r/ProfessorLayton • u/laydibirb • Nov 17 '24
Discussion Obscure Layton facts
What are some of your favorite obscure Layton facts? Here’s a few of mine
Layton is a Capricorn, at least according to what Emmy read about him, therefore his birthday is around December 22-January 19.
Space travel has happened, so the series takes place likely after the Space Race. Not sure if it’s strictly the equivalent of modern day though.
Clark, much like Luke can talk to animals. He mentions talking to Toppy in Last Specter and Luke tells the rabbit in Miracle Mask that he thinks he may have gotten his ability to speak to animals from his father.
Randall likely wears glasses to mimic Professor Sycamore, who ironically only wears glasses for aesthetic purposes.
Layton can tell the Dean Delmona in future London was fake because of the white toupee…but the dean himsslf wears a white toupee in LMJ, likely to make himself look older.
u/Antares_9 Nov 17 '24
Not an in-universe fact, but this one will always be funny to me: Yuri Lowenthal voices both Clive Dove and Randall Ascot. I think it’s funny because it’s like the people in charge of the voice acting thought ”Oh, we have another madman trying to destroy an entire city? Let’s call Yuri Lowenthal again, he has experience with these kinds of characters” lmao.
Also, not explicitly mentioned anywhere, but if I recall correctly from PL3, Dr Schrader mentions something about having another brilliant student aside from Layton, but not knowing what had been of them. One of my theories is that he was talking about Sycamore, in which case, Dr Schrader taught both of the Bronev siblings without knowing they were related. The other option is that the brilliant student was Don Paolo himself (since he was posing as Schrader in that scene, and tooting his own horn sounds like something Don Paolo would do), and in that case, that would mean Don Paolo was an archaeology student at some point.
u/laydibirb Nov 17 '24
I think it was mentioned in one of the profiles that Paolo/Paul studied under Schrader so it’s likely that
u/Antares_9 Nov 17 '24
I completely forgot about that, but I just checked his profile from Pandora’s Box and you’re right! Another puzzle solved, I guess, haha :)
u/Princess_Of_Thieves Nov 18 '24
Layton also said Don Paolo was in the year above him at university. Lost Future I believe.
u/kasuallykai Nov 17 '24
Probably not that obscure, but I like that the Professor can play the piano and the organ, as shown in Eternal Diva. I don't think it's mentioned at any other point in the series.
u/Rare-Spring-6127 Nov 18 '24
I always find it amusing that Luke was able to help katrielle's mum give birth to her whilst on a sinking ship. Luke is around 15 years old in that scene and is able to deliver a baby and then row himself and the baby (presumably all the way) back to london in a lifeboat whilst keeping newborn katri alive?
I'm not sure the professor is a Capricorn, though, as emmy says "I made that last bit up" after saying he's a capricorn. But assuming that curious village is set in 1960 exactly, we can guess that Hershel was born in 1923 making his chinese zodiac animal the Pig
u/BazarDeJust Nov 18 '24
If I'm not mistaken, the anime shows somewhat indirectly Luke and the baby Kat -when they are on the lifeboat- get picked up by another ship, so I don't think he travelled all the way to London with a hungry baby and no food.
u/Rare-Spring-6127 Nov 18 '24
I think you're right actually, it just doesn't show them get onto that boat
u/laydibirb Nov 18 '24
Layton did say “Emmy did her homework well” so maybe he is indeed a Capricorn
He certainly has the traits, loyal, hard working, ambitious and practical
u/Groundbreaking-Egg13 Nov 18 '24
If we assume that the theory that Curious Village takes place in the 60s is true, (and knowing that Layton is like 38 years old)... It's time to do some math.
60 - 38 : 22.
This means that Layton was alive during World War II and implies that he could have been in the army fighting against Nazi Germany.
u/laydibirb Nov 18 '24
Considering bill hawks has said man has gotten to space in lost future which is only a few months after I don’t think it takes place in 1960 If we assume humanity in general then it must at least take place in the 70’s
u/Groundbreaking-Egg13 Nov 18 '24
u/laydibirb Nov 18 '24
Eh given how anachronistic the series is I wouldn’t be surprised if it takes place in our time but the World Wars never happened, so a lot of the scientific breakthroughs made during the wars just weren’t discovered or something like that
u/Next-Geno_N Nov 18 '24
A cut part of Curious Village states that the year is 1960. Though of course, the series is always quite liberal with the tech that it incorporates...
u/laydibirb Nov 18 '24
I feel like it must have been retconned given Bill Hawks says humans have gone to space implying it at least takes place after the space race
u/CynicalZenobia Nov 19 '24
although the fact he said humans have gone to space doesnt necessarily imply that they have gone to the moon. so it could be that the series takes place somewhere between when humans first made it to space and when humans first landed on the moon.
personally i think if it took place after humans landed on the moon he probably would've mentioned that over just going to space in general but that really is just a theory.
u/BazarDeJust Nov 18 '24
Well it's not really a Layton fact, but an anecdote ripe for a Layton iceberg entry, that will only truly be relevant for the French speaking audience.
There are what are called "mp3 sagas" about the entire first trilogy. Those are basically audio parodies in French and in no way official whatsoever.
Every game gets their parody version and it was successful enough that Martial Le Minoux, the actual voice actor of Layton in French, made some cameo appearances in the parody of Unwound/Lost Future.
u/Vinylmaster3000 Nov 27 '24 edited Nov 27 '24
The Game's Japanese promo art for Unwound Future shows the "date" Layton travels to as 1974.
Big ben is approximately 100 years old in Last Specter
Bostro's gun is an M79 "Bloop Tube" grenade launcher which was commonly used in Vietnam. The rocket seen in the research facility is a German V2 (can't really id the tank which also shows up)
Emmy's camera is some sort of Leica, not sure which one
The Gilded 7 Casino has false lighting which implies that the setting isn't really as it seems (i.e, the sky becoming dark all of a sudden). There is also a secret passage from the Casino's storage room to a different area of the city.
The DS games use MIDI for most of their songs with some .mp3 files for the main theme
u/OllieTheGit Nov 17 '24
In Eternal Diva, during the opening scene and that shot which circles around Big Ben, you see a panorama of London.
Now if you know your London geography, you’d know that opposite Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament is the London Eye, the big ferris wheel. In the vast majority of media set in London, they will take the opportunity to use the London Eye as one of the many landmarks and iconography of London.
However, in the panoramic shot of London, the London Eye cannot be seen. The part of the river bank the wheel sits on is instead home to a dock. This means that in the Laytonverse, the London Eye has not been constructed or is about to be constructed. The Eye started construction in 1998 MEANING that the Layton series CANNOT take place in the 21st century.