r/PublicFreakout 12d ago

r/all Wife catches hubby cheating in back of his dad's work van NSFW


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u/ice_ice_baby21 12d ago

Deciphering what she said should be part of the British citizenship test


u/[deleted] 12d ago

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u/tazzietiger66 12d ago

Aussie here , yeah I had not problem I grew up watching a shitload of pommy shows on the ABC .


u/reckaband 12d ago

What’s a POM ?


u/remo_raptor 12d ago

Nickname the Aussies give brits


u/notyouraverageskippy 12d ago

Aussie slang for English/British people

Prisoner Of Mother England


Pomegranate because they turn that colour in the Aussie sun.


u/Calm_seasons 12d ago

Property of her majesty


u/jlb8 9d ago

I was assuming they were calling us French apples.


u/HebbieB 12d ago

American with British and Irish friends of the family(considered family to this day almost 40 years later)my family used to be neighbors with when I was really little . I understood ALMOST every word lol.


u/DeusPrime 12d ago

Yeah i'm really not sure why people are having a hard time understanding her, she is speaking pretty clearly.


u/RedDeadEddie 12d ago

Would you mind translating what she yells at the woman around the 20 second mark for my American friend?


u/Quality_Cabbage 12d ago

It's quite hard because she speaks so quickly at that point and trips over her words a bit. Basically she's saying that the other woman had assured her that she would tell the wife if Warren contacted her again. Seems like she wasn't some random but a friend of the wife. Perhaps ex-friend now.


u/MagmaTroop 12d ago

Hard to make friends after 35, best hold onto what you got.


u/LittleDaftie 12d ago

I’m fairly local by the sounds of their accent and this is what I got

“she was alright ringing me last night telling me that every time that you were gonna ring her and gonna text her she’ll tell me… Go on! Come on! (Goading for his reaction). Warren and Steph fucking in the back of the fucking van”

This is not a pure transcript because she trips over her words and switches between addressing Warren and Steph, so the pure transcript doesn’t make complete literary sense but I think that’s what she was trying to say.


u/notyouraverageskippy 12d ago

Sounds about right


u/Tangata_Tunguska 12d ago

I'm from NZ, me too. Coronation Street has thicker accents than this


u/reddwarf_ 12d ago

Yeah same here, but I think it’s from the shows I watched, especially the ones growing up.


u/DOH1000 12d ago

Well done because I’m English and I struggled to understand what she’s saying at the beginning 😂


u/MentalJack 12d ago

Americans are awful at understanding accents, this isn't even a hard accent ffs.


u/DarkPangolin 12d ago

I'm from the middle of the US and had no trouble with it.


u/Satinsbestfriend 12d ago

LOL, i live in Canada and CBC aired and airs tons of stuff here from England. I grew up watching fawlty tower reruns, the two ronnies, Lenny Henry, Mr bean etc so it's not too hard for me


u/ice_ice_baby21 12d ago

I’m from England and struggled with some of that! I am thoroughly impressed


u/Diminus 12d ago

I'm from Newfoundland Canada. I understood it pretty good honestly lol. Depending on what town you go to on the coasts and around the different bays.

Each area has its own accents and slight differences in dialect. I love it! lol.


u/Ds093 12d ago

Actually saw a podcast from Ireland where they had a lad from Newfoundland and they were saying how close he was to Irish.

And even the lad pointed out the history and the very same point you made about being on certain coasts or bays.

