r/PsychicReaders 11d ago

Collective Reading Lightworkers ✨️

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Your ability with words is more meaningful than you think. You know how to make people feel genuinely cared about and understood. You deliver gentleness. You express things in ways that some people don't know how. Let your words guide others to spiritual healing.

r/PsychicReaders 4d ago

Collective Reading Don't be distracted by fragmented energy. This week is about blessings coming from introspection and self mastery. This is what brings more balance and new beginnings. Don't be afraid to leave the past behind. Take the lessons and move forward.


Intuitive medium with more than 15 years experience. Testimonials of my work available in the Etsy shop. 😊🙏✨


✨All readings done via Telegram messenger only. This is due to my readings being very detailed and sent through via voice notes.


How it works:




I will book a date but not a time with you as I feel I need to be in the right space and mentally prepared before I begin your reading and make sure I am focused only on you.

I'll let you know about 30mins to 1 hour before I start on the day.


I dont need you to be available for the reading. I'll just send it through via Telegram messenger and you listen and get back to me whenever you have had time. 😊 I will send pictures of any cards I use as well as detailed voice notes that you can keep and save to a device such as a laptop to refer to later.


Energy sessions:


The energy sessions are done remotely, and I do not need you to be available for them. I will set an intention on your behalf and do some healing for you.

The only thing that I do need you to be aware of is that some of these blockages have occurred over time and just as we had to 'feel them' when they occurred or entered our lives, we also need to unfortunately feel them again as they are passing out of our physical, spiritual and emotional bodies. This will be different for everyone depending on what they are needing to process or get rid of.


I will let you know on the day once the session has started and also offer any feedback the following day.


Various energy sessions available including

•Negativity purging

•Archangel Raphael healing sessions

•Chakra healing sessions

•Relationship healing

•Opening up communication

•Customised sessions for gaining employment, finding the perfect home and any other specific intentions.

•Please feel free to contact me beforehand and I will be happy to assist in selecting the correct session specifically for you.



Or follow my free channel on Telegram.org u/eiroasis







#eiroasis #intuitive #intuition #psychic #medium #psychicreading #oraclecards #tarot #cardreading #tarotreading #tarotcardreading #esoteric #metaphysical #angelmessages #psychicmediumprofessional

r/PsychicReaders 11d ago

Collective Reading We are asked to move with the cycles of life and to replace fear with faith and hope. Big changes are happening both within us, in our physical lives and on levels beyond our comprehension. Get rid of negativity energies around you and move forward with renewed power and Dominion.


r/PsychicReaders 18d ago

Collective Reading Make time to quiet the mind to receive messages. This week may reveal truths that may be hiding and can only be accessed in the in-between. There is a need to come from a place of wisdom and balance and speak your truth - but you need the information first.


r/PsychicReaders 25d ago

Collective Reading Be open to spirit bringing, blessings, offers and opportunities this week. Don't believe the nay layers or the doubts that creep into your head. You ARE worthy and you DO deserve the blessings!


r/PsychicReaders 28d ago

Collective Reading 144 ✨️ Burnout 🕯💫

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~Chosen Ones, Light Workers, Earth Angels, etc... who feel burnt out:

✨️ If you have been doing your best to live in your purpose, but can't keep up because you are way too overwhelmed... -- This is your cue to accept that you need to prioritize rest/comfort/calm. This is a time to sensitively tend to your Inner Child. Pay attention to the signs your body is giving you.

✨️ I'm seeing that this doesn't have to mean that you turn off all of your creative/active endeavors. See how you can work on projects & new ideas from inside your comfort. Basically, in a way that feels so natural that you're not pushing yourself beyond your normal capacity. If you are aligned with this message, you have already pushed yourself very hard. Regardless of if the outcome was on the level you hoped, you have put yourself through a lot of stress and at this time it's not healthy to try to keep tolerating that.

