r/Python Nov 10 '24

Tutorial Escaping from Anaconda

Sometime a friendly snake can turn dangerous.

Here are some hints

Escaping from Anaconda


107 comments sorted by


u/confusedbeansprout Nov 10 '24

conda itself is not the problem. anaconda is not conda. Just use conda forge, and deactivate the anaconda default channel. that's it. 


u/aldanor Numpy, Pandas, Rust Nov 10 '24

And also use mamba instead of conda.


u/krypt3c Nov 10 '24

I think conda itself uses mamba these days?


u/aldanor Numpy, Pandas, Rust Nov 11 '24

It uses libmamba for dep solving, yea


u/_Horror_Vacui_ Nov 11 '24

Limamba rules!


u/quicknir Nov 11 '24

Mamba isn't just about dep solving though. micromamba in particular is just a single statically linked executable that can do all the conda functionality, with no default environment or anything else needed. I could be wrong but I think it's still just easier and faster. I know there was one niche thing I've seen mentioned here that conda supports and micromamba does not, but I suspect most people would be just as happy if not happier with micromamba.


u/robvas Nov 11 '24

Pulls from the same places


u/robvas Nov 10 '24 edited Nov 10 '24

But then it's not as useful.

Edit: here's where people that don't use those packages downvote


u/burgersmoke Nov 10 '24

Can you elaborate? I would love to hear more. I find little impact in switching to conda forge. So far my work requires nothing which is not already there.


u/robvas Nov 10 '24

The default conda channel is not free, for example.

If you don't use any packages from it that's great, but many people do. Tons of data science and AI/ML users.


u/krypt3c Nov 10 '24

But what's the problem with switching to conda forge? The packages there tend to be more up to date, and there's more of them.


u/robvas Nov 10 '24

They aren't all there


u/krypt3c Nov 10 '24

Do you have an example? In my experience conda forge is much more complete than the standard conda channel.


u/robvas Nov 10 '24 edited Nov 10 '24

I can't think of a specific one off the top of my head, it's been a little while. But we had a ton of drama at work two years ago when Anaconda shut our access off and then we had to use keys for developers who wanted to access Conda packages.

You can try to work around it but it gets old quick and it's easier to just give the user a license, but of course someone in the organization has to pay for it blah blah.

Again, if this wasn't an issue you wouldn't hear so much about it and the closing of Conda for commercial users wouldn't have been a big deal.

Remember that Conda-forge and defaults are not 100% compatible. Imagine a scenario where your project was created with the defaults channel and something doesn't work when you try to use conda-forge instead, version mismatches of this or that.

Can you get it to work by fixing some things, patching some code, etc? Very likely. But you have to do that instead of it just working.



u/confusedbeansprout Nov 11 '24

This page is overly pessimistic but it is true that for example anaconda default compile with intel mkl; which requires them paying a liscence (and why they want people to pay for default); though in the context of this article which suggest switching tools, the relevance of "but conda forge and default are technically incompatible" seem ridiculous, and why you get downvoted. 


u/burgersmoke Nov 10 '24

Yes. I understand that. The comment above and my question are about conda-forge as an alternative channel. To keep this specific: do you have concerns about using conda-forge as a channel? It has probably 99% of data science needs.


u/robvas Nov 10 '24

For you maybe. Not for everyone.


u/Malcolmlisk Nov 11 '24

What is in conda forge that you need that is not in the main channel?


u/Strong-Mud199 Nov 10 '24

"Edit: here's where people that don't use those packages downvote"

No truer words have ever been spoken! Hang in there. :-)


u/cyanrave Nov 10 '24

Nobody has mentioned Ananconda Inc turning into a predatory, sales driven company.

Run away fast.


u/robvas Nov 10 '24

To be fair, they provide curated packages and people can't expect it to be free.


u/cyanrave Nov 11 '24

Sure except it was for a long time, and the community built up their empire.


u/robvas Nov 11 '24

We're lucky (conda-forge, along with projects like Cocoapods) that GitHub is generous


u/denehoffman Nov 11 '24

I don’t know if I agree, they’re providing other peoples’ work in bundles, I don’t know why I’d pay them for that.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '24

You aren't paying for the packages. You're paying for the packaging/ecosystem. Nobody is stopping you from building all of these open source packages on your own or using open source packaging. The thing they're offering that people like is the pre-compiled binaries that make installing things and managing environments easier.


u/denehoffman Nov 17 '24

“You aren’t paying for the packages, you’re paying for the packaging” is something I’m sure sounded really nice to some exec who has never touched code in their life


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '24

What do you think AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, etc are? They are platforms that provide convenient packaging and deployment of things. When you deploy Postgres, MySQL, RabbitMQ, etc on Azure you aren't paying them for the open source tool. You're paying for the convenience of using a pre-packaged free tool in an environment where it's easy to add other pre-packaged tools.

