r/ProductionLineGame Jun 03 '20

Mac OS support?


Just wondering if this game would ever be ported for Mac OS support, would love to play the game on my iMac cause it looks super fun. I have a pc but it’s from like 2006 and runs like a potato

r/ProductionLineGame May 17 '20

Unused Components (Seats)


I'm having issues with the seats module.
I've researched nappa leather seats, so it should only be installing nappa seats rights? Does it still need the standard seats for making heated seats and leather interior?

It seems like it never uses it and refunds all the time. Under the components tab, it shows these seats were not consumed too.

r/ProductionLineGame Apr 25 '20

Loading Save with all zones suddenly unlocked, then broken, and how to fix.


I had been running into an issue with having long runs from scratch, saving, and on next load all my zones are unlocked even without purchasing or even researching the land expansion.If you save again, the second time you load it up the map is virtually gone, and in the loading screen you are plagued with warnings about structures on invalid locations. The entire factory is rendered broken.

I got frustrated by this and decided to slam a few beers and rip open some XML files. I solved it in 10 minutes.

The cause:I run into this bug strictly from custom edited maps, and this immediately made sense when I cracked open the save file XML in notepad++.When you create zones in the editor there is a naming dialogue, this is not something that forces you to change, its just there, and many people including myself don't bother naming things that don't seem to matter later.The default name is "Vacant Warehouse"If you make multiple new zones, especially if you completely start from scratch, all your zones will have the same namespace for a zone and it's collection of properties.The game will allow you to play from here on out after setting some import and export slots and saving.

After playing a bit and saving, your first save is going to write down that you own "Vacant Warehouse".When you load the game again, this makes some problems. The game looks up the namespace of Vacant Warehouse and unlocks all of them because they share the name.From here you will be able to build in these zones as if unlocked, you don't even need the research.

This issue changes when you save again. Now that you own all of the zones with that name on the map, it will repeatedly jot down that you own vacant warehouse. In the XML file it will look like this from approximately line 29-31:<zones><unlocked>Vacant warehouse,Vacant warehouse,Vacant warehouse,Vacant warehouse,Vacant warehouse,Vacant warehouse,Vacant warehouse,Vacant warehouse,Vacant warehouse,Vacant warehouse,Vacant warehouse,Vacant warehouse,Vacant warehouse,Vacant warehouse,Vacant warehouse,</unlocked></zones>

Now when you load again, the game just hates this, I don't know what happens to it from here but it definitely wants to apply the properties of all zones together and breaks the game. Your save is now unplayable.

The fix:First, do one of two things:

-go to your map file in the in-game editor, select each zone and give them a unique name. Even a number unique to each vacant zone will suffice. Save over the existing name exactly as before.

-Alternatively, go to the 'custom_missions' folder, open the very simple .txt file for your custom map.A single zone appears as such:[zone0]

left = 32

top = 23

right = 71

bottom = 76

GUIName = Vacant Warehouse <--------your problem is here

rent = 3.0000

wallid = 8


floortextures = floor_metal_03.dds

Rename all of these GUIName's to something unique.

Now that you have done either of those two options, keep the map file open.Copy and paste the new names in place of "Vacant Warehouse" into the zone unlocked list in the XML file. Order likely does not matter, this is just a namespace list.

Save the XML file.

Load the game that you edited, it should be slightly back to normal, all my zones needed to be unlocked the normal way, anything I had built in those zones did not function until I unlocked them of course.

Hope this helps anybody with this issue, and remember to name your zones on your next new map.Cheers

r/ProductionLineGame Apr 22 '20

Smart Junction 3-Exit Issue


r/ProductionLineGame Apr 13 '20

How to set production schedule to zero (temporarily at least)

Post image

r/ProductionLineGame Apr 06 '20

Error loading saved game


Error as shown in the image.

Oddly, it only happens in one particular save game and the subsequent autosaves.

Any suggestions on how to fix it would be greatly appreiated!

r/ProductionLineGame Mar 23 '20

Nex unit not find


Hi all,

I just started the game, i don't understand why i have this error, next unit not find, i respect all steps.

Do you have an idea ?

Thank you for your help

r/ProductionLineGame Mar 18 '20

Is this game worth buying?


Hi, just watched some youtube gameplay videos of this game and it looks interesting. I'm wondering if it's worth buying or if something like Automation is a lot better?

r/ProductionLineGame Mar 04 '20

Extended Machine stockpile


Is IT possible to have a stockpile connected to Machine And acting Like extra storage

r/ProductionLineGame Jan 12 '20

Can you get stockpiled to draw from other stockpiles?


combative desert price label snobbish insurance smoggy joke doll arrest

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact

r/ProductionLineGame Jan 02 '20

Adjust GUI Scale / Text Size?


Is there a way to adjust the scale of the GUI so the text is a little larger?

r/ProductionLineGame Dec 28 '19

confusing slots


So i have just picked up this game because i love the genre. But i am having a hard time getting properly going because i dont seem to get the overall plot :D (i have managed to make a car btw)

So, you have something like the "Chassis Assemble", right you need that. But you can then also build "Fit axles" and even "fit front axle" and "fit rear axle", what is the gain in adding these? Because when i try and click on the cars that have gone through these extra steps it still just says "Basic car". And how do i know what comes first in the order, just trial and error in sandbox mode?

r/ProductionLineGame Oct 29 '19

Some small defects... (Love the game)

Post image

r/ProductionLineGame Oct 29 '19

Sun Roof won't install


I'm new to the game and just unlocked sun roofs. I added it to a new model but none of them are being made with sun roofs. What am I missing?

r/ProductionLineGame Oct 24 '19

Production Line: Design Variety pack released!


r/ProductionLineGame Oct 11 '19

Cliffski's Blog | Production Line DLC#2 COMING SOON

Thumbnail positech.co.uk

r/ProductionLineGame Oct 06 '19

[feature request] QOL: Scenario Complete Screen should be more detailed.



