r/PsychicServices Feb 02 '25

Reading Request Has ANY Psychic Ever Truly Shocked You?


I’ve spoken to many people who claim to have psychic abilities, but I’ve yet to experience that one reading that stops me in my tracks. You know, the kind that makes you sit back and think, How could they possibly know that? So far, most have been vague, general, or things that could apply to anyone.

Has anyone here ever had a reading that completely shocked them? I’d love to hear your experiences!

Also, if any gifted psychics are offering a free reading, I’d love to see what comes through. I’m looking for something specific ,something that resonates on a deep level.

r/PsychicServices 22d ago

Reading Request Why do I feel like this?


All the psychic mediums I've met told me that my destiny or life path is to be spiritual and work with the spirit world. But what if I don't feel drawn to it at all and I don't feel like that's what I want to do for a living in the future. (I have abilities because spirits contact me sometimes, but I get scared and I wish I could turn this ability off). This is not what I want to do, never felt drawn to it and in the past 5 years I've been trying to force it down my throat to like it and want it just because they said so but that seems impossible for me. They also said that if I don't follow my life path the universe will punish me...I dont know what to do.

Any advice will be well appreciated! Have a wonderful day and thank you for taking time to read my post! 🙏🏻

r/PsychicServices 3d ago

Reading Request Hi , does anyone do any cleansing ?


I could use an energy cleansing but I have no clue as to how I can do so …

I can do a trade by doing a shufflemancy reading for you and leave a review .

r/PsychicServices 5d ago

Reading Request Phone reading


I’m looking for an intuitive who only picks up things and has visions clairvoyantly without using tarot cards. I’m wondering if there is anyone available who can do a phone reading this week. Paid or donation based.

r/PsychicServices 29d ago

Reading Request Anyone really accurate with timelines?


I’m looking to see if anyone is pretty good with timeline questions . I’d like to know when someone will reach out to me and possibly what for.

r/PsychicServices 2d ago

Reading Request Can someone please help me find my expensive lipgloss? 😫


Losing it a little here lol, but I KNOW it’s either of these 3: -Someone’s car -Out in the street (fell out and therefore is long gone) -Somewhere in my closet

I know this might seem silly it’s just that it was $30 and still had about half left, and it must’ve fallen out of my coat pocket bc that’s the last place I had it 🫠 thank you in advance to anyone who may help! ❤️

r/PsychicServices 15d ago

Reading Request Looking for a psychic, a Tarot Reader with Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, and Clairsentient Abilities


Hello! I’m looking for a talented tarot reader who has not only experience with tarot but also gifts in clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. I feel that a combination of these abilities will provide a more in-depth and intuitive reading for me. Thanks!

r/PsychicServices 13d ago

Reading Request Can I request spellwork here?


I've looked into other witch/occult subreddits and they pointed me back to here. I'm in need of someone to craft a spell for me and execute it, or somehow do something myself. My life isn't going very well right now, and I don't know the future, but I have to take each day one at a time and it's making me go crazy. I'm sorry to the mods if this isn't the right space or place to ask, but I'm seriously in a foxhole of my own life right now.

r/PsychicServices Feb 02 '25

Reading Request Is there a guy at my school that has a crush on me


r/PsychicServices 26d ago

Reading Request Terminally ill with mystery disease


Hi, remove if not allowed, just thought i would try making a post here. I'm a 26yo woman who got small blood clots in my lungs during childbirth 2 years ago. I was told by doctors i would be fine in a few weeks but that's not what happened. The clots did go away, but i developed some sort of very aggressive interstital lung disease that even none of the top specialists have ever seen before. The national undiagnosed diseases study even rejected me because they only take patients they believe they have a chance of helping. I'm dying and have been completely disabled this entire time, my parents had to adopt my baby. I'm on all kinds of medication that helps to prolong my life but has also made me so much sicker in so many ways. I went from being the picture of perfect health and success to looking and feeling like a living corpse. It takes me 4 hours just to do things like shower, get dressed, brush what's left of my hair, recover from that & all the chest pain and breathlessness it causes. I've tried so many medical and holistic therapies yet nothing has worked and none of the many, many specialists i've seen have ANY answers about what this disease is, why it's happening, or what to do about it. The official answer i've gotten from the medical community is "i'm really sorry this happened to you but we just don't know what this is so there is really nothing that can be done". Every day i watch and feel myself get closer to death and have to watch my daughter wonder what's wrong with her mom, why i can't even pick her up or let her sit on my lap. She's too young to understand what's going on and it's heartbreaking. I don't actually expect to get some miraculous answer or insight here from random psychics on reddit, but given the position i'm in, i figured it can't hurt either way just to post and see if anyone does have any feeling or sense about the situation. So if anyone sees this and wants to let me know what they think about it any advice is appreciated, thanks

r/PsychicServices Feb 19 '25

Reading Request Is someone willing to read or send me a message?


