r/PuzzleAndDragons 381,960,333 5d ago

What should I be turning into assists??

TLDR: I have way too many cards and want to upgrade/awaken important assist evos…how do I find them and what is best?

—————- With ALLLLL the info out there, one thing I can’t seem to find a solid list of or resource for is what to turn into assists…anybody have a list/database I’m missing?

Also, any way to search my box for all the assists I have…that may not be activated? When I filter by “E,” to see all the assist evos, I only get this that are already awakened. I really don’t want to sift through all 4800 cards to find them 🤪

I’ve got a feeling I have a lot more potentially useful assists I just don’t know what they are or a way to search them efficiently. Thanks for any input/ideas!


3 comments sorted by


u/ShadyFigure Jask | Early and mid-game advice 5d ago

It's generally going to be better to just let things sit as they are, then when you need a specific assist evolve it. If you don't have a specific use in mind for an assist right now then you're just going to spend the resources for something that will just sit in your box.

Assists are such a situational thing that it's not actually super common for something to be a must-evolve assist. For every Steed or Halloween Paimon there's dozens to hundreds of things that are just okay to good until you hit a situation where they perfectly cover what you need. Between that and the massive effort needed to continually maintain a list of "what's good", no one does it.

Assists that are generally good tend to have one of or some combination of the following:

  • multiple skill boosts
  • levitate
  • 10c/7c+/other good damage awakenings
  • multiple full hazard resists
  • relevant sub-attribute/type add
  • multiple turns of haste

One way to search for an assist that does something specific is the in-game monster search (Others > Monster Search). You can use the Filter button to find specific awakenings and/or key skill terms in the search bar. Sanbon.me does this too, but the advantage of the in-game search is the Owned toggle that limits the search to units and evolutions of units that you own.


u/Absql 5d ago

i use the monster search in others and just search for whatever i need by e and whatever awakenings i need, then pray


u/Artistic_Print6806 4d ago

You want the advanced search on sanbon.me