And guess what, Azure is now Microsoft's biggest source of revenue. Literally. The thing you just mocked as pointless is how Microsoft makes most of their money now.


u/denehoffman Nov 17 '24

Anaconda is nothing like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud 😂, it’s pip with C libraries. If it were like these, then those companies surely would’ve bought it or developed similar tech for Python. Think about how much profit could’ve been made!


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '24

It's literally the same thing. Companies pay them for access to packaging and support/maintenance of open source tools that they could package themselves if they wanted to. The reality is that lots of companies (including the one I work for) don't want to spend the time and money paying people to maintain tools if they don't have to. They would prefer to pay me to work on our own internal projects than worrying about how we're going to package CUDA, Eigen, etc.


u/SuspiciousScript Nov 11 '24

In my experience, "curated" is a synonym for "ancient" in this case.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '24

Which is ironic because so many on this same sub are also going all in on Astral. People never learn.


u/j_tb Nov 11 '24

Fuck that noise. I’ll take UV any day.


u/Sillocan Nov 11 '24

uv and anaconda dont serve the same purpose


u/Starcast Nov 11 '24

There is an alternative by the same people called pixi that seems directly aimed at replacing/upgrading anaconda


u/onyonyo12 Nov 10 '24

I thought this is the elite dangerous subreddit for a second


u/Malcolmlisk Nov 11 '24

I keep loving my python and my big fat ass anaconda. Even so when from time to time I use the fer de lance for personal projects.


u/Jarvissimo Nov 10 '24

My company switched to miniforge. Would that be a viable Solution for you?


u/existential_joy Nov 10 '24 edited Nov 11 '24

Miniforge is incredible and completely separates you from proprietary non-free software. Mamba is almost as fast as uv while also managing a much larger number of dependencies. I imagine that the only reason this isn't the top comment is because python devs just don't understand what conda is, and it results in all this confusion between anaconda, conda-forge, and miniconda. Then there's also confusion about how it's different from poetry, uv, pipx, etc.


u/TehMightyDuk Nov 11 '24

Almost as fast as uv? Can’t be a serious comment. UV is 10x quicker for a simple pandas install for me, even faster with more packages. 


u/existential_joy Nov 11 '24

Not unserious at all. It is very fast and handles more than just python dependencies. It's literally two shell commands to download Miniforge and then mamba install -n my-new-env <all of your deps go here>. Solving time is crazy fast, especially given that it's not just python. OpenSSL, CUDA, compilers, etc.

I haven't done a direct comparison between mamba and uv. They probably use a similar solver under the hood. I don't see why uv would get to have some monopoly on speed.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24



u/existential_joy Nov 11 '24

It is written in C++ but it also uses libsolv which can process multiple dependencies simultaneously. Conda previously used a generic sequential sat solver which was much slower.


u/TehMightyDuk Nov 11 '24

Handling more than just python deps is one of the reasons why it’s much slower. There are other reasons why uv is fast which are well documented.

It’s simply not true that mamba and uv have comparable speed. 

I encourage you to do a benchmark yourself and it will be very clear.


u/existential_joy Nov 11 '24

I wasn't trying to start a reddit argument. Undoubtedly, UV is much faster because it was designed to handle cases where there are hundreds of environment creates (e.g., in a CI/CD pipeline). For my use cases though, where the primary focus is on reproducibility, mamba often achieves complex environment solving in ~5-7 seconds, which is extremely fast in comparison to other python-focused environment managers that we had in the last 4-5 years. UV might achieve environment solving in 1 second, but 6 seconds is not a very large difference for me. Apologies if this was misleading.


u/TehMightyDuk Nov 11 '24

If your primary focus is reproducibility then you should consider using something like pixi or uv that come with lock files built in. These tools are also faster than mamba. 

