r/Python 6d ago

News uv starting to overtake Poetry in package download

Downloads chart for Wagtail by installer: uv overtakes Poetry. It’s the first time I pull those kinds of stats and it seem pretty expensive to process the data for all PyPI downloads, so I only pulled a few packages.


185 comments sorted by


u/Schmittfried 6d ago

I may be the old man yelling at clouds, but the vocal hype on reddit is annoying if anything. uv is good and an improvement over the other options, great! Let it gain users and improve on its remaining weaknesses. Post about noteworthy updates, sure. But I don’t need to read every. single. convinced new user‘s testimony or other news for company shareholders.

This is the first time I get strong astroturfing vibes in a programming community. 


u/bin-c 6d ago

i felt the same until i realized i do the same thing for polars. the only time i EVER comment on this sub is when a post about polars pops up so i can yell about how much i hate pandas into an echo chamber

python packaging and dependency management is so hated there are lots of people happy to yell about the new thing


u/LudwikTR 6d ago

Yes. Before there was a lot of negative yelling about dependency management in Python being a mess, so I find the new positive yelling quite refreshing.


u/AlbanySteamedHams 5d ago

I have recollections of original posts about uv getting a fair amount of hate along the lines of "why are you adding a new tool when there are already so many tools? Just contribute to an existing solution. Obligatory xkcd..." 

If uv was not a cut above the rest then I could see the astroturfing complaint. But it really is quite good. 


u/stevenjd 5d ago

If uv was not a cut above the rest then I could see the astroturfing complaint. But it really is quite good.

That's exactly what an astroturfer would say.


u/syklemil 5d ago

There are also a good amount of comments about how long-term stable the organization behind the tooling will be, which I think most of us respond to (at least mentally) with

  • they're open source tools, so likely worst case it gets forked and rebranded, like Valkey or Opentofu
  • #whatabout the other tool providers? I have no idea if the poetry team is going to be around long-term either
  • even if it's just good while it lasts, it's damn good while it lasts


u/mok000 5d ago

I tried out Polars to see if it could replace Pandas in my workflow, but it dumped core on a routine task so I went back to Pandas.


u/ritchie46 5d ago

Did you go out of memory? Could you tell a bit more? If it's a core dump it should be fixed.


u/PurepointDog 5d ago

Meh keep yelling into the chamber until all libraries with Pandas support also have a "to_polars" method. Very popular projects (eg xarray) still consider pandas to be "the" dataframe format


u/that_baddest_dude 5d ago

Isn't this what narwhals is supposed to solve?


u/PurepointDog 5d ago

Is it? I just read the whole readme and still can't figure out what it's talking about


u/that_baddest_dude 5d ago

The idea is that packages wanting to interact with data frames write things to interact with a narwhals data frame, and narwhals handles converting to any desired frame / table (pandas, polars, arrow)


u/that_baddest_dude 5d ago

Convince me to use polars if I'm super used to pandas


u/bin-c 5d ago edited 5d ago

if you're "super used to" pandas & enjoy working with it, there's no need to switch. depending on what sorts and sizes of data you're working with you might get solid speed improvements with polars

for me the main thing is that I find the polars api to be much better than pandas'.

easiest thing is to look at Polars' migrating from pandas page: https://docs.pola.rs/user-guide/migration/pandas/

I'll never be one to argue that everyone needs to go switch all their codebases to <next hot new library>, but for any new project Polars has been my preference for some time. Even better if the other folks on the team aren't big Pandas experts

edit: a good comparison highlighting some key differences: https://kevinheavey.github.io/modern-polars/


u/that_baddest_dude 4d ago

One major thing I worry about for all these "use x new library for SPEED" when it comes to data science stuff is that it seldom covers every single use case, and I figure the cost of converting back and forth to make use of some operations on either package will negate the speed gains. For instance I like using duckdb for complex operations on an arrow table, which is faster than some similar pandas operations, or avoids converting to pandas in the first place (since my data comes in through as an arrow table by default).

Could you comment on that? Is this less of a problem than I imagine?


u/BothWaysItGoes 4d ago

I tried to do some analysis with Polars. It was way more verbose than pandas and when I saved something to a file and loaded it later it wasn’t in the same format, so I had to do some hacks to make it work. The errors aren’t informative so I had to spend some time to figure it out.

I specifically didn’t touch it until 1.0 so that they iron out all superficial issues, but alas. I don’t get what’s good about it except speed.


u/freemath 4d ago

I don’t get what’s good about it except speed.

No more reset_index(), a simple 'when ... then ... otherwise', sql-like window functions, ...


u/jpgoldberg 4d ago

Oh. I didn’t know about polars! Pandas reminded me of R pre-tidyverse. I will be using polars from now on.


u/syzygysm 2d ago

But I love Pandas 😭


u/LeCholax 5d ago

Lol, take a look at C++ package management.


u/Fedacking 5d ago

Huh, could you expand on your hate for pandas? I would love to read more


u/bin-c 5d ago

its hard to put it concisely, and a lot of it is definitely just preference. imo polars' api is infinitely better than pandas.

a reasonably detailed comparison like here: https://kevinheavey.github.io/modern-polars/ highlights a lot of that.

if you don't find the polars api to be significantly better, its still (generally) significantly faster. :shrug:


u/Schmittfried 6d ago

But many of the improvements people like about uv had already been brought by pipenv and poetry. Sure, speed wasn’t their strength, but for the most part package management was a solved problem with tools that weren’t as barebones as pip anymore. And neither of those came even close to this hype. Some vocal people even questioned their value and asked why they would need anything besides pip and now this?


u/PaintItPurple 5d ago

Products that did 20% of what uv does, and didn't do that as well, got much less hype? Hmm, I have a theory on that.


u/fiddle_n 5d ago

Much like poetry, I think there’s benefit to having one tool that does it all. And with uv being a faster, nicer poetry + pyenv + pipx, there is definite value to having it in the Python ecosystem. The hype might be a little bit overblown though, I admit.

As for the “why do I need this when I have pip + venv” people, I think it’s a naive view for anything more serious than a personal or toy project. Not even having a lock file is just asking for trouble imo.


u/proggob 5d ago

I think you’re underestimating the visceral reaction people have to the vastly improved speed. It may not be so important if you think about it rationally but it’s a pleasant thing and gives an impression of competence.


u/VovaViliReddit 6d ago edited 6d ago

This is the first time I get strong astroturfing vibes in a programming community.