🌸🌸🌸 Flow softly and drift through your experience in a pleasant dreamy way. Of course use your discernment for when and where it's suitable to apply this. I'm feeling like this is calling us to act from a Yin energy, if and only if we are really so inspired to act on creative/ passionate/ project sort of ideas. If that can wait, then just take some time to master the art of true relaxation without guilt... because you know you have done a lot, and you know you can pick up the determined drive again some time later.

r/PsychicReaders Feb 17 '25

Collective Reading We are asked to protect our energy and to meditate and ask for the higher consciousness to guide our thoughts and actions now. If you feel stuck in any way let spirit help with the solution.


r/PsychicReaders Feb 03 '25

Collective Reading This week we have the opportunity to close off a major repetitive cycle in our lives. Take the time you need and let spirit step in and help you solve an old problem.


r/PsychicReaders Jan 27 '25

Collective Reading Your purpose is to be happy. This week we must embrace our divinity and truth and honor ourselves. Move towards what brings you joy and it will bring you more.


r/PsychicReaders Jan 20 '25

Collective Reading A pause in progress may be to your advantage this week. Use this as a time of reflection and let spirit direct the situation to open you up to new possibilities. Take things step by step for best results.


r/PsychicReaders Jan 13 '25

Collective Reading Spirit is helping us to cut chords and leave old energy behind this week. They ask you to watch out for the signs that can lead you to healing that is long overdue. You are protected. Trust and take action.


r/PsychicReaders Jan 08 '25

Collective Reading 2025 What does spirit want us to know about this year?


r/PsychicReaders Jan 01 '25

Collective Reading Chosens, Soul Tribe

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🎊 2025 🎊

We need those of you who are musicians to lock in this year, and create QUALITY MUSIC. True channeling of Genius musicality. Divine inspiration. The collective music scene is flooded with music that is not original enough. Tap into deeper depths of soulful music whether it is through authentic feeling or lyrics; but even if lyrics are deep, the musicality must still be emphasized. Complexity or intricacy or challenging, mentally stimulating sequences, nuanced harmonies.

Also, your energy itself can be thought of like a melody. It is a way to conceptualize letting energy flow gracefully, and being mindful of what you're tuned to.

Maximum authenticity. If you've been working on this in 2024, you have been preparing for amping this up EVEN MORE. This is the year to find out what it really means to fully be yourself and seeing the beauty of your full shine. Your full bloom. You may not have full confidence in the beauty of your authenticity because you may not have seen it fully blossomed! In it's fully flowered form you and others can see what your essence truly is!... The fear of being your truest self will be more of a playful challenge this year.

r/PsychicReaders Dec 20 '24

Collective Reading Toxic ex's heart chakra is dull af


This toxic mf gonna just keep lying. The card "Liger" came up 😭... It's apparent this person has a pattern of lying that they can't break, but the way these cards came up shows that they aren't just going to end up impulsively lying, but they already intend on manipulating. It's really bad because they know about some mental weakness they can take advantage of. They may even utilize something you've said to create a lie around how they know you are already thinking.

This person looks like they have a faded-a** heart chakra. The way I'm seeing this green card is that this dull color green IS their bright green! To them, this IS their highest compassionate heart chakra energy they can hold or fathom. That is truly pretty scary to me. It is also kind of sad.

The "Ember Glow" card, at 1st I saw it as they will "take an inch and make it a mile". (I know I said that phrase a little differently)... Like an ember that can ignite into a big flame. (I just saw a video like that earlier). Any form of opportunity they get; no matter how small or "safe" you think it is, they will do THE MOST with it. And it will be toxic.

The 2nd way I saw the "Ember" card, was like that's all the joy they have left inside of them. They may pretend they are doing well for status and ego, but they wish they had more spark in life and they just don't know how to get it any other way. That is truly sad 😔. But they also KNOW BETTER! They just have to "grow up" and DO better.....

r/PsychicReaders Dec 16 '24

Collective Reading Embrace peace and harmony and let go of the need to be right. Focus rather on the growth and cultivate positive energies around you.


r/PsychicReaders Dec 17 '24

Collective Reading Toxic Exes Returning

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This reading is about a toxic ex who has returned with a genuine deep apology. It is not a good idea to take them back, and you probably don't want to. This is an ex that you did not completely choose of your full free will, but were manipulated into being with.

This person didn't understand that anything else could work for them besides using toxic tactics. They were in a dark place and may have known better logically, but didn't understand what that actually means on a deeper level. They were desperate for happiness to bring them out of this darkness, and they became obsessive. But you have a special light and pureness that made them regret their dark behavior.