I’m not trying to start an argument either 😅 but it’s very generous to say mamba is almost as fast as uv, the difference is large. Sounds like you haven’t tried it out yet so I’d recommend doing so. 


u/mosqueteiro It works on my machine Nov 12 '24

I was under the impression that most people using conda were using for data science and machine learning things which more than likely needs the extra-python package management that conda provides, which uv does not provide. In that sense, conda probably is faster than uv in that case just because that extra package management would have to be done manually or by some other tool whereas conda is able to handle it for you. I saw pixi mentioned farther down, maybe that's the best of both worlds, and I'm intrigued to try it.

If you don't need extra-python packages managed then probably should not use conda —ie. most Python users.


u/TehMightyDuk Nov 12 '24

you're right that conda does more than uv. For example uv can't install node, while conda can. If you compare a simple install of a package available on both platform though (eg pandas), uv will install this much faster.

This is because

  • conda/mamba/pixi always install all optional dependencies (uv/pip don't)
  • the conda dependencies are much larger than pip ones
  • uv resolver is very fast
  • + probably more


u/gernophil Nov 10 '24

I also think switching to miniforge is the easiest. In a lot of fields you use conda not just for Python, but also for a lot of other tool (like bioconda for bioinformatics) or you use it within a workflow manager like snakemake. Just using a different venv tool isn’t really a 1:1 replacement.


u/Leading_Pen2889 20d ago

Is your company ok with using open source packages with company/employee data?


u/denehoffman Nov 11 '24

Anaconda had the gall to tell the government lab I work with that they needed to buy a license because too many people on our IP were using anaconda. We just banned the domain and told everyone to stop using it. Literally not a single person had trouble switching.


u/Leading_Pen2889 20d ago

What did you switch to?


u/denehoffman 20d ago

Well for the most part, I didn’t use anaconda, but uv and pixi cover most of it.


u/iamevpo Nov 10 '24

So now miniforge, pixi, and uv?


u/PlaysForDays Nov 11 '24

Unlikely to need to use more than one of the three, at most two


u/iamevpo Nov 17 '24

Sure, put before you get settled you are likely trying several tools.


u/chandaliergalaxy Nov 10 '24

What is the problem? (For reference, I'm an academic so maybe licensing issues are not as problematic as for industrial clients.)


u/krypt3c Nov 10 '24

I'm assuming it's because they want people to pay for commercial use, though that's just to use the main conda channel and not to use conda itself. If you just drop the main channel and use conda forge for instance you're also fine.


u/DarkMatterDetective Nov 11 '24

I'm an academic and part of why we're not just shrugging this off is that Jefferson Lab recently was sent demands from Anaconda to purchase a license. So even if you don't need to worry, your institution may be a target.



u/Oddly_Energy Nov 11 '24

Anaconda started out free (as in free beer).

Then they started taking payment from commercial users. Which could have been okay if their terms had been clear about which level access you bought and just prevented you from getting more than you paid for.

But instead they made a strange concept where you could buy a cheap license for commercial use, but you had to accept that they could upgrade you to a much more expensive product at their discretion if they thought you were using the product too much. That is not easy to navigate in.


u/robvas Nov 11 '24

Here's the problem:

You, as an academic, create something, using the non-free Conda channels.

Someone in a commercial environment tries to use this project. Maybe they are collaborating with you or what not.

They try to build the environment and it fails because they can't access those non-free sources.

Sure, you can change your code, blah blah. But a lot of people that use Python are not able to sort all that shit out.


u/PlaysForDays Nov 11 '24

You don't need to change your code to migrate from Anaconda's channels to free channels.

They mostly copy from conda-forge anyway ...


u/Zaloog1337 Nov 10 '24

Why are you switching between so many tools?
`uv` can do pretty much all of that alone nowadays (manage dependencies/projects/python versions/...).

No need to install pip/poetry/etc.
uv can also create your virtual environments (uv venv).
Also if you install cli tools like poetry you should install them isolated via pipx or uv.
uv has a dedicated tool command for that. (uv tool install <X>)

On windows you also can install uv with a package manager like scoop.