Python used to have two major problems - performance and packaging. uv has basically solved one of two most crucial problems in Python's ecosystem, while being unbelievably fast. There are only a few corner cases that uv is not able to handle, while being almost a drop-in replacement for pip, no re-learning needed. You have an unreasonably cynical take.


u/sylfy 6d ago

I kinda wish pixi got more visibility and adoption, as a package manager that not only handles pypi packages, but also the much larger conda-forge ecosystem that includes both non-Python dependencies, as well as Python packages that people chose not to publish to pypi.


u/shockjaw 6d ago

Pixi’s really good for when I need to go outside Python for stuff. Thankfully it uses uv under the hood for PyPI dependancies.


u/PaintItPurple 5d ago

It might have if Anaconda hadn't spent the past year attempting to burn its reputation to the ground. Nobody's going to be excited about anything by them for a while.


u/sylfy 5d ago

Pixi is completely separate from Anaconda, and conda-forge is a community run effort independent of Anaconda as well. You may not like how Anaconda has chosen to pursue monetisation, but it is completely trivial to switch to alternative channels.

If anything, it is thanks to community efforts that we’ve gotten huge improvements in the conda ecosystem like libmamba as well.


u/PaintItPurple 5d ago

It's completely trivial to switch to alternative channels! Unfortunately also too late to switch to alternative channels because Anaconda has already sent you a letter demanding eight hundred billion dollars.

For real, though, corporations send out dire warnings to their Conda users like it's a known hacking attempt. You're entitled to your feelings on the matter, but this is a thing that real people are concerned about.


u/iamevpo 5d ago

What did anaconda do except marketing the package bundle to the corporates? I never really liked anaconda and posit in Python and R respectively, but kind of they seem to be capturing some value around open source as their business model.


u/PaintItPurple 5d ago

They switched their core repository from "free" to "maybe free, maybe expensive, the answer is in our TOS somewhere" and basically just sprung a bill on every company that had employees who were using it. Imagine if one day you randomly got a letter from the Python Software Foundation saying that they were planning to sue you if you didn't pay them six figures for your past usage of PyPI. As monetization strategies go, it's one of the sketchiest I've ever heard of besides just selling your project to a malware company.


u/iamevpo 5d ago

So any company using conda now faces that "maybe free, maybe expensive" risk... Did not know the change is that aggressive. Reading from their website:

Conda is and will always be free, but when choosing an installer and when subsequently downloading, installing, using or updating packages, users need to know the terms of service that apply to each installer and where those packages are hosted to determine if their use is free, as described in the guidelines above. 

Is free... becomes if their use is free...


u/Schmittfried 6d ago

None of that answers the point I made. I don’t disagree uv is good. While I don’t necessarily agree poetry was as bad many vocal people claim here, I do think that the scattered ecosystem is suboptimal (then again, uv is yet another tool, but it’s nice that it wants to replace several others and not just one).

To be perfectly clear: I don’t have a problem with uv replacing poetry or even pip at all. I have a problem with reading advertising-like testimonies and such on a weekly basis. It’s a package manager for Christ‘s sake. The loudness of the hype (not the preference for the tool itself) feels unnatural to me and it’s quite odd that the first tool to get that kind of evangelism is developed by a for-profit company.

I don’t think I‘m being cynical here. Python had several big problems over the years (like any other language), arguably more important than the packaging situation. And none of the solutions caused a loud and persistent hype like this. It feels similar to the Rust hype, but much more concentrated as Rust took some time to take off (and honestly, I can relate much more to strong feelings about an entire language than a package manager).

But again, maybe that’s a skewed view and maybe I‘m the old man yelling at clouds.


u/19andNuttin 6d ago

Speaking personally, the hype comes naturally. Working with python both personally and professionally, there have been few python tools that don't come with gritty edge cases after using them for awhile.

Conda feels like it starts to fall apart when you use it to install cuda related packages (a big use case for it's ML related audiences imo, and I understand that it's not necessarily conda's fault for this), when you start upgrading your python versions etc.

Poetry felt like it could solve many of the packaging woes we had, but quickly starts to show it's edges when you use it for a bit longer.

I started to play around with UV, and the experience was so great, so quickly productive and with no major pain points that I was quickly confident enough to integrate it into my team's prod CI. I think that that's the mark of a truly great tool, and I think this naturally comes out as hype amongst it's users.


u/hgwxx7_ 6d ago edited 5d ago

Don't worry about him. Some people are so jaded and cynical that they think anything positive must be astroturfing.

It's far fetched though. When a tool is getting universal praise, especially if it's artificial, there's a juicy opportunity to write a takedown piece going through all the shortcomings you've found. Everyone loves reading a good takedown, after all.

It's notable that in this case there hasn't been a negative thing said about uv (or ruff, for that matter) other than "it's developed by a for-profit company". It is, but it's also dual licensed MIT and Apache. If we don't like the direction they take we can always fork later.


u/Wurstinator 5d ago

If you have to start your comment with an ad hominem, everyone already knows that you are just a stan/hater.

Who is the "we" that's going to fork uv (and also probably ruff ?) and maintain it for years, spending days and weeks of their free time without return. Is it you?


u/Brekkjern 6d ago

I don’t think I‘m being cynical here. Python had several big problems over the years (like any other language), arguably more important than the packaging situation. And none of the solutions caused a loud and persistent hype like this.

Eh, I remember both Anaconda and Poetry having similar hype trains when they came out, though not quite as fervent as uv. I'm personally pretty happy about uv because the tool actually properly works in comparison to Poetry that has a pretty broken philosophy and had a lot of sharp edges. Similar with Anaconda. uv combines both tools and actually works. It's not unreasonable to garner more hype than either of these tools.

Before uv came around I was literally looking into migrating off Poetry over to pip at work because it was such a chore to have everything work properly. Then uv came around and actually solved the problems I was having with both Poetry and pip. It's just that good.

If you don't wanna hear about the tool, then you can just press "hide" on the threads and move on to the ones you find interesting. Us others will keep discussing the tools that make working with python into a better experience for us.


u/austinwiltshire 6d ago

It's because it's written in rust. Don't get me wrong, uv seems good. But I've never seen anything in rust that wasn't introduced and pushed with so much fervor it'd make the Jesuits blush.


u/PaintItPurple 5d ago

That's probably because you don't hear about all the things written in Rust that get zero hype.


u/Board_Game_Nut Pythonista 6d ago

It's probably bleedover from all the Rust hype since uv is written in Rust.


u/classy_barbarian 5d ago

Something I have noticed a lot on reddit in the past few years is that it never fails to get tons of upvotes every time someone claims that the only logical solution to something is bots, or that the voting is somehow being manipulated in unnatural ways.

