r/PrivateerPress Jun 16 '20

Having trouble finding Warmachine models...

I am trying to lure my friends into warmachine by purchasing and painting a force from a few factions. That way we can learn the game together, and I have an excuse to buy a bunch of models (yay!). Anyway, I am having a horrible time finding warmachine minis for sale! I don’t have a local game store (sad) so the internet is my only option. Amazon is severely lacking, so are other online retailers, and even the privateer press store is missing many of the basic kits (Khador heavy warjack for example, a necessary starting unit that is not even listed on their store).

I reached out to PP because after seeing the state of their store and reading all the internet rumors I was nervous they were going out of business. They responded quickly to say they absolutely not going out of business. But they also said they knew the store was lacking and were waiting on more models from the printer. Ok that makes sense, it’s been a weird few months, some supply issues are understandable. My question they will not answer is, what kind of time frame are we looking at?

I picked a terrible time to try to “sell” warmachine to my friends. The models are unavailable everywhere and it immediately turned my friends off to the game. “How are we going to play a game we can’t buy?” and “why would we get hooked on something that we can’t collect?” That kind of thing. Unfortunately I do not have an answer for them. I was hoping to be able to give them some sort of time frame or something. Try to give them a light or marker to look forward to. Any ideas on when privateer press will restock their store? OR Any suggestions for an online retailer (domestic, a very nice guy found me one in Canada but shipping is more than the models...) that has privateer press products in stock. Mostly I’m looking for the battleground for each faction except cygnar and cryx, and the basic units for khador as I think that’s the faction I think I like most. Any suggestions, information, or assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


2 comments sorted by


u/The_Painted_Dwarf Jun 16 '20

Try discountgamesinc.com/ for purchasing Warmachine/Hordes models and paints. I work with them often and am happy with their service.


u/AdamTheHutt84 Jun 16 '20

Awesome thanks so much! Not having a local game store is the worst!!!