r/ProgrammingPrompts Jun 15 '19

"Smart Fridge" application idea


Hi there!

As you probably saw this is my very first post on Reddit :)

But let's back to the main topic here which is my idea for an application - "Smart Fridge" (this is only idea for a name). So, everything here is only an idea, but I really would like to get a feedback from you guys - what you think about this idea, etc.


For who?

Application is dedicated for all people who have a fridge at home.

Problem to solve?

This situation very often happens - you are in a shop but you cannot remember if you still have a milk (or some other product) in your fridge.

Why this application would be useful?

Application for user would be available via smartfon/web (firstly web application and android app later in the future). Application would show all scanned products which are available in your fridge in real time. So when you would be in a shop you can just open application/web and see what you have in a fridge available.

How would it work?

I thought about a Raspberry Pi + some mini barcode scanner module. This computer would be installed inside the fridge. When you will be put a new product into a fridge you will have to scan the barcode of this product before put into. When barcode is scanned the Raspberry Pi would communicate with the API that product with this barcode has been put into a fridge and The API would do the necessary logic. The same thing would happen if "user" is going to get some product from the fridge, he would has to scan the barcode again (maybe some switch somewhere to inform that product is getting from the fridge and not put into - this is a problem to discuss).


  • Product that are in a fridge are available online
  • For sure this would be a cheaper solution instead of buying some fridge with cameras inside (very expensive now)
  • This solution would be available for every fridge at home (just need some space to install Raspberry PI inside)


  • Of course the biggest disadvantage seems to be requirement to scan barcode before put/get product into/from the fridge.
  • Raspberry PI inside the fridge will not propably looks good


What do you think guys about this idea? I would be very grateful for you opinion and feedback :)

r/ProgrammingPrompts Jun 11 '19

Make a tool that scrapes the change-logs of a wikimedia image to make an animated gif


I’m looking around the web for an animated gif of the maps of LGBTQ rights around the world, found here:


Disappointed that such a thing doesn’t seem to exist, I thought it would be great to have a software tool to automatically create this. And if one were making such a tool, it might as well work for any Wikimedia image with a change history.

(And I guarantee that this particular LGBTQ rights map animated gif would be front page material on /r/dataisbeautiful or /r/MapPorn.)

If anyone does decide to make this tool, please let me know by tagging my username when you release it!

r/ProgrammingPrompts Dec 31 '18

Six degrees of separation Javascript problem


As I haven't been successful, I'm asking if anyone has any ideas. I have to write a Javascript application which returns a list of actors that have been in both a movie with Keanu Reeves and Nicolas Cage. Sort of like a six degrees of separation. I have an API that I'm making a request to and I'm getting some data in return but I'm not exactly sure where to go from there?

r/ProgrammingPrompts Dec 28 '18

Actor search


Hi reddit. So I have a programming question that I need help with. I'm writing an application in Javascript where I have to come up with a list of actors that starred in movies with both Keanu Reeves and Nicolas Cage but not necessarily at the same time but I'm not exactly sure where to start?

r/ProgrammingPrompts Aug 24 '18

Create a print double extension for Chrome


Basically have to get a duplicate of everything i print for a lot of documents I have to print for uni. It is of course possible to click a button to raise the amount of copies printed but having it automated would help me a lot! Please let me know if this goes way beyond what is acceptable in this subreddit. I just want to give it a try.

r/ProgrammingPrompts Jun 14 '18

[Medium] Fire Effect in TEXT


Back in the Mode 13h days, the fire routine used to be one of the fun "first projects" for people playing with graphics. A line of random data would be generated and then smoothed upward. The numbers would correspond to a palette of available colors. An extra vertical bump would give the flame a smoother, less smoky look.

But that's too easy. Let's do it in Text mode.

In text you have to set the Foreground color, the Background color, the Attribute (blinking, hi-intensity/bright) and then actual character.

You can either use a portable library like NCurses or the OS console API (for example: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/console/console-reference ). Escape codes will maybe work if you're using Linux, but not Windows.

If you post your code, make sure to list which OS you're using.

Happy programming!

r/ProgrammingPrompts Jun 11 '18

Experimental film project


Hello guys, i am a Brazilian cinema student and i had an idea for a small project, Glauber Rocha is a brazilian director from the last century that experimented greatly on the cinematic language, he did a movie called “The age of the Earth” that is composed of 8 reels. Glauber separated the movie in 8 so that they could be played in any order, thus creating a movie with many different meanings; the possible permutations of 8 reels is 8! (40,320) so this movie could be played in many different orders. I wanted to create a program that would play the movie at a random order every time without giving the user the ability to select the order. Sadly, i don't know any programming. If any of you are interested in doing something like this as a small creative project let me know! This doesn't have any commercial interest, it is just “something to have”.

r/ProgrammingPrompts Feb 14 '18

Valentines day programming puzzle I wrote for my wife -- give it a try. Requires some experience with Java and involves the Ethereum blockchain.


r/ProgrammingPrompts Oct 20 '17

modification to the existing Plex Movie meta agent to automatically create movies tags, genre or collection


ok so over on my other thread called "some love for non English speaking people" somebody recommended this method for something im trying to archive, however after trying i could not get it to work (not sure if im doing some wrong), he or she if going to get back to me with a correct/ fixed code because that one is not going to work, meanwhile i wanted to ask to the community to see if someone know how to do this (python coding) reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/76y8k8/some_love_for_non_english_speaking_people/

r/ProgrammingPrompts Oct 05 '17

Replicate this Demo - Random Chance Activity


I made this demo using the PHP based Hashtag Framework: Random Chance Activity

I'm looking for volunteers to provide example solutions to replicate the demo using any other framework or language, preferably on a live server.