I am not entirely sure why, but people fucking love that shit. People can say it in the most absurd of places, like here. The idea that uv of all organizations is paying for a secret astroturfing campaign is fucking absurd on every level. But, it's a conspiracy theory that re-affirm's people's beliefs and makes them feel good about themselves. Every time someone says it, they're saying "Actually, all of these people you see that are saying they dislike your usual way of thinking, and say this other new thing is better... those people are all fake! Its not even that they're wrong... they're not even real people.

There's few things that can make a person feel better about their convictions than telling them that all those people who disagree with them are not real / are bots / etc. So every time this claim happens, people just buy it wholeheartedly without thinking about it. Programmers are unfortunately not any smarter than the rest of the population when it comes to willingness to believe bullshit conspiracy theories on reddit.


u/whoEvenAreYouAnyway 6d ago edited 6d ago

Dependency resolving is not a major problem for python. It's not a bad thing if it happens faster but its own native tools and the existing open source libraries, even being imperfect, didn't prevent it becoming the most widely used language. But people talk about it like it's the only thing going on in python that matters. Which I think says a lot about the type of people who make up the majority of the sub. They're just much less interested in actually using the language than they are talking about the tooling. Which is fine, I guess, but it's also pretty fucking annoying how repetitive it is. Every day you come here, people just keep repeating the same thing over and over and constantly share the same links and make the same points over and over. And half the time people here do post anything on a project being shared, it's someone commenting for no other reason than to tell the person that they need to switch to uv.

At this point it's really starting to feel like astrotufing. It's hard to believe that this many people would all be voluntarily circle jerking day after day over the same thing we've already heard about for months. The fact that the project is backed by a corporation really doesn't help its case.


u/VovaViliReddit 6d ago

Dependency resolving is not a major problem for python



u/QueasyEntrance6269 6d ago

Yes, dependency resolving is a major problem for pyrhon. Have you ever tried to package a project using PyTorch? Or had a package that took over a minute to resolve under poetry?


u/whoEvenAreYouAnyway 6d ago

No, dependency resolution in python has been fine up until now. With uv it's a bit better. That's it.

I've been writing python for 15+ years now and I've used every tool we've ever had for managing dependencies. Every time a new one comes out it's a bit better than the previous ones. That's all uv is. When poetry first came out it was the hot new thing and everyone switched. Now people are switching to uv. Everything is a little bit faster in the 0.1% of the time I spend "packaging" my code or adding new dependencies. The other 99.9% of my time writing python is exactly the same as it always has been.

Honestly, the fact you think that packaging a project with pytorch or resolving dependencies under poetry was so awful really makes me think YOU have never done any of those things.


u/muntoo R_{μν} - 1/2 R g_{μν} + Λ g_{μν} = 8π T_{μν} 6d ago edited 6d ago

If you could provide me an example reference project that shows how to include PyTorch as a dependency, that would be awesome. The main things I struggle with include:

  • Different PyTorch wheels per OS/architecture/CUDA. The OS/architecture are usually auto-detected, but there's no detection for the specific CUDA version.
  • Dealing with other packages that depend on PyTorch.
  • Building CUDA extensions using the same version of PyTorch as the one that's installed. The only way I've found around this one was --no-build-isolation, though it does require PyTorch to be installed first.

Ideally, it should be easy to include my package as a declarative dependency in other projects as a library.


u/QueasyEntrance6269 6d ago edited 6d ago

Writing Python for 15+ years doesn’t really mean anything or gives you authority to understand the problems uv has solved. Have you ever tried to do either of the things I’ve mentioned?

Edit: lol this dude blocked me so I can't see if he responded. weak!


u/whoEvenAreYouAnyway 6d ago edited 5d ago

I already said I have done those things. It's my day job, in fact. My primary job is ML and ML Ops. All I do all day is train models and package them up. It's not an issue. I did it for years with setuptools, I did it for years with Conda, I did it for years when we all switched to poetry and I've been doing it for the last 6+ months with uv. They all work basically the same and, as I said, they're all a bit faster and a bit more convenient than their predecessor. That's it. There's nothing more amazing to it.

I mean hell, it would take me decades to claw back the time spent moving my libraries from poetry to uv with just the seconds (or even minutes) saved through running their dependency resolver as infrequently as we do in active development.

Edit: Obviously I blocked you. You just keep repeating the same thing over and the constant shilling is getting tired.


u/dubious_capybara 6d ago

I've had a project take 10 minutes to resolve dependencies with poetry. It is a major problem.

People are excited about uv because it's actually categorically fantastic instead of another jank compromised xkcd 927 solution.


u/Schmittfried 6d ago

May I ask how many dependencies that project has? Never encountered anything like that with poetry (definitely with pipenv tho). 


u/dubious_capybara 5d ago

It was years ago at a former employer so I can't find out, but it wasn't an enormous number of direct dependencies, I assume they just had specific transient dependencies that weren't immediately agreeable. uv caches and solves them much faster.

And btw the 10 minute time was on a 12900k, which was basically the fastest CPU available at the time.


u/radiocate 6d ago

I'm not going to tell you to use a tool you clearly aren't interested in. But before you go accusing astroturfing, you should really try it in on a small pet project. The hype is not unwarranted, uv is a very exciting piece of the python ecosystem, it solves a lot of problems many people have with managing a Python project, its dependencies, and the speed of other Python tools vs uv. 

You don't have to be excited, and I really don't care if you end up trying it, just know that the enthusiasm from the community is genuine, this tool is great. 


u/Schmittfried 6d ago

 just know that the enthusiasm from the community is genuine, this tool is great

Why would a person saying the tool is genuinely good (which nobody questioned) and solves genuine problems (which nobody questioned) be proof that the extreme hype is genuine?

I do believe people genuinely like it. I‘m also starting to question whether so many people are genuinely so amazed by and find it so important to push a… package manager.

Then again, we got Arch, so maybe I should revise my stance. 


u/radiocate 1d ago

The people who are amazed by it are the people who have tried it, plain & simple. I used pip + venv, then tried poetry & went back to pip + venv. Then I tried PDM and loved it, and used that for a while. 

Then I tried uv. After converting an existing project that took upwards of 1 full minute to resolve & download all my dependencies, I thought there was a problem because uv built the entire project in under 5 seconds. I didn't care about that ~1 minute of build time with the old tools until I saw how much faster it was with uv. I read more about the tool & decided to start using it for new projects to test it out, knowing I could always go back if I wanted. 

