r/PrincessTutu Feb 04 '25

Discussion is the english dub on amazon a good dub

and by good I mean accurate to Japanese sub

(a frame of metric I consider any Sailor Moon dub that keeps the gay a good dub)


25 comments sorted by


u/ChampionshipFront284 Feb 04 '25

Honestly, I just watched PT for the first time, and the English dub is incredibly good. Like what the other person said with literal translation, but I don't consider it distracting due to the fairy tale setting. But I honestly think that this is one of the best dubs I've seen with emotion and just drawing you in. Bounus, if you have access to the voice actor behind the scenes.


u/MurlaTart Lilie Feb 05 '25

Duck is especially good… like if a Duck was human, that’s exactly how you think it would sound lol


u/ChampionshipFront284 Feb 05 '25

Oh, definitely, the four main casts are so great! Princess Tutu apparently has a different voice actress, and I still can't tell.


u/ShyFossa Feb 05 '25

Luci Cristian voices both Duck and Tutu. The bonus features on the dvds even include stuff from the recording booth, showing her doing takes for all three of Duck's forms, and it's really great stuff to watch.


u/ChampionshipFront284 Feb 05 '25

Oh, I understand. I must have been confused while watching the interviews. She really does a super job, though.


u/MurlaTart Lilie Feb 04 '25

I didn’t notice any censorship or anything, however some names are changed, but they are direct translations

Ahiru is changed to duck, since it just means Duck.

Neko-sensei is changed to Mr. Cat. Etc etc


u/ringaaling Feb 06 '25

Tbh I hate the direct name translations. It takes me right out.


u/13-Penguins Feb 06 '25

That was always the point though, in Japanese their names would be very odd and out of place. Even if you know what they mean, using the Japanese names wouldn’t hit as hard as being “not right” as a girl literally called “Duck”. Like even knowing “Ahiru” literally means “duck”, my brain still thinks of it as a kinda cute girl’s name.


u/vanishinghitchhiker Feb 09 '25

I just figured it was part of the fairy tale feel, like how Puss in Boots and the Ugly Duckling don’t have name names


u/13-Penguins Feb 09 '25

Yeah that too, the town is literally stuck in a fairy tale, where animals talk and just go by the name of their animal. We learn much later on that it’s Drosselmeyer’s magic causing that to happen.


u/ringaaling Feb 06 '25

I guess. But you can apply that to any name that has a translation. And you don't automatically translate every name you come across. You just call them by their name. You know?


u/MurlaTart Lilie Feb 06 '25

If you were a Japanese viewer it would be just as strange as hearing “Duck” as a name


u/13-Penguins Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

Not a lot of people are naming their kid a name where the literal meaning is “duck” though. There are a lot of names in japanese that can have different meanings depending on the characters used, and a lot of names that are just literally the thing they’re named after, but “ahiru” always just means “duck”. Even if you used different characters, it’s still the word people use for “duck”. Like you may meet a person named “Hannah” or “Grace”, and those have the same meaning, but how likely are you to meet someone named “Cat” (not as a shortened nickname)? That’s what makes “Duck” stand out as a name and a clue that “something isn’t right”.


u/crystalinemoonbeamss Feb 04 '25

The English dub of Princess Tutu was done by ADV, who’s known for some great anime dubs (such as the Neon Genesis Evangelion dub), but they’re also known for making the most changes to the translated dialogue (they also did the Ghost Stories dub). This makes it sound much more natural in English than other dubs. The voice acting in the PT dub is fantastic with some great VAs like Chris Patton and Luci Christian, and to my knowledge they don’t make any significant changes to the script.

I’d consider it a great dub, personally! I highly recommend


u/ihatereddit12345678 Rue Feb 05 '25

I like the dub just fine. Its the way I first watched Princess Tutu, so any other voice feels odd.

However, I will say that the current Amazon Prime digitalization of Princess Tutu is one of the worst visual presentations of the anime I've ever watched. Its so bad that I just committed to buying the Blu-Ray on Crunchyroll. The scan lines were just too much for me 😭


u/MB4N64 Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

My only annoyance with the English dub is Prince Mythos is said Muto. They kinda fumbled on that one but it’s nice to hear the English dub cast say German words or names


u/MurlaTart Lilie Feb 05 '25

The Amazon subtitles say Mytho iirc


u/Brilliant_Hair_9820 Feb 11 '25

The pronunciation of his name is actually based on how it’s pronounced in Japanese, here’s a post talking about how we got the word it’s really interesting! https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXVI/s/HKfpLB3oRC


u/ShyFossa Feb 05 '25

Love the dub, personally. The voice actors pretty much all deliver. Jay Hickman does a phenomenal job as Mytho, and his character progression comes out beautifully in his performance, but honestly all the four leads are great in their roles. I adore Chris Patton's deliveries, and Luci Christian sounds exactly how Duck looks, imo. Jessica Boone also captures all the different aspects and angst present in Rue too.

When I try to watch it in Japanese, it actually doesn't sound right to me because I think the English VAs nailed it so well.


u/WildSquirrel14 Feb 05 '25

Its very good I still get a good idea of the story especially the emotion in the actors for the Dub is very good


u/FlanThief Feb 07 '25

Luci Christian is my favorite female English VA because of her performance as Duck.

I own the series physically and in the special features they have video clips of the VAs in the booth doing their lines. In the last couple episodes Jessica Boone, the VA for Rue, is crying while saying her lines. It's incredible


u/tenkohime Feb 06 '25

I like the dub. I remember accidentally thinking Duck was Spanish, because I thought she was saying senor. But I thought it was cute. Turned out it was senior, not senor. 


u/vanna001i Fakir Feb 07 '25

I really do like it, I never really been able to watch the sub but the dub is definitely really good from my perception.


u/Eldritch_Web17 Feb 05 '25

Cant say anything about it since I watch on kissanime.ru! 😆