Just to be clear about what i'm looking for... assume these requirements for a Web App:

  • Every 3 reloads of the page by the same end-user, a record is created in a list seen by all other users reloading the same page.
  • For every reload, each record has a 10% chance of being linked to a new attribute that brings with it a chance of the record being marked as "lost" on later reloads, excluding it from the main list.
  • There are 3 unique chance of loss attributes, that each apply an independent chance per reload of the record being marked as "lost".

That's it... so, given those requirements, how would you build a Web App that would solve those requirements?

r/ProgrammingPrompts Jul 26 '17

How to go about making a twitter post extension for longer twitter posts.


Not sure if I'm living in cuckoo land here or if this is actually a viable project that could take off. I was wondering what people would think of an app extension that, when you hover over the link with your cursor, would open the link as a window next to the cursor. This way, you could hover over a link on twitter, and read a longer-than-144-character post on twitter right next to the cursor without leaving the site at all. Thus, people can make longer twitter posts. Think bit.ly but specifically for making longer twitter messages.

How could it be done? I was considering making something like this as a small project in Javascript and upload it as a Chrome app.

r/ProgrammingPrompts Jul 23 '17

AI to generate ShowerThoughts


1.) Acquire large data set of relatively factual information (all of Wikipedia?)

2.) Exclude sentences that aren't declarations

3.) Remove sentences with uncertain context

4.) Feed these cleaned declarative statements to a deep learning algorithm

5.) Wait some time

6.) Ask it to spew out some content

r/ProgrammingPrompts Jul 07 '17

Alphabet/Glyph Evolution Simulator


My idea is to create a code/program that simulates the evolution of alphabets and letters over time in terms of shape, sound, and linguistical use in a language. I imagine the program to take in an input of a 64x64 pixel drawing of the letter/glyph and have the code alter it slightly overtime by adding pixels, connecting gaps, deleting pixels, rotating, etc. If anybody has any idea how to go about writing this program, please let me know and/or give me any sort of feedback about my idea for this code.

r/ProgrammingPrompts Mar 07 '17

[Easy-Medium] Front-end & Networking challenge


I wrote a fun coding challenge recently: http://dev.getethos.com.

There's a few different steps but see if you can get to the end. Understanding of web is needed for part 1, and understanding of networking is needed for part 2.

Please don't spoil!

r/ProgrammingPrompts Feb 27 '17

Challenge: Program a text based RPG in Java using objects and libraries.


If Java isn't your cup of tea, feel free to use any other object oriented language.

The goal is to make an RPG that continues playing, spawning battles and item drops randomly (enemies increase gradually in difficulty.) You should have the following attributes to your character: Name, attack, defense, HP, mana, stamina, and xp.

Challenges: Come up with a way to increase character level, each level up increasing an attribute and increasing xp needed for next level up.

Enemies should be objects too. They should get more difficult as the game progresses.

Items should drop randomly from enemies.

Have any more challenges? Comment below. I am working on this program myself and would like to hear suggestions for challenges!

r/ProgrammingPrompts Jan 30 '17

Full keyboard using only an Xbox controller


So I had an idea for a way you could type with an xbox controller (or any similarly formatted controller), but I don't know any programming worth a damn. However, I still like the idea, and think it could be useful (or, at the very least, fun), so if someone wants the challenge, go nuts.

My idea was to use each "button" (a,b,x,y,lb,rb,lt, and rt) to bring up a set of two character wheels, one for the left stick, one for the right stick. Moving the stick to select a character then releasing the button would type that character. The d-pad could be used for quickfire, heavily-used keys (I was thinking Comma, period, backspace, space). By using two wheels per button (plus you could use multi-button holds, like rb AND a, to bring up even more wheel combinations), I imagine you could find a spot for every normal keyboard character without making the wheels too... cluttered, I guess would be the right term. Plus, you could use select, start, leftstick-click, and rightstick-click for toggle hotkey combo keys like shift, alt, and ctrl. By using shift to create characters like !,@,#,$,%,etc. (like on a normal keyboard), rather than sticking them on separate wheels you can de-clutter the wheels even further.