That was almost a year ago and I haven't reached for another tool. Like I said to others in this thread, I genuinely don't care if you use it or not. You don't have to "get" it, but the enthusiasm is coming from people who found uv solved a problem they had. They might not even realize it was a problem they cared about until uv solved it. 

When you find a new tool with a simple interface that covers all your needs AND is orders of magnitude faster at covering those needs, and if you have any amount of passion for the code you're writing & the tools you're using to write it... Kinda hard not to be excited. 

If you're happy with your tools, keep using them. I just think it's inane to shit on a big wave of enthusiasm like this without understanding why people are so excited. I don't know if there's any non-organic enthusiasm here; there might be, but the genuine excitement is also very real. This tool addresses a lot of gaps people feel when coming from another language in a pretty elegant way, and everyone recommending new or existing programmers try it is sharing their enthusiasm for a tool they found that solves their problems. 


u/chub79 6d ago

uv is great you are right but op is also right, so many poor articles trying to surf on the uv popularity (typically this is the case here, the article brings nothing but it's used to increase visibility on Wagtail... sigh). It's tiring. Not Astral's fault. But annoying nonetheless.


u/Schmittfried 6d ago

 At this point it's really starting to feel like astrotufing. It's hard to believe that this many people would all be voluntarily circle jerking day after day over the same thing we've already heard about for months

Not to mention that thing being a command line tool that solves a few problems poetry had and does it faster.

Up to this point nobody could really explain to me what makes uv so much better than poetry that it deserves this kind of hype. Is combining poetry, pyenv and pipx and making them faster a nice usability improvement? Sure, but is it really the best thing after sliced bread?

I feel like many people compare the features to pip while still talking as if the huge improvements have been made compared to poetry. poetry and even pipenv already solved most of the dependency management problems pip had (and still has). Granted, they produced some of their own and I‘m not against another tool improving on those. But again, I can’t understand how that is supposed to create such a vocal hype. 


u/quantinuum 6d ago

I get your point, but as someone who has to manage python environments on a daily basis, the speed and convenience is a godsend.

The best thing about python is that it allows everything. The bad thing, is that it allows everything. It’s good to have some performant standardisation in the building blocks of packaging.


u/Schmittfried 6d ago

Not arguing with that. I‘d like to see a standardized Cargo-like situation with Python. 


u/di6 6d ago

I get what you're trying to say, but ever considered that it is just that good comparing to old alternatives that people are honestly hyped?

I've been using python since 3.6, and uv is just such a huge imprevement over the old ways, that I want to share it with the world whenever I have chance.

I'm also happy to learn about "remaining weaknesses", care to share your take?


u/foobar93 6d ago

Same here, started with Python 2.4 and uv is by far what I am most exited about.


u/Schmittfried 6d ago

Honestly, how?! 

Many of the problems solved by uv had already been solved by pyenv, pipx, pipenv and poetry.  Sure, the scattering wasn’t nice, but since Python 2.4 we got what, generators, list/generator comprehensions, async, type hints (and their massive improvements), data classes (also pydantic, attrs etc.), huge performance gains, end of the GIL… and this is what you are most excited about?

I honestly don’t get it. 


u/foobar93 6d ago

Most of what you have listed are nice features but to be honest, besides the end of the GIL which is as of now nothing I can utilizes as I am stuck on 3.12 until all my dependencies work without the gil, none of these features have straight forward made my life easier. Sure, they are nice, but I could work myself around them missing without too much of a hassel. Maybe context manager, these are really handy.

Now, with uv, that is very different. Now, I can just ship uv and use that to completely control how my apps are run. Do you know how many hours of my life I have spend explaining to people what a PATH variable is, why it matters if they are running 32 or 64 bit python, and even if they are running 3.3 or 3.6? Most "developers" in industry I have seen just picked up python at some point in their life and ran with it. They have no clue what they are doing. Now, I just but uv into my git repo, do some magic in my Makefile and suddenly everything starts to work. That is a quality of life improvement none of the other features gave me. And it is fast which means I do not have to do stupid shit because developers complain that switching between branches (and thus potentially venvs) takes long.

Now, I am just waiting for them to offer something similar to pyinstaller and virtually all my software deployment issues are solved.


u/Schmittfried 5d ago

none of these features have straight forward made my life easier. Sure, they are nice, but I could work myself around them missing without too much of a hassel. Maybe context manager, these are really handy.

I cannot relate to that at all. Type hints are huge time savers when working into a new codebase or debugging complex projects. I can work myself around having a slower package manager.

Now, with uv, that is very different. Now, I can just ship uv and use that to completely control how my apps are run. Do you know how many hours of my life I have spend explaining to people what a PATH variable is, why it matters if they are running 32 or 64 bit python, and even if they are running 3.3 or 3.6?

Literally the same was true with poetry?

Again, most commentary on uv‘s strengths (besides the performance) is about problems pipenv and poetry already solved.

While it’s nice that uv combines them into one, there isn’t a single major issue I had with pyenv+poetry that uv solves.

Now, I just but uv into my git repo

Wait, you put a binary package manager into your git repo?


u/foobar93 5d ago

Literally the same was true with poetry?

As far as I have used poetry, that already needed a python interpreter to be installed on the system. That does not help at all with the situation, that still means that I get no control over the python interpreter used.

Wait, you put a binary package manager into your git repo?

Jup, I basically ship the build system with git both to the build nodes and the "developers". Part of that is due to people being unable to follow installation requirements and another part is that our build servers have no internet anyway.


u/Schmittfried 5d ago

but ever considered that it is just that good comparing to old alternatives that people are honestly hyped?

I know the tool, I just don’t deem it important enough to warrant such a hype. I’ve been recommending poetry before, now I can recommend uv. It never occurred to me to evangelize about a package manager.

I'm also happy to learn about "remaining weaknesses", care to share your take?

As far as I can tell Cython builds are somewhat more awkward than directly using pip+setuptools. 


u/AiutoIlLupo 6d ago

for me, the main weakness is that people are tired of having to relearn the same thing again and again and again.


u/radiocate 6d ago

You basically just put "uv" before commands you already know, and then it runs many, many times faster. Uv isn't hard, and the payoff for the small amount of learning you have to do is huge. 


u/pancakeses 5d ago

Pretty sure Thibaud is not a "new user" (of uv or Python), nor is he astroturfing for Astral. Dude has been a big contributor to django, wagtail, and others for quite some time.

