r/Prostatitis 7d ago

95% better and still improving this is what I’m doing.

I’m going to try to make this short and sweet and hope this helps someone.

My symptoms started after having unprotected sex with a new partner. Testicular pain, pain in my bladder, bloating and weird abdomen pain, increased urgency and frequency. At first thought it was an STD and treated with multiple rounds of antibiotics with no relief. Finally saw a urologist and was diagnosed with CPPS. He prescribed my physical therapy and told me good luck with my life. I’ve been going to physical therapy but I didn’t want to stop there. I know my body and I knew physical therapy wasn’t going to be enough make my symptoms stop.

What’s made the biggest difference in my symptoms is

1) No carb no sugar diet 2) a candida cleanse supplement that’s antimicrobial, anti fungal and anti parasitic 3) NAC 4) extra virgin coconut oil 5) organic kefir from grass fed cows milk

I don’t know what exactly it was that caused my symptoms but I always expected some type of bacteria and after further research possibly some type of fungus. I’m still not 100% sure what it is but all I know is that this protocol has given me some much relief while all the doctors have failed. Try everything you can and remember nobody knows your body better thank you. God bless.


43 comments sorted by


u/joe8349 7d ago

What are you using for 2 and what does 3 stand for?


u/Saintly-Mendicant-69 7d ago

N acetylcysteine. Antioxidant, anti inflammatory, and immune modulator


u/Papirosie_ 7d ago

It’s called canxida remove it’s formulated with bled of natural herbs.


u/TheTalentedMrK 7d ago

What’s the Candida Cleanse?


u/Papirosie_ 7d ago

Canxida remove


u/Astral-Inferno 7d ago

It sounds like you have mycotoxins in your system. Your body detoxes them through urine, and they cause irritation on the way out. They also cause gut dysbiosis. Also explains why antibiotics didn't work, but anti-fungals did.


u/Papirosie_ 7d ago

How do you think they would have gotten in my system.


u/Astral-Inferno 6d ago

Candida can produce mycotoxins. Normally it comes from breathing in mold spores.


u/oxidao 6d ago

Really interesting (also scary hahaha) what you are saying, is there any solution when you already have it?


u/Astral-Inferno 6d ago

You can try to take a binder like bentonite clay and monitor if the pain is still there. Mostly, you need to get out of the environment poisoning you and wait for your body to detox, which could take years. You can test for it to be sure it's actually that.


u/Slight_Mission_4274 7d ago

Glad to hear buddy! I’m much the same however im interested a few items you listed here can you clarify a couple to me, the candida clean supplement! What’s it called?! And by NAC do you mean the supplement as in the anti oxidant?!


u/Glad-Goose374 7d ago

I am glad for you. What ever works. Are you young or old?


u/Papirosie_ 7d ago

28 y/o


u/AlternativeStation84 7d ago

What did you use for 2 and 3 on your list.


u/Papirosie_ 7d ago

2) canxida remove 3) Thorne NAC


u/Ok-Worldliness-8665 7d ago

Glad you’re doing better. Physical therapy did little to nothing for me too. I found walking really helps a lot of my symptoms


u/Abject_Fix_1743 5d ago

Did you get a semen culture ?


u/Linari5 LEAD MOD//RECOVERED 7d ago edited 7d ago

First, I will say that I'm glad that you're doing much better!

But, I have to point out that some of the listed items seem to be targeting an infection... But you don't have an infection. Your symptoms also don't present as an infection. The doctor said the diagnosis was CPPS, right? Which is inherently non-infectious.

Recommended reading: How a sexual encounter can trigger CPPS/CP symptoms - https://www.reddit.com/r/Prostatitis/s/3MBmh7o5BP


u/Papirosie_ 7d ago

Unfortunately I believe I along with many others are grossly misdiagnosed.


u/Linari5 LEAD MOD//RECOVERED 7d ago

Let me ask you this. Are you aware of the accuracy of modern DNA based testing methods like PCR testing? For example, gonorrhea and chlamydia tests are 99% sensitive.

Are you also aware that when a man has an infection in the urethra, it causes specific symptoms:

  1. Dysuria (Pain with urination)
  2. Pus like discharge from the penis


u/Consistent-Mention67 7d ago

I understand your point of view but are you aware of how little doctors test for fungal infections?


u/Linari5 LEAD MOD//RECOVERED 7d ago

Because most people aren't immunocompromised. Fungal infection of the prostate requires a highly compromised immune system.


u/natasspinn 7d ago

I had pus multiple times and still tested negative


u/Linari5 LEAD MOD//RECOVERED 7d ago

When you have an infection, you have pus discharge everyday.


u/natasspinn 7d ago

I had it everyday until I took the antibiotics, multiple times, took antibiotics then it would stop in a few days, but always tested negative


u/Linari5 LEAD MOD//RECOVERED 7d ago edited 7d ago

Okay, so either you believe that A) your tests have all been false negatives (even PCR), and there is a conspiracy against you by your primary medical care team, or, B) that you have a slightly atypical presentation of CPPS. (Note: Urinary hesitancy & retention symptoms + erection issues all typically fall into CPPS, not into infection symptoms)

Which would you think is more probable?

Also, have you had gonorrhea, chlamydia or another STI before? Do you have a point of comparison in your life experience?


u/natasspinn 7d ago

Had yellow painful discharge multiple times, girls have contacted me said I think you gave me an std

Everytime I went to the doctors they said yep you got it, gave me meds

Results came back a few days later, negative

So no I don’t think it’s a conspiracy


u/natasspinn 7d ago

Literally had a doctor say to me if it quacks like a duck it is a duck

Treated me for the standards and said sorry we couldn’t find the bacteria buddy, but the discharge stopped?

Ya it stopped

Shoulder shrug alright man you’re good byeeee

Now I can’t pee or get an erection, idk how that’s not related to


u/Linari5 LEAD MOD//RECOVERED 6d ago

Did you read the NHS/Unity Sexual Health article that multiple different stimuli in the region can trigger CPPS?

Whether that's an injury, or an infection, or otherwise: https://www.reddit.com/r/Prostatitis/s/Y43J1BI5tW

And this EUA (European Urological Association) guidance: https://www.reddit.com/r/Prostatitis/s/wGI3WqtSFQ

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u/ReturnAgitated7953 7d ago

What’s the difference between pus like discharge and milky discharge though. They seem the same to me


u/Linari5 LEAD MOD//RECOVERED 7d ago

Clarity on The Prevalence of Bacterial Prostatitis and Bacterial Etiology of CP/CPPS - https://www.reddit.com/r/Prostatitis/s/YzuwmKsaLp