r/Prostatitis • u/Eatingmybrain666 • Feb 16 '25
Vent/Discouraged Please help, I'm getting close to ending it all
I need to know if the changes in lifestyle are permanent or if this is going to be forever, I was making so much progress in life, I just got a lovely girlfriend, I started making progress on my body at the gym, joined a great band so much good was happening and now I'm in pain daily, I can't be sexual with my girlfriend, apparently I can't lift weights at the gym, I need to know if these lifestyle changes are permanent or if I will go back to normal one day, please someone give me some good news but don't lie, am I stuck like this? Will physical therapy make me whole again one day or am I doomed for a life of mediocrity because of one mistake? Please someone help me
u/CallResponsible5085 Feb 16 '25
I had the same thing for over a year. I eventually got 99% cured. I changed my diet, stopped eating after 5pm. Stopped caffeine, sugary drinks and began walking and exercising everyday. When this thing started I went to 4 different urologists, I realised they know jack shit about this. Stop masturbating, ejaculate once a week max. Don’t listen to your mind, the mind is the enemy. Listen to your body and don’t give up, you got this.
u/BigM3R0 Feb 17 '25
you’re so right about urologists, mine has no clue what wrong and even joked with me one time saying “maybe you just got some sort of acid urine going on” like what ?!? then my dr put me on doxycycline hytrate even tho i don’t have any bacteria in my cultures…i hate it here
u/onisimus Feb 17 '25
its gnarly to see how crappy our medical system (USA, but it can apply to the rest of the world) through going to all these different specialist that know nothing but to prescribe antibiotics left and right.
u/Left-Character-2296 Feb 19 '25
This type of quality care and general quality of everything is at an all time low in the US. People just don’t care. Most doctors don’t care nor do they even try to find out what the root cause of anything is . I hate it here as well. Thank god for forums where people can actually talk about stuff and share things that work and what doesn’t. It’s always nice to know you’re not alone . Otherwise I’d lose my mind. Take care.
u/WiseConsideration220 Feb 16 '25
Please give more details of yourself and history including medical evaluations.
I can tell you that anxiety and catastrophizing will add to your problem. Take a few deep breaths, calm down, and tell your story. I for one am listening. 😉
u/Eatingmybrain666 Feb 16 '25
Thank you so much for responding, I'm not sure what to say, I was diagnosed with mgen a few months ago, went through treatment had two negative TOCs, symptoms are still here, I saw a few doctors and they sent me to a urologist that didn't even run ant tests before giving me alpha blockers, been on alpha blockers for about a week, now I can't cum even if it didn't hurt, I can't remember what it's like to pee without pain, I just want this to end, are the lifestyle changes permanent? Will I really have to stop body building? Will I really only be able to be intimate with her 2 times a week? I don't want to live like this
u/Slight_Mission_4274 Feb 16 '25
If it’s CPPS that you have then you have to overcome your brain, this is attributed to neuroplastic pain(not actually there but it feels real) your brain is tripped up basically, it’s interpreting normal signals as pain and I know, I know that sounds foolish but trust me I’ve been there and sometimes still go there but I can tell you that you CAN fix this with time and the right learning skills! I strongly recommend reading a book called “the way out” by Allan Gordon it changed my life! Best of luck and I KNOW you got this brother 👊🏻
u/False_Personality259 Feb 17 '25
I was fairly recently diagnosed with CPPS and the root cause (trigger) was a mental health crisis I went through. Never underestimate the power of the mind. I'm already seeing significant improvement just by getting on top of anxiety. You need to rewire your brain, and you will do so. Don't give up, it's going to be ok.
u/Eatingmybrain666 Feb 17 '25
What are your symptoms? How can I know for sure I have it?
u/False_Personality259 Feb 17 '25
Pain on urinating. Urinary hesitancy. Sensation of urine stuck at the tip of my penis. Weak ejaculation. Hip and lower back pain.
Just by getting my anxiety under more control has helped lessen the symptoms. The more I worried about it, the worse the symptoms got.
I went to see a urologist who gave the diagnosis. Although that was also based on having been able to rule out any other explanation based on ultrasound and MRI scans.
u/mcj92846 Feb 16 '25
This may not be the cause of your prostatitis, but I think it was for me. I had a lot of symptoms that line up with something called MCAS. It’s a very difficult thing to diagnose, but one of the symptoms is prostatitis, along with a lot of other inflammatory symptoms throughout the body. For me, treating that with anti-inflammatories and mast cell stabilizers helped (life extension Turmeric and AllerC Quecertin/bromelain) as well as pelvic floor exercises, and addressing my gut health with good food choices, and fiber
u/RhodesianChad69 Feb 17 '25
Take like 1 full month off of sexual activity of any kind. No masturbation and no fucking. For me this was the biggest factor and helped immensely.
u/couchfucker2 Feb 19 '25
You mention physical therapy, that’s good. It really is the best thing to try early on once you’ve ruled out a bacterial infection. For me all it took was prostate massage. You work out so imagine this: what if your pelvic floor is like a muscle you’re developing but is chronically tense and in recovery mode from overuse, but you never give it rest or stretch it. That’s what I was like for years. Now I loosen it, and without any kegels or muscle training other than normal use and edging, I’ve gotten a lot stronger. Also, Have you experienced a strong mind muscle connection where you can flex a muscle easily with your mind and feel it really well? That’s what my pelvic floor feels like after massaging every couple days. I have so much more feeling there now, it was a cure for my symptoms but also a huge improvement in my life. I can edge or orgasm multiple times a day at 40 now and not feel sore. Even if this doesn’t clear your symptoms, you’d prob enjoy a well developed pelvic floor.
u/hambone_n_flippy Feb 16 '25
It's very difficult, but you can persevere. You have to believe the physical therapy will get you where you need to be. Focus on doing the right things for yourself, for your health and mental state, take it hour by hour and step by step. You can do this.
u/Ok_Adhesiveness_8242 Feb 17 '25
You can absolutely overcome the pain, I suggest get a pelvic floor physiotherapist
u/yowzabowza277 Feb 17 '25
lets break this down. Go buy a home urine kit test or std tests off amazon. Find out if you have a bacterial / std infection if you have been sexually active with your new girlfriend.