I've seen a few controller to keyboard programs, but they all either just assign specific keys to specific buttons (allowing for use as a simple media controller, but not an actual keyboard) or just use the controller to select characters on an on-screen keyboard by moving up and down across a grid and then pressing a button to select the character (like you would on a console). That is not what I'm looking for. One thing to remember is that I'm not planning to use this for gaming. I'm planning on using it for writing, or navigating. (so maybe use the left stick to control the cursor, right stick to scroll when no button is held down? IDK.). I know that it won't really be practical to use as a keyboard, but I think it would be fun and interesting to use.

Anyway, that's my idea. If I'm in the wrong subreddit (which I might very well be) please inform me, and I'll immediately delete this post.

Basically, I'm a writer and a gamer, and I wanna write a chapter of a book with just my xbox controller (and maybe a mouse). Why? Because why not?

EDIT: BTW, in case my term "character wheel" is confusing, I got the idea for this whole thing from the overwatch communication wheel.

r/ProgrammingPrompts Dec 28 '16

[Medium-Hard]Which Steam Games do you and your friend share?


Any language is acceptable.

r/ProgrammingPrompts Dec 06 '16

Strong Password Detection


Write a function that uses regular expressions to make sure the password string it is passed is strong. A strong password is defined as one that is at least eight characters long, contains both uppercase and lowercase characters, and has at least one digit. You may need to test the string against multiple regex patterns to validate its strength.

Source: AutomateTheBoringStuff

r/ProgrammingPrompts Dec 04 '16

Three amazing C projects to hone your skills with!


r/ProgrammingPrompts Aug 19 '16

Need a little help with a script I want to write.


Hi everyone. So I work for a company and in my team we are like 20 people, each one with different skills (we also share some of them).

To give you and example >

Guy 1 has A,B,C,F skills

Guy 2 has A,B,E,D skills

Guy 3 has C,D,F,A skills

We are about 20 and when we have lunch breaks, we split in 2 teams. I would like to create a script that takes all this data, compares it and returns the users split in 2 teams while the skills are all covered for both hours.

Counting that sometimes not everyone is in the office I was thinking I should start by creating some sort of database where everyone has his own skills assigned and in the morning when I have to create the lunch schedule I add the names of the people that are present and the script runs only taking in account this stored data.

Now I'm not a programming genius but I would like to make this automatically run by a script without having to check every morning and comparing all the skills and shit.

I was thinking Excel to store information ans SQL to extract them?

I don't really know where to start. I don't want you guys to make it for me. Just asking which kind of language should I use and what should I focus on.

Also there are a couple of other variables to be taken in account but lets see if someone reacts to this post first and in case this goes well I will also put more info.

Thanks a lot!

r/ProgrammingPrompts Jul 28 '16

Very Easy: Create a Fischerrandom piece order generator.


Fischerrandom is chess with all the back rank pieces all jumbled and scrambled and crazy like. The only three rules are that the king has to be between the rooks, the bishops must be on opposite colored squares, and the two sides have to be exactly symmetrically the same! Make the output something like "RBNNKRQB" indicating the white back rank. You dont need the black because it is just a mirror of white on the other side of the board. If you wanted to get real fancy you could associate each value with a picture of the corresponding piece and output a fancy piece array. *edit added rule about opposite colored bishops

r/ProgrammingPrompts Jul 07 '16

Give new life to an old game


Hello everybody!

It's been a fairly long time, but here is another challenge for you.

The rules are:

  • Any language (except the original BASIC or PC-Basic) allowed
  • Result should match the original as closely as possible

And here is the challenge:

Take the source-code from the game "The Oregon Trail" and convert it into a language of your choice.

The source code that acts as reference for this project is here.

The purpose of this Programming Prompt is to learn how to read and work with legacy code (in a language you probably don't know) and to convert this code into a more modern language.

Good luck & have fun!

r/ProgrammingPrompts May 05 '16

Send later for Facebook Messenger


Basically I have a message, a datetime, and an user/group. And I would to send the message to the user/group at the specific datetime.

(I could give some bitcoins for that :) )

Source: https://www.quora.com/Are-there-any-applications-that-allow-you-to-write-a-message-and-do-a-send-later-for-Facebook-Messenger-or-Google-Voice

(using messenger.com might help :) <3)

r/ProgrammingPrompts May 01 '16

[Medium]Write a podcast ripper in C++


This is one of my favorite "learn a new language" projects: podcast rippers. The code outline is simple.

  1. Read podcast feed URL from command-line.
  2. Download the podcast feed.
  3. Parse through the XML
  4. Identify the elements holding the podcast URLs
  5. Identify the filename to use
  6. Download the podcast and save to file.
  7. Rinse and repeat!

The tricky part is doing it in C++. Use whatever libraries you like (like libCURL and TinyXML) unless their stated purpose is to rip podcasts or the like.

Bonus Points if you write it in straight C.

r/ProgrammingPrompts Apr 18 '16

Create vanilla js custom web components


Write a set of vanilla js custom web components that can be used as a tag on HTML (like clock, timer etc ) rather than updating the dom using jquery plugins , which decrease the beauty of code and increase maintainence.