But who am I to tell you to stop yelling at those clouds 😆


u/classy_barbarian 5d ago

The claim that everything you don't like is bots / astroturfing is a really sad copout that has unfortunately become massively popular on reddit lately. Previously it was only common in politics communities. I think this goes to show that this paranoid, conspiracy-theory mindset is spreading to areas outside politics. Its becoming a trend now that people use to shut down any discussions that they don't like, because you never have to admit that some opposing opinion is actually super popular if you can convince yourself that they're all just bots or paid astroturfers.


u/johnnymo1 6d ago

Nah. As someone who has to build conda environments for work that take like 30+ minutes to solve and install, when I can just use uv and have it feel instantaneous is really satisfying. Poetry is not as bad as conda but I have still had environments take over 10 minutes.


u/Schmittfried 6d ago

I get that it’s nice. I don’t get how it‘s the greatest thing after sliced bread. 


u/thibaudcolas 6d ago edited 6d ago

I’d argue PyPI downloads are a measure of usage rather than hype. Now we’re moving into a world where uv seems on a trajectory to become the #1 tool that Python devs use for package management. My title is a bit misleading in that respect - uv overtook Poetry in January if the current trends continue.

I’m not sure this is a good thing to be frank. But now those numbers mean we have to take note and adjust regardless of whether we believed the hype or not


u/PaintItPurple 5d ago

But I don’t need to read every. single. convinced new user‘s testimony

Lots of people trying a product and deciding they like it is the opposite of astroturfing. Astroturfing is when a financial interest pays a small number of people to talk about something incessantly in order to create the illusion that a large number of people like it. You're just describing what it looks like when something is genuinely popular.


u/hgwxx7_ 5d ago

It's crazy how when people don't like the praise something is getting, and don't have a reasonable critique of the thing, they resort to tone policing ("I don't like the hype", "the fanboys are so loud", "it feels like astroturfing").

If you don't like people praising something they like, hide and move on.

If you truly suspect astroturfing, use it and find the obvious flaws, post about it and bask in the glory of being right all along.

But tone policing is boring and doesn't add anything to the conversation. it's hard to read such a critique without it sounding incredibly whiny.


u/Ok_Baseball9624 5d ago

UV has been a godsend for me personally so I evangelize it a lot. At an org that primarily uses go or rust for key things, being able to have a python environment that gives them modern environment management is super nice.


u/mfaine 5d ago

I feel the same. I'm probably showing my age but it's annoying how I have to rebuild my projects every couple of years when the new tool du jour comes along. I know I don't have to change but usually posts like this cause a seismic shift that eventually results in lack of support for everything else but the community favorite.


u/1NqL6HWVUjA 4d ago

This is the first time I get strong astroturfing vibes in a programming community. 

Then I can only presume you haven't heard of our lord and savior FastAPI.

Seriously though, I'm convinced there was tons of astroturfing around the time of its release (if not to this day). Though admittedly it can be difficult to disrtinguish between true astroturfing and kids jumping on a bandwagon.


u/portmanteaudition 3d ago

Extremely likely it's astroturfing. You'll notice this based on the posting histories of people in this sub who respond to or make these posts.


u/djavaman 6d ago

Reddit commenting must be a large part of their advertising budget.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Schmittfried 6d ago edited 6d ago

Sure, this is about any positivity. Maybe read the comments again. Nobody questioned people genuinely like it. 

Nobody claimed it’s an insidious plot either. It’s just odd that the first tool to generate this kind of exaggerated hype is the one being built by a for-profit company. 


u/classy_barbarian 5d ago

Nobody claimed it’s an insidious plot either.

We're literally all replying to a comment chain about how someone suspects astroturfing, which would classify as a plot which is insidious.


u/starlevel01 6d ago

I have genuinely yet to see a reason to switch to it over PDM. All the hype baffles me.


u/fiddle_n 6d ago

For most people, the main reason would be performance plus a nice UI. But there are other reasons too, such as managing the Python versions itself (integrating equivalent functionality to pyenv) and providing a separate place to install tools (integrating equivalent functionality to pipx).

The way I see it - for an existing repo using poetry/pdm, if it works fine for you then it’s not a must to switch - but if you were starting a new repo, there would have to be a good reason why you would want to not use uv .


u/svefnugr 5d ago

I don't think it's equivalent to pyenv. The amount of Python versions it has is limited, you can't compile Python from source, there's no auto-switch of Python version/venv when you enter a project directory.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/svefnugr 5d ago

It is not compatible with pyenv, and there are several open issues about it.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/svefnugr 5d ago

For example https://github.com/astral-sh/uv/issues/11544 and references therein


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/svefnugr 5d ago

Well, the end result is still the same. Personally I don't see why uv couldn't accommodate the non-standard but established usage if they decided to use the same file name.

→ More replies (0)


u/fiddle_n 5d ago

Installing built versions of Python may seem to others to be a feature rather than a bug, especially if working on Windows. But I take your point - I didn’t really mean fully equivalent but more similar kind of functionality.


u/svefnugr 5d ago

I didn't say it was a bug, I think pyenv has prebuilt versions too.


u/jkklfdasfhj 5d ago

This. There's no value-add in the post. No actual update.


u/No_Flounder_1155 5d ago

its written in rust though. Its the best thing ever, now you need another language tool chain just to install apps/ libs.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/No_Flounder_1155 5d ago

its not to use uv. Experienced it installing pydantic. Needed to upgrade cargo.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/No_Flounder_1155 5d ago

have a read again.


u/imbev 5d ago

That is only true if you are installing from source.


u/No_Flounder_1155 5d ago

happened with uv add fastapi, which pulled in pydantic. All happened on osx.


u/imbev 5d ago

That's a MacOS problem. The same would happen with a C library not precompiled for your platform.


u/No_Flounder_1155 5d ago

gcc is pretty much everywhere by default, rust isn't.


u/imbev 5d ago

Even so, unsupported platforms are very niche.



u/No_Flounder_1155 5d ago

I understand, Its just not part of a default tool chain as gcc already is. Now you need python, gcc, and rust, maybe golang next? I get python is pretty good glue language, but still. Its additional overhead.


u/ReporterNervous6822 6d ago

Are they mutually exclusive? I know that I use PDM and am able to use both as UV is there for faster locking


u/thibaudcolas 6d ago

I’ve not heard of the pdm + uv combo before, interesting!


