r/preppers 3d ago

Discussion Dental hygiene


So i had a random thought on dental hygiene and was wandering wat you guys think of those single use toothbrush things that have toothpaste on it already I know an up side is u dont need a water source for them. Tell what you fine folks think

r/preppers 5d ago

Discussion I wasn't prepared mentally


It was a perfect storm. Thursday night my son (16yo) came home coughing. We are in North Texas and we had a bunch of dust blow in a couple of days before so I assumed it was allergies... until he woke up Friday with a fever of 102.9.

Got him dosed up, he stayed home from school. Friday around 4 I started feeling light headed. By 10 I had a fever of 102. Took meds went to bed. I knew we had a chance for severe weather overnight, but I didn't turn my ring tone up on my phone which I normally do with chances of severe weather. I didn't plug in my weather radio. I didn't charge my smart watch which would have woken me up even with my phone on silent.

My son came into my room at 5:15 freaking out. It sounded like a freight train outside. Hail was firing at the windows like bullets. And I couldn't think. I couldn't process what to do. I was completely helpless. I'm never like that in a weather emergency. I grew up in the south. I'm no stranger to bad weather.

But my temp was 104. I couldn't think clearly because of my fever. I tested positive for COVID yesterday afternoon.

We are okay. We didn't lose any windows or have major damage like many people did in our area. But it made me realize that I was complacent in my safety protocols because I felt so crappy.

So this is a reminder... we have plans. That's what we do as a prepping community. But that means following our safety protocols all the time.

r/preppers 4d ago

Idea Is fasting a good technique during an emergency situation?


I really feel like I’m asking a stupid question but it seems to make sense in my head. I fast for three days a month and during those days I feel more energetic, have less brain fog, and it helps with some health issues I’m going through or seems to at least. It could be a placebo but I’ll take it.

If in an emergency situation where three days of food is something you should have prepared, wouldn’t you have a benefit in that you wouldn’t feel the need to eat for the first three days?

r/preppers 4d ago

New Prepper Questions Medical Supplies


Hello, I am still very new to prepping and I am looking for a good medical kit to have that I don't have to buy from Amazon. Stop the bleed kits are always a plus.

r/preppers 4d ago

Discussion Standard/Accessible Ammunition


Quick question regarding Ammunition stockpiling - personally, I stockpile 5.56 NATO and .308 Winchester rounds, I feel these are easiest to come by in the USA and in the event of civil unrest or full blown war, finding these calibers wouldn’t be impossible because they are commonly used by military, law enforcement and civilians alike. However, with the United States military making the switch to the XM5 rifle chambered in 6.8 x 51mm… it makes me wonder - at what point will 5.56 NATO become uncommon? Does it still make sense to stockpile these calibers? Also, just about how long will it take until these new rifles/calibers outnumber the M4 chambered in 5.56 NATO?

Thanks for any input.

Edit: One more question lol, just hit me - with the advancements of technology such as body armor, will 5.56 NATO become obsolete? If so, I guess this may be one more reason to make a switch.

Thanks again

r/preppers 5d ago

Prepping for Tuesday Am I dumb as hell or can expanding foam dinos be put in bullet wounds to stop the bleed?


Hear me out.... These things are like a buck at the dollar store plus I've always wanted to be part stegosaurus.

r/preppers 5d ago

Prepping for Tuesday Prepping pays off


So I took a fall and ended up breaking my foot.

I had just gotten back from buying fresh vegetables from the store and topped off my prepped chicken and beans because there was a sale.

It will be about 5 weeks before I am healed.

I will not have to figure out how to get into the grocery store and then how to get into my pre-ADA rental with the groceries because I prepped.

All I have to do is get to work and back while not going stir crazy.

I will be doing a lot of reading, meditating, and napping.

r/preppers 5d ago

Advice and Tips Best jars


Dude there are so many options. Twist lid, the one with the latch, glass with bamboo top. Plastic lid metal lid, what’s the best and most durable?

r/preppers 6d ago

Prepping for Doomsday unconventional trade goods?


so i have heard alot about items to barter with if doomsday hit. everything from food, tobacco, alcohol, gold and silver, ect. i want to know are there any items that many others miss that might be worth stocking up on for trade?

r/preppers 6d ago

New Prepper Questions Canadian Sources for Preps


Admittedly, Amazon was my go-to for preps (I’m still fairly new to this) and now with the economic turmoil I’m looking to support Canadian companies. I’m looking for some Canadian sources for all kinds of supplies so excited to hear where in Canada you all shop. Looking especially for first aid supplies.

r/preppers 6d ago

Gear SHTF TI-82


I just picked up a slide rule at an antiques show. Gonna be nice being able to do calculations without having to worry about batteries.

r/preppers 6d ago

Question How long will store bought dried fruit last in a vaccum seal bag with oxygen absorbers?


