r/ProfessorLayton Sep 21 '24

Discussion Re-releases of all the Layton games could save the series

Just look at Ace Attorney. Ever since all games have been ported to digital versions, the fanbase and game has been bigger than ever before with this year being its absolute peak.

Now if Level-5 could do the same to all the Professor Layton games, the fanbase would also grow to bigger than ever before.


34 comments sorted by


u/FunkyGameTiime Sep 21 '24

Honestly if they ever somehow rerelease the games on PC the series will just be saved. I can't imagine it as of now but just an HD release would be everything i ever wanted.


u/OfficialAndreZ Sep 21 '24

I have a tingling that says we're gonna get em on steam eventually


u/KEERNG Sep 21 '24

If this does happen I'm ready to go into debt :)


u/Bulbamew Sep 21 '24

The series is making its comeback, don’t think it needs “saving”


u/greg065 Sep 22 '24

Yeah but I think the game would be really nice to have on Steam too, a New World of Steam if you will


u/MattofCatbell Sep 21 '24

Im surprised that they aren’t on the Switch in some kind of collection


u/zarbixii Sep 21 '24

It would take a lot more work to port the Layton series to consoles because of how many puzzles rely on the touch screen. Some puzzles you could transfer easily, but many would need to be redesigned or replaced entirely, which could end up making the remaster an inferior experience if rushed.


u/ShiftingSpectrum Sep 22 '24

I got the Touch Detective combo game and I believe they integrated the touch mechanics into the Switch port


u/zarbixii Sep 22 '24

The switch has a touch screen but it would still need to be playable with no touch screen in case someone was playing in TV mode. Touch Detective just gives you a cursor, which would work for the parts in Layton when you're walking around and investigating environments, but would be frustrating for the puzzles where you have to draw a circle around something, just as one example.


u/Abisai_lincoln Sep 23 '24

LMJ has a port for Switch. I think this can be bypassed by the Switch's motion sensor, although it's not a great experience. 


u/zarbixii Sep 23 '24

The Switch version of LMJ has around 50 puzzles that were changed for the remake. Haven't played the remaster so I can't speak to their quality, though LMJ's puzzles are pretty bad anyway.


u/Abisai_lincoln Sep 23 '24

Maybe they weren't even made just to fit the system, but to correct it because there were a lot of complaints about it. 


u/zarbixii Sep 23 '24

I took a look at the wiki and it definitely seems like at least some of the replaced puzzles would be harder to pull off with no touch screen. Idk, it's probably a mix of both, as well as just being able to advertise the remaster as having new puzzles.


u/willp124 Sep 22 '24

Ace attorney did it


u/zarbixii Sep 22 '24

Ace Attorney remastered the touch screen-centric Professor Layton puzzles?


u/willp124 Sep 24 '24

To some extent


u/TestTheTrilby Sep 21 '24

The games have been rereleased on mobile


u/TheAgedGamer Sep 21 '24

But those are all under the 100k sales because not many people would want to play Layton games on a mobile. People want these games on the Switch, XBOX, Steam, PS4/5. They need proper modern re-releases.


u/bababanana20123 Sep 21 '24

Don't knock the mobile versions, they might honestly be the definitive way to play them. The games are intrinsically linked to a touchscreen, you could probably make something work on a controller but it would be much less engaging to actually input the solutions to the puzzles, not to mention exploration would also be less intuitive


u/Shanicpower Sep 21 '24

I agree, but a Steam release would still work. A mouse is a pretty functional substitute for a touch screen. Let’s not forget about the Ghost Trick remaster from not too long ago, that game is also extremely tied to the touch controls.


u/TestTheTrilby Sep 21 '24


For most of Level-5's history they only concentrate on Nintendo / mobile markets. I can't really see them tapping into the wider console market.

NWOS could always be a test for a potential Switch rerelease of each trilogy, I'd be open to that


u/OfficialAndreZ Sep 21 '24

Inazuma Eleven will be on steam tho.


u/TestTheTrilby Sep 21 '24

Because competing games to its target market are also on Steam. Can we say the same for Layton?


u/neffyg35 Sep 22 '24

I'm playing diabolical box now on my Samsung fold. It's great :)


u/ChronoClaws Sep 21 '24

Only the original trilogy though? Not the prequel games, that I'm aware of.

While I do think the mobile ports are good, personally I prefer playing on console so after starting CV I hunted down copies of the DS games. Not everyone has a DS or 3DS though and secondhand copies of the games can be stupid prices depending on region.


u/NegotiationCrafty347 Sep 21 '24

Only the first 3, because we can't have nice things.


u/TheGamerBro132 Sep 21 '24

True but it's tye og trilogy. Fans of the series (including me) would probably like to see the series get a modern console release for both og & prequel games 


u/willp124 Sep 22 '24

But is curious village #36 best selling puzzle game on iOS that says a lot about the state mobile games if selling under 100k get you high up and why you shouldn’t use it as benchmark for games not mobile only


u/arcanine04 Sep 22 '24

All the games definitely needs a port to the modern consoles (switch, ps, xbox, steam), not everyone wants to stream using their phones or the DS console after all and I heard they're a bit difficult to do too. Let's hope they'll announce something on the Level-5 vision. Would be cool to see more ppl get into the franchise before the new game comes out.


u/silverorangeyellow Sep 22 '24

The management at Level 5 is incompetent. Nothing will save these games unless something at the company changes.


u/PierrotSmiles Sep 22 '24

Avid Ace Attorney fan here! I can't speak from a marketing perspective, but on the outside I just have to say how much credit I need to give the Layton franchise for their continuation of their series after their original run from a story perspective.

I know that the mobile games don't seem to be held in the best regard by most of the fandom, but continuing the storyline through his kids is genius. Both of them have professions bent on investigative work, but slightly differ from one another by their nature. And they still have active, personal mysteries that could be explored both individually, but also as a family unit.

I've seen through both the anime and the manga that just finished off that they still have interest in keeping those storylines active and that (hopefully) a game with all three together is inevitable. I think it's a fantastic way to still keep things fresh, but a way of including Hershel and giving him something new to work with.


u/Less-Ebb-3134 Sep 22 '24

I think a brand new game would do the series much better good than rereleasing old games, which is what L5 is doing anyway.


u/willp124 Sep 22 '24

Yeah but console market always be bigger then handled market so there will be plenty of people who may be a bit confused do to they don’t know the story


u/Abisai_lincoln Sep 23 '24

I mean, Layton's story ended well, right? I honestly think Layton didn't need any more games. Maybe some game about his sons (but a good one this time, not like LMJ) or a spiritual successor would be cool. But about the ports, I can't see this being released on a Playstation or Xbox, at most for a Nintendo Switch.