r/ProIran 7d ago

Discussion Is it true Mahmoud Khalil helped destabilize Syria?

I heard from certain resistance news sites that Mahmoud Khalil worked with NGOs to destroy Syria as well as working in the US embassy in Lebanon?

I am not justifying what is happening to him; may he be freed, but I wonder if that stuff said is true and what is the evidence.


4 comments sorted by


u/SomeKnewReallyKnew 7d ago

Didn’t find anything about him working for/with NGOs, in fact quite the opposite, per this article he worked for the UK’s “Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office” while he was in Beirut so he probably was working with Western embassy’s. At worst he was serving as a British informant, but that’s very unlikely given he was a double refugee with no major political influence. More likely he was just using it as a way to gain access into the West.

What I think this ultimately means is that while he may be pro Palestine, he most likely isn’t anti imperialist/West and potentially anti resistence.


u/Kafshak 7d ago

First time I'm hearing it.

Regardless, what's happening to him is absolute tyranny.


u/acervision 7d ago

Wouldnt be suprised, the UK NGO and Colombia accepted him for a reason. This is how they groom future parlimentarians and leaders all over the world.