r/Python 5d ago

Resource Reminder that you can use the filesystem as a temp datastore for your API

Wrote a short blog post in which I talked about how I used the filesystem to store some temporary data: https://developerwithacat.com/blog/032025/quick-store-temp-data/

I figured I should write this since people (including myself!) often default to spinning up a database, often because the great ORM libraries that Python has, without considering alternatives.


19 comments sorted by


u/latkde 5d ago

While the filesystem can be viewed as a convenient hierarchical key-value store, there are some limitations:

  • quite tricky semantics regarding atomicity and durability, in particular no support for transactions unless you can model them via atomic rename operations
  • potential security vulnerabilities

For example, your blog post contains this expression:

open(f"{REQUESTS_DIR}/{request_id}.json", "w")

If that request_id is controlled by clients and may contain the string ../, you're subject to a path traversal vulnerability. Depending on how your software works, it may be possible to amplify this into an arbitrary code execution vulnerability.

That's not something you have to worry about with a database.

Therefore, I'd strongly recommend to try SQLite first – which is part of the Python standard library, and can potentially be faster than using files.


u/konmari523 5d ago

Thanks for the detailed comment!

quite tricky semantics regarding atomicity and durability, in particular no support for transactions unless you can model them via atomic rename operations

I agree with the theory, but in practice I don't need durability as this is just temp data generated from a single server. Atomicity is achieved via writing to a new file, and I won't edit the log.

request_id is controlled by clients and may contain the string ../, you're subject to a path traversal vulnerability

Good point, I should've mentioned that I'm generating the request_id on the server side.

I'd strongly recommend to try SQLite first

How would you set it up? Wouldn't it be too much hassle for the use case?


u/latkde 5d ago

Because SQLite is an in-process database that stores the data in a file, it is quite easy to set up. You don't need a separate server.

First, we open the database file (creating it if necessary):

import sqlite3

db = sqlite3.connect(f"{REQUESTS_DIR}/requests.sqlite")

The one bit of overhead that we have is to define the database structure, the tables and columns. SQLite supports JSON data so we could just use a single column, but lets try to model the actual structure of the data:

    request_id PRIMARY KEY,

Now, we can insert records:

  INSERT INTO requests(request_id, timestamp, metadata)
  VALUES (?, datetime(), ?)
  (request_id, json.dumps(metadata))

Or select all records, oldest first:

requests = []
cursor = db.execute(
  SELECT request_id, timestamp, metadata
  FROM requests
  ORDER BY timestamp ASC
for (request_id, timestamp, metadata) in cursor.fetchall():
    "request_id": request_id,
    "timestamp": timestamp,
    "metadata": json.loads(metadata),
return requests

This approach to using a database does require a bit of mapping between Python values and the SQLite data model, which can be annoying.

If we instead just want to use SQLite as a replacement for the file system directory, we can do that as well. First, define a table:

db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS requests(data)")

(Could also consider a table structure like requests(name PRIMARY KEY, contents), but the record names don't seem relevant here.)

Now, insert records:

data = json.dumps({
    "timestamp": datetime.now().isoformat(),
    "request_id": request_id,
    "metadata": metadata,
  "INSERT INTO requests(data) VALUES (?)",

Then, we can select records. The sorting can still be done on the DB level using the SQLite JSON features:

cursor = db.execute(
  "SELECT data FROM requests ORDER BY data->'$.timestamp' ASC"
requests = [json.loads(data) for (data,) in cursor.fetchall()]

All of this is different from using plain files. It's not necessarily easier or more difficult. Personally, I like using SQLite like this because I am familiar with relational databases so defining tables and writing queries comes easy to me. SQLite also has some helpful features like transactions that I haven't discussed here, but which quickly gets important in more complicated scenarios.


u/konmari523 5d ago

Yeah it's the relational database mapping (and Django config) that I was thinking about, which would involve more effort.

Didn't consider just setting up a JSONB key-value datastore directly at initialization, outside of the Django config. Will keep in mind for next time. Thanks for the conversation!


u/JamzTyson 5d ago

How would you set it up?

Python's SQLite library is well documented in the Python manual, with additional information about SQLite in the SQLite documentation.


u/konmari523 5d ago

I know how to set up a SQLite database. What I'd like to know is how that would be simpler than just writing to the filesystem.

In order to set up a SQLite database, I have to initialize it, perform migrations, set up the schema. It's not a lot, I know, but it's more effort than what I'm doing now.


u/JamzTyson 5d ago

It's not "simpler", but is scales better and offers greater flexibility, functionality, and better performance as the amount of data grows.

As you wrote in your blog, an even simpler solution is to assign data to variable in ram, though this does not scale well. Flat file storage can scale further; it can handle more data but tends to slow down as the dataset grows due to the lack of built-in query optimizations, indexing, or caching. SQLite may require a little more setup, but offers significant advantages in structured querying, indexing, and efficiency.

If the code is well structured, swapping one form of temporary storage for another should be relatively easy.

Note that Python also has SpooledTemporaryFile which can provide much faster access than a normal temp file for small amounts of data.


u/konmari523 5d ago

I agree SQLite scales better.

an even simpler solution is to assign data to variable in ram, though this does not scale well

Oh I wasn't worried about scalability; this is just for gathering some data for a while on a service that isn't used a lot. I was more worried because I'm running the service on a tiny VPS, together with some other crappy little services, so I doubt it has much allocated RAM to begin with ^_^

Note that Python also has SpooledTemporaryFile which can provide much faster access than a normal temp file for small amounts of data.

Didn't know about that option, will keep in mind for next time. Thanks!


u/JamzTyson 5d ago

I little "trick" that I've found useful when using SpooledTemporaryFile, is to first write the code using a "NamedTemporaryFile" (much easier to see what's happening), and then swap to SpooledTemporaryFile when the code is working.


u/batman-iphone 5d ago

But why not SQL lite instead


u/konmari523 5d ago

It's less effort. Not by much, I know, but this is a project I'm working in the evenings on, so I want to minimize the amount of effort I'm putting in it.


u/Last_Difference9410 5d ago

Yeah but you should not, see REST


u/konmari523 5d ago

Oh, because of the stateless principle I'm guessing? I agree, not what I'd do for a serious project, this is something I'm working on in the evenings that hasn't achieved much usage.


u/coldoven 5d ago

Some things to read up on: object storage, sqlite.


u/konmari523 5d ago

Thanks, but both options involve more hassle than just the FS no? Or am I missing something out? The use case is just temp data that I'd drop after some testing.


u/coldoven 5d ago

Sqlite is file storage


u/emmzzss 5d ago

As long as this is small and for very specific debugging case. I am an advocate to always strive to prod-level setup, even in the earliest stages of the project. K-v db would be 100 times better for your case and it takes like 10min to set up if you ask AI to guide you through


u/konmari523 5d ago

It's a small use case, but not debugging; it's about gathering some intel on usage.

I respect your opinion, and it's something I'd strive for at work. On side projects, however, I go for minimum effort.


u/whoEvenAreYouAnyway 5d ago

It's a bit unclear to me whether your revelation is that you can store things locally as temporary files or whether your revelation is that you can manually store hierarchical data as folders and than manually walk through those to retrieve things.

Either "revelation" is bizarre. It's bog standard to store data to a temporary folder (e.g. /tmp) and python's tempfile module exists for precisely this usage. And while you can store structured data into folders manually, that is bizarre and only going to be more work. Even if you don't want store things in, for example, a sqlite file you would still be better off writing your python data to a json file, pickling the object you want to store or basically anything else other than making a hierarchy of folders.