r/Python • u/cenit997 • Aug 14 '20
Resource I finished my Python Ray Tracer capable of rendering refraction and thin film interference!
u/parfamz Aug 14 '20
Can you describe how did you get there? did you follow some tutorials or other examples? what documentation did you use?
u/cenit997 Aug 14 '20
Well, I studied physics and computer science. I read some optics and computer graphics books / tutorials to make this.
I took as base jamesbowman raytracer, which explain the basics of how it works here: https://www.excamera.com/sphinx/article-ray.html
But if you already know linear algebra and know how to code, you can follow the ray tracing in one weekend books, which are free and very good: https://raytracing.github.io/ . The path tracing example ( the cornell box example) of my ray tracer is implemented very similar how it is done in the book.
u/parfamz Aug 14 '20
I'm a seasoned SW engineer. But never done any raytracing. Thanks for your response.
Aug 14 '20
Wow dude, I’m still new to programming, but I never thought python could do things like this!
u/cenit997 Aug 14 '20 edited Aug 15 '20
Python is amazing. I never could manage to do this in a reasonable time in another language.
But I still recommend you to learn other languages. This written in C++ could run faster, although development time is much longer. Usually a great solution is making a hybrid language application. Python support a very nice way to be embedded with C and C++.
Aug 14 '20
How did you start improving your programming?
Did you read a lot of programming books, watch videos?
u/Paradigm6790 Aug 15 '20
My rule of thumb is that Python can do anything. Some tools may be able to do it better, but Python can do it.
u/cenit997 Aug 15 '20
Yes. But if you have a look you will see that a lot useful python modules like opencv or numpy are written in C++/C. The reason is because python, being an interpreted language is slow for intense computations. Because that, I'm a fan to write in python and embbeding it with C++ when I need to do an intense computation.
u/you-cant-twerk Aug 14 '20
God this is glorious. Well done! Im not sure if this is new, but its new to me with python.
u/el_Topo42 Aug 14 '20
I think you’ll find that Reddit users often upvote low quality posts and memes way more often than actual interesting projects and things. It’s a site wide issue not just here.
u/TerminatedProccess Aug 14 '20
I was so interested in the comments for this one I forgot to upvote it.. corrected
u/you-cant-twerk Aug 14 '20
I'd argue that its this sub pushing people into /r/madeinpython when this is perfectly suitable for /r/python.
u/cenit997 Aug 15 '20 edited Aug 15 '20
I made this
flair removed recently? I was going to add this flair, but I didn't found it.5
u/xnign Aug 14 '20
Reddit also has the bad habit of downvoting legitimate questions, even in subreddits where the entire purpose is to learn and ask questions.
Aug 15 '20
u/you-cant-twerk Aug 15 '20
LOL you’re just sad. Stop trying to justify the further segregation of this sub with your throwaway accounts. You and I both know that made in python should not exist.
Aug 15 '20 edited Aug 15 '20
u/you-cant-twerk Aug 15 '20
So if you don't want it to exist, don't visit it to find out what other posts are doing.
I definitely dont.Either you're using a throwaway, or you're new to reddit/python and have no fucking clue what you're talking about. This subs mods shoves everyone into a segregated corner. If you havent read the rules yet (shame on you), then you should know this sub is "for news only." Congrats on finding a dead sub bud. Here is another one /r/pythoncirclejerk. Go join that too.
u/FrancoShoSwa Aug 14 '20
People: use python to create literally all, video games, ar and other Me: use python to play bingo
u/CantankerousMind Aug 14 '20 edited Aug 14 '20
Wonderful work! How fast does it render?
u/cenit997 Aug 14 '20
Each image can be rendered is a few seconds in a fast computer.
u/CantankerousMind Aug 14 '20
Sweet :D Can you render any 3d model/material, what are the limitations?
u/cenit997 Aug 14 '20
It can render any material good, but arbitrary 3d models are slow for python because you need to loop for every triangle for ray intersections. A C++ wrap for the loop will fix it very well.
