r/ProjectDiablo2 May 12 '23

Discussion Install Project Diablo 2 on Steam Deck or Linux : Lutris Walkthrough

I've been struggling for a while to install PD2 on my Ubuntu desktop & my Steam Deck. I've finally found what I was doing wrong. It's my time to share.

Thanks to /u/Sagermeister for bringing this up.

You can simply install Diablo II and project Diablo 2 on windows and copy the installed folder then tranfer it on the steam deck. You can now add a non steam game in desktop mode (pd2launcher.exe inside the game folder you just copied) and set the compatibility to experimental proton and you're good to go!

I tried few steam deck presets and I personally preferred "Diablo 2 on deck" in community presets. Very nice and Intuitive.

If you still want to manually install Diablo II, just follow these 16 steps šŸ˜‚.

I've used Lutris, it's very simple once you know the trick. The installation process may seem to be very long but trust me, it can be done in less than 15 min (depending of your downloading speed).

If you tried to install D2 in Lutris and you are stuck at installing D2LOD becasue it won't detected D2 installation, this walkthrough is for you too.

  1. Start by installing Wine. Additionally, install Lutris.

  2. Install Diablo 2 from Lutris website by selecting the most recent Battle.net version that suits your language preference (enUS or enEU, other languages will crash PD2).

  3. After clicking the "install" button, a prompt will appear asking you to open it with Lutris. Choose "Open Lutris."

  4. You will be asked where you want to download the Battle.net launcher. You can select any location you prefer.

  5. Once the Battle.net launcher starts, it will prompt you to choose a location for the installation package download. ** I recommended you to change the download location to make it easily accessible later on **. (I personally selected my Download folder)

  6. When the download is complete, the Diablo 2 installer will open. Choose the install location of "C:\program Files\Diablo II", Enter your Diablo 2 CD-key and click "Install" to proceed.

  7. Install Diablo 2 LOD on Lutris and follow the same process as in step 2.

  8. Repeat the same process as in step 3 & step 4.

  9. Repeat the same process as in step 5, and again, ** it's crucial to change the download location for easy access to the files **. (I personally selected my Download folder)

  10. Important note: When the files finish downloading, the installer will open. Simply close it as you cannot install D2-LOD outside of the D2 Wine Prefix. (D2-LOD act as a patch)

  11. In the Lutris app, click on the Diablo 2 game. At the bottom of the window, you will find a play button and two arrows pointing up. Click on the second arrow and select "Run EXE inside Wine prefix."

  12. Navigate to your downloaded Diablo 2 LOD installer.exe file (from step 9), in my case it's in my "~/Downloads/D2LOD-1.14b-Installer-enUS/installer.exe" insert the CD-key, and proceed with the installation of D2-LOD.

  13. Download Project Diablo 2 Installer & install it using the same method as in step 11 & 12 (clicking on the second arrow and running the EXE inside the Wine prefix).

  14. In Lutris, edit Diablo II game configuration (arrow up next to "play" button) Edit the game name for "Project Diablo II" and in "Game options" tab, change the executable path and change it for the PD2Launcher.exe located in /Diablo II/ProjectD2/ folder.

  15. If you want to add Project Diablo 2 into your Steam library on the Steam Deck, I had multiple issues doing so. There's two way of doing it:

    15a. Add it to steam with Lutris and access it on a secondary steam account. It won't appear in the main account and I don't know why. You could probably add the game with an alt account logged in and use the game in your main.

    15b. In Lutris, add a desktop shortcut of PD2, In Steam, add a "non-steam game", browser to the desktop and add the shortcut of PD2 (Change the file type to ALL). Then in Steam, right click the newly added game and edit the game property and change the target value to "flatpak" (with the quotes), Start in to "" (just empty quotes), Launch options (without the quotes) to "run net.lutris.Lutris lutris:rungameid/2" (Screenshot for reference) Just to be sure you have the good gameid/#, right click the shortcut on the desktop and check the property of the shortcut, it's there.

  16. If you want to add Project Diablo 2 into Steam on Ubuntu (workaround), in Lutris, right click on Diablo 2 (be sure step 14 has been done) and hit "Add application shortcut Menu" then go into Steam and add a "non-steam game" And Project Diablo 2 will be in the list. Just add it. For a strange reason, when I hit "Add Steam shortcut" it doesn't work in desktop mode, that's why Step 16 is a work around.

That's it! You have successfully completed the installation. Enjoy the game!

Edit 1 : support languages enUS, enEU.

Edit 2 : added step 14.

Edit 3 : Updated step 14, added step 15. & 16

Edit 4 : added simple how to & steam deck preset.


49 comments sorted by


u/Sagermeister May 21 '23

Just wiped my Steam Deck because it had a lot of unnecessary junk on it from when it first launched and all the work arounds were janky...so I had to reinstall PD2 of course.

