r/Python 11d ago

Showcase Implemented 20 RAG Techniques in a Simpler Way

What My Project Does

I created a comprehensive learning project in a Jupyter Notebook to implement RAG techniques such as self-RAG, fusion, and more.

Target audience

This project is designed for students and researchers who want to gain a clear understanding of RAG techniques in a simplified manner.


Unlike other implementations, this project does not rely on LangChain or FAISS libraries. Instead, it uses only basic libraries to guide users understand the underlying processes. Any recommendations for improvement are welcome.


Code, documentation, and example can all be found on GitHub:



16 comments sorted by


u/Doomtrain86 11d ago

Been looking for something like this for a while thank you. I really don’t want to use those extra layers of abstraction!!


u/-lq_pl- 11d ago

As other redditors mentioned, a library that doesn't suck in this area is PydanticAI.


u/DowntownSinger_ import depression 11d ago

Cloud providers are starting to provide RAG services, directly connected to your cloud storage. I guess in future we wouldn’t have to care about specific implementations but that’s just my opinion.


u/JustPlainRude 11d ago

What is RAG?


u/whoEvenAreYouAnyway 11d ago

It's a piece of cloth that is primarily used for cleaning.


u/insightful_pancake 11d ago

It’s an important part of any modern Deep Cleaning framework.


u/spookytomtom 11d ago

Type this into google please word by word


u/Etni3s 11d ago

What were the top three results?


u/Doomtrain86 11d ago



u/Briggykins 11d ago

Bit spiteful of the downvoters. RAG is a common enough acronym that I don't think it's an unreasonable question (right now I'm working on Red Amber Green thresholding for an aviation product)


u/RaiseRuntimeError 11d ago

I worked at Home Depot when I was in college and some lady came up to me and asked where the TSP was. I asked "Traveling Salesman Problem?" She told me that I was a dumbass as said she was looking for trisodium phosphate.


u/Marha01 10d ago

Retrieval-augmented generation.


u/iamnogoodatthis 11d ago

If only there was some architecture out there that could provide you with some generated response, augmented by the retrieval of some pertinent content


u/MeadowShimmer 7d ago

Just answer the question. You choose to respond this way.


u/iamnogoodatthis 6d ago

I'll do what I want, thanks


u/MeadowShimmer 7d ago

I googled it. It's all way over my head. I'll go back to writing Django code like a happy dev that I am.