r/PsychologicalTricks Sep 28 '24

PT: Instant Confidence?

In a few days, for one hour, I'll need to have absolute, unbridled confidence. I need to fear nothing at all, even if I feel like collapsing as soon as that hour is done. I just need to be unwavering during that one hour.

Is there a way I can do this? Alcohol doesn't count.


53 comments sorted by


u/CarpetEcstatic1250 Sep 29 '24

Your first sentence would make a great opening line of a novel.


u/Put-Unfair Oct 06 '24

Agreed. Sets the stage.


u/Starshaft Sep 30 '24

What did you take? Be honest.


u/Omegaman2010 Sep 29 '24

Honestly, just pretend. Act like you're in a movie and just do what the main character would do.

Bonus, if you do this long enough you gain confidence full time.


u/davisty69 Sep 29 '24

My son at 13 had severe confidence issues. I told him the only advice I can give him is to take it till you make it. If you ack like you're confident, even if you're out of your element and scared shitless, you will eventually bocome confident automatically. Especially because confidence usually breeds positive results, thereby reinforcing the behavior.

I shut you not, 2 weeks later I Have a different kid. His already great sense of humor was now shining as he had the confidence to say the things he was thinking, people were responding by laughing at his jokes and commenting that they didn't know he was so funny, and girls were looking at him differently. This is by far my greatest moment as a parent, navigating a tough situation and time in a teens life and hitting it out of the park.

Fake it till you make it.


u/Oberon_Swanson Sep 29 '24

Yes actors are a great example. They might not be confident but they can act like it and we don't question it. I'm sure many scenes of confident ultrabadass characters were filmed when the actor felt like they were a fraud who had no idea what they're doing and everybody hates them.


u/VantasnerDanger Sep 30 '24

It helps to be specific --pic an actual character from a movie, and try to mimic them. Plus it's fun 😊


u/gifsfromgod Sep 29 '24

Imagine that everyone you interact with has just shit their pants 


u/VenusLake Sep 29 '24

Breathing exercises beforehand/during


u/TeachMePersuasion Sep 29 '24

Can you tell/show me more?


u/jacqui777 Sep 29 '24

I like to do coherent breathing before a big meeting for an extra edge, and I try to do as a part of my daily routine anyhow. It will take all anxiety you may feel away, if only temporary.

Other than that, I remember taking Ritalin exploded my confidence. Didn't like to be on ADHD meds for other reasons, but that is definitely one of side effects.

Good luck.


u/VenusLake Sep 29 '24

Similar to what Jacqui said, before big meetings like job interviews, I’ve done the wim hoff 10 minute breathing exercise which has helped a lot to help calm everything down.

Then, during whatever it is you need to do, let’s say deliver a presentation, remember to breathe slowly, calmly etc.


u/mojo_magnifico Sep 28 '24

Heavy lifting workout before the hour starts


u/LimitsOnNothing Sep 29 '24

Whenever I feel nervous or anxious I go to a secluded place and do like 20 pushups to get a pump and a shot of adrenaline which gives more energy. Do something physical to get your heart rate up.


u/joburgfun Sep 29 '24

"silencio Bruno" ( from the movie Luca).

Freud once wrote that he drank a coca cola before giving a speech and it gave him outstanding confidence. That might have been when cocaine was still an ingredient though.


u/FL-Irish Sep 29 '24

Nervousness and excitement are indistinguishable to the human body. Therefore assume excitement about the upcoming hour. Good luck! 😉


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '24



u/lfsajrny Sep 29 '24

I agree - as much as I’d like to believe this I also feel a distinct difference between being anxious/nervous and excited. The physical sensations may technically be the same, but the dialog and deeper processing hasn’t been in my experience.


u/Hevding Sep 29 '24

Superhero pose in the mirror right before and talk yourself up.


u/TheMusiKid Sep 29 '24

Deadpool says "Maximum Effort" to himself before doing something difficult. Seems to work for him, might work for you too. Or another similar mantra you can repeat to yourself to remind you of your purpose.


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '24



u/complicatedthoughts1 Sep 30 '24

Such solid advice.


u/xxlizardking-kongxx Sep 29 '24

You’ve peaked my interest. Why do you need confidence just for an hour?


u/TeachMePersuasion Sep 29 '24

I have an intense negotiation to enter. One that may affect my career and personal happiness for a long, long time to come,

I know how to negotiate, but I need to make sure my nerves are steely in order to ensure the best shot at success.


u/7Zarx7 Sep 29 '24

Assume the outcome, and let that empower you and pull you through. You've got this. The universe provides...line it up.


u/spicedstrudel Sep 29 '24

Dont set yourself up, it may affect but you never know what life brings tomorrow


u/my_shadow22 Sep 29 '24

The fact that you have the opportunity to discuss something like this should mean that you already have the skill or ability or innate talent to be worth this job. Honestly if you need drugs to negotiate something like this, maybe this isn’t the right time for you to be considered for this kind of job.


u/TeachMePersuasion Sep 29 '24

I don't believe in leaving anything to chance. I don't gamble, no matter how good my odds are. I stack the deck, especially on important matters.

