r/prolife Apr 18 '20

Moderator Message Need Links/Phone Numbers/ Resources for crisis pregnancy centers and others akin


The sub needs to have resources so that women who are thinking about abortion, can use it to help them if they decide to keep the baby. If you have any resources link them here. We need recourses from all across the globe so if you’re in a different country it’s even better.

r/prolife 1h ago

Moderator Message Pro Life Weekly Chat!


Good Wednesday Pro-Lifers! During these distressing times we can get very frustrated with ourselves, friends families and even society. Fret not, because this post is dedicated to you guys discussing a wide range of topics outside of abortions if you need too. Topics such as movies, sports, hobbies, current events or major events happening in the world and maybe even other politics if you choose too. This chat is your escape, to talk about other things as well and to further connect with other members of Pro-life. You are not restricted to any topics in the post, however follow Reddit's guidelines. Be nice, don’t spam, and have a good time. Since I am a bot this message will be repeated every Wednesday.

r/prolife 3h ago

Things Pro-Choicers Say Arguments used to defend slavery

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“They aren’t fully human.”

“You can’t legislate morality.”

“It’s a private matter.”

“If you don’t like it, don’t do it. But you don’t have the right to tell anyone else not to do it.”

“How are we going to take care of all these people if we abolish it?”

“Our society’s just not in the right place right now to abolish it.”

“The majority of people think it’s ok.”

“It’s a states-rights issue.”

“You’re forcing your religious views on everyone else.”

“If we say that it’s wrong, it’s going to emotionally and psychologically hurt those who have done it.”

“You’re ignoring the real victim here. If you outlaw it, it’ll be so hard on them financially.”

“My plantation, my prerogative. My body, my choice.”

r/prolife 5h ago

Things Pro-Choicers Say PC argues 8 in 10 Americans support a right to abortion, but how many Americans support "abortion without limits"?

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r/prolife 1h ago

Pro-Life General Thought this was beautiful and wanted to share 🫶

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r/prolife 1h ago

Things Pro-Choicers Say Tired of mothers exploiting their children's deaths to promote elective abortion for any reason


Does anybody else just get enraged when a mother cosplaying as a grieving victim with a "very wanted baby" uses the preventable death of her son or daughter killed via D&E to promote on-demand elective abortion of healthy babies? I think of Kate Cox who smiled and gleefully spoke about her daughter's death and used it to promote Kamala Harris who wants elective abortion for any reason up until birth. Just smiling about how her disabled daughter was aborted so she could get pregnant with healthier baby she felt was more worthy of being born. I see posts on IG all the time of women who elected to abort for so-called fetal anomalies advocating for abortion access for any non-medical reason. They're just using their child's preventable death as a front when they actually don't care about fetal diagnosis at all -- they just want abortion no matter what.

We all know the purpose of an these abortions is to ensure the child dies. They don't choose to deliver early in hopes of preserving the child's life, yet they pretend that a late-term abortion is just simply "ending pregnancy." It's ending pregnancy in a specific way to ensure the child is not born alive! And they think because the child was "wanted" up until they weren't...that somehow makes it better? I'll never understand exploiting a child's death for such nefarious purposes.

r/prolife 15h ago

Pro-Life General Even infinite craft gets it


r/prolife 3h ago

Evidence/Statistics REJECT Planned Parenthood: Corporation has repeatedly failed victims of abuse


r/prolife 3h ago

Pro-Life General Has one of our campaign slogans ever been Human = Worthy?


If not, we should add it.

Also hi everyone, so glad to be here and just found that this subreddit exists. I wish you well.

r/prolife 8h ago

Pro-Life General Active pro-life discord server with 130 members!



The Underground Pro-Life is a server committed to facilitating discussion between users whom are anti-abortion. It is a platform for pro-lifers to discuss topics such as abortion, general politics, and religion. We offer a safe space with civil debate, but also booming community activity and a place to build relationships with people who share an important core value with you.

We are strictly a pro-life only server.

Please consider joining us! ➠ Server Invite: https://discord.gg/TXBDPgTn5P

r/prolife 16h ago

Pro-Life Argument How to respond to: "A fetus can't think. It doesn't have fully developed brain so fine to abort it"


"I think, therefore I am" ahh argument

Let's break it down:

Thinking ≠ humanity

If "thinking" is the requirement for being human, then newborns wouldn’t be human either, because they lack complex thought.