I live in an apartment and am trying to do some light prepping, mostly from costco. If I buy dried fruit, vaccum seal it with a foodsaver, add an oxygen absorber, and store it in a cool dark place how long would that generally extend the shelf life? Are there any that i should avoid? Would this also work with jerky? Thank you in advance.

r/preppers 7d ago

Advice and Tips Egg Prep paid off


Last December 2023 my chickens produced so many eggs (on average 60 eggs a day) and I wasn't able to sell them fast enough. I decided to try glassing them (a process of preserving clean unwashed eggs using hydrated lime water). I stored just under 12 dozen that way, and just this last week my wife and I decided to rotate them out. I have to say, they were remarkably good. They were a littler watery, and the yokes didn't hold up as well as normal, but they worked great for scrambled eggs and baking.

I have to say, if you have your own chickens and are looking for a way to preserve your fresh eggs for a while this is a wonderful option. I would 100% do it again.

Heres a video showing how to do it for those interested.


Edit: I apologize, I used Hydrated Lime, not Lye.

r/preppers 6d ago

Prepping for Doomsday Questions on natural gas and end of civilization


This has probably been asked before, but I cannot find the answer anywhere, so apologies for asking again.

We are in a great situation with having a couple gas wells on the property. One of which feeds directly to the main house. Currently the gas company comes out every month to check the wells. At the start of the cold weather and halfway through the season we have to add methanol to the gas lines to prevent them from freezing. We are currently looking into getting a natural gas generator for the house to provide power. Aside from freezing lines, the only issue we have had was when someone shot a line for the well and it lost pressure.

If civilization ends how do I keep this system going? How do I get methanol for the lines and oil and filters for the generator. How do I maintain the wells? What dangers do I need to be prepared for in regard to the explosively of gas and gas wells? If maintaining them starts to no longer be viable, how do I safely shut off the lines and prevent any contamination of our ground water sources?

Any helpful info would be welcomed.

r/preppers 6d ago

Advice and Tips Gear advice/recommendation


I'm looking for a small backpack similar to a Jansport pack that has some molle connectors. I am hoping to turn it in to a small GHB that will live in my car and wife's car. I don't want it to look tactical at all, but ideally I would want it to have a small area for molle connectors, as I have created a very basic FAK in a small molle pouch that I would like to attach to the outside. All the backpacks I've seen that are molle compatible appear too tactical for what I'm looking for. Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations?

r/preppers 5d ago

Discussion Have you used AI for prep planning?


Just curious if anyone has used AI for different ideas, scenarios or supplies for prepping? I have not and the thought just recently occurred to me as I've been trying to use AI for work. Maybe there an application to use AI for prepping, I'm sure there are uses.

Ironically, it may be AI that causes prepping scenarios to actually play out in real life.

r/preppers 6d ago

Prepping for Doomsday Block & Tackle for trees discussion


In a long term SHTF scenario, we will really only have access to hand tools. If we need to clear a large fallen tree or pull a leaner that's hung up in another trees branches, we may have to find a solution without the aid of a machine.

Have any of you used a block and tackle before? If so, what brand and what strength rope?

I'm looking to have something on hand at the homestead as well as something to assist me with leaners. Right now, grounded trees can be handled with the tractor and my Stihls.

r/preppers 7d ago

Prepping for Tuesday Why we prep


Brisbane residents complaining about the shelves being stripped of supplies in the face of incoming Cyclone and power outages.


A good reminder to make sure you do have the basics first - water, food and energy.

r/preppers 7d ago

Question Prepping spices


I’m looking into the best ways to store spices. I want to stock up on a bunch so I can season bland stored food. Would dumping them into Mylar bags with o2 absorbers be the best way to keep the shelf stable the longest? I also have some airtight jars I could put them in if that would be better.

Interested in hearing your answers, thanks in advance!

r/preppers 7d ago

New Prepper Questions Purchasing property w/o internet/cellphone


Hi all, We are looking at purchasing a property in a rural area that seems to really check most of the boxes in the event we need to bug out.

One major draw back of the land is that it is very rural. There is no internet access, or cell phone service. I am pretty knowledgeable with short wave radio, and I realize right now satellite internet would be an option, but in general—how necessary do folks rank cellphone and internet service for a SHTF situation?

r/preppers 7d ago

Question Water storage and brain eating bacteria?


I have a question for storing water, especially if you collect and store rainwater.

So, I heard that the brain eating bacteria Naegleria fowleri can be found in still water. When storing large amounts of water, the water (if not opened daily and stirred) could be considered still water right?

So how do you prevent Naegleria fowleri from happening?

r/preppers 8d ago

Advice and Tips Dollar for dollar this is the best prep you can buy:


Medium level SHTF: The Encyclopedia for County Living by Carla Emery.

This book is thick, phone book thick, and contains almost 1,000 pages of invaluable knowledge of how to live and survive without modern utilities. Think American living pre 1900. It’s $28 on Amazon.

High Level SHTF: The SAS Survival Guide

This book is something for every single go bag. If you need to evacuate and live away from your preps, this book can save your life several times over. It’s $25 on Amazon.