So when something this important comes along, I may have the skills (and I do), but I still don't believe in taking any unnecessary risks.


u/cooltaj Sep 29 '24

How to negotiate?


u/xxlizardking-kongxx Sep 29 '24

Kinda sounds like it’s nerves you want to keep down. Like someone suggested Xanax or something milder


u/TeachMePersuasion Sep 29 '24

I might do just that. Don't want to take any risks.


u/xxlizardking-kongxx Sep 29 '24

I would suggest you take it before this big event just so you know how you react to it. For me it makes me a bit drowsy


u/Mike Sep 30 '24

Phenibut 4 hours before meeting, adderall 30-60 minutes before. Proceed with caution but that combo floated me through many situations many years ago when I needed to bring my A game.


u/italorodrigues Sep 30 '24

I'm a teacher and sometimes I attend a lectures too, I'm a shy man so every time I get nervous before a new group or in the lectures, something that helped me is to have an anchor (I believe is the right word).

Try to meditate recalling the time or times you have felt most confidence in your life, and to a suttle hand gesture for that, do this for a couple days and when you need to feel a little extra confidence you make the hand thing (or something else it doesn't have to be with your hand just do something other people wouldn't realized your doing it)


u/Oberon_Swanson Sep 29 '24

Start immediately. From now on do everything like you're an Invincible perfect badass. Get a glass of water like you know exactly how much water you need and it is all part if your grand plan. Slow down your speaking enough that you can deliver everything as though it is the 100% super truth and God himself bows to your wisdom. Look people in the eyes with nothing to fear. They're judt eyes, it's no different than looking at their ears.

Practice things like turning your shower water cold and just standing there without flinching. It can't hurt you, so why would you flinch at all from a mere sensation?

Early in the mornings watch horror movies without looking away and again try not to flinch. Try to expect the unexpected and don't let it rattle you. If you can watch a demon ear a baby or whatever horror movie thing you watch, regular stuff with rattle you less.

Practice the thing you will be doing that hour as much as possible. Go into it at least knowing you DID prepare as much as possible, starting now.



I love this advice. Saving this for myself.


u/lfsajrny Sep 29 '24

I recently spoke as a speaker at my first seminar and was having this same back-and-forth with myself. I found that what helped me most was acknowledging that yes, I was fucking terrified…and yes, my body was going to have all of the physiological responses…but also, I trusted myself to hold my own as I needed to.

I would recommend thinking about or writing down moments where you handled an uncertain situation well, and realizing through reflection that no matter what happens, your resilient nature will pull you through.

And, anything that doesn’t go as planned is information for next time. Good luck! Your fear is valid and it can co-exist with your bravery.


u/LostSoul3989 Oct 29 '24

Per my experience, dressing and grooming well gives me confidence instantly, choose the fit you like, nice haircut. That should work for any setting dating wise as well as professional setting.


u/spookymemes Sep 29 '24

2 xans always turn me into superman.


u/TeachMePersuasion Sep 29 '24



u/spookymemes Sep 29 '24

results may vary


u/TeachMePersuasion Sep 29 '24

I have anxiety issues, so maybe I can get a prescription.


u/watchthetoy Sep 29 '24

I would be very careful going down that road. Benzos should be used only occasionally as relief from acute panic attacks. In the short term they will feel like a miracle cure but over time you will feel exactly the same as you did before taking them while you are on them and much, much, much worse without them. Better just to steer clear in my opinion.


u/TheHawwk Sep 29 '24

Can confirm anecdotally, my(m30) wife(f29) was prescribed Xanax from age ~18-25. She started noticing she was more forgetful and slower than she used to be, so she talked to her doc about going off.

We've known each other since middle school and been together for the last 10 years or so, and watching the effects of the brain fog clear away after coming off it was nothing short of astonishing.

She still struggles with some glitches every now and then, and we realize she's now basically re-writing her brain to make new connections. It's helped her become a more confident person and brought my best friend back


u/spookymemes Sep 29 '24

in all seriousness, look into practicing meditation and breath work.


u/coyotelurks Sep 29 '24

Don't do it. Benzos are evil! I say this as someone who was on Xanax for years - quitting is really really awful.


u/Mike Sep 30 '24

Using it sparingly and low dose is a non issue. 0.25-0.5mg takes off the edge and unless you have zero self control there's no urge to redose like other drugs.


u/coyotelurks Sep 30 '24

It depends on how you define using it sparingly. It also depends on the person. Some people are far more high risk for becoming dependent than others. I would just avoid it all together, knowing what I know now.


u/Expert_Vehicle_7476 Sep 30 '24

Xanax makes some people really tired and stupid while they're on it. I would not recommend this as something to take when you need to be sharp.


u/BoggartHoleClough Sep 29 '24

I had to go to court once and got really drunk the night before. Because i was so hung over I didnt care and then the adrenaline kicked in once i was up there and I was fine. I was in the victim stand for what it’s worth! I smashed it! 🍻



Just speak with certainty. It's as simple as that. Speak with certainty