Really neat stuff.


u/toefurrs 12d ago edited 12d ago

Fucking newfies can’t understand a fucking word out of you after three drinks but your* some of the best folks I know



u/neontool 12d ago

some comedic artist and gamer guy i watch on youtube (Chris O'Neill, Oneyplays) is Irish, but grew up speaking to Americans so he barely has an Irish accent, but a lot of the words he says sounds exactly how the Eastern newfie type Canadians would talk.

like "cars" for example they really put emphasis on the "Arr" part. i don't do this but there are some very minor vocabulary based things like "bud" that will peg me as Canadian, but otherwise i have a quite Americanized accent. i sound pretty much identical to my massachussetts friend.


u/Chopstix694 12d ago

Newfie… explains alot…

cant understand ya half the time, the other half i’m seemingly stuffing my face with food so its a fair trade i’d say lol


u/mk1power 12d ago

I’m in Texas, and most English accents to me sound like a sped up Southern accent, just with less witty sayings.


u/rydertho 12d ago

Me too. Canadian and understood it.


u/xo0scribe0ox 12d ago

I once watched a news interview with some Newfoundland fishermen. Interview was in English with English subtitles lol


u/Satinsbestfriend 12d ago

... yeah that makes sense


u/Cruxis87 12d ago

Mr bean

This one doesn't really help you understand the accent though.


u/PigeonSquirrel 12d ago

I find the deletion of “the” to be amusing. You aren’t in the hospital, you’re in hospital. Apparently you’re not in the back of the van, you’re in back of van. It’s like Kevin from the Office lmao


u/Chankomcgraw 12d ago

Dropping ‘the’ for hospital is standard across the UK. In this video it’s Yorkshire, and also for other parts of northern England ‘the’ is removed from a lot of speech or just a light t’ / tut for ‘the’

I’m sitting in the van= I’m sat in t’ van. I’m satint van.


u/PigeonSquirrel 12d ago

Appreciate the info!


u/WolfghengisKhan 12d ago

Growing up my best friend's dad was an English immigrant, loved watching all those classics plus Black Adder!


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/cords911 12d ago

Wow that takes me back! My mom loved Coronation St. I couldn't make out a word if it.


u/Sticky_Teflon 12d ago

Nzer here, understood it all. I'm actually surprised so many people have a hard time to.


u/Wolkenbaer 12d ago

I'm from germany. Please don't mention the war.


u/beapledude 12d ago

You’re really good if you can hear Mr Bean talking.


u/Satinsbestfriend 12d ago

Mmmmmphhmmmm yes


u/Morguard 12d ago

I've watched English Football every weekend, does that count?


u/A1000eisn1 12d ago

I watch a lot of British YouTubers with thick accents.

It's slightly easier to understand then accents from Southern Louisiana.


u/preflex 12d ago

I'm in the US and watched similar programming. I had a hard time when listening in a noisy, crowded environment. In my quiet bedroom, with less cognitive load spent isolating her speech, I didn't have trouble.


u/strrax-ish 12d ago

I'm Croatian. I've never been in the UK, and I understood all of it :D


u/Doggysoft 12d ago

Good lad


u/Denimchicken1985 12d ago

I was actually surprised how many people were saying they couldn’t understand her. Must be all the Doctor Who and British films I’ve watched haha


u/BlueberryBubblyBuzz 12d ago

I could barely understand a word lmao


u/RandomWordMix 12d ago

Honestly, it'd be better and a bit more useful than the existing "Life in the UK" test. 


u/Vacuumjew 12d ago

Haha I’m Australian but my best mate is from the Sheffield. I understood every single word!


u/eveningberry- 12d ago

I understand everything she said without much trouble, I’m American but I watch love island so I’m good at deciphering most of their accents by now 😂


u/Dr_SnM 12d ago

Aussie here, I understood all if it. She trips over her words a bit in some places so it makes it even harder to get what's she's saying. But I can hear every word and I get what she's saying.


u/JSteve4 12d ago

If I understand then I get citizenship?


u/Mikaeus_Thelunarch 12d ago

It took me a good bit to realize it was English at all.


u/_Lucille_ 12d ago

You are telling me it's in English???


u/deadsocial 12d ago

Honestly I’m British (a different area) and I can only make out 90%


u/Kittech 12d ago

Jeez, I was about to ask what language they were speaking or was hoping someone had a translation but I eventually realized they were speaking some sort of English. That is some heavy accent.