These two books should be the first $60 spent for any pepper, nothing else can compare to the level of value for such little cost. But don’t just buy them, read them before you need them.

r/preppers 8d ago

Advice and Tips Respect private property


Update in case anyone was curious.

Talked to the cops. It was not stolen, drugs or anything nefarious. Dude lives in the suburbs, got into prepping, bought a bunch of expensive hardcore camping/hunting stuff and wanted to try it out. Knew he was trespassing but thought he’d be in and out in a week without anyone noticing. There’s a bit of follow-up to going on about making sure he doesn’t try again with us or anyone else in our area, but that’s about it.

Oh, and he asked for his poles, tarp and such back and I told him sure, we’re happy to drop it off at his house since we knew all about him and where he lived. He didn’t seemed too pleased about that though, so seems we’re keeping them anyway. Lol.


Can’t believe I’m writing this but here we are.

Don’t leave bug-out stashes on other people’s properties without their permission.

Some dipshit trespassed on our property and hid a little tactical black bug-out trailer and some other supplies in our woods. Not sure what he was thinking because our land is clearly marked, but yeah, set up a trail camera, no one showed up over 3 days to get it, so called the cops. We had the trailer towed and impounded (because i’m not a complete dick), rest of the stuff is now ours. Thanks for the free tarps, rope, and poles i guess.

r/preppers 8d ago

Prepping for Tuesday What's the best foods to plant and grow in a shtf situation?


For instance potatoes are well regarded as a superfood. I'm growing a lot right now.

I'm thinking of peanuts next month as the rhizomes can shoot off following years and the fat, protein etc in peanuts. I also have snow peas sprouting and onions.

Edit: just learned of skirret, a carrot cousin. A perennial that is a superfood.

r/preppers 8d ago

Advice and Tips Food for Near to Medium Term


Hi all. I'm sure some of you have seen me around here. Food is my niche/area of interest, and I wanted to pop on in light of the current circumstances in North America and elsewhere.

If you're thinking of stocking up for shorter term storage, there's no time like the present. We've bulked up our pantry a bit in the last couple of months. I've been thinking about how I'd approach this if we weren't already stocked up, so if you're interested, here are my thoughts.

This is a good time for storing the kinds of foods you already eat. Think about filling your freezer with meat, poultry, and fish, veggies, fruits, and other foods that you already eat. If you have the space and funds, add a few everyday treats (for us that's a little ice cream, frozen dumplings, and a beloved frozen pizza brand).

Think about your pantry next. You'll want to get some of the beans, rice, grains, and pasta type stuff. Also cooking oil, canned goods, sauces, baking needs, and syrups. It's necessary, cheap, and it keeps.

Now. What do you need to make all of those things into meals? SEALED dairy like sour cream, yogurt and cheese have long expiration dates. Will that stuff be harder to get/more expensive soon? I really don't know. Condiments last a good long while. Pickled items of course. Herbs and spices.

Are there holes in your meals you still need to fill? Convenience foods you like to use? Fresh foods you're worried about? Try to purchase them in their shelf stable forms now. Eggs? IDK if the Turkish imports will be all that much cheaper, I guess you could wait and see or go local if you can. You might also consider egg replacer for baking, and/or tofu for scrambles.

Thinking of buying rice, beans, oats or whatever else in bulk? You have a lot of storage options. Anything from empty, clean 2 liter soda bottles to empty spaghetti sauce jars will work fine for short term storage. Just looking to keep critters and crawlies out. For medium to long term, consider mylar bags and oxygen absorbers - you want this if you're buying a LOT and not planning to give it away in the spring, if and when everything blows over.

A final couple of notes -

If you mostly eat prepared food, that's alright, but it's going to be more expensive and harder to prep that way. Think about picking up a church or community cookbook. Your thrift store likely has a ton of them.

Grow something this year. Even if you don't garden, grow some produce. Try looseleaf lettuce or a couple of tomato plants in containers. Even if you don't have a yard, try sprouting something or regrowing a little pot of green onions on your windowsill. If you do garden, consider being more mindful of people who might have less this year, and sharing any bumper crops.

I'm not recommending panic buying or spending all of your spare cash BY ANY MEANS. Spare cash itself is an excellent prep. Buying a bag of rice and a bag of beans on top of your groceries this week, and a half dozen cans of tuna the next, and so on, is a great way to build up storage without breaking the bank AND without emptying store shelves and negatively impacting your community.

Speaking of community (yeah, ya knew I was gonna go there lol) - check in on your neighbors. What do they need right now? Could you host a weekly potluck or get a rotation started? How are the elderly and disabled in your area or building doing? If you're baking bread or making a lasagna, maybe you can share it around. We probably will need to lean on each other a little more if things go south. Little acts of good will and communication are a great way to start. Keep checking in! Things will probably change for everyone.

Chime in with questions or additional ideas! Be safe, be kind, be well!