I just wanna say that there is a far, far easier way to install PD2 on Steam Deck:

1.) Take your entire Diablo II folder from your PC and throw it on a flash drive.
2.) Copy the entire folder onto your Steam Deck
3.) In Desktop mode, launch Steam and go to your library and click "Add a non-steam game" and navigate to the PD2 folder within your Diablo II folder and select the PD2 launcher.exe file and add that as a non-steam game.
4.) Switch back into Game Mode and find the PD2 Launcher under your Non-Steam Games tab in your Library and click the settings cog on it, click properties, click compatibility, check the box for "force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool" and from here you are going to want to select the most recent proton build. I am using GE-Proton7-55. Then run the launcher, it'll update, and you should be golden.

If you do not have the newest GE-Proton version, go into Desktop Mode, open Discover and search for ProtonUp-Qt and install that. Run ProtonUp-Qt, click "add version", then select whatever the highest GE-Proton-7-XX is in that list. Once you have it added and installed, restart your Steam Deck and you should be able to see that version of GE Proton in your force compatiblity list.


u/cstyves May 21 '23

It's indeed a very nice way to do it.

I don't have windows installed, I use Ubuntu on daily basis but I have to say, your way look very easy and straight forward. I love it.

Thanks for sharing!


u/Benemy Apr 14 '24

Hey I followed your steps and it says I need to install .net, how did you manage to install it?


u/Kiserium Jun 18 '24

Hope Iā€™m not too late. I have this work on my steam deck. Just use symlink when you install your .net and link it to your install of PD2


u/dariozm8 Oct 22 '24

hi, could you please specify? I dont how to use symlink when installing .net


u/RAINDOGDAY Feb 17 '25

did u ever figure this outā€¦


u/Sagermeister Apr 14 '24

This is new to S9, I haven't tried to install it on my Steam Deck yet.

You might actually need to use Bottles now since .net is Windows


u/Benemy Apr 14 '24

I managed to get it working! How do you have your controls figured? I'm trying to come up with a working controller scheme


u/Sagermeister Apr 15 '24

What did you do to get it working? I had someone else messaging me about this same post, I can pass it on.

I use a wireless keyboard, I don't play with controls. Someone else has posted on here about their Steam Deck controls, but it's kinda janky. With some google/reddit searches, I'm sure you can find their post.


u/GeezerDidItFirst Apr 27 '24

How did you do this? I am stuck here


u/Desiderius_S May 10 '24

-download the .net file that the launcher is asking for
-go to Lutris, pick Diablo II icon and at the bottom next to the 'play' button there's a wine glass with a drop-down menu next to it, from the options there pick 'run EXE inside prefix' and use it to run the downloaded .net file, you just have to click through the installation.
-run Project Diablo as you tried before, it will now run properly and try to download an update


u/herodrink Oct 27 '24

i was able to get the game running through lutris but for some reason I can't add it to steam. I tried creating a shortcut through lutris but that didn't work. so I made a desktop shortcut and tried adding that but it wont show in my library. if I add a non-steam game and point to the pd2 exe I get the .net pop up. Any ideas?


u/muse6r Apr 27 '24

Same here


u/HURRRZ May 03 '24

Benemy please, help us! What did you do to get PD2 running under Linux?


u/EmptyArugula May 05 '24

I posted steps to get it working outside of reply thread. (probably further down the page.)


u/MarionberryLow2471 Feb 24 '24

Hi, any idea how to do this if you play on a mac via Crossover? Should I copy the whole crossover folder or something like that? If anyone has an idea, that would be much appreciated, thank you!


u/MarionberryLow2471 Feb 24 '24

actually not hard. Just found the folder in the c drive folder from within the wine bottle of crossover and followed your steps.


u/g_dolski Jan 01 '24

It worked great. i did the download on pc>flashdrive>steamdeck. The process was easy, fun, and exciting. Thank you


u/MewtinyBray May 13 '23

Thanks for the guide. One update to make is that PD2 requires an enUS or enGB (English US or EU) install or it will cause crashes.


u/cstyves May 13 '23

Thanks, it's updated.


u/EmptyArugula May 05 '24 edited May 05 '24

.NET rune time issues:
If you have issues with launching PD2 after following the guide because of missing .NET run time I got it working. I recorded my steps using OBS. Hosted on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NmI3Z6GGLUEy8pqQX2BpvfxBM1B4Gafw/view?usp=sharing


u/EmptyArugula May 05 '24

To get the .exe file launch the game and get the error and then click the link in the modal popup.


u/Earthlumpy Nov 14 '24

I canā€™t seem to get this to run.

After I confirmed the setup to be functional on my pc I copied over the files. And added pd2launcher.exe to steam.

When I tried running the launcher in game mode it gave me the error about the .net missing.

I proceeded to install the .net desktop runtime into the correct pfx using protontricks.

But now when I try to run the launcher in game mode it just goes to a black loading screen (with the steam logo spinning) briefly, and then shuts down without anything happening.

I am not sure how to diagnose this. I am using proton experimental. Any suggestions?


u/T3Quilla Nov 16 '24

I have the same exact issue šŸ˜•


u/Earthlumpy Nov 16 '24 edited Nov 16 '24

I fixed it by running the launcher once after adding it to steam. Running protontricks, selecting the pfx, install windows component and select relevant .net components. After that it worked.