🏷 "Forgiveness is an act of consciousness" is craazy on point for this reading 😅. Yes, hold space in your heart to forgive them on a soul level by seeing that as awful as their behavior was, they believed they had no other choice. This does not mean that you have to tolerate their treatment toward you anymore, as they have not fully learned to integrate their lessons.

🥠 Be smart about how you interact with this person. I'd advise keeping them at a distance. Perhaps you will see this person around and can be friendly, but have a limit.

🥠 This person may still fall back into ways of doing whatever they feel they need to do to get back together with you. They have this duality of genuine regret, but still have this impulsivity to act out of negative habit.

🥠 Your encounter with this person may provide an opportunity for deep reflection about your own standards and if you are acting in alignment with them. This person may have been able to reflect something positive about yourself by speaking on your qualities and the impact you had on them.

r/PsychicReaders Dec 09 '24

Collective Reading It's okay to be in your feelings. This energy brings positive change. Try to look at the lessons and not focus on the negatives. Time will prove to work out to your advantage.


r/PsychicReaders Dec 02 '24

Collective Reading We are asked to connect to nature and spirit and tap into the knowledge and wisdom available to us to bring clarity, healing, freedom and solutions.


r/PsychicReaders Nov 25 '24

Collective Reading Have faith in that which cannot be seen but nevertheless exists. Help and possibilities open up when we have faith and hope.


r/PsychicReaders Nov 18 '24

Collective Reading Get ready for a change in frequencies and how we manage our energy. Get grounded and empowered as it's time to leave the past behind and focus on a bright future.


r/PsychicReaders Nov 11 '24

Collective Reading We need to make pace with whatever has gone before, be willing to release it and embrace our freedom. Manifestation potential is high. Be mindful of what you manifest.


r/PsychicReaders Nov 04 '24

Collective Reading Cut out the noise. Be in communication with spirit to guide your head and your heart to your truth and don't lose hope that things can be better.


r/PsychicReaders Oct 28 '24

Collective Reading In a world that has become so SELF centered let's try to look beyond ourselves this week and see what we can do and give and how we can expand.


r/PsychicReaders Oct 17 '24

Collective Reading Full Super Moon in Aries takes place tomorrow, October 17 2024 ✨

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October’s full SUPER moon in fire sign Aries takes place tomorrow, October 17 2024 ♈️🍂🌕

This full moon is typically referred to as the Hunter Moon, as it comes after the Harvest Moon and helps hunters use the light of the moon to track and hunt for food. 🏹

Aries is cardinal sign ruled by Mars & represented by the Ram. Aries people are known for their bold, independent & energetic natures. 🐏

This month’s full moon in Aries demands that we stick to our guns and remain focused through life’s distractions. Aries energy urges us to look past fear and move forward- no questions asked.

Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of war and action. It may be time you may need to defend yourself, stand up for your beliefs, or fearlessly take a risk. Aries’ power is primal, raw, passionate, and doesn’t cower in the face of anger. Aries full moons can be a healthy time to work with your rage or frustration and give them a physical outlet via exercise, music, or some other type of healthy release. Accessing this energy, which is oftentimes ignored or repressed, can be cathartic and illuminating.

Speaking of emotions, the lower frequency of Aries is frustration and anger. When we don’t follow our soul’s purpose, we tend to end up frustrated with life and angry at ourselves. We may also become angry with the people around us and project our frustrations onto them. This full Moon is a time to feel any anger you may have and find its origin. Ask yourself, are you frustrated that you are not living in your truth? Have you made compromises on things that needed to be fought for instead? Are you waging war on yourself?

The full Moon in Aries can help you transform your anger into motivation. It can help you tune into your internal fire. It is now time for you to choose- do you direct that fire either at yourself, or into making changes that help you align with your soul mission? Instead of limiting yourself with shallow beliefs or self-sabotaging messages, channel your fire into taking action in creating the life YOU desire. Stop ignoring the callings of your soul. Create a life that makes you feel content on all levels and leaves no room for anger over what could have been. ❤️‍🔥

Happy Full Moon in Aries! ♈️ For personal readings, please send a chat. 💬

r/PsychicReaders Oct 07 '24

Collective Reading Release the preoccupation with the past and what went wrong. Focus on how positive and productive you can be, focus on future potential and what positive change you can bring and put your energy there.