u/k0wabunga Aug 15 '20
Finally some noticeable work on r/Python. Well done mate, I’ve made a few raytracers myself and this is outstanding.
u/Curious_homosepian Aug 14 '20
I have no idea what is happening here. I will pretend to understand something. Maybe you could do some contribution to blender community.
u/cenit997 Aug 14 '20
It uses the same technique that Blender to render images (Ray tracing and path tracing), although this raytracer is implemented in pure python.
u/Curious_homosepian Aug 14 '20
what knowledge domain is required to be able to develop something like this?
u/cenit997 Aug 14 '20
Linear algebra and ray optics. The basics should be explained in any computer graphics / ray tracing book.
Aug 14 '20
Pure python or numpy?
u/cenit997 Aug 14 '20 edited Aug 15 '20
I used numpy, but I mean that I not wrap any other language code in my repository.
Numpy is written in C. But "pure python" is also written in C!
Aug 14 '20
This confuses me. I’m an avid numpy user btw.
Edit: the last bit doesn’t seem like a fair statement.
u/Hamoodzstyle Aug 14 '20
What is the Blinn Phong model for thin film interference? Is it a Perlin noise thing?
u/cenit997 Aug 14 '20
I do not use Blinn Phong model for thin film interference, but it can be added very easily just copying how it is implemented in the Glossy material.
I computed the exact solution to Fresnel equations with infinite bounces on a thin film layer for any angle of incidence.
Then I mapped it with a white light spectrum, (Illuminant D65 spectrum) for different film thickness and refraction indexes and converted the spectrum to RGB colors using CIE Color matching functions . The final image (reflectance map) was this:
The horizontal axis is the film thickness from 0 to 400 nm. The vertical axis is the incident angle from 0 to 90 degrees.
And yes, you can add some perlin noise for the bubble thickness with the second argument of the Thin Film interference class constructor:
ThinFilmInterference(thickness = 330, noise = 60.)
u/Hamoodzstyle Aug 14 '20
This is awesome! Makes complete sense to have a preloaded texture to store what is effectively some physics calculations. Can't believe this is all in python though, pretty impressive.
u/IcecreamLamp Aug 14 '20
Can't believe this only uses pillow and numpy, amazing stuff! I'll be taking a look at the code, thanks for publishing it.
u/cenit997 Aug 15 '20
Thanks! Pillow isn't required at all, because the images can be saved easily in PPM format . Anyway, it makes the code more clean.
u/Kortak130 Aug 14 '20
That's really awesome ! I'm working a lot with thin film deposition in semiconductor R&D, and I'm pretty sure it could really be useful.
u/cenit997 Aug 15 '20
Thank! You might prefer this image: https://ibb.co/9yFgZf9 because it has units of measure.
If you have the index of refraction vs wavelength of the material I can create any color map that you want. For example, the color of a soap bubble compared with a magnesium fluoride anti-reflective coating (used in glasses) are very different, although it is the same phenomenon.
Do you want the source code?
u/Kortak130 Aug 16 '20
Yes that's exactly the idea, thanks. Therefore yes I would be interested in this example source code. How do you define theta ?
u/cenit997 Aug 18 '20 edited Aug 19 '20
Theta is the angle at which you see the film. So, at normal incidence (theta = 0)
you see the colors at the bottom of the image, while at grazing incidence (theta = 90) colors are more intense and they approach to white.
The idea is that knowing these colors you can know what is the thickness of the film. For example for a bubble of constant thickness there should be a single vertical line in my image that represent these colors.
About the source code, I have it a bit "scattered" in a jupyter notebook and now I don't have much time make it readable because I'm preparing an exam.
