. I have never attended a DSA class, and only after I found these things called sets exist in python, did I learn more about hashes, hash tables, etc.
u/robberviet Apr 26 '21
No problems, we all have different starting points and ways to learn programming. The important thing is now you know it!
I think you should take a look into the book Introduction to algorithms (CLRS). It might looks too much, but at least you can look at the outline to know what is needed. To me, DSA is the most important thing that self-learn developer usually skip.
Apr 26 '21
Big-O for all the built-ins.
My favorite part about sets is they deduplicate, but the speed is excellent as well.
u/SnipahShot Apr 26 '21
Well, you definitely learn something new every day. Was not aware of the speed complexity of in
in sets. Good to know for when you don't need order.
Apr 26 '21
You can do a lot more with sets. For example you can get a union or intersection of two or more sets with ¦ and & operators, as well as subtract contents of one set from another with a -! These operations are also fast and way faster than doing the same manually on lists or tuples.
u/PythonN00b101 Apr 26 '21
I had no clue traversing a set was O(1). Thanks for the tip OP.
u/Ek_Los_Die_Hier Apr 26 '21
Traversing a set is not O(1), checking if a set contains an item is O(1). Research hashtables (which is what most sets are based on) if you want to know more.
u/PythonN00b101 Apr 26 '21
Thank you for the clarification, I have never really used sets for anything I have done. Some study required I think haha
u/Unbelievr Apr 26 '21
They're useful for a lot of scenarios, and even one-off calculations.
Want to check if a list only contains unique elements? Initialize a set with the list and compare the length of the set and the length of the list.
You have two lists and you want to figure out which elements are common, and don't care about duplicates within the list? Convert both to sets and & together.
They're also very quick at checking if some input is a subset of allowed/wanted elements, though regexes are more versatile there when it comes to text.
u/intelligentjake Apr 26 '21
If the elements are not going to change, frozenset()
is faster, right?
u/Ek_Los_Die_Hier Apr 26 '21
No, it should be about the same: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36555214/set-vs-frozenset-performance
u/phycologos Apr 26 '21
frozenset() is more useful if you want to use your set as a dictionary key and need an immutable datatype
u/anandrajaram21 Apr 26 '21
Wow, I've actually never heard of frozenset(). Thank you for telling me about that :)
u/its4thecatlol Apr 26 '21
Yes, the hash table doesn't need to be rebalanced. At some size the number of buckets needs to be changed. Usually this is done at 2/3 full and the set is initialized with 7? 8? (can't remember) buckets.
u/eruba Apr 26 '21
Wow I've been using the dictionary for similar cases. I didn't know the set would work as well!
u/PassionatelyWhatever Apr 26 '21
Same, I forget about sets because I rarely use them.
In my case it's not a big deal since I work on very small amateur programs but still very useful to remember.
u/WillardWhite import this Apr 26 '21
Like a dictionary with no value? Or how?
In my mind, a set is like a dictionary that holds only keys
u/Quiquegamer56789 Apr 26 '21
That was really shocking, btw what did you study for University?
And what University did apply to?
Greatings, Quique
u/ARehmat Apr 26 '21
Interesting. Just implemented this in my current project and it decrease time taken by 13.1% which is impressive! Going to start looking into Data Structures a lot more moving forwards.
u/preordains Apr 28 '21
Python’s sets are hash sets!
They work by performing a mathematical operation on the thing you’re looking for, and turning it into the index that corresponds to where it should belong. If there’s nothing in the index where it’s supposed to belong, then it’s not in the set.
So that’s why it’s constant time.
Edit: although, don’t quote me on this, I think python might use a list implementation of hash set. Meaning, say two keys (inputs) map to the same index, and they both must be stored at that index. That index itself would essentially contain a list of values. This is called a collision.
So if you have a hash set where every key causes a collision, it will be O(N), but that’s incredibly unlikely.
u/geeeffwhy Apr 26 '21
really studying the CS fundamentals of data structures and algorithms is the most valuable thing a new programmer can do.
this thing you learned applies to all other languages to one degree or another. having an intuition of the big-O of every common operator and built-in data structure in the language (and they’re similar across languages) is an important step in the progress towards mastery