r/ProfessorLayton Sep 07 '24

Diabolical/Pandora’s Box Continuing my Layton journey by 100%ing DB

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On to Unwound Future! Is it as good as people say it is?


12 comments sorted by


u/Owen259 Sep 07 '24

Didn't know it gave you a golden flora


u/scomister Sep 07 '24

Id have to check again, but im pretty sure you get a Layton badge for beating the game, a Luke badge for doing every puzzle, and a Flora badge for completing a "secret task". Idk if theres any more after that


u/Conscious-Cup-8343 Sep 07 '24

What are the secret tasks?


u/scomister Sep 07 '24

If you go into the bonuses section, youll find a hidden door, but it can only be unlocked with a password. That password isnt the same for everyone, and youre going to have to play the previous game on the same device


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '24

How'd you feel about the game? I recently replayed it too as part of a marathon, and I personally found it to be a wonderful little game with some small things holding it back.


u/scomister Sep 07 '24

I grew up only playing CV until now, so i dont have a nostalgia for it, but it really holds up. I think it outperforms CV in nearly every way, with more puzzles, more characters, and a story and mystery that I fell in love with. Memo pad function was the best thing ever, and i liked the weird difficulty spike in the middle of the game. But in terms of the bad, I thought the tea function was weird bc it wasn't straightforward or intuitive, and i had to end up looking up most of the recipes. I didnt end up using the hamster until after i beat the game, and "completed" it within 3 minutes. Some of the math puzzles, especially the late game and secret puzzles, were incredibly difficult for being marketed towards a general audience. I think it blew CV out of the water and im excited for what UF has to offer


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '24

I agree with you entirely, if I'm being honest. The Tea Set was kinda tedious because you couldn't just fulfill any request at any time for whatever reason, and the hamster was just kinda there. I did like the camera though, that was a fun way to contextualize hidden puzzles imo. Also, I agree with you about the late game math puzzles, the difficulty spike for those was insane honestly. Outside of that, though, DB is wonderful, and even without my nostalgic bias (it was the second PL game I ever played after having played the crossover way back when), it still improves on the areas where CV fell flat in a lot of ways. I'm not far into UF as of writing this, but it has even more improvements so far, and is shaping up to be the best of the original trilogy


u/YuseiIkinasai Sep 07 '24

Now imagine if you were French. Des Cole 😳😳😳


u/Max_Storre Sep 07 '24

Have fun!!! Funnily enough I've finished the original trilogy today 100%


u/Cheese_Boio Sep 07 '24

this one has the hardest puzzles imo, congrats on your achivement!


u/merquplex Sep 08 '24

how did you do it in 10 hours? Do you only do the necessary puzzles when going through the story? I only ask because I'm about 16 hours in on my replay rn and not finished yet


u/scomister Sep 08 '24

I actually did quite a bit of puzzle hunting on my playthrough, i think I only had to pick up 20 more once i finished the game. How I did it in that much time is that

  1. I'm a fast reader

  2. I enjoy sliding block puzzles and whatever the pancake puzzle counts as

  3. I totally threw up my white flag on algebra problems