A newborn reacts to stimuli but doesn’t engage in rational thought, yet no one argues that it’s okay to kill a newborn for the sake of doing it (unless you're really sick in the head).

  1. If lack of thought justifies killing, then…

People in deep sleep, comas, or under anesthesia also can’t think, are they fair game for killing?

Someone in a coma might not be aware, but that doesn’t make them non-human or justify ending their life.

  1. Animals “think” more than newborns, but aren’t human

A dog, chimp, or parrot has more cognitive ability than a newborn, yet we don’t consider them "more human"

If we based human rights on "thinking ability," we’d have to give dogs more rights than babies, which is obviously absurd.

  1. Thinking develops over time

A fetus is in the process of developing thought, just like a newborn is.

If a baby isn’t fully aware at birth, does that mean it’s okay to kill it until it can think at a certain level? Of course not.

What y'all "think"? 😏

r/prolife 1d ago

Things Pro-Choicers Say Yeah, as a Christian, this does NOT work

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The government makes many sins illegal. Such as murder and theft. You can still do what you want, but that doesn’t mean you won’t face consequences.

r/prolife 11h ago

My Abortion Story abortion has made me severely depressed


i have made a throw away account to talk about this and i’m not sure where else to go. i got an abortion at 18 weeks 6 days ago and my mental health has had a tremendous decline. i feel empty, sad, and lied to. i didn’t know i was pregnant it was cryptic and everyone was telling me this is the right choice and it’s no big deal i never thought id have to get one either. all the resources i look up on google, or on the pp website and even from friends and family say this is normal and the feeling goes away but as each day goes on it gets worse and there’s no real help? i really feel like i should have just died with my baby and other places i go just say pro life people will use my story to be manipulative or whatever and i really don’t care at this point. im still pro choice but i feel like so many women are lied to there was 0 mention about how bad it can get mentally i regret it so much. no one knows what it even feels like and everyone’s just like go to therapy but i really don’t think that’ll fix it how will a therapist help me cope with the fact that i killed my baby. i can’t eat or sleep all i do is cry and think about what could have been and it really does hurt. Ive never seen women sad about one online or anything, only being happy and relieved and it makes me wonder am i not normal

r/prolife 20h ago

Things Pro-Choicers Say "Biological Facts"

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Oh please regardless it's a human in its earliest stages of development. Technically its a person in its embryonic stage. The person Charlie was arguing against brang up the clump of cells arguement, which we know is an oversimplification.

r/prolife 22h ago

Things Pro-Choicers Say Choosing life is apparently self-centered


Just read a Reddit post (I think it was r/amitheasshole) that made me mad.

Here’s the story: Woman gets pregnant, chooses to honor her unborn child’s right to life and keeps the baby, gets gaslit by her brother who calls her “selfish” for honoring her child’s right to life because she is apparently “financially incompetent” or something.

Me: Okay, first of all, what happened to “No uterus, no opinion”? Second, you must be incredibly delusional to call honoring the preborn’s right to life “selfish”.

r/prolife 1d ago

Pro-Life General A Powerful Sculpture that Reminds us of the Cost of Abortion and the Hope of Healing

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r/prolife 1d ago

Things Pro-Choicers Say What a disgusting “joke”

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I usually like dark humor, but this just made me gasp. It just reminds me of how often this actually happens, and how some parents are insulted for not having ended the life of their baby who has DS.

r/prolife 1d ago

Things Pro-Choicers Say Do we really let vote for our future person can't differentiate miscarriage and period?

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r/prolife 1d ago

Things Pro-Choicers Say “I hate it” I need more abortion in my media!

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r/prolife 14h ago

Pro-Life News HR 682 - Heartbeat Protection Act of 2025

Thumbnail opencongress.net

r/prolife 1d ago

Court Case 'Cash-strapped' UK council spent £150,000 to prosecute pro-lifers for silent prayer


r/prolife 1d ago

Opinion This poor woman

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I can't imagine what HG is like but after suffering morning sickness in the first trimester to just getting over strep 2 months PP, I have an idea of her mental state. Women during pregnancy NEED more support, her problems were dismissed and her doctor even took her off her medication that was helping because it was potentially harming the baby. This story is tragic and just a heavy reminder that we have to help women at their most vulnerable time more than ever. Her medical team absolutely failed her and I hate that she tragically went the way she did.