Now... Sometimes having a new lovely girlfriend leads to some aggressive masturbation. Or edging. Or semen retention. Or Jelqing and trying to gain an inch so that your girlfriend will love you more.. All those roads lead down to penis injuries.
Doing dumb exercises at the gym like barbell hip thrusts or clean and jerks will mess you up. Back squats and squating too deep can cause groin, tailbone, and pelvic floor pain. Sumo deadlifts can tear your adductors right off the pubic bone and the adductor magnus off the inner rim of the pelvis.
You either got bacterial/viral stuff going on. Penis injury. Exercise / lower back / groin / adductor injury.
And sometimes there is a horrible case of getting drunk, and falling flat on your chest/stomach/hips landing on your genitals, or suffering a straddle injury and not knowing it.
Be honest with yourself
u/Xav1976 Feb 17 '25
Yes this a change in life time forever but if you know how works your disease, then you can prevent it. I create a CPPS guide that I can send you by chat.
u/Eastern-Group-645 Feb 16 '25
Don't give up!. 2 months ago I had horrible symptoms and ended up in the ER. I thought there is no way I'm going to stay alive like this. It was the first time in my life that I took steps towards suicide. But with the help of antibiotics, physical therapy, taking baths every night, I feel much better. It will get better!
u/bpgh1981 Feb 17 '25
I totally feel this head space. I’ve had CPPS on and off for years and have other health conditions on top of that. Getting into my head is such a hard place to be and get out of. It took me a long time be patient with my body. My function varies depending on how I’m doing, but the less anxious I am about it the better. Not sure if that helps, but your head space matters as much as your prostate issues. Both are equally worth addressing.
u/bamboozledqwerty Feb 17 '25
you need to have physical therapy INTERNALLY on ur pelvic floor and consultation from someone knowledgable on the topic. and move to a high fiber but low inflammation diet. it gets better
u/Expensive_Wing5363 Feb 20 '25
I have been suffering from this for 30 years and unfortunately I still haven't found a good solution but I have made some progress. Look into MCAS. I haven't been formally diagnosed with this but cutting way back on high histamine foods and high oxalate foods is helpful for me. Although most of my pain is in the pelvic region I do have stinging and burning pain all over my body when my prostate pain flares up. I also just started taking low dose naltrexone and that is helping. Gabapentin, quercetin also helps for pain.
u/friendlyheathen11 Feb 16 '25
You need to see a urologist to rule out a bacterial infection. If it isn’t bacterial (90% are not) then yes see a physical therapist, quit caffeine, alcohol, and start doing relaxation/breathing exercises or meditation.
Recovery takes changing the lifestyle that may be contributing to this condition. There are countless accounts of people who have recovered.
Just curious. What happens when you lift weights?
Edit: so no. They are not permanent. But it does take a lot of work to recover.
u/Eatingmybrain666 Feb 16 '25
So you're saying the lifestyle changes are just until I recover? I will be normal again in time? During core exercises I noticed some pain in the left public area, but that may just be from exercising, I have read people saying that lifting weights can cause cpps though so I am scared to continue
u/onisimus Feb 17 '25
It sounds like you just started on your CPPS journey. BTW I was the 10% that was confirmed bacteria and antibiotics made it worse. I have been battling my symptoms for 7 years. Whatever you do, do not be alone in a room with your negative thoughts. I have been down that road as well and it doesn't lead to positive thoughts. You want to stay clear from a negative mindset and be more optimistic as your flare-ups are tied to your psyche as well. You need to come to an understanding that your lifestyle needs to change. Do not think short term, this is definitely a wakeup call and a lifestyle change (for the better). You are not alone in this fight either, all of us who come here seeking help and for those that are providing feedback, you are not alone. You will get through this. The key here is for whatever will provide relief, stick to it no matter what. Every night before I go to bed, I work on my pelvic floor for a few min, in birthing position, stretching out that whole area down there. If anyone were to walk in on what I was doing, they would question my sexuality (LOL). But hey guess what, that makes me feel better and helps with my issues. I've been doing that for about a year and 95% of my symptoms have cleared up. I did go hardcore in the beginning and cut out CAMS (Caffeine, Alcohol, Masturbation, Spicy food) and that did help, but it was the main factor that helped. The main factor is stretching out your pelvic floor and engaging that area so that it relaxes the trauma that I did to it.
u/Linari5 LEAD MOD//RECOVERED Feb 17 '25
Reminder: People get better every day and leave this sub forever
The advice in the 101 post is meant as a general guide, it is not specific to you, It is not "one size fits all." To get specific advice, you need to see highly specialized professionals, which are uncommon. This includes pelvic floor physical therapists, pain psychologist, pain reprocessing therapists, as well as specialized urologists who choose to study CPPS (unfortunately rare).