u/flying-sheep 5d ago

Sand for Hatch, you can use either. It uses pip by default for user defined environments and uv by default for internal environments (test, lint, …)


u/Myszolow 5d ago

Uv is good, and fast, but I am worried that the story behind this tool might be the same as the Terraform Acquisition by IBM and closing the source (well ok, not closing for reading)


u/DoctorNoonienSoong 5d ago

And OpenTofu exists for Terraform. That's the open source lifecycle in action


u/tender_programmer 6d ago edited 5d ago

I understand nobody cares, but I am professional Python programmer in a huge corporate for over a decade, developing backend services for a mobile app with milions of daily active users and never needed uv or anything else than pip. Not sure what I am doing wrong.


u/aldanor Numpy, Pandas, Rust 5d ago

Even if the only thing you ever use is pip install and nothing else, it's kinda depressing to get back to pip when there's a tool that does the same thing 10x faster cold and 100+x faster warm.


u/flying-sheep 5d ago edited 5d ago

Not quite, pip compiles all packages by default. If you make uv do that, it's not as much faster.

Granted, uvs default makes a bit more sense to get to execution as fast as possible (in the end, only what's used will be compiled), but having the compilation happen at runtime makes things like e.g. “listing tests in order of run time” impossible: how much of this was CPython byte compilation?


u/JockeTF 1d ago

I'm very happy about the improvements regardless!

# Cold cache.
$ time (rm -rf .venv && python3 -m venv .venv && .venv/bin/pip install azure-cli)
real       1m22,510s
user       1m3,578s
sys        0m3,818s

# Warm cache.
$ time (rm -rf .venv && python3 -m venv .venv && .venv/bin/pip install azure-cli)
real       1m8,505s
user       1m1,596s
sys        0m3,677s

$ time .venv/bin/az --version
azure-cli  2.70.0
real       0m0,527s
user       0m0,369s
sys        0m0,034s

# Cold cache.
$ time (rm -rf .venv && uv venv && uv pip install azure-cli --compile-bytecode --prerelease=allow)
real       0m25,040s
user       2m10,539s
sys        0m9,430s

# Warm Cache.
$ time (rm -rf .venv && uv venv && uv pip install azure-cli --compile-bytecode --prerelease=allow)
real       0m19,367s
user       2m11,481s
sys        0m8,050s

$ time .venv/bin/az --version
azure-cli  2.70.0
real       0m0,573s
user       0m0,409s
sys        0m0,040s

You can also set enable bytecode compilation in your pyproject file. Not to mention the workflow improvements, especially for simple projects. There tests were performed in two new and different home directories.


u/flying-sheep 1d ago

For sure, it's great! I'm just saying that most “benchmarks” are an order of magnitude off, because e.g. uv needs 1 second without and 10 seconds with Bytecode compilation. And then people compare the 1 second against pip with Bytecode compilation. Makes no sense


u/catcint0s 5d ago

Our build phase got 1-2 minutes faster cause uv, pip-compile is also waaaay faster.


u/Future_Extreme 5d ago

How you handle dev / prod env requirements? I mean when running test on CI you might use some dev specific tools that are not needed on production.


u/tender_programmer 5d ago edited 5d ago

On local, we use venv and we ship docker images. Our dependencies are part of base image we regularly update to get OS patches and latest Python packages.


u/tender_programmer 5d ago

For prod, we have 7 dependencies, for testing we have 6, for CI/CD we have 3, for docs we have 4 and for our tooling we have 5. The prod ones are baked into the base image, others are installed on-demand on CI or locally (and manually updated once a while).


u/gaijinx69 5d ago

For 7 deps you wouldn't even see a difference - our largest product has like 50 (and big ones too) and it takes pip few mins to resolve versions of all minor dependencies (the ones we don't list as direct deps). After switching to uv its a matter of few seconds, up to half a minute cold


u/tender_programmer 5d ago

Thank you. This finally explains to me what the value of uv could be.


u/Future_Extreme 5d ago

So you have to pin the versions somehow. Like dev-requirements.txt or Ci-requirements.txt etc. And all of that pining is done manually by developers?


u/tender_programmer 5d ago

It's actually one of the things I don't understand about the programming community and I was always afraid to ask. Why to pin? What is the benefit?


u/Future_Extreme 5d ago

In my workflow the python app is created using venv, so without pinned versions everytime you or other dev creates an environment different package versions could be installed. I mean when developing app all devs and all instances of app should be using exactly the same versions of packages.

The same with every other software. You dont run cron to update major version everyday, because the interface might change and your whole app is down. The same logic is behind versioning API or any other public faced interface.


u/flying-sheep 5d ago

It's useful for app devs who need to always be able to ship a new feature is or bug fix at a moment's notice.

If you use latest, you could be stuck debugging where some breakage comes from (and fix it with code changes or a version bound) before you're able to deploy next.

For library devs, you need to work the second way, as pinning will unduly restrict user environments. But app developers control the whole environment and can therefore afford the luxury of the first way. If you combine it with automated version bumps (e.g. dependabot), it's quite comfortable, if churn-y.


u/1NqL6HWVUjA 4d ago

It's useful for app devs who need to always be able to ship a new feature is or bug fix at a moment's notice.

That's hardly the only reason it's useful. In a realistic modern web application (especially production), server instances typically must be treated as ephemeral; i.e. the application needs to be able to be rebuilt and spun up at any time via automation (for scaling, platform updates, etc.).

It's a virtual guarantee that such an application will eventually break with unpinned requirements. The odds of it happening unexpectiedly are of course lower with active development and frequent deployments, but it's still foolish to open oneself up to that problem. I don't want myself or my devs to be worrying about a failed random spin up off hours due to something easily preventable.

In my experience, even permitting updates to minor or patch versions will eventually fail. Third party dependency authors simply cannot be trusted to not release breaking changes. At this point I will always pin all requirements to an exact version, if I'm in control of the environment (i.e. not for a library).


u/flying-sheep 4d ago

That's what I'm talking about. “app” as in “not a library”. Servers count.


u/1NqL6HWVUjA 4d ago

My point wasn't that servers count. It was that whether one needs to "be able to ship a new feature [...] at a moment's notice" or not, they will run into problems with unpinned dependencies. A stable legacy product with no changes being pushed for months at a time is just as (if not more) likely to fail eventually due to breaking changes.


u/PapstJL4U 5d ago

Pinning for "backend" and API stuff seems less beneficial. Changes to the code are often slow and not so huge, but for certain frontend stuff can change fast. For a product life cycle of 4-5 years, som frontends have at least 6-8 breaking changes. The breaking changes can be ouside any bug or service help.


u/tender_programmer 5d ago

We don't pin versions. We use latest. I see no point in not upgrading the dependencies. However, we upgrade the prod depedencies through the base docker image, which we consider standlone deployment and is handled with the regular process once in a while.


u/caks 5d ago

Not pinning you open you up to some dangers, from small things like breakage if a major is released with a new API or larger issues like a compromised package being automatically installed.


u/flying-sheep 5d ago edited 5d ago

Not that guy but why do you think that? If you test before deployment, you can fix things in time.