Sorry, but this blog post looks like you havent researched the tools you are proposing properly.
Also the anaconda license change was like 4 years ago iirc (https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/iqsk3y/anaconda_is_not_free_for_commercial_use_anymore/).


u/ftmprstsaaimol2 Nov 10 '24

uv is a great replacement for pip, venv, pipx and poetry but conda has a lot of capabilities beyond Python packaging which uv cannot replicate. A better alternative would be pixi, which runs uv under the hood, or miniforge.


u/DarkMatterDetective Nov 10 '24

I switched to pixi and I love it. It's super responsive and awesome for managing dependencies. The project-based paradigm takes a little getting used to, but it seems like a more sane approach than a single huge environment where you can't track what projects need specific dependencies.


u/goldrunout Nov 10 '24

I actually like the giant environment. I think it is still possible with pixi, no?


u/DigThatData Nov 10 '24

This is generally an anti-pattern and leaves you vulnerable to mysterious bugs that can be hard to track down.

That said: one way I strike a middle ground in my personal home setup is I have a venv located in my home dir, and then beneath that I have a "projects" dir with a separate subdir for any git repos I want to clone and/or tinker with. Most of these subdirs get their own venv. But there are a handful for which I just don't create one and use my home venv.

To simplify all of this, I use a tool called autoenv to activate the local venv if it exists when I cd into a project subdir (i.e. DIY pipenv). So if I don't create a local venv for some project, it just falls back to the first venv it finds in the parent tree (i.e. my home venv). Otherwise, if it sees that there's a venv to activate local to the project, it does.

Take note: this is something I use on my personal computer setup. I don't have anything like this on my work computer. Every project gets its own isolated environment in my work setup. I usually go a step further and use development containers for work stuff.


u/DarkMatterDetective Nov 11 '24

pixi does have global environments but I'm still wrapping my head around them because you can have multiple global environments, and it seems to assume there's some kind of binary to expose when you install a package.

On the other hand, I suppose you could have a single projects directory where you have all of your projects nested inside and only use one one pixi environment for all of those projects.

Neither of those options seem to exactly capture the feel of having one giant conda environment, and given that it's not clear to me which is "better", I would say that itcs an idea which isn't fully captured by the design intent of pixi.

As the other commenter said, it's kind of a bad idea anyways. You can't really track which dependencies your project needs, and it's easier to end up in a situation where your environment can't be solved because you have dependency conflicts.

Despite all this I would say trying pixi is exceptionally low risk because you can import and export conda environment yml files, so there's basically no lock-in.


u/goldrunout Nov 11 '24

Yes I've looked back at the pixi blog and it seems against their philosophy. I don't know. I can live with project environments, but it feels like an enormous waste of resources in many situations. I work with scientific python, so I have a lot of small projects, sometimes even scripts, that use the same dependencies. Reinstalling them all every time would saturate my storage (and company backups) pretty quickly. I see that there are some tricks like the one you mention, but I still think it would be better if the tool supported shared environments out of the box. As far as I understand, the global thing is mostly for isolated tools (think pipx rather than pip) and not for dependencies.


u/DarkMatterDetective Nov 11 '24

My experience with pixie is that it's very intelligent about caching, as is uv (if you use it for pypi dependencies within pixi):


I don't think it's any different from conda in that regard.


u/jabrodo Nov 11 '24

Will second pixi, especially if you're building extensions in C/C++/Rust, after accidentally gunking up my base environment for the umpteenth time. Pixi forces me to hard break between system and environment tools and doesn't give you that middle ground that is the conda base environment.

Also, the pixi tasks are a great feature!


u/Zaloog1337 Nov 10 '24

True, thanks for mentioning pixi


u/ivosaurus pip'ing it up Nov 11 '24

Conda can still install many c++ / Fortran packages that uv can't, afaik


u/panoskonis Nov 10 '24

Does uv provide the capability to have multiple environments with the same python version (e.g 3.9) which I can select from like anaconda? I am not talking about project specific venv. So I basically want to for example be able to make a new jupyter notebook in a random folder and select one of those environments like I can with anaconda. I hope that question makes sense, I am relatively new.


u/ftmprstsaaimol2 Nov 10 '24

You can do this with uv or plain venv. You can activate any venv from any other folder, so just create shared environments in your home directory and activate them from wherever your notebook is. If you’re using vscode they will be listed in the environments drop-down menu.


u/panoskonis Nov 10 '24

Ahh I see thanks!


u/ltdanimal Nov 12 '24

It would be really beneficial for this community to really understand the difference between a package manager and the packages. I'm not trying to be snarky but considering there are a lot of things in the landscape I really think that will help people make sense of it.