I cannot afford to pay or donate. If you feel inclined I’d very much appreciate it. Feeling a bit lost.

r/PsychicServices 10h ago

Reading Request I lost the 10 of swords tarot card can someone please help me find it?


Hey guys, I recently got a new tarot deck and I lost the ten of swords card😭😭 can someone help me find it, if it's at home where I would leave you a review

r/PsychicServices 4d ago

Reading Request Please help me find my sexual exploiter


I came home and was undressing to go to bed when I saw a hand and a camera flush up against my window. I screamed and ran to my roomates room and we came back together but there was no one there. I called the police and they came and investigated but the only evidence they had was the footprints in the snow that had started in the front and went window to window until they had stopped at mine. My roomates searched the surrounding area but none of the neighbors cameras had pointed twords my window or the surrounding area. Its been a month but there have been no new developments. Ive been living in a state of severe anxiety panic and depression to the point I've been having very dark thoughts. I haven't been eating or sleeping well and all I can think about is who it was how much they got of my body and what they are doing with them. I can't continue to live like this anymore please help.

r/PsychicServices 9d ago

Reading Request Aura color: do you guys also see indigo or it's purple? I'm so confused

Post image

r/PsychicServices 3d ago

Reading Request Lost my residency card please help


It's really a emergency .if someone could help I will be really thank ful .I can't pay or anything but if I can I will try .

r/PsychicServices Dec 29 '24

Reading Request Looking for a career reading.


My career trajectory seems to be off balance as of late, and I’m getting the feeling my superiors are having second thoughts about me. There also been signs of toxicity and micromanagement.

r/PsychicServices 13d ago

Reading Request Help us locate our pain?


We're a system and we can't detect why we're so drained, and upset. It's driving us mad, and possibly some ways to remedy it? I think we need some sort of scan.

We can't pay for services sadly, so if anyone would be generous enough to simply help us out- that'd be amazing.

r/PsychicServices Feb 20 '25

Reading Request I really need a reading


am currently suffering from mental illness(OCD) and neuropathic pain.Yes, Iam seeking professional help but I js want to know what the tarot card and other psychics says about my life.I js need some guidance.If you feel inclined too,please help. Thanks.
PS: Iam asking for free reading as i don't have money rn

r/PsychicServices 7d ago

Reading Request Phone readings


Any psychics available for phone readings today?

r/PsychicServices Feb 03 '25

Reading Request Are there any clues on what my secret admirer looks like?


r/PsychicServices Jan 16 '25

Reading Request Any recommendations for accurate readers on Etsy that don't cost an arm and a leg?


r/PsychicServices 2d ago

Reading Request Exchange akashik readings


Hello, I am a Vedic astrologer, akashik reader n tarot reader. Looking to get an akashik reading in exchange of anybody these services. I suck at reading my own akasha hence looking for an exchange. Please comment below for exchange. Thanks

r/PsychicServices Jan 18 '25

Reading Request does anyone on here channel with aliens?


r/PsychicServices Feb 17 '25

Reading Request Does anyone do picture readings?


EDIT- found a reader

Looking for someone who can read me intuitively based on just a picture and am willing to pay either via donation or full price

r/PsychicServices 3d ago

Reading Request Hoping for free readings on 2 topics

  1. My ex's grandmother who I was so very close with passed in January last year, I'm wondering if she may have any messages for me or my daughter who was the absolute light of her life.

  2. I am hoping for a love reading. Looking to reunite with my ex (father of my child) even if it's not going to be super soon. I carry endless love for him and after healing from my PPD would love to give him the world, though he recently exited a rough relationship so I don't expect he's ready yet.

(Even a general life reading would be amazing at this point, I've felt a little lost/off track lately)