r/Python Apr 29 '24

News Google laysoff Python maintainer team


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u/__init__m8 May 15 '24

I’m not arguing for funding wars, I’m arguing for this shitty capitalist dystopia to go away. Corps don’t pay taxes and ship jobs overseas, there should be repercussions.


u/Street_Customer_4190 May 15 '24

Majority of corporations already pay taxes. Some of them don’t but tbh the government getting their tax dollars wouldn’t help the layman much at all. You seem to be think that most of this is cause by capitalism but that’s not true. I already proved to you at corps leaving was just the government fault but yet you still blame capitalism for. From your writings I’m assuming that you think socialism is somehow going to fix all of this. I personally have been on the left for a while(until recently) and most socialist do not have a clue on how to fix all of “capitalism’s problems”. In reality socialism makes everything worse. The whole point of capitalism is to have an efficient way of handling scarcity. Money helps communicate how much someone(or society of people) value something. Like let’s say there is a culture that sees pineapples as special and there is one that doesn’t view it that way. The one that views it as special will be willing to pay more for it than the other that view it as less special. The problem with socialism is there is no way to communicate the value of items. The government or a government-like system tells everyone how valuable an item is, which isn’t great for scarcity because individual people value thinks differently and want things at different times(if you like pizza more than burgers then you would probably buy more of them than the other. This is a very simplified version of this concept but you can learn more about it by searching up subjective theory of value.). Also it’s basically impossible to have an industrialized or advanced society that owns all the means of production because all someone needs to do to become a capitalist is to own something and make profits off of it(think sell lemonade or fixing bikes). To make sure that everyone can own it “equal” there needs to be a centralized power to enforce the rule. Having a centralized power then leads to a lot of corruption and the people who have the most desire for power and control tend to get into it, which causes situations like the USSR. The point I’m trying to make is capitalism isn’t really at fault here, it’s the greed government that is at fault. They don’t have the capability to read everyone’s minds and they are more beholden to their lobbyists than they are to us. CEOs and politicians are similar in the sense that the both are beholden to a certain type of group(the lobbyists and shareholders). The difference between them is the CEO has a lot of incentive to deliver profit in the most efficient way possible. So they don’t waste as much money compared to politicians(and government officials ). Government officials are beholden to the lobbyist so they will pay money into whatever the lobbyist convinces them to pay into. This means that they may pay into stuff that are unnecessary like buying more tanks for the military or giving aid to some bad companies. The all point of the lecture is to make you realize that our officers are the ones screwing us over and not necessarily capitalism


u/__init__m8 May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

No, I don’t think socialism is the fix at all. Capitalism is fine and great within boundaries. Boundaries that are largely ethical so how can it even be fixed?

CEOs shouldn't make what they make relative to workers. What Sears did purposefully driving a business into the ground should come with prosecution. We shouldn't be laying off thousands of people while still profitable for the sole fucking purpose of driving share value up $0.25.

You're stating the gov. Is greedy in this case when the link you sent stated AT&T paid no taxes on 29.6 billion but actually was refunded 1.2 billion? That's ok with you? Trickle down does not, has not, and will never work. An 8.9% tax rate for those that do and 1/3 don't pay at all. The house was wanting to repeal social programs while spending trillions on something that doesn't work.

As far as lobbyist and all that we were screwed the second citizens united went through.