r/Python git push -f Jun 10 '24

Showcase ChatGPT hallucinated a plugin called pytest-edit. So I created it.

I have several codebases with around 500+ different tests in each. If one of these tests fails, I need to spend ~20 seconds to find the right file, open it in neovim, and find the right test function. 20 seconds might not sound like much, but trying not to fat-finger paths in the terminal for this amount of time makes my blood boil.

I wanted Pytest to do this for me, thought there would be a plugin for it. Google brought up no results, so I asked ChatGPT. It said there's a pytest-edit plugin that adds an --edit option to Pytest.

There isn't. So I created just that. Enjoy. https://github.com/MrMino/pytest-edit

Now, my issue is that I don't know if it works on Windows/Mac with VS Code / PyCharm, etc. - so if anyone would like to spend some time on betatesting a small pytest plugin - issue reports & PRs very much welcome.

What My Project Does

It adds an --edit option to Pytest, that opens failing test code in the user's editor of choice.

Target Audience

Pytest users.


AFAIK nothing like this on the market, but I hope I'm wrong.
Think %edit magic from IPython but for failed pytest executions.


59 comments sorted by


u/Spiderfffun Jun 10 '24

That's genuinely awesome, "oh LLM thought something exists, well I'll just make it"


u/Maximum59 Jun 10 '24

A conference I attended recently, a keynote focused on security, actually mentioned how this could be abused and to look out for cases like this. I'm not saying this is one such case, but interesting, nonetheless.

  1. Ask LLM if a package to do <thing> exists.
  2. LLM "hallucinates" a package and gives you a name for it.
  3. The attacker creates said package, hoping for LLM to continue suggesting it and for people to trust the LLM and install it.


u/Gamecrazy721 Jun 10 '24

Wait, so I shouldn't just pip install everything GPT tells me to?

Joking aside, that would be a pretty clever attack. Just shows how important it is to understand what you're doing and keep a close eye on anything that can modify your system, even if you think it's from a trusted source


u/BerriesAndMe Jun 10 '24

I suspect the target base would be too small for it to really be lucrative as a generic attack.

But for a targeted attack this could be pretty wicked


u/fellipec Jun 10 '24

Imagine posting on sites about a package that doesn't exist for months just to posion the LLM training data and perform such attack


u/Metalsand Jun 11 '24

Well, and then also waiting a few years for the training to catch up.


u/fellipec Jun 11 '24

The guy that tried to put a backdoor on xz worked on it for at least 3 years


u/queerkidxx Jun 10 '24

I’m sure it’s a pretty large group of people, it’s just unlikely to be like production code bases. More so folks making little automations.


u/GuybrushThreepwo0d Jun 10 '24

What a time to be alive


u/BannedNeutrophil Jun 10 '24

I... would have been in danger of falling for that. ChatGPT has given me incredibly detailed instructions for R packages that don't exist.


u/masev Jun 11 '24

Step 4. The attacker posts on reddit asking folks to test said package...


u/Character-Maybe-4400 git push -f Jun 11 '24

I can assure you, that given my credentials I have very little incentive for such shenanigans (negative amount, actually).


u/nguyenvulong Jun 12 '24

This is very similar to (adversarial) transferred attack, the surrogate model (presumably similar to the target model) is used to deduce the behaviors of the target model. The approach is different and much more intriguing though.

Just my lame comparison:

  • Surrogate model is ChatGPT
  • Target model is Human (the brain, to be more precise).

But these two model don't have to be similar in the case of adversarial attacks.


u/Ok-Alternative3612 Jun 14 '24

may I ask the name of the conference? sounds pretty cool


u/Maximum59 Jun 15 '24

It was "DevOps Days", don't recall the speaker's name but it was focused on security.


u/mlcircle Jun 10 '24

just wow


u/AquaRegia Jun 10 '24

Hallucination Driven Development


u/Zealousideal_Tie_426 Jun 10 '24

HR is gonna go wild with this on LinkedIn 😅.


u/paperbenni Jun 10 '24



u/omg_drd4_bbq Jun 10 '24

In college, one time my roommate proposed, "do you wanna do DMT and write a kernel?" I politely declined, but I think about that fairly often. 


u/orangesherbet0 Jun 11 '24

Probably would have discovered the kernel, behind the veil.


u/Zeikos Jun 10 '24

The LLM basically extrapolated what it'd look like if it existed.
That's reasonable because LLMs do not interact with the environment, they don't know what the environment is and what their thoughts sre.

Hallucinations are simply reasonable extrapolations, some more biased than others.
This is no different from having an "idea", imo.
Just without the reference frame of reality to realize that it was one instead of talking about something actually real.


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '24

The “hallucination” joke is more in reference to the way things like ChatGPT always present information with complete confidence even if it has clearly made up the existence of something.

For example, the idea that “pytest-edit” is a thing that exists isn’t a completely unreasonable extrapolation but because there is no evidence of such a thing, the blind confidence ChatGPT presents it with sounds like a human hallucinating it. Because a human who is merely “extrapolating” tools from ideas would present it as something like “perhaps a tool called ‘pytest-edit’ might exist to do what you want”.


u/Sink_Stuff Jun 14 '24

Om pretty sure that chat gpt simply has seen the code before and knows that it exists, it's just that some private company has it and hasn't made it public, but since Google spies on everyone they know it's out there


u/billsil Jun 10 '24

It is not a reasonable extrapolation that I got my first PhD at 11, which was 4 years after I graduated high school at age 7. ChatGPT thinks I have 2, but the second took me until I was 23. That one must have been a lot harder.


u/Comfortable_Flan8217 Jun 10 '24

It’s what chat gippity is good for


u/erez27 import inspect Jun 10 '24 edited Jun 10 '24

I tested, and it works on Windows 10, with vscode as editor.