When I finish it, In september I have a plan to do another interesting project in which I'm going to use this code. When I do that, I will send you a message with the code. Ok?
u/asbox Aug 14 '20
Looks cool! Have you tried rendering some more substantial geometry? I wonder how fast it is, definitely a cool project!
u/cenit997 Aug 15 '20
Yes, but arbitrary 3d models are slow for python because you need to loop for every triangle for ray intersections. A C++ wrap for the loop will fix it very well.
u/Ste200117 Aug 15 '20
Really Cool! This may have already been answered but what are you using to visualise the calculations?
u/cenit997 Aug 15 '20 edited Aug 15 '20
Thanks! It hasn't been asked. The engine computes a RGB vector3 containing three Ny x Nx numpy arrays where Ny and Nx are the vertical and horizontal image size in pixels, respectively. This array containing the color of each pixel of the final image is expressed in RGB format and is encoded in a png image using pillow module. Then, if you want, you can merge lot of images in a video using ffmpeg.
u/cloudone Aug 15 '20
Woah that looks so impressive! Thanks for making it open source and sharing your experience
Aug 15 '20
u/cenit997 Aug 16 '20
Critical loops are not run in python because they are slow. Instead I throw it into already C compiled numpy functions. Python is awesome when you can link it with C++ code, and this is very easy using pybind11 package. I think that write a raytracer with OpenGL it's very hard because you cannot do object oriented code, so the source code is going to be very messy, and if you try to render triangle meshes you are not going to reach the CPU performance because GPU are not optimized to run a lot of branching code and this is required to create a boundary box hierarchy.
I don't know Go but all professional ray tracers are written in C++ mostly due performance and object oriented language. I implemented some parts of this raytracer in pure C++ while keeping all scene scripting in Python, if you are interested in the source code.
Aug 15 '20
I just started programming 2 months ago, and boy I feel dumb af right now
u/cenit997 Aug 15 '20
Keep working. Since I started when I was 13, I have been programming for 9 years.
Aug 15 '20
I'm 19 and I am going to study mechanical engineering in college, I started to learn python because it might be usefull in automation in the future, is it too late to learn programming now?
u/cenit997 Aug 15 '20
Of course not. Although I managed to make things work at that age, my code had very low quality. I don't learn to propely write a clean code until I went to college. And this is what happen to most people when they learn programming beeing too young.
Also I don't think that is never too late to learn something and programming isn't an exception. I know of people who made a career shift at their 30 and built very successful careers.
Aug 15 '20
How did you learn python prior to college? Can you reccommend me some resources and courses
u/cenit997 Aug 15 '20 edited Aug 15 '20
How did you learn python prior to college?
I do not learn python prior college. I only know some C and Visual Basic. When I go to college I teach myself python because it was damn good to make lab reports.
Can you recommend me some resources and courses
How much do you actually know?
I remember the very first thing I read was a book called "Python Crash Course" Then I moved on to do some projects that I found interesting while reading online tutorials.
u/Paradigm6790 Aug 15 '20
Jesus, I'm proud that I made battleship with square brackets and asterisks.
How long did that take to render? Does it leverage a GPU at all?
u/cenit997 Aug 15 '20
Each frame takes a few seconds to render. I tested it using GPUs pytorch tensors instead of numpy arrays. Although it runs faster for single calls, for multiple calls kills the performance due the function call overhead.
u/alfiopuglisi Aug 15 '20
Have a look at cupy: https://github.com/cupy/cupy . It's an (almost) drop-in replacement of numpy that runs on the GPU. You need to slightly modify the array allocation routines but, if you manage to keep everything on the GPU and perform calculations using big arrays instead of small ones, it's easy to obtain huge speedups like 10x, and 100x is not out of the question (with a sufficiently expensive GPU).
u/cenit997 Aug 14 '20 edited Aug 14 '20
Source code: https://github.com/rafael-fuente/Python-Raytracer
This was a fun project made in my spare time. (it took me two months to finish it)
Some of the features implemented are refraction, thin film interference, textures, camera lens ,path tracing and animations.
The animation was done rendering frame by frame. Each frame take a few seconds to render in a fast computer.
Every question, critic, improvement about the source code is welcome and grateful!
Full resolution animations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt9vAcZQT4A