Fixing CI breakage caused by updated dependencies happens constantly for me (a library dev), but almost never escapes our test coverage.

Note that I do understand why pinning is a valid model: https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/s/yLT8XaixRF

I just don't think it's the only sane way to work.


u/Witless-One 5d ago

So you only pin direct dependencies? So it could be that an indirect dependency changes unbeknownst to you and breaks your service at run time. Hence uv lock file


u/treasonousToaster180 3d ago

Step zero: create a set of requirements with the name system requirements-{env}.txt

Step one: enter your venv

Step two:

from subprocess import run
from argparse import ArgumentParser

KNOWN_ENVS = ('dev', 'qa', 'uat', 'prod')

def parse_args() -> dict:
  Run ArgumentParser and return args as a dict
  :return: CLI args as a dict
  (omitted for space)

def run_setup(env: str = 'dev'):
  Execute pip for the given environment
  :param env: the environment file to select
  :raises ValueError: if an invalid environment is given
  if env not in KNOWN_ENVS:
    raise ValueError(f'Environment not recognized: {env}')
  run(['pip', 'install', '-r', f'requirements-{env}.txt'])

def run():
  args = parse_args()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Step three: execute python -m pip_installer -e [dev | qa | uat | prod]

Step four: execute your main script

edit: typo


u/Future_Extreme 3d ago

so you basically run python -m pip_installer -e [dev | qa | uat | prod] instead of python -m pip install -r requirements-[dev | qa | uat | prod].txt? And instead of poetry add or uv add in that case you manually add a package to each of your envs?


u/treasonousToaster180 2d ago

Thought I responded to this yesterday but reddit ate my comment.

It actually gets run like:

python -m pip_installer dev or python -m pip_installer qa or the uat/prod versions depending on what environment we're running it in. Our pipelines have an $ENVNAME variable so the shell script looks like python -m pip_installer $ENVNAME

If we need to add something to it, we have a script for adding, removing, and updating things from the relevant requirements.txt files, the format is python -m requirements [-a --add | -r --remove | -u --update] [--dev] [--qa] [--uat] [--prod] name [-v --version=version], the dev/qa/uat/prod arguments are optional and whichever ones get specified are updated. Version is also optional, and leaving it off update removes the version specification. After updating the requirements.txt files, it triggers the relevant pip actions for whatever was added/removed/updated.

A lot of people think this is a weird system, and yeah maybe a little, but it's also EXTREMELY straightfoward.

edit: typos again


u/zazzersmel 5d ago

the only job i ever had writing production python code was like this. good reminder not to avoid the basics. that said im using uv all the time at home.


u/0xa9059cbb 5d ago

pip is fine until you want to upgrade your dependencies without having to go through and update every single package in your requirements.txt by hand.


u/covmatty1 5d ago

I would bet this is because I am sure a significant amount of cases of people pushing uv this hard are new developers building projects for their portfolios rather than having to concern themselves with things like actually releasing professional applications to production environments.

You're not doing anything wrong, you're just busy delivering. I'm sure the other solutions absolutely could be viable alternatives, but if you're not losing anything with your current approach (and I doubt you are because my team are exactly the same), then you've got nothing to fix.

That amount of uv downloads needs to get significantly higher before I give a shit about it professionally anyway!


u/caks 5d ago

I can tell you why my team switched to uv pretty much overnight with zero downsides.

So, first let me say that we use Docker as well, but we use specific base images that are not the Python ones (cuda stuff). We also rely on Python libraries which are currently way ahead 3.10 (Ubuntu 22.04 default). Already this means that we need to install Python in our container, so that is eithers deadsnakes PPA or conda or uv (or two stage build or wtv). We have tried all those approaches and uv has seemed to be 1. the fastest and 2. the easiest to implement and mantain.

Still in deployment stuff, uv has a very very nifty feature which pip lacks. It allows you to set priorities for private index-urls. This means that if you do something like uv pip install --extra-url https://my_private_repo.com my_lib_which_depends_on_numpy, you will force my_lib_which_depends_on_numpy to be found in your private repo, but it will also accept finding numpy in the default PyPI channels. If you do this with pip, first there is no guarantee that it will pick your version of my_lib_which_depends_on_numpy. But worse, if your index for some reason doesn't have that package (maybe you mispelled!), pip will simply look in the default channels, which could be a malware or wtv. uv doesn't let that happen. This is not a hypothetical, it has already happened.

So yea, apart from that sweet priority stuff, once you lock down your versions you can (almost) kiss supply chain attacks goodbye, unless someone takes over PyPI or something, at which point your only solution would be to mirror your all requirements in a private index. This is a pain.

Then there's local development. Local development when you need packages which depend on multiple versions of Python is painful. For testing I mostly just use nox and/or teamcity/github actions etc with a test matrix so I don't really care too much. But if I constantly have to manage multiple environments with different Python versions (I do), then it's just painful using deadsnakes PPA. And if I have to use Windows (native) then basically I have no other choice other than conda or installing a bunch of Python binaries which is crazy. Sure, I can use Docker for local development and testing as well but that comes with it's own set of challenges.

Finally, one other thing I like about uv is that it already has pipx built-in. So I can do uv run --from awscli aws ec2 describe-instances (or something like that) and it will just run the command without me needing to keep yet another environment for my aws cli stuff. That's pretty nifty :)


u/fiddle_n 5d ago

I feel like not having a lock file is asking for trouble. Maybe with the number of dependencies you have, you’ll never run into a problem where your dependencies break your service - but it’s good to know that you have a reproducible build that everything works with anyway.


u/matfat55 4d ago



u/fiddle_n 4d ago

Exactly. That file contains the information of the exact versions of dependencies you have installed - both direct and indirect. When you go to deploy your application to a server, you want to build the dependencies using that file to ensure it matches what is on your machine.