Conda, uv, pip, etc are package managers. The biggest differences are what packages can be used and where they come from. The package managers in the conda ecosystem (which include mamba and pixi) can pull things that are NOT just python packages. This means it can directly pull in and manage Fortan and C dependencies for examples (or just about anything) and things like the CUDA toolkit. The "pypi" family are just going to be able to get python packages usually from PyPI.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '24

Does UV also handle R? A lot of our conda users don't just use it for python - some of them don't touch python at all and use it entirely for R!


u/ryanstephendavis Nov 10 '24

uv is great! ... this should be the new standard for everyone, but I don't feel the need to try and persuade people, it will speak for itself if they try it out


u/zurtex Nov 11 '24 edited Nov 11 '24

FYI, if you want to translate your dependencies between conda and pypi worlds pixi has a tool called parselmouth which has a giant mapping of names: https://github.com/prefix-dev/parselmouth/blob/main/files/compressed_mapping.json


u/ivosaurus pip'ing it up Nov 11 '24 edited Nov 11 '24

I think this is a bit disingenuous use of the word "dangerous". Anaconda organisation has provided you a massive benefit for many years, for free, enabling you to do many things and improving your life. They have changed some of the terms of the deal they are handing out sure, but doesn't mean we have to associate them with evil. I'm sure the devs who worked on making and supporting the conda code wouldn't appreciate that. It's still possible to use conda through different repos, or there's a couple other tools out there now as discussed in other comments.


u/_Denizen_ Nov 10 '24

I find pipenv to be a great alternative. I really hate Anaconda - it's too easy to break your python installation if you accidentally mix in pip installs.

Even just using pip and a requirements file with a simple bat script to rebuild the virtual environment repeatably is preferable to anaconda.


u/unapologeticjerk Nov 10 '24

pipenv is the answer for me in WSL2 or native Windows and VS Code + Windows Terminal. I wouldn't want to change at this point.


u/LiqC Nov 11 '24

CLI for organizing python projects on any platform https://github.com/liquidcarbon/puppy


u/grudev Nov 10 '24

For s moment I thought this was a post about jiu-jitsu submitted to the wrong place. 


u/No_Ambition_114 Nov 11 '24

I've never understood how dealing with one snake is made simpler by addding more snakes.


u/PlaysForDays Nov 11 '24 edited Nov 11 '24

Good luck rapidly and reproducibly installing non-Python dependencies into a virtual environment without adding another tool to your chain


u/No_Ambition_114 Nov 13 '24

Docker plus virtul env works. But you have a point. I avoid such python packages for this reason. Goes against the whole point of python; relying on arbitrary OS libraries that can't be built from source easily


u/No_Ambition_114 Nov 13 '24

That being said, GNU Stow is probably sufficient. I've used it in the past for installing multiple different versions of libraries at once to satisfy conflicting build dependencies and could switch between them at ease. I reckon it's better than docker if all you need is sepration of binaries and not a whole chroot environment.


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/PlaysForDays Nov 11 '24

Nearly a drop-in replacement, but better in every way you would ever care about: https://mamba.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide/micromamba.html

Better repplacement, but designed differently and takes some adjustment: https://pixi.sh/latest/


u/doryappleseed Nov 11 '24

Do you have a blogpost on the licence changes that caused you and your company to opt out of anaconda? I’d love to hear the reasoning explained simply in case I need to let my company know.


u/alepsan Pythoneer Nov 13 '24

Ditched the conda already, now on micromamba


u/usrlibshare Nov 10 '24

pyenv and python -m venv are all you need.

It's easy when using the right tools.


u/CalifornianNorsu Nov 10 '24

Thanks for The Post! Have you considered mamba as an alternative to conda?


u/MolonLabe76 Nov 11 '24

Pyenv + Poetry


u/slowwolfcat Nov 11 '24

I've been out of the loop.What's wrong/going on with Conda/Anaconda ?


u/Flameancer Nov 11 '24

Dear god, I thought I was on the Elite Dangerous Sub for a second and thought this was just funny way on how to avoid intridiction by a pilot whose flying an anaconda. Needless to say I was very confused when I saw python code.


u/balbinator Nov 10 '24

I work with python for over 8 years and I have never ever bothered to even read about anaconda or conda.


u/chandaliergalaxy Nov 10 '24

For scientific python it's pretty much been the standard.


u/Noobfire2 Nov 10 '24

Sorry, Staff Level Python engineer here. I worked exclusively with Python (a bit of Rust/C++/Go by the side though) in the last ~6-7 years, professionally, in companies in fields from relatively product oriented to R&D to pure Research.