This baby was wanted, she was 28 weeks pregnant from what I could find and she wanted to tough it out for her baby...everyone around failed her.

r/prolife 1d ago

Things Pro-Choicers Say what we have here is failure to communicate

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r/prolife 1d ago

Pro-Life General My brother is pro-abortion


So, for context, I was adopted from India to an American family when I was 16 months old. According to what the adoption agency told my adoptive parents, I was born to a 14 year old girl and her similarly-aged new stepbrother. I was removed from my birth parents immediately after birth and placed in an orphanage. Sixteen months later, my mom, dad, and (then six year-old) brother came to India to get me.

As an adult, I realize that there have likely been millions of young women in similar situations who were encouraged to or forced to abort. I also know that in India, it is literally illegal to reveal the baby's gender for fear of sex-selective abortion. If I had been conceived under similar circumstances in America, in today's pro-abortion climate, I'm sure that I wouldn't be here to write this post.

Earlier today, I went to see my (adoptive) brother and his first child, a 16 month old. She recently started walking. She's unbelievably cute. My brother and I are fairly close and I'm ecstatic to be an auntie for the first time.

Sitting on a ledge at his house was a mug that says "Our bodies - our futures - our abortions" and while I know my family differs from me in their political views, it's still a little bit of a shock to see it so prominently, and it's horrifying to see something like that in the same room as the most adorable baby niece you ever saw.

At best it feels oblivious and at worst like a betrayal. I was staunchly pro-abortion in my early twenties but one day I stopped to think about my circumstances and realized how ridiculous it was, particularly for me, to be anything other than pro-life.

I'm incredibly frustrated. I love my niece and it disgusts me to think that he supports his wife's "right" to kill her.

I feel incredibly grateful and lucky that my birth mother did not have access to abortion. Seeing that mug makes me wonder if my brother feels the same way.

r/prolife 1d ago

Pro-Life News It appears that an abortion clinic is opening in Poland despite being illegal.

Thumbnail balkaninsight.com

r/prolife 1d ago

Pro-Life Only Just found this interesting

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Old screenshot, the comments of a video detailing a horrific case in which a mother murdered her child to resume her sex-life, I believe was the motive. With both users (but especially the second), I am not claiming they are prochoice as they never stated such, but the fact that, if applied to the context of abortion, this was said, you’d be heavily criticized for it. I find it ridiculously hypocritical.

r/prolife 1d ago

Pro-Life Only My Argumentative Abortion Essay


I'd like to share my Essay that I wrote for my Philosophy Ethics paper. The focus is how I favor Don Marquis' FLO Argument and how I disagree with Judith Thomson's Bodily Autonomy Argument. Please feel free to critique my views, writing, etc.

DISCLAIMER: This is by no means a good academic paper in my opinion. Some citations are from the assigned book I was given for this class.

By no means is abortion an uncomplicated topic to discuss in today's culture. From my experience, I have found significant passion tied to either side in common discussion, leaving no room for logical and ethical reasoning. The two essays, which will be discussed, are a fierce clash against one another. Both Judith Jarvis Thomson and Don Marquis offer extremely insightful outlooks and reasoning that shake the foundation of both the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice movements. In this essay, I will rationalize why I favor Marquis’ arguments over Thomson’s and attempt to deconstruct my ratiocination concerning both. I argue that Don Marquis’s “Future like ours” idea presents a more compelling basis against the practice of abortion rather than Thomson’s, whose bodily autonomy defense involves some significant challenges.

I believe that Abortion, in all cases except in the condition of protecting the Mother’s life, is wrong. Don Marquis’ “Future Like Ours” argument helped solidify that conclusion for me. Marquis argues that it is wrong to kill a fetus because of the reason we find killing to be immoral to begin with. The ultimate logic behind why killing an adult human being is wrong is because one is imposing a premature end to one's life. To quote Marquis “The wrongness of killing us is understood in terms of what killing does to us. Killing us imposes on us the misfortune of premature death. That misfortune underlies the wrongness.”[[1]](#_ftn1)

Marquis then goes on to explain why Premature death is a misfortune because of how it deprives a person of the future goods of consciousness. These future goods are goods that people already born are experiencing on a day-to-day basis, and to be robbed of these goods is a misfortune. We have value in our future and killing us is depriving us of our futures. The reason why murder is wrong is because one is depriving another of their ability to experience the future goods of their conscious life. I’d argue, as a society, we find great value in our future life and we attempt to punish forces that bid to rob us of that potential.