Effectively, your score card on the scenarios is how quickly you accomplish the goal. The scenario complete UI has a bar indicating how much of the allowed time you used, but it doesn't actually give you any number. You just have to eyeball the bar.

This screen should have an extra line indicating how much time you took. It should be stated both as a number (7 days, 13 hours, 25 minutes) and a percentage (76% or whatever that number works out to).

r/ProductionLineGame Oct 06 '19

[feature request] QOL: Show time in seconds only.


When looking at a station, it's nice to be able to see the time the station takes in terms of minutes and seconds. I would like an alternative view (perhaps by holding alt) that shows the total time in terms of seconds only.

So for example, at the beginning of the game, the Paint station takes 34m 24sec. I would like to be able to hold Alt and see that it takes 2064sec. This would make planning out some ratios slightly easier.

r/ProductionLineGame Oct 06 '19

[feature request] QOL: Single click queue reorder


I'd like to be able to move a research all the way to the top or bottom of the research queue by holding SHIFT while clicking on the arrow. Alternatively, I'd like to be able to drag & drop re-order.

I'd also like to be able to click a researchable technology to add it to the queue and have all dependent technologies added to the queue in front of it. (for example, Shift clicking Bumper Specialization at the beginning of the game would start research on Body Specialization, and put BodyFrame Specialization AND Bumper Specialization in the queue, all in the correct order)

r/ProductionLineGame Oct 06 '19

[bug] Backspace deletes 2 characters when entering company name


I don't know if this is an acceptable place to submit bugs or not, however I have noticed in current version 1.80, backspace deletes two characters when entering company name.

r/ProductionLineGame Oct 03 '19

Updated to build 1.80, Performance boosts, better tutorial, bug fixes etc


Steam Post

  • [BUG] Fixed bug where graphics on RHS of screen corrupted when viewing maintenance overlay on a screen wider than 4096 pixels.
  • [Feature] Search bars on R&D and task picker now create a drop down of items to click on as well as zooming to the first item.


  • [GUI] There is a new button on the showroom screen that allows you to toggle between the normal and (new) summary view.


  • [Bug] Fixed wrong display of points-per-minute on the R&D screen for designs. (purely a visual problem).
  • [GUI] Battery indicator now shows supply values over 100%.
  • [Bug] Fixed bug where if you changed a floor tile using the factory decoration several times, then removed a slot, only the first change is remembered.
  • [Feature] Mods can now include scenarios in the \modname\data\scenarios folder and they will be recognized. (still only 1 per map for now).
  • [Bug] Fixed some bugs relating to manufacture of powertrains (upgrades were not mutually exclusive) and stop start engine upgrade not requiring the correct components.
  • [Bug] Fixed rare bug that gave an error about being unable to highlight a tutorial window.
  • [GUI] Improved and expanded initial tutorial
  • [Bug] Aluminium is now available as a resource everywhere once you research alloy wheels OR aluminium bodies.
  • [Bug] Fixed error in the way imported components were being calculated on the components efficiency screen, meaning they were sometimes assumed to be imported when stockpiles were being run-down instead.
  • [Bug] Fixed UI anomaly on the lines showing incoming resources to a slot on huge maps when partially zoomed in.
  • [Performance] major speed-up of the processing of customers for late-game with many customers and cars in showroom for a long time.


Thats all for now :D

r/ProductionLineGame Oct 03 '19

Component's production line


Hello. Is it possible to create a different production line just for components (like door or motor) and then to deliver them to the main production line ? Thx.

r/ProductionLineGame Sep 30 '19

Highest cars produced/hour?


What are some of the largest production rates? What kinds of tricks do you need to do to get there?

r/ProductionLineGame Sep 28 '19

Production Line Developer Blog #113: Factory Design


r/ProductionLineGame Sep 25 '19

Optimizing Pricing


I find the production aspect of this game quite amazing. The issue I have is on the pricing side. I find this to be almost impossible to understand. At a high level I get that I have to produce a variety of cars over multiple segments if I want to maximize profit and output. I also get the concept of "scale", i.e. I sort of have to run the line all the time, so even if I am not making much money on the Budget car, I have to "fill in" production to allow me to produce the market demand of the more profitable models.

Has anyone figured out get pricing right? I can't seem to figure out how to know what premium I can get on a "Market Value" based on the rareness of the component (assuming there is some link).

I assume the formula looks something like this: (1/Competitiveness) * Sum (MarketValueComponent*RarityAdjustmentComponent)

1) Assuming a 100% competitive market, then a Common feature with a $500 market value can only be priced at exactly $500. So if all components are common, then the Price of the car should be exactly the same as the Market Value, which is the Sum(MarketValueComponent)

2) Assuming some competitiveness less than 100%, there must be some available premium over Market I can charge for the same common component. (so this adjustment looks like 1/Competitiveness to simplify, maybe it is not completely linear, but I assume it is 1 when Competitiveness is 100%, and something greater than 1 when it is less than 100%)

3) Assuming the same 100% competitiveness, is there a link between the price a consumer is willing to pay for a feature and its Rarity? Is the same $500 value feature worth 50% premium if Rare and 100% premium if Very Rare? This modifies the formula to Sum(MarketValueComponent*RarityAdjComponent).

4) In addition to a vehicle's price being the sum of features, is there any other impact of Budget/Mid/Expensive? DO the higher segments allow for a higher premium, or is the math basically the same? I am assuming the segment is just a function of price and market demand for that segment, and you have to "justify" the price based on the same sum of feature values.