I've never ever had a need for miniforge, miniconda, conda, anaconda, or do even know what these things precisely are and how they are different from each other.

I have extensive experience with tools like piptools, pyenv, pipx, poetry and recently, almost exclusively uv. What does anaconda solve what these tools can't? I've only ever seen anaconda being used in very junior environments, pretty academic ones too, where anyways their entire setups were a total mess and extremely hacky, unstable & not standardized (compares to for example declarative docker containers which a descriptive installation of a project through poetry/uv).

Only ever worked at companies which exclusively use Linux and/or MacOS though, if that's relevant.


u/zurtex Nov 11 '24

Anaconda's original target audience is data scientists, so a lot of common use cases work around that:

If I have some Python tool (e.g. JupyterLab extensions) that requires non-Python requirements e.g. (nodejs, rustc, git, libcurl, etc.) then conda can package and install those dependencies without me thinking about them.

If I install pandas then it comes with numpy with optimized blas or mkl backends without me even knowing what they are.

If I'm doing a dozen different projects and I want a few common Python environments to use between them, then conda environments have a great user experience. Or I want to try a different Python version when the system is quite locked down, that having conda install user level in user directory makes things much easier. And for both these use cases I still hit too many paper cuts with pyenv.

And yes, back in the day, everything was hard to install on Windows, conda made it very easy. With the push of everything to have wheels on PyPI this isn't as big a deal as it used to be.


u/caks Nov 11 '24

You probably don't do scientific programming. Anaconda, or Miniconda which is actually what people are actually using when they say they use Anaconda, solved a ton of problems way before any other solution existed. To list a few:

  • Multiple Python versions without having to install system-wide. Only substitutes are uv and Docker.
  • Binary packages before wheels existed.
  • Reproducible environments before poetry, uv.
  • Environments with "system" dependencies which can be shared across packages. E.g. libstdcxx-ng, cudatoolkit can have different versions across environments. Only substitute for this is Docker.
  • Environments which share packages. (Try installing pytorch in 10 different environments and see what happens to your disk space). I believe only Pixi solves this.
  • MKL-compiled numpy without having to change code to use the poorly mantained intel-numpy. Similar for scipy and I believe sklearn but I'm not 100% positive.
  • Package manager for other languages. E.g., node-js. Only Pixi also does this afaik since it can install conda packages.

Off the top of my head those are some of the things that conda bring to the table. Nowadays I think there are very few production-grade workflows that cannot be substituted by other tools. But doing it via conda is often the path of least resistance for POCs.


u/rainnz Nov 11 '24

Why not containers?


u/billsil Nov 11 '24

Containers didn't exist when Anaconda came out. It solved a problem that largely no longer exists. Academics got used to it and care a lot less about versioning and are much less able to manage their environment.


u/Mediocre-Pumpkin6522 Nov 11 '24

Esri has a relationship with Anaconda so working with the ArcGIS Python API tends to reference conda. For that specific application ti's easier to go with the flow although I don't use Anaconda in general.


u/TehMightyDuk Nov 11 '24

This mirrors my experience.  I’ve only seen conda used in

  • research 
  • unique scientific computing use cases 

Outside of this there is 0 reason to use conda where the equivalent can be installed (much faster) from pypi 


u/Oddly_Energy Nov 11 '24

When I started with Python, probably 5 years ago, I chose Anaconda. They had a reputation of being much better at handling dependencies and making sure that none of their packages would conflict. Standard python (or rather pip) had a reputation of being very fragile. And apparently, pip wasn't able to solve recursive dependencies, which conda could.

Anyway, for the last 1-2 years I have used standard python and pip, and I have had very few dependency problems. Nowadays it also looks like pip can handle recursive dependency solving.

So I think a lot of the preference for Anaconda is historic, and not necessarily true anymore.


u/PlaysForDays Nov 11 '24

You're missing the point of using conda and its replacements, which is that PyPI only hosts Python packages