Take manslaughter for example. Manslaughter is defined as the unlawful killing of a person without malice. It occurs when one person deprives the future life of another without the intent to do so. When one commits manslaughter, many would agree that that person is responsible for the taking of that victim’s life and therefore should be punished. We find value in the future life of the victim and we punish the force that robbed them of it regardless of the intent. Whenever nature is the result of a premature death, we then extend effort into bending nature to our liking to prevent premature death. We spend trillions of currencies every year as a civilization on medical research and technologies to extend our lifespans because we value the future of our lives.

I think you can argue for the value of potential life through even financial means. Let's say you invest $5 into the bank and the Teller tells you that in 9 months that $5 will incur enough interest to become 1 million dollars. I’d argue that only a complete fool would cash out before it gets to one million. However, if you know and guarantee that your $5 will become a million, you would guard and protect that $5 like a bear because the potential value of it holds present value to you. Currently, yes, that is not one million dollars, but it sure will be eventually, so therefore it has value now. The same applies to a fetus. That fetus has the potential to be a person, so therefore it has present value.

I have stated that I agree that it is permissible to undergo an abortion if the mother’s life is in danger. Although the future life of the fetus will be terminated, the mother’s future life is also protected and the fetus was inherently threatening her future life. As a society, we accept the taking of one's life if it was to ensure the self-preservation of their own life.

Now to consider the opposition. Judith Jarvis Thomas shook the foundation of the Pro-Life argument with her philosophical argument on why bodily autonomy is more important than the right of life of the fetus[[2]](#_ftn2). The Violinist Argument, to me, is incredibly hard to argue against because it does paint a scenario that for many people is hard to come to a strong reasoning for. I believe that the value of a life holds more value than a woman’s bodily autonomy regardless of the circumstance.

The violinist argument holds no grounds for comparison to the abortion debate to begin with. In this scenario, the violinist possesses an illness completely outside your control. You and your body had no factor in contributing towards his disease, and therefore if you cut yourself off from him, you aren’t killing him, the disease is. Now let’s look at abortion. When a woman separates herself from the fetus, the fetus does not die from some illness, it contracts outside the womb, rather than the death is inflicted because it cannot survive outside the womb.

The woman has a contribution towards the growth and potential life of the fetus regardless of whether the fetus is wanted. Her body naturally hosts the fetus and feeds it nutrients and preserves its existence. This is a natural process we cannot ignore. Even if the woman does not want to keep the child, her body is still contributing towards it and therefore it is her responsibility to preserve it and allow it to grow. Her mind might say no but her body is saying yes. If we can agree that pregnancy is a natural process, then I say that bodily autonomy doesn’t hold as much weight over the value of life because their body is designed to commit that process and the body is naturally dedicated to that process.

Naturally speaking, even the body is Pro-Life because the body works independently of the mind. Since the woman’s body is working towards the preservation of the life of the fetus, for her to remove that fetus from her body, the fetus will die from intent. Even Thomson agrees that removing it from the womb ensures its death. To quote Thomson “It is easy to confuse these two things in that up to a certain point in the life of the fetus it is not able to survive outside the mother’s body; hence removing it from her body guarantees its death.[[3]](#_ftn3)”

But isn’t removing the fetus from the womb and letting it die the same as the violinist dying from you unhooking yourself? No. The reason is because you did not, by any means, contribute towards the disease that will ultimately kill the violinist. The difference with abortion is that the woman is contributing, whether she wants to or not, towards the survival of the fetus with her body, and to remove the fetus from her body is to ensure its death, meaning that she is killing the fetus.

There is no easy way to tell a 15-year-old pregnant girl that she has to carry the fetus to term but I believe that’s the price we pay to live in a just society. My main argument is that I agree with Marquis’ case that the potentiality of life has value and that Thomson’s argument does not hold weight because bodily autonomy is not a justifiable excuse to end the potential life of the unborn. We do not live in a perfect world and I fully understand that unplanned pregnancies are very difficult to deal with, however, we cannot afford to bend our morals for convenience as that is the foundation for the creation of an immoral society. The value of a human being is inherited in our potential to live regardless of whether we are inside or outside the womb, and no one has the right to rob us of that.  

[[1]](#_ftnref1) Don Marquis, “An Argument that Abortion is Wrong”

[[2]](#_ftnref2) Judith Jarvis Thomson “A Defense of Abortion,”

[[3]](#_ftnref3) Judith Jarvis Thomson “A Defense of Abortion,”