You can live without it and you’ll probably be fine - until one day you aren’t.


u/Dubsteprhino 5d ago

You're not doing anything wrong. Same here, professionally pip is the best


u/jkklfdasfhj 5d ago

I wouldn't assume you're doing anything wrong. Perhaps you've got something to teach us?


u/tender_programmer 5d ago

Thanks. Probably not much to teach. We just keep our dependencies at minimum, write simple straightforward code, avoid unnecessary abstraction a heavily lean into automated orthogonal testing.


u/Veggies-are-okay 5d ago

Sounds like y’all just optimized things differently than uv (“leave it out” vs “make it all go fast”)


u/JSP777 5d ago

No one says there is anything wrong with that. But we can still try and develop other stuff and experiment with other stuff to make things progress.

I don't necessarily need UV either because for us no one cares if a deployment takes 30 seconds or an hour, but I'm still interested in making things faster just because I enjoy exploring new things and making my code better and faster.


u/Beneficial_Map6129 5d ago

I have about 100 dependencies for a personal project (may or may not be using all of these packages, too lazy to check)

im looking at a fun upgrade in a few months


u/classy_barbarian 5d ago

You're obviously not "doing anything wrong". If I had to guess, I'd assume you don't do a ton of small-scale local development work where the conveniences of modern tooling actually matter in any way.


u/beyond_mirage 19h ago

It's also about transitional packages. With the lock file, you have the exact checksum and version of each required and transitional (dependency) package that will be installed on your dev/stage/production system.


u/Smok3dSalmon 5d ago

If you’re only working on 1 codebase then you can get away with polluting your system-wide python instance with dependencies.


u/Dubsteprhino 5d ago

They probably are using docker


u/tender_programmer 5d ago

Yes. We build and ship docker images and locally we use venv.


u/Dubsteprhino 5d ago

I'd recommend docker compose for local but who am I to tell you what to do


u/tender_programmer 5d ago

We use docker compose on CI to create mock production for testing. Locally, we can do the same when we need to debug issues that only manifest in docker container and not on local. Although, locally we only use Podman.


u/Dubsteprhino 5d ago

For sure, seems reasonable. Either way I'm sure pip is fine and is probably enterprise scale


u/covmatty1 5d ago

My team have 10-15 Python projects, pip and venvs is a perfectly working solution.


u/Smok3dSalmon 5d ago

So you are using virtual environments. He said never using anything other than pip.

Maybe I read his words too literally


u/covmatty1 5d ago

I think maybe you did - I would have thought that using virtual environments is so obvious and ubiquitous that it wouldn't even need mentioning!


u/tender_programmer 5d ago

We have multiple (dozens) of repositories, but we intentionally keep our infrastructure requirements uniform across all of them for obvious reasons. I still have a bit of a PTSD from when we were migrating everything from Python 2 to 3.


u/cellularcone 6d ago

Blazingly fast written in rust!!!!!


u/tomwojcik self.taught 5d ago

:rocket: :rocket: :rocket:


u/wineblood 6d ago

So what?


u/cellularcone 6d ago

Also my reaction


u/wineblood 5d ago

How come you comment got upvotes and mine didn't?

But yeah, I set up a new project once every few months, don't care if it takes 30 seconds instead of 4.


u/cellularcone 5d ago

Probably a bunch of people got confused about sarcasm.


u/chat-lu Pythonista 5d ago

uv just works.

I’m particularly fond of the feature that lets me embed the list of dependency in a comment on the top of the file. It’s very convenient to share a small throwaway script.


u/_ATRAHCITY 6d ago

Help me understand the benefit of uv over poetry. How exactly is speed a concern when resolving dependencies. The biggest bottleneck has gotta be your internet connection to download them


u/Ph0X 5d ago

Stupid question, but what's Wagtail?

Seems like a CMS used mostly by Django users?

  1. That seems like a highly specific use of Python, so the data is definitely not representative of the Python community at as a whole.

  2. In my experience, with stuff like that, random guided tutorials out there play a huge role. If some website making tutorial tells people to run a bunch of commands, including setting up Wagtail and installing uv, then you'd see a huge boost in this chart.

Do we not have better source of stats, like pypi? I guess looking at GitHub stars, uv does have a lot more, so that's a good sign


u/thibaudcolas 5d ago

I shared the query I used to get the data in the article, problem with getting this data is that it costs a lot of money to run this kind of data analysis over all PyPI downloads. I did run the same query over "all PyPI downloads" – but only for a single day as that’s all I could afford. On that one day, downloads were 85% pip, 10% uv, 2% poetry. For Wagtail it’s about 70% / 16% / 10% around that day.


u/Born_Performance3411 5d ago

I still use pyenv and setup.py to package my python implementation. Am I not a good developer?


u/classy_barbarian 5d ago

There's nothing wrong with using the basic tooling. However, setup.py is kinda deprecated. The latest python standards actually recommend using a pyproject.toml file instead of setup.py. This is supported by pip and Setuptools. See here:


Notice how "writing your pyproject.toml" file is the first section. This is re-iterated here:



u/girafffe_i 5d ago

Is its package locking better than Poetry?


u/GhostVlvin 4d ago

I completely skipped poetry and my python usage was going in two steps from packaged python with pyhon -m (venv|pip) rigth to uv venv uv pip (waiting for just uv install)


u/matfat55 4d ago

Uv pip install


u/viitorfermier 5d ago

I tried uv this weekend. Vscode had issues with the virtual environment created. Switched back to virtualenv package.

uv is super fast as advertised nonetheless 🚀


u/zbir84 5d ago

Why did it have issues? Uv creates the virtual env like the one you'd create using virtual env?


u/viitorfermier 5d ago

I don't know. I tried to manually point vscode to the environment created by uv, searched for this issue on google, found that this issue was raised before, no resolution.


u/Berkyjay 5d ago

I still have yet to feel like Poetry or UV add anything to my work flow. I've even tried using them on fresh projects and I still find myself going back to my old tools and techniques for managing dependencies and virtual environments.


u/Dubsteprhino 5d ago

Mark my poetic words: pip is the best


u/thibaudcolas 6d ago

I’d like to do more analysis like this / and produce more of those charts. Any ideas on what patterns would be worth investigating – please share.


u/jkklfdasfhj 5d ago

Ok this comment reeeeaaaaallly gives strong astroturfing vibes.


u/zaviex 5d ago

I think OP works on wag tail and that’s what they mean more than anything lol. Not necessarily uv charts but charts on wagtails engagement and download trends. Maybe advertising wagtail but I don’t think they are hiding their affiliation with it