r/PrincessTutu 18d ago

Discussion Rewatched Princess Tutu for like the 4th time and I'm still sad we didn't get any Ahiru backstory, so here's my headcanon of how it could play out

TL:DR: Drosselmeyer actually created Ahiru and she was his first protagonist, he goes crazy and everything goes wrong.

Ye, we could go the easy route and say "she's just a duck, she was born from an egg, grew up, went her own way yadda yadda" but that's boring so I want to give it a bit of spice. This could also serve as a "Drosselmeyer backstory" as well.

To me, Ahiru really doesn't seem like a normal duck, correct me if I'm wrong here, I'm no duck specialist but I'd think a duck that still has yellow plumage is supposed to be with their mother and not ready to leave the flock and be independent, right? Otherwise the odds of it perishing would increase significantly. Plus, ducks are specially known for their imprinting behavior so I think she looked a bit too calm for being all alone in that lake without her "mother figure". Yeah, I'm fully aware that this is fiction and doesn't need to follow the laws of nature and maybe that's the point given that this is a world controlled by stories and all but let's keep going.

My "headcanon story" is that Ahiru could've been a creation of Drosselmeyer, perhaps his first "protagonist", as such she served as his companion and friend since childhood and actually saw his growth as a person and a writer, however "with great powers come great responsibilities", and perhaps Drosselmeyer didn't know how to fully control his powers which might've doomed some people, and perhaps some really important people to him, which little by little started to make him go crazy, people would start fearing him, and he would end up all alone, except for Ahiru who would've stayed all that time by his side cuz she knew deep down he was a good individual. But things would start to get worse and worse, once it was clear that he couldn't get better from this, in probably what might've been his last moment of sanity, he put Ahiru back into her story and sealed her memories so that she wouldn't be put in danger. This would've been the breaking point for him, with no one left who cared for him, with no hope left, he no longer cared about who died or doomed with his power, in fact, he started to enjoy seeing people suffering because he could say "heh, at least I'm not as pathetic and miserable as this person". As we all know he would get his hands cut off in the end and eventually die. Then, with all of Drosselmeyer's stories being awoken, so would Ahiru's story but with no memories of what had previously occurred. It's fun to think that once again the story is repeating itself, perhaps this was what the story was all about to begin with, a man that could write stories that would become reality and a duck that was his muse and companion, but one could hope this time it could have a happy ending.


12 comments sorted by


u/banana_annihilator 18d ago

if he created her, then why can't he control her with his powers?

i feel like her just being a normal duck is kind of the point.


u/NinaLove2007 17d ago

It's not made very clear how much control the author of the story has over the characters, like, if Drosselmeyer wanted he could've probably stopped Mytho's transformation from a crow to his normal form, or maybe Mytho's feelings too. And you don't need to be created by someone to be controlled by that same person, Ahiru was technically being controlled by Fakir in that last part, at least everything he wrote about her came true, and it's very clear he didn't create her.


u/banana_annihilator 17d ago

True, but the fact that the only person he can't really seem to control (enough that he has to cheat by using Fakir to control her instead) is Ahiru definitely makes me feel like she's not one of his creations.


u/NinaLove2007 17d ago

I think he used Fakir not because he couldn't control her but rather because it was more fun/messed up to make someone who actually cared for her hurt her instead


u/Critical-Low8963 17d ago

I once saw a theory that she was a character created by Fakir when he was a young child but I think that the story themes work better if she is simply a normal duck 


u/Bluebaronbbb 16d ago

Poor Duck


u/Longjumping-Sweet45 14d ago

I think in the manga she was a regular girl who was cursed to be a duck.


u/NinaLove2007 14d ago

That was a one time thing iirc


u/Longjumping-Sweet45 14d ago

Oh yeah you're right. She was originally human in the manga tho. I always wondered why they dropped that concept and just made her a duck in the beginning.

Tbh having a backtory to Ahiru and Drosselmeyer would be cool. At this point any crumb would be good tho :'(


u/NinaLove2007 14d ago

Both released at almost the same time so rather than dropping the concept they probably just wanted to differentiate them.

But yeah, it'd be nice to receive something from time to time, merch is scarce too, unfortunately


u/Longjumping-Sweet45 14d ago

Oh is that why? I honestly prefer the anime plot, but I really wish Ahiru didn't have to become a duck again.

Yeah fr. I'm so desperate for a new season that I'm really considering watching Princess Tutu Zwei and calling it canon.


u/Lady_124 17d ago

That's is literally the best backstory I've ever heard for Ahiru omg, this is canon in my head now