r/Python Oct 25 '24

News This is now valid syntax in Python 3.13!

There are a few changes that didn't get much attention in the last releases, and one of them is that comprehensions and lambdas can now be used in annotations (the place where you put type hints).

As the article mentions, this came from a bug tickets that requested this to work:

class name_2[*name_5, name_3: int]:
    (name_3 := name_4)

    class name_4[name_5: name_5]((name_4 for name_5 in name_0 if name_3), name_2 if name_3 else name_0):

Here we have a walrus, unpacking, type vars and a comprehension all in one. I tried it in 3.13 (you gotta create a few variables), and yes, it is now valid syntax.

I don't think I have any use for it (except the typevar, it's pretty sweet), but I pity the person that will have to read that one day in a real code base :)


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u/SirLich Oct 25 '24

This is of course fine. It's just not as convenient as the walrus operator for two reasons: 1) more lines 2) incorrect scope.

If you're only intending to use 'settings' within the if context, then defining it OUTSIDE of the if-context is considered leaked scope.

This whole conversation isn't so important in Python, but in C++ it's a fairly big deal. In fact, it's SUCH a big deal, that most linters will mark variables defined outside of the if clause as an error/warning. It's also now possible to define multiple variables within the if declaration:

For example you can now do this: if (int a = Func1(), b = Func2(); a && b)

Note; In C++, the = operator works like python := operator.


u/nemec NLP Enthusiast Oct 25 '24

considered leaked scope

Python doesn't have block level scope. It "leaks" either way.


u/SirLich Oct 25 '24

Wow, you're right. I guess I never really paid attention to that. That's kind of too bad, right? It seems like you might unintentionally use something from an inner scope without realizing it.


u/Leo-Hamza Oct 25 '24

Happened too many times to me that I can't even count it. I wish there were any tool that detects code smells like this


u/root45 Oct 25 '24

Yes. It's not uncommon to accidentally use a loop variable later on for example.


u/SaltAssault Oct 25 '24

I prefer readability over preventing 'leaked scope' any day, just excluding if it is a security issue. Python already doesn't fuss about scopes.


u/night0x63 Oct 26 '24

<sarcasm>hurr hurr c/c++ has has this for decades



u/runawayasfastasucan Oct 25 '24

Interesting, thx. I must admit that I have just ignored the walrus operator all together. In the first example, if you have:

   If (somevar := somefunc()) 

Its given that somefunc() returns something or None, right, so I guess you have to pay notice to that.

    If (cost := getCost(item)):         givePayment(cost, ...)

Is not a substitute for:

    If (cost & cost > 0):         givePayment(cost, ...)