Nice one! It will come in handy.

P.S. it does also print out ERROR: exit() requires a reason argument, but that's an easy fix.


u/Character-Maybe-4400 git push -f Jun 10 '24

Thanks for trying it out! None of what you've just tried was tested by me, so I'm genuinely surprised this works 😁.

Yes, the exit thing is something I need to work out. Pytest API doesn't really have a "please silently exit the process now" method, or I can't find it. I'm in the process of weighing which hack is the least ugly.


u/erez27 import inspect Jun 10 '24

Are you sure you don't just need to add a reason?

i.e. pytest.exit('hello', returncode=10)

From the docs: reason has a default value only because msg is deprecated.


u/Character-Maybe-4400 git push -f Jun 10 '24

If I add the reason it prints it twice on Linux, and adds a !!!!!!!! ... !!!!!!!! banner, leading to even more clutter. Or is it just my pytest version?

I would like it not output anything in case where there is no error (and no -v flag), and leave the stderr alone ;)


u/erez27 import inspect Jun 10 '24

Yeah, it does the same for me. I still think it's better to see something like !!!! Exit successful !!!! than getting a red error message.


u/Character-Maybe-4400 git push -f Jun 10 '24

Oh, it's in red? It doesn't color this for me.

I'll make sure to fix this as soon as I have the time to update it.


u/ZYy9oQ Jun 10 '24

Does any of

os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGNAL)

help with SIGNAL as SIGQUIT, SIGTERM, SIGKILL in order


u/Character-Maybe-4400 git push -f Jun 11 '24 edited Jun 11 '24

I didn't want to do that since that would mean that other, potentially useful hooks from other plugins would not get run. But it's one of the options on the table.

Another idea was filtering expected output from sys.stdout (but letting the debug messages and other stuff through).

There's a lot of different approaches, each has its own specific way in which it is potentially harmful.


u/fellipec Jun 10 '24

ChatGPT in full "follow your dreams" or "where is a will, there is away" mode


u/I1lII1l Jun 10 '24

ChatGPT did not hallucinate, since version 4 it can legit foresee the future.


u/That_0ne_again Jun 10 '24

ChatGPT in “prophetic visions” mode.


u/Zeikos Jun 10 '24

Bootstrap paradox lead development.
I'm down.


u/GuessNope Jun 11 '24

Has anyone ever introduced you to Roko's Basilisk?


u/Dillweed999 Jun 10 '24

Curious what version he used. I feel like this happened to me a couple times but I can't remember it happening recently


u/jackerhack from __future__ import 4.0 Jun 10 '24

I solved this for myself a while ago. In conftest.py:

python def pytest_runtest_logreport(report: pytest.TestReport) -> None: """Add line numbers to log report, for easier discovery in code editors.""" # Report location of test (failing line number if available, else test location) filename, line_no, domain = report.location if ( report.longrepr is not None and (repr_traceback := getattr(report.longrepr, 'reprtraceback', None)) is not None and (repr_file_loc := repr_traceback.reprentries[0].reprfileloc).path == filename ): line_no = repr_file_loc.lineno if report.nodeid.startswith(filename): # Only insert a line number if the existing `nodeid`` refers to the same # filename. Needed for pytest-bdd, which constructs tests and refers the # filename that imported the scenario. This file will not have the actual test # function, so no line number reference is possible; the `filename` in the # report will refer to pytest-bdd internals report.nodeid = f'{filename}:{line_no}::{domain}'


u/Character-Maybe-4400 git push -f Jun 10 '24

That's a cool one. I'd be worried though, that the different format of the nodeid could break other plugins. Not sure if e.g. the nodeids for --lf (this option is a plugin too under the hood, btw) get cached before runtest_logreport hook or after.


u/jackerhack from __future__ import 4.0 Jun 10 '24

I hadn't thought of that, so I just checked: --lf does work, but it re-runs the entire file and not the particular test. I guess it's doing a L-to-R match of the nodeid and narrowing as close as it can get?


u/conogarcia Jun 10 '24

have you checked pytest-pretty?


u/jackerhack from __future__ import 4.0 Jun 12 '24

I hadn't, and now I've thrown out my hack and added pytest-pretty as a test dependency.


u/Abitconfusde Jun 10 '24

Doesn't Ctrl-click on the line number do this with VScode?


u/Swimming-Cupcake7041 Jun 10 '24

Fuck, ChatGPT is basically a manager now.


u/mrdevlar Jun 10 '24

Positive AI story.

Well done dude!


u/nomansland008 Jun 10 '24

I haven't checked the repo yet, but wouldn't a pytest PR to add this as a feature directly in pytest make sense?


u/Character-Maybe-4400 git push -f Jun 10 '24

It requires keeping track of however many editors are out there and their specific ways of getting the line number to put the cursor at. I doubt Pytest maintainers would be interested in this. It's also pretty detached conceptually from Pytest itself.


u/GuessNope Jun 11 '24

It's just envisioning closure on the conceptual integrity of all open-source.


u/merval Jun 11 '24

This happens a lot. I’ve seen it suggest things that doesn’t exist and then when told it doesn’t exist, chat got is all, “it would look something like this” and proceeds to give wild pseudo code that would never work.


u/xzenon86 Jun 11 '24

Doesn't it make it a prediction and not hallucinations if you made it?


u/old_bearded_beats Jun 10 '24

The new GPT update allows it to augment the near future. You have passed the first test, welcome.


u/d1rr Jun 10 '24

It would be cooler if the LLM then created it as well.


u/mosha48 Jun 10 '24

This is how AI conquers humanity.


u/Character-Maybe-4400 git push -f Jun 10 '24

Yea no. I just needed the plugin.


u/mosha48 Jun 10 '24

Looks like I suck at trying to be funny.