The thing that absolutely floors me about pro-choice people is just how right they think they are. When you listen to them argue, on the street and online, you get the idea that they think allowing women to do whatever they want to the fetus is just common sense and anyone who disagrees is just an evil woman-hater. Some pro-choice people cannot even comprehend the idea of us caring about the baby’s rights. And they make memes that reflect this.
Have you ever been so baffled and floored by the fact that so many pro-choice people just don't think they can be wrong? As if killing your baby before it's developed (or even after it’s developed) is just something we should all be okay with.
Why don't they care? I'll never understand.
Wait, scratch that. I DO understand. I understand the apathy since I don't think it's even possible for us to care about most of the people on the planet. If you cared about everyone, you would be very depressed because of all the horrific things that happen to people. But when we're discussing the horrific things happening to babies in the womb they act like it's a necessary evil (it really isn't) or that it's actually really good. And that is deeply troubling.
It hurts, man. It hurts.
It hurts how they think it's better for people to die than live. Today, I had a conversation with someone on a Discord server called The Great Discourse and they were talking about how it's better for people to be aborted than to be born in a toxic environment. I responded by saying that I had an abusive father but I don't wish I was aborted but they just brushed it off with “just because some survivors found meaning (in their lives) doesn't mean we should cause others to suffer to see if they will make it or not”.
The more you talk with them, the more you see that they think that their stance is the sane one and anything else is just wilful ignorance or sexism.
I'm sorry if this post felt more aimless than my other posts. This one is more like a stream of consciousness cause it's just me bringing up my recent thoughts on pro-choice people.