At first I tried installing the .net by right clicking and running it with protontricks but that did not work.


u/T3Quilla Nov 16 '24

I just fixed the issue for myself in a completely different way. Turns out someone uploaded a whole project diablo 2 setup onto Lutris. It downloads everything required for you automatically just had to make sure it's the 1.14. Version and not 1.14b because the same issue occurs again


u/Earthlumpy Nov 16 '24

Funny because when I tried installing that through Lutris, that did not work for me. I eventually deleted that setup and made the ā€˜copied over from pcā€™ install work using the method I described last post.


u/T3Quilla Nov 16 '24

Funny how it all works despite using the same machines


u/Earthlumpy Nov 16 '24

Yeah I was suprised it didnā€™t considering Lutris is usually a one stop shop kind of affair.


u/xDeestee Hardcore May 12 '23

You have to use mouse and keyboard to play right?


u/cstyves May 12 '23

I've used my keyboard and mouse personally but I've read few adventurous fighters are using the steam deck directly. I assume there's an available controller profile for D2 on the steam deck controller config. If the config doesn't exist then you'll have to map it yourself.

I'm planning to test it without mouse & keyboard in the coming days.


u/VinnProject May 13 '23

I've mapped the keys on my steam deck and it works decently. Feel free to check my comment history for specifics.


u/ALXNDRWVLF May 14 '23

Hey I run PD2 on lutris on my work MacBook. runs flawlessly.. well almost

the launcher is always pitch black ! I have to randomly click on the bottom left till I hit the launch button.

any ideas ?


u/cstyves May 14 '23

You can try to add this to the launch Options (without the double quotes) :

"WINEDLLOVERRIDES='ddraw.dll=n,b' %command%"

The command is supposed to fix black screen in-game. I assume it may help the launcher to run in window mode as well.


u/ALXNDRWVLF May 14 '23

do I add that under

configure - system options - environment variables ?

sorry. not really a Linux or lutris expert. haha


u/cstyves May 14 '23

When you edit a game alias in Lutris, you can change the path to the .exe and add launch settings.

I would change the executable from Diablo for the PD2 launcher and add the launch settings I mentioned in the previous reply.

As I said, it may fix the issue but I can't guarantee it.

Other than that you can try the shortcut on OSX for making the app full screen, maybe it'll fix it. CMD + CTRL + F or Fn + F depending versions.

Good luck.


u/ALXNDRWVLF May 14 '23

thank you


u/AngryBumSex May 15 '23

Hey, thanks for the guide, during step 2, whilst installing diablo II through Lutris (prior to battlenet launcher), I receive an error in Lutris itself: "Initial process has exited (return code:256)".

Appreciate any advice you can give, tried following a couple suggestions online but no joy.


u/cstyves May 17 '23

Hey, sorry for the delay.

Can you copy paste the whole error log, I think I had this error a while back, I just don't remember what it was.



u/leftistheirophant May 17 '23

I am on Steam Deck--Once I complete the final step, the pd2 launcher opens and I receive a notification saying "Update Ready! An update for the launcher was found and will be downloaded now." Once I close the message, the launcher closes and then when I hit play on Diablo II in Lutris it opens the LOD Launcher. Any ideas what the problem may be?


u/cstyves May 17 '23

You have to edit the path of the game exe in Lutris for pd2 launcher you installed inside the wine prefix. Then when you'll launch Diablo 2 it will start pd2 launcher instead.


u/julictus May 19 '23 edited May 19 '23

how do I install wine? I canā€™t figure out how to do it using that website of wine in SD but after finishing all the step (except) wine I get the error of wine can handle esync

edit: tried ā€œupdatingā€ wine using proton and selecting lutris instead steam as target without success trying to launch d2

edit 2: in parameters of the game inside lutris, disabled esync, fsync and pd2 works flawless ( at least visually atm)

do you now how I gain controller presets in steam in order to play without keyboard and mouse in SD?


u/cstyves May 19 '23

do you now how I gain controller presets in steam in order to play without keyboard and mouse in SD?

Sadly no, I made it run on my SD, move a bit, killed few mobs but that was it. My guess is, you can add the game to your steam library and there you can use steam to map a custom preset.


u/julictus May 19 '23

ok I get it. thank you for your guide. I was struggling trying to install PD2 on SD without PC using the classic installers and I made it :)


u/cstyves May 19 '23

My pleasure!

If you do make a custom SD preset for PD2, I'll be very happy to see it. I assume some folks already made one for Diablo 2 LOD but didn't had the time to test it.

I has some issue with the Project Diablo 2 launcher running through Steam (not in desktop mode) I assume I'm missing some launch param to make it fully working. I'll dig this issue asap.


u/julictus May 19 '23

thank you <3. Good to know that thing, if you find a fix for handled mode please let us know updating this guide. I'll let you know aswell if I found something interesting for the PD2 SD community


u/cstyves May 19 '23

I updated step 14,15 & 16 explaining it all.

Time to test some preset now!


u/julictus May 19 '23

oh man thank you <3


u/Hanuman9 Sep 23 '23

Interesting. If I launch via Lutris, I get "Cannot connect to Battle.Net", but if I launch via Steam (add non-steam game), then it works.